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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Maybelline college students, come up for your medals and award!” The chief judge announced again.

Quincy let go of Genova and they all climbed the stage where they were all given medals, then an award, a bronze cup on which Sudden BT was bronzed.

The hall still remained rowdy and loud as they were awarded.

The noise got so much that Genova started feeling the usual headache again, his ears felt hot.

He managed to wait till they were presented with the cup and then rushed out of the hall.

? Genny!

? I love you Genny!

? I wished I was Riri the other time, she f_cking hugged him.

? She’s so lucky

He got to the park and entered his car immediately.

He got a bottled water and opened it, he poured it on his head and some girls fainted.

He looks like a Greek god with his hair wet and sticky.

Genova brushed back his hair with his palm and made their breaths seize with that.

He got into the car and plugged in his headphones.

He played one of his slow records and rested his back on the chair, the water from his hair dripping down his shirt.

He still doesn’t know how the chest pain disappeared earlier, it just left him miraculously and he had to rush here, and now he has to deal with one f_cking headache.

He continued listening to the song and the headache started leaving him bit by bit

? My mind is restless

? My heartbeat is irregular

? I’m going loco

? Don’t mind going low key

? All for your manga

? only you can calm me down.

? Only you can set my heart.

? Come, touch my face

? Touch it touch it…. make me warm ..

? Feel me feel me, it’ll only drive me more insane.

? going crazy for your manga

? na michigesseo, michigesseo

? For you… only you.

Quincy opened the door and came in.

He opened his eyes slowly, by now the headache is gone

He removed the headphones.

“Genny why is your hair wet?, Are you ok?, Why did you come late and why did you run out like that” she asked worriedly.

He pointed at his head.

“apha (it hurts)” he said slowly.

She immediately hugged his head to her chest and he smiled, feeling the softness of her enormous oranges.

she stroked his wet hair gently and when he heard Craig’s voice, he pressed a button all the car doors locked automatically.

“Don’t let my head go anytime soon” he said, resting more relaxed on her B-__-bs.

Quincy smiled suspiciously.

“Hey boy” she said.

“What?’ he asked.

” Are you really having headache?” She asked.

” I told you my head hurts” he replied, looking up at her.

” You’re obviously lying, I know your expression when you’re in pains” she said.

” Quincy it’s unfair I’m…

She pushed his head slightly away.

” Trickster” she laughed and he pouted.

Her phone beeped.

She checked and smiled when she saw the pictures they took with the medals and bronze cup, the pictures of how she hugged Genova was also posted with the caption… #SHAMELESS RIRI DISPLAYING HER SHAMELESS#

“Check this out” she said, showing him.

“They meant to say.. hugging her sunshine” he said and she laughed.

Then she saw the picture of how he poured water on his head earlier, there are like over hundred of it with different captions.

# Șëx¥ DADDY

Quincy smiled and showed him.

“I love the captions” he smiled but when she saw the glare on her face, the smile flew out of the window.

” Ok ion love them” he said and she rolled eyes.

” I already said ion love them, I take it back” he said.

She held his face and he smiled handsomely.

” I should buy you a mask soon” she said and he giggled.

She finally opened the door and they met the army of glaring Craig, Bae and Izzy.

“Oh..ok guys we’re sorry” Genova said.

“Come here, how dare you come late” Craig said, rushing after Genova.

” Girls…calm down” Quincy said as Izzy and Bae advanced towards her.

” How could you leave us in the hall, come here” .



Today and tomorrow is lecture-free cos of the party that’s coming up tommorow.

Finally the music video will be out today by 12, it’ll surely be a bomb.

It was titled MERRIMENT.

The band and SUGAR BOYS worked on it all week.

The band will be coming to Gangnam today and they’ll be spending the night at Genova’s place

Reece will have no choice but to come.


Polly sighed when Molly was brought out to see her.

She got discharged just yesterday.

Molly smiled dryly, her lips is all dried and she has bruises on it and her face.

Her hair is in a very messy bun and she looks pitiful.

“Polly” she said.

“How’s life in here?” Polly said.

“It’s been a week but I know the difference between life and death, the bullies in here are merciless and I always get bullied” Molly replied.

” I’d have pitied you if you deserved it, but you don’t” Polly said flatly.

Molly’s hands shook on the table.

Polly looked at it and sighed.

“I came to see you for the first and last time, I’m never gonna come again till you’ll be out, and about dad, I have no plans to see him” she said.

” How are you doing?, Are you fine?” Molly asked.

Polly stood without answering.

She started leaving.

” Pollyanna I’m sorry… Mianhae!!” Molly suddenly cried and Polly stopped without looking back.

“I never knew it was wrong, please forgive me” She continued crying.

Polly resumed walking without stopping.

” Polly forgive me, I’m so sorry please!!!, Pollyanna!!!” Molly screamed as she was taken back in

Polly got out and inhaled hard

She entered the car where her friends are waiting .

“How was it?” Quincy asked.

“I dunno” she replied.

“So, can we go shop now?” Bae asked.

“Of course…. spree spree!!!” Trinidad screamed.

” I need to start hoping you get a brain transplant” Polly muttered and everyone laughed.

” Are you knowingly picking on me these days?” Trinidad asked.

“Yeah* Polly replied and Trinidad pinched her.

“Ouch! Puck you Ɓîtçh” Polly said.

“Puck you” Quincy laughed.

“Latest gist” Polly said.

“Riri is dating Genny” Izzy said.

” Hell” Polly laughed.

” Like seriously” Bae said.

“It’s unbelievable, seriously, I saw the pictures of how she hugged him at the competition” Polly replied.

” But the fans are saying she’s a Ɓîtçh who’s trying to force herself on him, they wanted to eat her raw” Trinidad said.

” Ouch!” Polly laughed.

” Fans will always be fans anyways, but Riri, try to reduce the blush you use on your cheeks, it’s always too much, giving you a funny look” Polly s aid.

” Do you know how many times we told her that?, She says she loves it that way” Bae replied.

” I’mma Ɓîtçh, I’mma boss and Ɓîtçh and a boss I’mma shine like gloss” Quincy sang in response.

” Doja Cat, my favorite boss Ɓîtçh” Polly said, playing it on the music player and they sang along.

Ain’t tryna be cool like you
Wobblin’ around in your high heel shoes
I’m clumsy, make friends with the floor.

Quincy sang happily, pointing her arms out of the window as Bae drove.

2 for 1 you know a Ɓîtçh by 4
And 2 left feet you know I always drop
First thing a girl did was a bop
I’m the whole d@mn cake and a cherry on top
Shook up the bottom made a good girl pop

Bae sang loudly.

You ain’t even here to party
Ken in the club tryna pipe a barbie
I don’t wanna go go go with the flow
Back bend till I touch my toes

Izzy sang.

I don’t wanna row row row the boat
Wrist full of rocks and I hope I float
Big up yourself cuz you know they don’t
I choo choo choo cuz they hope I chug

Trinidad sang.

“I’mma Ɓîtçh, I’mma boss, I’mma Ɓîtçh I’mma boss I’mma shine like gloss…. whoopee!!!” Polly sang crazily.

They continued singing along till they got to Lotte.

They started searching for what to rock tommorow.

“After a long d@mn wait, the party is finally tommorow, I’m so excited!” Trinidad screamed.

” Red asked you to be his date, isn’t that why you’re so happy?” Bae said.

” Well…part of it” Trinidad winked

” I have a shocking surprise tommorow for everyone” Quincy said.

” I can’t wait, I love surprises” Bae gushed.

” OMG I found it!’ Izzy said, picking out a blue gown.

” Jeez!, I love it” Trinidad said.

“It’s mine” Izzy hugged it.

The others got busy and soon , they all got something to wear.

Quincy picked two gowns.

A shinny black backless short tight gown and a long flowing yellow one.

“The video is out!” Trinidad screamed when she suddenly checked her phone.

“TXT × SUGAR BOYS?” Polly asked.

“Which other one are we expecting?, It’s 12 already” Trinidad replied happily.

They all got their phones and checked.

“MG!, Close to one million views in ten minutes?” Bae said.

Quincy finished downloading and when she finally pressed play, her eyes widened.

The concept is too eye catching and flashy.

A lotus flower tree that seems lifeless was shown first.

All the flowers has withered away and missed with the dust, making it unattractive and the stems looks spooky.

Then a house is beside the flower tree.

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