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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Mum!!!!” Reece screamed loudly and Echo almost laughed out her heart.

“I wasn’t wrong anyways, he should start thinking of growing Břě@šťs, total girl” Gennie laughed.

Genny held Quincy tightly and like he promised, she’s not scared.

“See?, Always trust me” he said.

“I love you!!!” She shouted.

“More more pink” he replied.

” I love you Craig!!” Bae screamed too.

“I love you more Bae” he smiled.

” Red I love you!!!! ” Trinidad shouted.

“Trini you own my heart” Red replied .

“Is this supposed to be a punishment? ” Gennie muttered to himself, remembering Jules.

They once rode the rollercoaster together in England too.

May told him if she was for him, she’d have stayed but she left him cos they’re not meant for each other.

That’s why he has decided to let her go completely and that decision helped him see what’s in front of him.


He smiled widely.

“I love you Pollyanna Kang!” Izzy screamed.

” I love you more Izzy Roberts! ” Polly replied and they laughed afterwards.

Meanwhile, Reece is still busy screaming beside Echo and Echo has not stopped laughing.

“Chicken!!” She shouted.

“Stop this thing please I can’t feel my head!!, I can’t feel my head anymore please stop it!! ” Reece continued screaming.

” Your head really flew off already” Echo laughed.

It went on for additional minutes till it later stopped and everyone came down.

“Remind me never to try riding the rollercoaster anymore, it should be added to 100 ways to ki||” Reece breathed hard.

“You should switch to wearing skirts seriously” Echo said.

“You seriously called for mum again, that night when you ran Olympics that was how you were calling for your mum” Gennie mocked.

” Olympics?” Echo asked curiously.

” Oh I didn’t tell you guys, okay everyone listen, that night….

“Stop” Reece said.

“That night….” Gennie wanted to continue.

” Don’t do it” Reece interrupted again.

Gennie stepped far from him.

“That night he was….”

Reece went after him and Gennie took to his heels.

“I’ll just ki|| you if you tell anyone” Reece said as he chased him.

” Says a weakling who’s scared of ghosts and rollercoasters, wait will you be scared to f_ck too?” Gennie laughed.

” A pervert will always be a pervert” Reece rolled eyes.

“I’m not denying being a pervert but I’m a clean, straightforward one” Gennie winked.

” So you’ve f_cked countless times” Reece said

“Do you want a list of the girls I’ve f_cked?, Summer, Winter, Autumn, Sapphire, Kimora, Tanisha, Velvet, Jewel….

“Enough enough, now I got the evidence that you’re a f_ckboy” Reece said and Gennie laughed.

” Those are the names of the girls that tried to seduce me in England, there are still over hundred names” he winked.

” Summer Winter and Autumn tried seducing you?, If Seasons was a person then here you are” Reece laughed.

” I’ve only f_cked one girl all my life but that Ɓîtçh ditched me already so….case closed” Gennie smiled.

” It’s hard to believe that you’ve only f_cked one hole” Reece said.

” I trust myself, I don’t f_ck around though it’s really hard to believe” Gennie laughed.

” Thankfully you know, where are the others?” Reece gasped.

” They left us!, Moonshine!” Gennie ran out of the park.

Reece smiled and went after him.



It’s the third time Genny will be visiting the grave of Quincy’s mum with her since they got to Australia two weeks ago.

This time, Antonio came with them.

He dropped his flower with a smile on his face.

“She’s beautiful right?” He said, looking at her picture that was attached to it.

“She’s very beautiful” Genny smiled.

“She’s the best wife one could ever find, the best woman in the world” Antonio said sadly.

” Don’t start crying dad” Quincy held his hand.

“I’m not planning to” he smiled.

“I miss her greatly too, I wish she’s still here” Quincy said.

” Right now I’m wishing same thing, I’d have met my mother-in-law and tell her how much I love her daughter” Genny said.

Antonio smiled, facing him.

” She’d have been so happy to meet you too, she’s a cheerful woman” Antonio said.

” Quincy told me a lot about that beautiful soul” Genny said.

” I wish I’d meet her in my next life, I’ll fall in love with her again” Antonio said.

Quincy smiled.

Since her death, it has been hard for him to remarry cos it’s obvious he’s still in love with the dead.

He has vowed never to get married again, he’ll remainin single till he’ll die and go meet her in the afterlife.

They left the burial site after a while and Antonio went back to work.

“Where should we go?” Genny asked.

“Home, we’ve had enough fun in the past two weeks and now I’m tired of having fun” Quincy replied.

” We have just a week left in the break, can’t wait to go back to school seriously” Genny said.

” Me too, I missed everyone” Quincy replied.

They drove back home and Quincy ordered the maids to make something while she went upstairs with Genny, they share a room.

They fell on the bed together and Genny kissed her immediately.

“Hmmn” she Mõ@ɲed Immediately and he broke it.

“Why?” She asked

“Your Mõ@ɲs turn me on so stop” he giggled

She captured his lips again and Mõ@ɲed on his lips as they kissed.

She started unbuttoning his shirt.

“Hey your Mõ@ɲs are always loud, you’ll almost deafen the maids, let’s wait till next week when we’ll be back in Korea” he stopped her.

” No I can’t wait anymore, I miss it, it’s been two weeks without it and it’s feeling like a year already” she said childishly.

” One more week won’t hurt, it’s dangerous to do it here ..the maids and also your dad might come back anytime soon so … Chill” he said but she still kept caressing him.

” I want you” she whined.

His phone rang and he got it.

” Reece” he picked with a smile.

“Hi dude!” Reece said.

“How’re you doing?”

” I’m quiet cool, Travis is coming back today and he’s hosting a concert on Friday, he sent our tickets so we must attend, you should come back before Friday” Reece said.

” Whoa!, Can’t wait to see that cutie again after how many years in Ireland?” Genny said.

“It’s seven months, not up to a year” Reece retorted.

” Oh, guess I missed him so much that months is feeling like years” Genny said.

” And Clara will be back on Saturday, her fans are going wild already” Reece said.

“Quincy said Winston is coming back same day” Genny said.

“Well… I just want to see maybe they’re really worth the attention” Reece said.

” Don’t act as if you don’t know Clara, I wonder why her dad is friends with our dad” Genny said.

” The fact that we’re family friends made her fall harder, will she still be in love with you? ” Reece teased.

” So you called to tease, bye! ” Genny hung up.

” The Clara you pranked me with the other day ” Quincy said.

” Yes”

” She’s the same Clara who’ll be my competitor?, She has a big crush on you?” Quincy said.

Genny held her hands

” Are you scared?”

” Why will I be scared, not like she’s some god” she replied flatly.

” Cool, then chill, yes she has a crush on me but I love you” he said and she smiled.

” So stop worrying unnecessarily” he winked.

She hugged him tightly.

” Don’t stop loving me” she whispered.

” You too” he replied.



May entered Max’s office and Max stood.

“Why haven’t you sent the documents back to me, you should have finished working on them by now” May said.

” I’ve finished working on them I was just about to forward it” he replied, coming to her.

” Then do that, I need to do my job on it and send it” she replied.

” You’re sweating” Max said, getting an handkerchief from his table.

He came back and started touching her face gently with it, cleaning the sweat .

“I never said you could do this” May said.

“But I want to, stay still” he replied but she stepped back.

Her heels turned on the ground and she almost fell, Max quickly held her arm.

She became balanced again but she sprained her ankle.

She tried walking out of the office but it hurts.

“Ah” she winced, stopping immediately.

Max went to her and before she could protest, he carried her in his arms.

“Maxwell are you high?” She glared.

He didn’t reply as he walked to the chair and placed her gently on it.

“I didn’t ask for this” she said, looking away.

Max squatted in front of her.

” Is it the right leg or the left one?” He asked.

She looked at him without talking.

“Which is it?” He smiled.

“Right” she replied and he took off the shoe from her right leg.

He started massaging her ankle.

“You still have the best legs” he said, looking at her cute foot and white nails.

” Is this seduction?, You can’t have your way twice Maxwell” she said.

” I don’t mind if I just do this to atone for my sins, I want to take care of you…. please let me” he said, still massaging gently.

Their eyes met and she can feel her heart slamming on her ribcage.

She never stopped loving him, not for once

If it’s spell, then it’s working perfectly but she’s not ready to give in.

That means battle between her heart and what she wants.

They’re still in that position when Hanna barged in.

“I just knew it!, Max you’ve been cheating on me with her right?” She said.

“We never divorced” Max replied.

” What!, You tendered the papers in court” Hanna said.

“They were fake, I forged her signature” Max replied.

” So???” Hanna said.

” We never broke, I was just stupid” he replied

” You deceived me!” Hanna shouted.

“Not like I willingly impregnated you, you drvgged me into s*xing you!” Max replied.

” I did that cos we were dating and you refused to have s*x with me!, I wanted you to!” Hanna shouted.

” You’re the reason why i maltreated May, you got into my head and manipulated my idiotic self… And me… I thought I fell for you, I never realized I love May till she left, I love her! ” Max shouted.

” You… What? ” Hanna said.

“I love May” Max replied and Hanna slapped him.

“I h@ťě you!!!!” She screamed.

May stood, smiling slowly and enjoying the drama.

” Let’s get a divorce, I’m divorcing you!!” Hanna shouted.

” Make it fast” Max said.

“What!’ Hanna said shockingly.

Maybelline laughed out loud.

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