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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Kweanchana?” Genova asked with concern.

Quincy stayed senseless in his arms for a while before getting away from him.

Genova gave her one last glance before leaving.

Izzy rushed to Quincy and arranged her hair with her fingers.

“Are you fine?” She asked.

“Oh…yeah I’m good” she smiled.

“Let’s go check out the house” Izzy said and pulled her along.

The mansion has numerous study rooms and more than ten game rooms, there’s a gymnastics hall too and a dinning hall.

A flower garden is behind the house and a big swimming pool is beside it.

Some minutes later,the clouds gathered and turned dark.

Just as forecasted, an heavy rain started so everyone went back in.

“Like I said, there are over 120 rooms, feel free to choose a room with anyone you like, you can decide to stay alone too, there’s enough space, the rooms are clean and cozy, every room has an heater and…

“Enough of the introduction, let’s get going” Polly interrupted.

” I’m the class rep, not you” Molly said .

“I don’t f_cking care baby” Polly smiled and left with her minions.

The rest followed and everyone started choosing rooms.

Izzy, Bae and Quincy decided to use a room.

Reece stayed with Red.

Trinidad stayed with Polly .

Molly stayed alone .

Genova entered a room and peeped out to make sure Craig is not following him.

When he saw he’s nowhere to be found, he sighed and closed the door.

“At least no Craig to disturb” he said and made to walk in but shockingly, Craig is sitting on the bed, smiling at him

“You scared me!” Genova gasped, holding his chest.

“You really think you can get away from me?, Impossible ” Craig said, standing up.

” Why are you always hell bent on frustrating me?” Genova said, taking his bag to the closet.

” Cos I love you so much Genny!” He replied and jumped on him from behind.

” Craig stop!” Genova said, trying to shake him off but he held so tight

“You can’t push me away, you’re mine” Craig laughed.

“Must you act like this always?” Genova breathed.

” Of course sweetheart” Craig replied, kissing his cheek.

“Craig I’ll ki|| you” Genova said.

“ki|| me sweetheart” Craig replied and Genova’s legs hit on the bed, they both went down on it.

“The rain is getting heavier” Craig said, letting him go.

“It’ll rain all day” Genova replied.

“I love this room, it’s so warm like my room” Craig smiled.

“I h@ťě warm rooms, I love cold” Genova replied.

” I know, you’re always the opposite of normal, and that’s why your room is always freezing cold” Craig replied.

Genova went silent, thinking about when he caught Riri earlier.

“Are you hungry like me?” Craig asked.

“I’m just thinking”

” Of what?” Craig asked.

” I really h@ťě meddling in what’s not my business but…it has become difficult since she arrived in Maybelline” he replied, staring into space.

” Who?”

” Riri….you know I even vowed in front of her that I won’t ever meddle in her affairs again but earlier, I caught her when she was falling, I wanted to ignore but I couldn’t” he said and Craig smiled.

” Welcome to my world…the world of minding other people’s bussiness” Craig said.

“I knew you wouldn’t have anything profitable to say, punk” Genova replied.

” The song in the car earlier, it’s an heartbreak song dedicated to her right?” Craig said.

” I dunno”

” It once happened to Heejin so I won’t be surprised if he’ll do it again” Craig replied.

” Heejin?”

” You’ve forgotten Heejin?, The girl in our highschool, Jung Heejin” Craig replied.

” Oh…that girl” Genova replied.

“Remember how she confessed to Reece and Reece disgraced her publicly?, Heejin got bullied by the girls after that, she left school as a result of shame and almost committed suicide cos the news was all-over Seoul, she was tagged THE SHAMELESS LOVERGIRL, I heard she got plastic surgery done on her face and moved to Japan with her dad” Craig said.

” I heard it too” Genova replied.

” And do you know the most surprising part?, Reece pretended like he loved her, he always bought gifts for Heejin and will always eat lunch with her at the school rooftop….just like he’s doing to Riri” Craig said.

” He ate lunch with Riri at the school rooftop?” Genova asked.

” Yeah, I saw them yesterday, remember he got her cupcake the other time too, and he’s showing her a lot of care, pretending to love her but in the end…. Riri might end up like Heejin, Reece is a monster, is he really your twin?” Craig said.

” He is” Genova replied slowly.

” Anyways let’s go to the game room, I wanna play games” Craig said.

“I don’t want to….I’m so tired I need to take a nap, take this moment as my siesta” Genova replied.

” I don’t want to either, please please” Craig begged.

Genova covered his ears with the pillow

” Please!!!!!!!” Craig screamed.

Genova removed the pillow and sat up on the bed.

“I must have done something bad to you in your past life, and that’s why you’re always on my throat” he said.

” I love you Genny! ” Craig smiled like a clown and Genova laughed as he left the room with him…


Quincy seems lost as she arranged her clothes in the closet, thinking about why Genova caught her earlier .

He promised not to meddle again so why did he save her?

That question roamed her head and all the components of her head failed to come together to produce an answer .

Izzy nudged her and she jumped.

“You’re already in Pluto I guess, what were you thinking?” She asked.

” Me?, Nothing” she replied and Bae appeared.

“She’s probably thinking of her Reece” she said and Quincy smiled.

“Not really” she said.

“So….what should we do first?, The rain is much and I’m feeling cold like hell” Izzy said.

” Hell is hot, not cold” Bae replied and Izzy laughed.

“I’m feeling cold like heaven” she said.

“Heaven is warm” Bae replied.

” Then what’s cold?”

” Genny” Bae replied.

” Genny?, I think he’s kind and cool, than Reece” Izzy replied.

” He’s kind and cool but he’s cold and he rarely talks but when he talks, he’s stern and funny at the same time, he has a bad mouth” Bae said.

“Everyone knows, I think he’s unusual and…a weirdo” Izzy replied.

” Hey you aren’t saying a thing” Bae said, facing Quincy.

“I prefer… listening” she said

“Of course, when it’s not about Reece” Izzy replied.

” Enough about both of them, let’s talk about Craig” Bae said.

“And this is where I have to say no in capital letters” Izzy replied and rushed out of the room, Bae ran after her.

” Why am I the only one who loves Reece?, Even his brother h@ťěs him” Quincy thought.

She left the room slowly and met Reece in front of it, her eyes brightened up

“Ree” she smiled.

He’s holding a hoodie.

“It’s cold, you can’t catch a cold yunno” he smiled and came closer.

He zipped it down and started wearing it for her.

She stared at him all through, wishing she could kiss his thin lips.

*How can a guy be this caring?*

He finished wearing it for her and zipped up before covering her head with the hood..

“It’s warm” she smiled.

“Yeah, that’s why I brought it…be good ok?” He said.

She hugged him tightly and he smiled.

*We’re getting there* he thought.

“Gomawo ( thanks )” she said, smiling on his shoulder.

Genova was coming back from the game room with Craig that moment.

“Aww!, Sweet sensations” Craig said and Quincy quickly broke the hug.

“Let’s go” Genova said and pulled Craig back.

They left for the living room.

“See you around” Reece smiled and Quincy waved as he entered his room.

She went downstairs and sat between Izzy and Bae, they’re all watching a series…. SNOWDROP

“Jisoo featured?” She said and Bae faced her.

“Yeah, it’s so interesting” she replied.

“Oh….I guess” Quincy smiled, feeling uneasy.

The torrential rain is still pouring outside.

She looked around and detected everyone is happy..

Some lovers are cuddling with each other while some are into the movie.

Some are into their phones while some are snacking.

Her eyes fell on Genova who’s wearing his headphones as usual, resting his back on the chair he’s sitting on, his eyes are closed.

She blinked for a minute and Craig covered Genny’s face with his palm.

She looked at Craig and Craig pointed at Reece who’s just coming into the room.

“Look at him instead, Genny is mine” he mouthed and Quincy looked away.

“Breakfast ready” Molly announced and most of them spranged up.

“Call it brunch instead, this is some minutes after eleven” Polly said as they all moved to the dinning hall.

It’s big and spacious as expected, containing various tables, on top of them is various dishes.

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