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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Jules waited for almost an hour in the restroom before Winston showed up and when he showed up, he doesn’t look like he’s ready for f_ck.

“Why are you late?” She questioned and he laughed.

“Is that a question I’m supposed to answer?” He said.


“Well…let’s just say I got tired of you, thanks for the free rides anyways, I enjoyed our restroom f_cks, your wide hole was delicious” he winked and started leaving but she blocked him.

“Even if you’re gonna leave, can’t we just make this a send off s*x?, Just one more… please… seriously I got badly wet while waiting” she begged and he gave her one disgusting look.

“You’re shameless…wow!” He said and left immediately.

Jules hit her fist on the wall.

“d@mn!, He left me hanging!”

Genny came in immediately.

“So….it has gotten to the point where you beg for s*x” he said.

“It’s none of your business!, We’re done with each other anyways” she snapped.

“Of course, but what I’m more scared about is the fact that I was once madly in love with you,… wait…I must have been out of my senses seriously” he laughed and left the room.

He met Izzy in front of it.

“Baby why are you…

Gennie kissed her lightly, shutting her up.

“Naughty you” she laughed and they left together.

Jules came out of the restroom and Echo appeared.

“Jules and Winston in the restroom…F-U-C-K-I-N-G” she sang mockingly.

“Shut up!” Jules snapped.

“The fact that you got fingered in the classroom is still so baffling” Echo said.

“You’re not a saint either, I found out about your dirty past….thief” Jules said and Echo faced her swiftly.

“What did you just say!”

“You were a kleptomaniac before, you stole huge money from your late father!, You left the poor man in confusion when he was busy searching for it, the clogged up thoughts in his head led to his accident, you ki||ed him!” Jules said and Echo grabbed her neck angrily.

She threw her against the wall and Jules fell loudly, holding her neck.

Echo had tears in her eyes as she ran out of the place, bumping into Reece who held her.


She broke free and ran away.

Jules smiled before standing up.

“So it’s true, Delilah was right, watch as I destroy you with your past… Echo” she smiled.



Polly hid behind the students shadows as she sneaked inside the full house.

The party is going on already and she barely had space to pass.

The hairpin was the last thing her mum gave her so she cherishes it madly.

“I’ll just get my hairpin and get lost” she thought and continued sneaking in till an hand grabbed her to a corner.

“Twinkle?” She said surprisingly when she saw his face, he’s smiling.

“You came finally, I’ve been waiting” he said and she smirked.

“I don’t remember planning to meet you here” she said.

“I know…I just….I…

He started moving closer and she moved back.

“What are you doing?” She said when she finally backed the wall.

“I actually have something to tell you” he said, staring at her lips.

“What?” She asked, looking at his eyes

He suddenly leaned in, attempting to kiss her forcefully but she held him back.

“Get away punk!” She shouted but he still kept trying to kiss her.

She kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine and he quickly let her go .


Travis appeared.

“Polly you came?” He said, holding the hairpin with him tighter.

“Love can’t be earned forcefully, it’s earned through connection of two ready hearts, try to memorize that” Polly said to Twinkle and snatched the hairpin from Travis before leaving the house.

“Twinkle what happened?” Travis asked but Twinkle only walked away, still holding his middle.

Travis rushed after Polly and caught up with her in front of the house.

He grabbed her and she looked back.

“What!, Are you gonna try kissing me forcefully too?” She asked curtly.

“He…he did?” He asked.

She took her hand from him.

“I came for my pin, I should go since I got it” she said and started leaving.

“Polly!” He called and she looked back slowly.

“Happy birthday in advance” he said and her eyes widened.

“You’re turning twenty soon, I got to know somehow” he said and smiled again before leaving.

Polly stared till she couldn’t see him anymore before smiling.

“How did he know?” She wondered.


Echo is in the house too but since she’s single, she’s drinking alone, everyone else are with their boyfriends.

Thinking about what Jules said earlier is making her lose her senses.

She’s drunk already.

“Dad… please forgive me…i ki||ed you” she cried despite her drunkenness.

“Will you ever forgive your undeserving daughter?, I’m sorry..mianhae appa” she sniffed, wiping her tears.

Reece took his seat in front of her and she smiled, imagining him as her dad.

“appa?” she whispered, dropping the bottle.

She stood from her stool and took two steps to him.

She held his face and smiled.

“Saranghea appa, saranghea….i love you Dad!” She smiled and gave him a peck before hugging him tightly.

Reece slowly hugged her back, patting her gently

“I’m sorry for ki||ing you….dad…I love you so much” she whispered and Reece raised a brow.



Genny was standing at the edge of a rooftop, staring down from there, waiting for Quincy.

Quincy climbed up, smiling prettily but the smile disappeared when she saw someone wearing black dress and cap behind him.

The person was just about to push him.

“No!, Genny lookout!” She screamed and Genny quickly looked back but it was too late, the person pushed him and Genny fell down from the building, his head cracked open and his blood splashed.

The person in black vanished.

“No!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Quincy screamed in horror.


“Genny please wake up!!!, Genny you promised to stay with me!!!, You promised to be my sunshine forever how could you do this to me!!’ Quincy cried as Genny’s corpse was placed in the coffin.

Everyone present is in black, it’s indeed a black day.

“Genny how do you expect me to live from now on….I can’t live without you Genny, wake up for me!!” Maybelline cried loudly too.

Max is consoling her but he’s crying too.

Gennie is sitting on the bare ground quietly in a corner, he’s crying slowly with red eyes, Izzy is beside him, crying too.

Reece is crying loudly too, Echo is just patting him though she’s also crying.

Bae, Craig, Trinidad, Red, Polly, Travis, Twinkle, Kimberly, Asbel, Antonio..

Everyone is present.

They finished lowering Genny’s body into the coffin and Quincy spranged up.

“Genny can’t leave me!!!, Bring my sunshine back!!!, Bring him back or I’ll just die with him…. Genny I love you so much…. don’t leave me!!!”

“Genny!, Genny!!, No!!!” Quincy screamed back to life .

It was actually a dream.

She’s sweating and she has tears in her eyes.

It looked so real.

Genny isn’t beside her so she got more scared.

“Genny!, Genny!!” She called fearfully and he rushed out of the bathroom.

He got scared to see her sweating with tears in her eyes and the fact that he heard her scream.

“Quincy what’s…

She rushed to hug him tightly as if he’d run away if she doesn’t.

“Please don’t leave me!!” She started crying again.

“Who said I’m leaving you” he replied in confusion.

“Don’t die Genny, don’t die and leave me…. don’t go far away from me….you can’t die” she cried fearfully, her tears wet his shirt.

“D…d…death?” He said confusedly.

Quincy kept crying loudly and her body is shaking fearfully.


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