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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“OMG!!!!” Izzy screamed, looking at her phone.

“What?” Trinidad asked.

Quincy is still sitting beside Polly.

Polly’s head is on her laps, she’s stroking her hair.

“Genova… Geneva…d@mn! What’s this?” Izzy said and Trinidad rushed to her.

Her eyes widened too.

” WTF!”

” What’s happening?” Quincy asked.

“Your boyfriend is a twin!, f_ck!” Izzy said.

Quincy and Polly quickly rushed to her and snatched the phone from her.

Quincy gasped shockingly and blinked severally.

“What’s this?”

“No single difference, which one is Genny” Polly said, still in shock.

” Genny was wearing multicoloured shirt and jean this morning so… this is him” Quincy pointed.

” What’s really happening” Polly said, putting on the TV.

The trending news is going on and Mrs Maybelline is currently getting interrogated by the reporters.

?️ You left Korea nineteen years ago..

“Actually twenty, cos of my husband’s ill treatment towards me, I couldn’t take it anymore so I had to leave with only one of my twins, Geneva, I left Genova for Maxwell” Maybelline replied.

?️ Then why was Genova and Reece playing twins before?

“I guess Maxwell did that to make Genova feel better, but it’s all clear now, his real twin brother is back” Maybelline smiled

?️ Are you back only because of Genova or is there another reason behind your comeback?”

” I came back majorly cos of my Genova but also cos of my college, I have to take full control over it and take my shares from MM group of companies” she replied.

?️ So….you’re the mother of the handsome twins

” ne (yes), mother of Nova and Neva” she smiled.

The girls looked at each other and screamed out loudly.


Hanna just finished watching the news and the interview.

She screamed so loud, holding her head.


She breathed heavily after screaming.

“I knew it, that crazy woman is back to disturb my peace?, What the hell….her share of MM?, She divorced Max already so I see no reason why she should get shares!, And Just because the school bears her name doesn’t mean she’ll have it all to herself!, I won’t allow that!, I won’t!” She screamed.

” Mum” Reece’s voice called behind her.

She looked back swiftly to see Reece sitting up on bed already.

“Reece!” She rushed to him and started checking him out allover, feeling his temperature afterwards but his tears fell on her hand.

He looked at his face and saw tears.

His thin dry lips trembled as he cried.

“I saw the real news just now right?, Genova’s mum is Mrs Maybelline?, The owner of the college?, His twin is back too?, They have same face and… and what I saw last night was real?, Riri is Quincy?, My girlfriend is same girl I played and humiliated?, She’s now Genny’s girlfriend?, She belongs to him and I’m the loser … I’m the loser!!!!” He screamed at the top of his voice and his head jingled.

It made funny sounds and tears streamed down his pale sickly face.

“Reece you can’t shout, it’s dangerous don’t do this to me” Hanna pleaded.

Reece held his head and laughed dementedly.

“I wanna die!!!!!” He screamed loudly again and before Hanna could caution him, he passed out.

“Reece!, Reece no…. doctor!!”



Genova wiped his tears after crying for some minutes.

He doesn’t know if he should be happy or angry or sad.

A part of him wants to hug his mum and embrace his crazy twin but another part is playing hard.

He got his phone and dialled Quincy’s number.

“I was just about to call you, what’s happening?” She asked.

” Come over to my place” he replied, smiling slightly.

Merely hearing her voice cheered him up a bit.

“Ok, gimme some minutes” she replied and he hung up

He left his room and went downstairs but to his amazement, Neva is already sitting in the living room, watching TV with his legs on the center table.

He has tons of popcorn in front of him and juice from the freezer, then hotdogs and hamburgers.

” When did you get here and how did you get in?” Genova asked.

“I followed you from Maxwell’s house, maybe because you were sad or angry, you left the door open and I entered easily, will you eat popcorn?” He asked, offering him the bowl.

” You got that from my freezer and now you’re offering me?, This is crazy” Genova said, looking at him unbelievably.

“Are you interested in juice?, Hamburger?, Hotdogs?” Neva winked.

Genova kept looking at him.

” I watched the video already, what happened at Maybelline college last night, so you’re Quincy Norbert’s boyfriend… how lucky, she’s my celebrity crush, I love her @zz” Neva said.

” Shut your mouth”

” I never said I’m crushing on her calm down, I love her @zz and I wish my girlfriend had such but even if she doesn’t, I still love her….do you know Jules Jolly in England?, The popular dancer?, She’s my girlfriend, I h@ťěd Korea before but now that I’ve met you and I like you, I’m gonna stay, heard our tests starts on Monday, you’ll help me prepare right?, I can’t fail” Neva said.

” You’re coming to Maybelline college?” Genova asked.

“Of course, it’s mum’s school anyways, I’ve been enrolled since the beginning of this semester and I was forced to take online classes but I’ll still need your help, I’m resuming on Monday” Neva winked.

” Oh no… can’t you choose another school?” Genova said.

“Go to another school when you attend Maybelline?, Who are you f_cking with?, I can’t leave you, even when my girlfriend finally comes to Korea, you’re still mine, blame God for making us look same and I like you so much, you like me too” Neva replied, playing the record.

” I like you too ok?” Genova’s voice said and Genova ruffled his hair.

” Let’s watch this movie together…. and I’m moving in with you tommorow” Neva said.

” What!”

” Yes bro, you’re an idol, I’m proud of you, what’s your best food?, mine is kimchi fried rice, it’s a Korean meal but the first time mum cooked it for me in England, I loved it, especially if beef is part of it” Neva said.

Genova’s eyes widened

What the …

” And you’ll have to teach me Korean language, how do I say I love you?, I’ll say that to Jules once she arrives” Neva said.

” Can you just stop talking for once?, Stop talking!!” Genova shouted and Neva laughed.

” I love you I swear” he winked.

The door opened and Quincy came in but when she saw the two of them, she stopped.

Geneva’s beret is now on the chair, not on his head anymore.

Genova has changed from his jean and shirt into black trousers and another shirt.

The blue hair would have been the difference if Genny hadn’t washed it off but he has washed off the dye since last night.

Quincy didn’t keep the type of clothe Geneva was wearing in mind so she’s d@mn confused.

She closed her eyes and opened it.

“Come to daddy” Neva winked.

Genova took the popcorn bowl and poured it on him.

” What the…. freaking f_ck!* Neva shouted.

He went to Quincy and held her.

Quincy breathed in relief when she felt his touch, knowing it’s him.

“Let’s go to my room” he said, pulling her upstairs.

“You’re my celebrity crush I must say” Neva winked.

Quincy continued looking at Neva as Genova took her upstairs, wondering how two people could look same.

Neva smiled naughtily when they finally went out of sight.

“Her @zz though, it’s bigger in real life” he mumbled before playing the record again.

” I like you ok?” Genny’s voice said.

” I like you too…I love you Genova!” He shouted.


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