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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Waking up in Genny’s arms feels like the best thing Quincy has ever experienced.

She smiled cutely when she saw his face first.

He’s still handsomely asleep.

She got the urge to touch his face and she brought her hand to it.

She gently touched it while admiring his features

She traced his full brows with her thumb.

Her eyes caught his lips and she blinked nervously.

She found it hard to take her eyes away from it.

The shape and colour is insane.

His scent filled her nose again and she smiled.

His scent was created with the ability to make her wanna stay with him all day just to keep inhaling it.

She touched his lips suddenly before she could stop herself.

She wanted to stop but her stubborn heart won’t listen.

She started caressing his lips and he suddenly moved.

She quickly stopped and folded her hand before closing her eyes.

Genova opened his eyes and a pretty smile escaped his lips when he saw her beside him.

Her lids moved and he smiled, knowing that she’s awake.

He poked her cheek and her lids moved again.

He smiled and scooted closer then bit her ear slightly.

She giggled and opened her eyes.

“I knew it, you were awake” he said.

“Yes” she smiled.

He touched her forehead to feel her temperature and when he felt it’s back to normal, he sighed.

“I guess you’re now fine” he said.

“Thanks to your warmth” she replied

“Ok we need to leave now” he said and she she sat up.

He did the same and she adjusted her gown.

While doing that, she remembered he actually put it on for her last night.

She blushed secretly and he looked her way.

“Why are you suddenly blushing?” He asked and she quickly covered her cheeks.

“I’m not .. blushing” she said and quickly started walking out.

He got her bag and pulled her back.

“You want us to go out like this and have the whole news gossip about us all day?” He said.

” I forgot” she pouted and took the bag from him.

She brought out brand new masks and wore one.

She stepped closer and wore him one too.

They left the ward and bumped into the doctor by the door.

“I wanted to come check on her last night but you guys locked the door behind, I thought maybe you needed privacy” he said.

” Yeah, thanks for your care” Quincy said in a muffled tone.

” The victim of the accident yesterday, how’s he?” Genova asked.

” Oh … He went into surgery last night and he miraculously woke up this morning, his recovery after surgery is one of the fastest I’ve ever seen” the doctor replied.

” Can I see him?” Genova asked.

” Why?, Do you know him?” The doctor asked.

“No,but I just wanna do it…. please” Genova replied.

The doctor led the way to another hallway and pointed at the third ward.

“He’s in” he said and Genova bowed in thanks before going in with Quincy.

The guy is in bed, he looks tired and pale but much better than yesterday when he was covered in blood.

“Hi” Genny waved, looking at his shoes beside the bed.

“Do you…. know me?, And…who are you?” He asked weakly.

Genova removed his mask and his eyes widened.

“Genny!” He screamed.

“Ou!” He winced, holding his stomach afterwards.

“Easy, don’t hurt yourself” Genova smiled, sitting beside him

” I’m a die hard ANJELL, I bought all your albums and you’re my bias I love you so much I can’t believe this,is this really you?, Like Genny is sitting beside me on my sick bed right now?, OMG I’m dreaming!” He rushed.

” Calm down what’s your name?” Genova asked.

“Jaemin” he replied overwhelmingly.

” How are you feeling now?” Genova asked.

“I feel fulfilled seriously” he said.

“I’m glad you’re getting better, try your best and respond to treatment ok?” Genova said.

” I’ll do that since my Genny is telling me to do it, why did you come to the hospital though?” He asked.

Genova looked at Quincy who’s standing beside him and Jaemin gasped.

“Hyung, you got a girlfriend?, Can I see her?, Please please it’ll be a lifetime achievement to see her face please don’t say no” he pleaded.

” She’s my close friend,not my girlfriend” Genova replied and Quincy went sad momentarily.

” Oh… But as your close friend can i see her face?” Jaemin asked.

” No, maybe next time” Genova replied.

” Can I get a picture with you?” Jaemin asked.

” Of course” Genova replied and a man entered the ward with a woman and a young girl.

“OMG Genny!!!” The woman screamed.

“Are my eyes playing tricks on me?” The man said.

” Oppa!” The young girl screamed.

” Hyung, meet my parents and my junior sis, her name is…

“Jaemia!” She interrupted.

“It’s really Genny, I can’t believe my eyes” the man said.

” Address them as Mr and Mrs Choi” Jaemin said.

Genny bowed in respect to both of them.

“Our whole family is your fan, Jaemin and Jaemia can’t do without your songs” Mr Choi said.

” Though we’re not financially stable but we still manage to buy your albums, I was so sad that I couldn’t afford the ticket for your last concert” Mrs Choi said.

” But I’m glad I’ll attend your fan sign on Friday!” Jaemia said.

” He’s not only handsome but sweet and caring, he came to see me aren’t I so lucky?” Jaemin said.

” We’re all lucky, not minding our poorness, he stayed, I love you more” Mr Choi said.

Genova smiled at Quincy and she returned it though the mask covered it.

“Wait?, Oppa’s girlfriend?” Jaemia asked with wide eyes.

” No, my close friend” Genova replied.

“She must be so cute!, I wish I could see her face” she pouted.

” Let’s snap the picture” Jaemin said and Genny smiled at the camera as he snapped them.

He snapped with the whole family after that then with Jaemia too and with the couple.

“Even with the mask on why don’t you snap with us?” Jaemin said .

Quincy sat with them and snapped with Genny and the family.

“Today is my happiest day on Earth” Jaemin said.

“Our happiest day” Jaemia said and took his autograph.

He signed for everyone of them and they almost didn’t want him to leave.

He later left and the doctor entered.

He checked Jaemin’s vitals and nodded.

“You’re improving at the speed of light” he said.

” I should be, I just met my idol” he smiled, looking at the pictures.

” The bills has been taken care of” the doctor said and Mr Choi spranged up.

” Huh?, Who?”

” Genny” he replied.

” Oh my….how could he…” Mrs Choi said.

” That’s Genny for you” the doctor replied and left.

” Genny is perfect” Jaemin smiled.

” I know right, I want to marry him” Jaemia replied and they all laughed.


Genova drove Quincy home and she sighed when they got to her place.

“Our first class is by 12 so there’s still time, I’ll see you in school” he said and she nodded.

” Hey is something wrong?” He asked.

” I’m fine” she replied and looked at him.

What he just did touched her heart.

He arched his brows and she drew closer.

She hugged him tightly and he smiled.

He hugged her back.

“What?” He asked.

“Nothing, I just felt like hugging you” she replied, breaking the hug after a while.

She got down from the car and waved as the car moved out of the house.

It left her sight before she went inside.

“You’re back!” Kimberly smiled.

“Thanks for giving us privacy” Quincy said.

“What happened last night?” Kimberly asked.

” I slept in his arms, nothing more” Quincy smiled.

” You slept in his arms?, He didn’t try anything with you?” Kimberly asked.

“No, he’s not like that” Quincy smiled and went upstairs.

” He didn’t try anything with her?, Whoa!, What kind of a guy he is?…. totally different” Kimberly smiled.



Mrs Shin went on her knees immediately she entered Mr Kang’s office.

Trinidad stood beside her, gaping sadly.

“Your daughter lived a life of deception in the school” Mr Kang said.

” I’m sorry, I know she’s at fault and that’s why she’ll stop schooling there” Mrs Shim said.

” Do you remember how you begged me on your knees for her enrollment?” Mr Kang asked.

” I remember vividly” Mrs Shim replied, wiping her tears before it’ll fall.

Trinidad went on her knees too.

“I’m sorry, I promise not to step foot in Maybelline again, I’ll pay for my deception with that” she said.

” Stop saying nonsense!” Polly’s voice said from the door.

She opened the door and came in.

” Get up” she said.

“Pollyanna” Trinidad said shockingly.

Polly looked at her and pulled her up.

She pulled Mrs Shim up too.

She faced her dad .

“She’s still a student of Maybelline, she ain’t quitting” she said and pulled mother and daughter out.

They got out and she faced Mrs Shim.

“You got on your knees just to beg for her enrollment, you swallowed your pride cos of it and now you’re pouring it all in the mud?, She did what she did because of me, I should be the guilty one” Polly said.

Mrs Shim kept looking at her surprisingly.

“I’ll talk to Trinidad privately” she said and pulled Trinidad away.

She took her into a washroom and faced her.

“Slap me” she said

“Huh?” Trinidad replied.

“Slap me and make me stop feeling guilty, I shouldn’t have acted like the almighty, that made you go extra miles just to be my friend, I’m so sorry” Polly pleaded .

” No Pollyanna, I’m the one at fault, I shouldn’t have deceived you, I shouldn’t have” Trinidad replied in tears.

Polly started crying too.

“I’m sorry Trinidad” she cried

“I’m sorry Pollyanna” Trinidad cried too.

Polly hugged her and they kept crying on each other’s shoulders.

“Please come back to school” Polly cried

Trinidad closed her eyes, more tears coming out of her eyes.

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