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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Craig drove roughly in the empty road taking routes and corners ..

All thanks to midnight so no cars where passing only few cars ..

The Jets never gave up on his chase ,,,,he was ready to get him no matter what happens…

Craig on the other hand was making sure the jet dose’nt get a glimpse of them ..

Camera light was pointed at every angle of the cars from the people in the jet .. trying to capture their faces ..

“If you had known you wouldn’t have thrown away your mask ” Arabella complained ..

“Let him be ,now Is not the time for your continuous nagging,,, tina shuned her stenly ..

Princeton was the driver of the second car ,,he was also a ki||er driver ,,by now they were now upto six jets after them ..

“What to do?? Bella asked looking scared ,,

“Hold on ,,we are just few meters away from the underground building…he assured them ..the jet chasing them wasn’t as good as the one chasing Craig..

Craig got a rail way ,he drove in so the jet couldn’t detect where he entered but still they ain’t ready to back off.

No one knew there was a route under the rail except for the black venoms ..

It was the route to their underground building..It was connected to the Rutherford’s mansion but no one was aware .. immediately the door saw his face it opened ,,

And almost immediately Princeton car drove in,,

“You all should go !! I will be with you shortly,,i will take the other route,,,so they won’t suspect i dropped you guys ..i should go distract them while you all go back to the empire to inform father .. Craig said

“I will come with you “” gray offered..

Craig didnt ague further he only nodded in a positive response..

Gray stepped down from the car and Sean took over! ..the road was very wide ,, someone wouldn’t even imagine that something like a road could be there ,,.

Immediately they drove off the door closed and it turned back to a straight well . ..

“Let’s go” Craig told gray who hurriedly rushed into the car and they both drove off.. chasing after the jet ..when the he noticed it was their car it chased after them ,,

Craig drove speedily heading to a forest ..the jet couldn’t see their car properly due to the tress but that didnt stop them from chasing..


The car got to a big giant gate ,,the gate was made of iron ,,the gate was about twelve feet tall..

The gate opened on its own also ,,they in and boom it was the black venom empire,,they all came out from the car and headed towards the tiny hole on up of the roof ,,one after the other they climbed with the help of the ladder and boom they were now in the Rutherford mansion..

Their mother’s were already standing impatiently waiting for them ..

The rest of the mob stars returned to their room ,,,

In the face of the word ,, Rutherford had about three hundred workers male and female.. little did they know they were more than workers in the Rutherford mansion,,

Everyone returned to their mom while Cara was waiting patiently for her sons ,,but she never saw them ..

“What’s going on here ?? Where are my son’s ? She asked insanely..

Quincy got to her hugging her tightly ..

“What’s going on?? Why the tears ?? Don’t tell me..

She couldn’t complete her statement when her heart started beating faster, her blood pressure is increasing..

Slowly she fell and lost consciousness….

“What’s up with her ?? Sean asked a mockery tone ..

Tina , Quincy and Arabella immediately ran to her shaking her vigorously..

Mom !!! They all called.. Trying to carry her up …

Bella stared at them hoping she could go help …she looked at her mom then at her siblings..

She made an attempt to go help them but one glear from yuna made her adjusted her feet …


Craig drove speedily along the lonely part …only the sound of birds and the car ,,, coupled with the jet nosy sound..

He soon got to a spot then he packed the car ,,while he stepped down with gray ..

He picked the necessary things he would be needing before setting the car ablaze..

By now the police were now chasing after them ..

They kept running in th dark lonely forest ,,thou the police were far behind them ,,they could still see they back few ..

One of the police timed his gun and shut gray on his left leg ..

“Fu¢k !! He groned painfully falling to the ground.. Craig immediately helped him up..he looked back and saw that the police wasn’t too far from them ..they were gonna catch them anytime soon..

He quickly helped him up and they continue running,,gray was limping so he couldn’t run fast..

Craig was behind him …while gray was in the front limping..

Seeing that they were too far from them ..the detective took his camera and took a picture of his back few ..

Craig targeted his touch light and shot directly at it … everywhere suddenly went dark ,,only the tiny sound of the bird could be heard…

Before the police got hold of another light they were both gone where to be found..

“Where did they suddenly disappeared to ?? The inspector asked looking confused ..

“It’s okey !! Am sure we can track him down with this photo,,,,let’s see fit how long they can hide ….

To Be Continued..

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