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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(My mysterious lover….)

Theme : living with the Rutherford’s..



Chapter 10&11

Melody let out a chuckle when she remembered the incident from earlier..

“What was the meaning of that ? Oh God Don’t Tell me he is already falling for me ,,cos I Don’t even have a thing for him ,,she said imaginatively..

“In your dreams miss dreamer !he doesnt even know you exist so why decieving yourself? A voice screamed in her head ..

‘Shut up you this annoying thing ,, I never asked for your opinion,, nothing good always comes out of your mouth ,,all you do is follow my around,, following every where I go ,, I Don’t even know what you what you are doing in there ,,so you better comport your self if you Don’t want me to throw you out ,,she quarrelled at the voice in her head ..

“You Don’t have to scream at me in that manner remember am your guardian angel,,the voice snapped..

“What you a guardian angel?? That’s impossible,,you are nothing but a monitoring demon so shut up and get out from head. Melody jibbed..

“I will leave you for now but I will be back before you know it,,the voice said,, Melody could feel her body stiff as the spirit left her .

“What a relief,,,I felt like I was carrying the whole world on my hear ,and you still have the guts to call your self a guardian angel?? You suck for sure ,,she jibbed even thou it left already..

“Hey are you okey???the manager asked staring at her with a blank expression..

“Yeah ! Any problem..

“Not really,but I thought I overheard you talking to someone,,who was it ???the manager asked looking around..

“Are you sick or something? Melody asked the man twitching her brows..

“She knew the man was right when he said he overheard her ,,but she can’t just accept it like this ,,,,she was bent on dening it ..

“Oh…that ?? It was a song ,,I was just huming a song ,,is that why you are here ?! She asked at a time trying to change the topic..

“Yeah!!!the boss asked to see you , so I suggest you go meet him before he gets angry,,the manager urged ..

“Ok ,, take me to his office,, Melody said reluctantly standing up from her chair ..

“This way pleas ” the manager said walking ahead of her ….

Soon they got to an office just opposite her’s

“There is his office,you can go in ,I will take my leave now” ,the manager said walking away quickly not giving her a chance to ask another question..

`What !!i just hope he won’t try to act stupid else I might place him where he belongs,,she thought knocking slowly on the door ..

“Who is there ? Came hid mosculine voice..

!Why is asking like he doesnt know who he sent for ? Such a $cvm ! Melody grinned in frustration kicking the door angrily..

It me ,, Melody.. Melody replied,

“Come inside,he said,,,she slowly opened the door and went in. .

He was busy typing huskily on his laptop on the table ..

“You called me ! Melody asked looking the gaintic office..

“Pick those book over there and read .. that’s your duty as my secretary”,he told her pointing at the book besides him ..

Melody picked up the book , opening the first page ..

Rule number 1,, no phone pressing during work hours,,

“Like I have a phone,,she . muttered to his hearing.

Rule number 2,,,serve me confee every morning,,

“What ?? Didn’t you eat before coming,she jibbed earning a glare.

Rule number 3,,,,,no improper dressing..

“As if have been dressing improperly lately ..She chipped.

Rule number 4,,,,no romantic feelings,,love between co workers is prohabited..

!That’s the least of thing ls on my bucket list,,she Commented ..

“Must you always complain? He asked looking up to stare at her ..

“What? Who said I was complaining?she cut him off rudely..

“Wh@ťěver! That’s by the way,. pack those books over there,go work on them ..””

“What ! What are my supposed to do with all this “”?she asked pointing at the hip of book on his table…

“Chew them of course,, fool! He cursed ..

“You are the fool ,you wicked thing” ,, Melody snapped back before she realized she just insulted her boss ..

‘Wait ,did you just called me a wicked thing”?he questioned angrily standing up from his seat ..

“No ,,am sorry ..I mean it was a slip of tongue,,melody shuttered…

“Now get out before I loose it’ ,he yelled angrily making her flinch ..

“You Don’t have to yell at the top of your voice,,I was actually planning leave so Don’t make it look like am leaving because you said so” ! She fired back hurriedly walking out of the office not giving him any room for further aguement ..

“Did she just insulted me? He asked no one in particular glearing at the direction she Went ..

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