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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Did you get your gown for the wedding already?” Polly asked Echo who seems dull.

She has been dull, Reece is still in the hospital, still unconscious.

Tommorow is Asbel and Kimberley’s wedding.

“Mum got it for me” she replied sullenly and Bae held her hand.

“Reece will be fine, the doctor confirmed that he’s responding to treatment so cheer up” she said.

“I’ll try” Echo smiled lightly and Izzy faced Quincy who looks sad.

“Are you still feeling guilty that Clara died cos of Genny?” She asked and Quincy sighed.

“Not only that” Quincy replied.


“Genny,he looks withdrawn seriously, you guys don’t notice?, He hasn’t been talking as usual, and did you notice he became thinner?, His face looks sick and…

Trinidad held her face.

“It’s because of what he’s feeling, I’m sure he must still be feeling guilty cos of Clara’s death, he’ll come around trust me” she said.

“But Quincy are you sure you’re ok too?, Your eyeballs look whiter than usual, and your palms too, I’ve been noticing” Bae said.

“Kimberly said same thing too, we’re gonna go for check-up after her wedding tommorow” Quincy replied.

“Gosh!, Test is starting next week, who has been reading?” Polly asked.

“No one” Izzy replied for everyone.

“I’m glad you have a boyfriend to call yours now, Travis is handsome and popular too” Izzy said and Polly smiled.

“I’m glad too, I left single life and also… Molly will possibly be released soon” she said.

“Really?” Quincy asked quickly.

“Trust me, her appeal was set for tomorrow” Polly replied.

“Meaning you won’t be attending Kimberley’s wedding” Echo said.

“I’m sorry” Polly said.

“It’s fine” Trinidad replied.


Genny is sitting at the rooftop, crying slowly.

Since he got the result two weeks ago, his life has been melting away like ice and right now, he thinks the depression will ki|| him faster than the cancer itself.

He has just been forcing himself to eat and he’s aware that he lost weight and got thinner.

He cries like this anytime he’s alone.

If only he knew, he’d have gone for test since he started getting the signs ending last year.

He ignored it, thinking it’s normal till it aggravated this year but he still didn’t go for check-up.

“How could I be so stupid?” He thought.

Thinking about Quincy brought more tears to his eyes.

How will the poor girl survive.

Say after she found love, the love didn’t even last long.

She’ll lose it completely and he refuses to imagine what she’ll do to herself.

Then Gennie, Gennie will surely cry a river.

May will almost wanna die and Max will surely cry his eyes out.

Craig?, Reece?, Travis?, Red? And the girls, how will they cope?

What’ll happen to SUGAR BOYS?, how will ANJELLS feel?

What’ll happen to all his loved ones.

Instead of staying and letting them get the hunches and intuitions about his ailment, he came to a conclusion.

Silent goodbye.

He suddenly heard movements behind himself and quickly wiped his tears.

“Genny!” Gennie’s voice said and he quickly stood, facing him.

“What happened to your face?, I said it!, You’re not ok!, Tell me what’s wrong!, Why are you crying here Genova, tell me!!” He said, shaking him.

“Gennie…” Genny said sadly, looking into his eyes.

“I guess you won’t have to use beret so people will know you apart from me anymore, You’ll be the only twin soon” he thought.

“Talk to me!” Gennie said, crying already too.

Genny hugged him and they both started crying.

“Tell me what’s wrong with you Genny, you know I love you right?, Talk to me Nova” Gennie cried and that only made Genny cry more.



“Is Quincy here already?” Genny asked as he came in with the guys.

“Yes, she’s with the bride in her dressing room” Echo replied.

The guys went to the dressing room to congratulate pretty Kimberly then to Asbel’s room too.

Quincy held Genny and took her out of the room.

“You’re becoming thicker and your eyes…” He said, looking at her closely.

“I’ll go for test after this wedding I promise” she said.

“Was just about to say that” he said and she hugged him.

“You became thinner, is it because of Clara?, I understand how you feel but can you reduce the rate at which you think?, Please” she said.

“I’ll do that, you can come spend the night at my place tonight right?” He asked.

“Sure, but promise me you’ll smile for me” she said.

“Promise, I love you” he smiled.

“I love you more” she replied.

When they all finally returned to the hall, everyone settled down and a friend of Asbel who’s the MC announced the entry of the bride.

Asbel is standing at the end of the lane already, waiting with a smile.

Kimberly appeared with Antonio, yeah he came to stand as her dad.

“Finally I got to see your wedding, one of my wishes came true” Quincy smiled.

She surely won’t be able to manage her anymore so she’ll have to find another manager.

Quincy is already missing her, all her success as a model are thanks to Kimberly.

Tears fell from her eyes as she watched Antonio hand Kimberly over to Asbel .

Mrs Han couldn’t hide her joy, finally her first and only son got married to a woman he loves.. just like her late husband wished.

Echo smiled when Asbel finally kissed Kimberly after the vows.

“Finally a happy day to reminisce about” she smiled and they all clapped as the couple sealed the bond.



Polly came out with Molly who’s looking so pale but happy.

The court decided to release her, the appeal worked and Polly couldn’t be more happy.

They faced each other and Polly started arranging Molly’s hair.

“It must have been so hard in there, sorry for not coming to check on you” she said.

Molly hugged her tightly and Polly did the same.

“I’m so sorry” Molly cried.

“It’s ok, it’s ok Mollyanna” Polly said, stroking her hair.

“I’m sorry Polly” she pleaded again, hugging her more tightly.

Interrogator Ha Jin watched from the door with Twinkle, smiling as he did.

“I’m glad she got released” Twinkle said.

“Let’s go son” Ha Jin led the way and Twinkle took another look at the reconciling twins before following his dad.



“How long will the test results take to come out?” Quincy asked as she waited for her test results with Bae.

“Three minutes?” Bae replied.

“What could it be?” Quincy wondered.

“I’m actually thinking of something but let’s wait for the results” Bae replied and Quincy nodded.

The doctor came out all smiles and handed the result to Quincy.

Quincy opened it curiously.

“OMG!!!!!!, Bae I’m carrying a baby!!!, Bae I’m gonna become a mother at 21!, I’m pregnant!!” She screamed.

“Yes, six weeks pregnant” the doctor replied.

“f_ck this is great news!, Just what I was thinking” Bae said.

“Congratulations Miss Quincy” the doctor smiled.

“Thanks doctor!” She replied and he left them.

“Yes!, Am I gonna take leave of absence from school now?” Quincy said, rubbing her stomach.

“Of course, get it fast so you’ll have time to rest, no stress for our twin” Bae said happily.

“I badly want twins, I’ll be so happy!, Can’t wait to inform dad and my sunshine!”

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