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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Bae was growing impatient for the $h00t to end though the body contacts he’s making with Craig is making her smile but what she has to say after the $h00t is more important.

It’s couples $h00t which involves touchy touchy and he’s a pro.

The way he touches her hips delicately is making her want it to stay there forever.

They locked eyes, pretended to kiss and she sat straddled on his laps while he held her waist.

Different romantic styles that’ll definitely heat up the magazine.

The $h00t finally ended and she quickly changed with the help of her manager.

Craig is already leaving when she came out so she went after him.

“Hey you won’t even say hi?” She smiled

“I’m so sorry Bae, I’m in a little bit of hurry” he replied

“We need to talk” she said.

“About what?” He asked curiously.

“You said you’re in a hurry” she replied.

“I can still spare five minutes” he replied and she led him back into the studio, she took him into the dressing room .

“You don’t have a girlfriend, right?” She asked.

“Why did you ask?” He asked.

” I just want to know” she replied.

” I don’t” he replied and she smiled shortly.

“And you don’t have someone you like” she said.

“No” he replied.

“Joahaeyo ( I like you)” she said and his eyes widened.

” Linabae….

” You’ll definitely find it amusing right?, But it’s how I truly feel Craig, we joined this industry two years ago, same day…it wasn’t love at first sight but after a week, it developed and no matter how hard I tried, it continued growing, I can’t keep it anymore and that’s why I….

“Don’t like me” he interrupted and her heart skipped beats.

“Wae?” She asked.

“I really can’t date a celebrity like me, I don’t want to” he said.

” Why?” She asked.

” Celebrities dating celebrities, I’ve never been a fan of it and to top it all, we’re in the same industry, was attend same school, same department, I can’t just do it” he said.

” But it’s not an abomination Craig” she said, fighting back her tears.

“I know, I just don’t like it, I’ve never fallen in love but whenever I wanna fall in love, I want it to be an average girl, not a celebrity like me, I’m sorry Bae but it can’t work believe me” he replied and she held her bag tighter.

” See you in school tommorow” he smiled and left the room.

Bae released her tears immediately, squatting on her spot.

“I got rejected” she said, not trying to keep it low.

She continued crying till her manager came in, shocked to see her that way.

“Linabae….what’s wrong?” She asked, trying to pull her up but she kept squatting.

“Zoey I got rejected!!” She cried.



Molly knowingly came to the company to check for Trinidad, maybe she’ll get to the root of this today.

She didn’t bother to go to her dad’s office, she hanged around instead, drinking juice slowly.

Her target came to view and she smiled.

Trinidad entered the building and kept going in one direction

Molly dropped her keg of juice and followed her till they got to a corner, the restrooms area.

She almost got caught but she quickly hid, peeping at her from there.

“Mum aren’t you done yet?, I got you your favorite sausages” Trinidad said by the door and a woman came out of the restroom.

Same woman she saw her with the other day.

She’s wearing the cleaners uniform and Trinidad just called her mum???

Molly snuck back into her corner with wide shocked eyes.

“Her mum is a cleaner in here?, How the hell did she get into Maybelline?, How dare her?, She even had the guts to pour water and dirts on me?” She muttered h@ťěfully and peeped out again.

Trinidad is currently hugging the woman.

Molly quickly snapped them and when they broke the hug, she hid again.

Trinidad left with her mum and Molly came out, smiling satisfactorily.

“Guess tommorow will be another gist day in Maybelline college” she smiled wider.



The fact that Genny didn’t come to school today made her sad.

She didn’t eat the tuna he promised and he has been on her mind strangely.

She just finished speaking with Reece and he told her they came back from cheongdam-dong not long ago.

She thought of calling Genny but decided against it.

She covered her phone so she won’t have to see it and think of calling him.

She started walking out of the room but when she saw the hourglass she took from him yesterday, she stopped and went for it.

She actually placed it on her bedstand.

She took it and smiled, staring at it.

*Should I lick it off for you?, With a kiss?” That statement refused to leave her head.

It echoed in her head again and she quickly dropped the glass before rushing downstairs

She got water from the freezer and drank it all

“I’ve swallowed my pride with water, I’ll just do it” she said and just when she was about to click his number, he called.

Her eyes brightened and she picked faster than she thought.

“Hey dummy” she said, sitting on her bed.

“Quincy” he replied.

“What?, You sound tired” she said.

“I’m f_cking tired, I’m getting a massage right now” he replied.

” Your mum is massaging you?” She asked.

” Mum?, No” he replied.

” Reece?” She asked.

“No” he replied.

“Then who?” She asked curiously.

“Her name is Clara, she’s my friend since junior high but she travelled after graduation, she came back today, saying she missed me” he said

” So?” She asked.

” She’s staying for a week in our mansion since her family is a friend to mine, dad and mum are in agreement” he replied.

” So she’s in your room right now?, Massaging your body?, Your shirtless body?” She asked.

” Sure, Clara is just like Craig, she disturbs like crazy and….

Quincy hung up immediately.

She threw her phone on the bed and stood.

“Clara?” She said.

She sat back on the bed and looked at her phone.

“Why did I even hang up?” She asked herself.



The door to Polly’s room opened and someone entered in the dark.

Whoever it is started tiptoeing to Polly’s bed stealthily, trying not to make any noise till it got to her bed.

The person took her phone from the bedstand and tried opening it with Quincy’s name since she’s her role model but it didn’t work.

After trying many other names but it won’t work, then it remembered her mum.

The person typed her mum’s name (Dita) and it opened.

The figure went to the videos and deleted the evidence that Molly pushed Quincy.

It dropped the phone and got the second pillow then tried to pin it on her face to make her breathing end but Kai jumped out from under the bed and bit the right hand.

Polly spranged up and grabbed her knife beside her.

She shoved it into that direction before standing, she rushed to the switch and put on the lights.

She wasn’t shocked when it turned out to be her dad

She smiled and folded her arms, walking to him.

The knife got his arm.

Kai ran to her and she carried the dog.

“I’ve always known you’re gonna do this one day, you’re gonna try ki||ing me too” she said.

Blood started dripping from Mr Kang’s wounds.

Both from the dog bite and the stab.

“You won’t be able to ki|| me cos you know what?, I’m not evil like you and Molly, you belong in hell, you’re a serpent and she’s your Jezebel” she smiled.

” You deleted the video?, Well there are many others, I transferred it to safe places cos I’ve always been at alert, keep trying to ki|| me Mr Kang, I won’t run” she said and opened her drawer.

She brought out a bandage which she threw at him.

“Get out!!” She shouted and Mr Kang left the room immediately.

Polly stroked Kai’s head and hugged it.

“I might be below my department, but I’m not daft” she said.

Morning broke some hours later and she couldn’t find Molly around.

“What did she go early to school to do again?” She wondered as she left the house.

She got to school and when she saw the posters on the walls, she was dumbfounded.

Trinidad Shim, a commoner?, The daughter of a cleaner in K group of companies?

Her legs took her slowly to one of the posters and she removed it

Pictures of Trinidad hugging Mrs Shim, a cleaner in her dad’s company flooded the poster

“Is this really Trinidad?, Is this her?” She thought and started rushing to class.

She got to the hallway and met Trinidad, running out of class while students chased after her.

She got to her and stopped.

“Why did you lie to me?, You told me your parents are in Florida, you told me they’re running their company over there!!” Polly ranted.

” I’m sorry Pollyanna, I just wanted to live rich life too and that’s why I pretended like a rich girl, I actually came cos mum begged your dad on her knees to enroll me, she has always wanted to see me attend this school” Trinidad replied in tears.

” You lied to me about everything” Polly said

” I wanted to be your friend but you h@ťě poor people, I had to pose as a rich girl too by lying about my parents, I’m so sorry” Trinidad said , shedding more tears.

” So now you see the trash you’ve been befriending, she’s a big lair and a deceiver, she made a fool out of everyone even you, oh I guess you’re not smart enough to figure it out” Molly said, appearing in the circle.

Polly looked at Trinidad again and stormed out of the circle.

“Polly I’m sorry!!” Trinidad cried after her.

“Start her punishment” Molly said and her minions from nowhere started by wetting Trinidad with blue paint.

Her hair, face , down to her clothes got wet with it.

“You dare pour water on me?, You’ll pay for it today” Molly said and took a bowl of sand from a girl.

She poured it on Trinidad whose face is barely recognizable with the paint.

The sand made it worse and more abusive things kept coming, eggs and ink inclusive.

Water came next and the water washed some of the sand into her eyes.

She couldn’t open her eyes and when she tried to move, she slipped on the water and fell heavily.

The bullies laughed in mockery, Molly’s laughter being the loudest.

“Polly mianhae, someone help” Trinidad thought sorrowfully,

Molly placed a leg on her, pressing her body to the ground.

“Apologize for deceiving everyone” she ordered.


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