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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter 10.

….The next day,I was ready for work,coming out, to my surprise,my car was no where to be found,,,I had actually gotten myself a car for going to work,I couldn’t believe it was not in the compound….who could have taken my car I asked, since iye and Edos where still at home.i was about going to the nearest police station to repeat the case of a stolen car, when Edos asked me not to bother,,,I thought probably he saw who took the car,only for him to tell me he sold it yesterday,the person had come to take it,,,

excuse you ,what are you saying,sold what,my own car,I mean the car I bought with my money,,,of course,I sold the car since you have refused to give me money for my business,I can not keep begging you for money,you can use the money you were supposed to give me for my business to buy a new car,he said,I was practically shaking,I have no more money in my account, my car is gone,how do I cope,how do I go to work every money,I was furious,now you listen ,and listen good Edos or wh@ťěver you call yourself,you had better go and return my car where ever you took it to,else you won’t like what’s coming your way,,are you talking to me like that Amanda,you that I managed to marry,you an old cargo,of what use are you in this house,get your stupid self out of my sight,you actually disgust me,I am ashamed to call you my wife,if you weren’t a banker want would have attracted me to you,see you had better get out…

Those words hit me hard like a rock,it really hurt,a man I call my husband, saying all those to me was very terrible…so all those acting,caring and begging were all an act,indeed marriage is not what one should run into,some men are wolves in sheep clothing.Edos I know I do not deserve all these from you,all this pains you I am going through in your hands,may you have double,,,Edos gave me a terrible beaten,how dare you insult me ,he said,iye was there clapping for him as he gave me the beating of my life….

After the whole drama it was too late for me to go to work,it was neighbors from the next compound that interceded ,else Edos and iye would have probably ki||ed me.i went to the nearest pharmacy to get treatment..I also withdrew the last #3000 from my account to settle the bills.I Chimamanda who use to have millions in my acct,was left with only #3620, withdrawing #3000,left my account balance as #570, indeed a marriage can either make or break you,how had the mighty fallen,,I couldn’t believe my life could end up like that.A wrong husband is worse than a deadly disease.

Towards evening of that same day,Helen called me to inform me she was getting married,I was really happy for her,she sounded very Happy,it then dawn on me I wasn’t as happy as she was while I was getting married,the signs were all there that Edos and I were not met to be,but I got married to him anyways,to please my mom, forgetting I shall be the one living with him and not my mom,again I wished I had listened to Helen,,,,are you okay Ama,you don’t sound your usual happy self,hope you are okay,I really needed someone to talk to,but I didn’t want to spoil Helens happy mood with my unfortunate Life, I am fine, Helen just a little under the weather,really,a littllleeeee under the weather,hmmmmmmm may be my wonderful inlaw,had given you, a months assignment,she laughed,I knew where she was headed,I just faked a little laugh,asking her to leave me alone….well Ama,I am so.happy for you,and glad you made that choice of saying yes to Edos,pardon me for trying to discourage you,i was just scared,but seeing how happy you are with Edos,I can say I was wrong,and indeed what an elder sees sitting down,we can not even when we climb the highest of trees,,,I couldn’t help but burst into tears,though I managed to suppress it,if only she knew my pains,thank you very much Helen,i am.happy for you too.okay Byeeeee,and my regards inlaw,she said,okay dear he’d hear.

I cried all through the night,if this is marriage,why did I enter in the first place,but I knew I was just unfortunate,I didn’t take a stand,I have seen marriages, certainly nothing like mine.

After thinking for almost half the night,I woke up late,past 7am,I had to quickly dress and get to work on a public bus…I arrived the office at past 9am,,,and on my table was a sack later from the Banks head management,they could no longer condole my negligence.

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