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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Rotten son of a monkey!, How dare you!” Genny shouted, giving Winston another punch.

“I’ll have her and you’ll have to wail and cry when that time comes” Winston smiled despite his bloody face.

“@$$h0le!” Genny spat and punched him again.

Gennie rushed into the circle with Craig, Red and Reece.

“What the…” Gennie gasped, surprised that Genny is fighting.

“Winston spewed some trash” Travis said and Gennie smiled.

“He brought out the violence in him” he said, deciding to allow Gennie to continue.

“Whoa!, Nice sight to behold on a cold Monday morning” Echo said entering the circle with the rest of the girls.

She’s wearing her cap backwards and her joggers is somehow big then a red big tee on red sneakers, giving her a bad girl look.

“What’s going on here” Jules said, entering the circle too.

“An angry tiger is devouring a careless mouse” Echo winked and Jules glared at her.

By now, Winston is almost breathless but he kept saying things to annoy Genny so Genny kept dealing him with punches.

“Genny!” Maybelline shouted, rushing into the circle too.

“Stop that right now!” She ordered when Genny raised another punch.

He brought it down slowly before standing from bleeding Winston.

Maybelline covered her mouth in shock when she saw Winston’s face.

“Genny how could you….

“He deserves it for saying that about my girl” Genny interrupted and left the circle, grabbing Quincy’s hand along.

Clara grabbed his second hand but he shoved her off, she fell on her @zz and everyone laughed.

Genny took Quincy to the rooftop and she stopped him, they faced each other.

“What’s happening?, What’s Clara talking about?, You both are engaged?” She asked, fear is obvious on her face.

Genny held her hands.

“Look at me” he said.

She darted her eyes to his own.

“Do you trust me?” He asked.

“You don’t need to ask before you know Genny, I do” she replied.

“I’m not engaged with Clara” he said.


“It’s her illusion” he said.


“Did you watch the movie “PUPPY LOVE?” he asked.

“No, but I heard it was popular in Korea some years ago” she replied.

“I and Clara starred in the movie when we were eight as the young versions of the main leads, I starred as young Jung-Wu while she starred as young Ro-Seo” he explained.

“Ok” she replied.

“So…in the movie I gave her a promise ring, we made a promise to each other to get married in the future, after the movie, she became immersed with the character and her weak mind started thinking the movie happened for real, she started thinking of me as her boyfriend and future husband, she kept the ring we used in the movie with herself, that was what she showed you the other time, she’s in her own world of illusion” he explained.

Quincy took a deep hard breath and Genny held her tighter.

“Why didn’t you tell me this when you talked about her the other time, you only told me she’s your family friend and classmate in highschool whom you h@ťěd” she said.

“I’m sorry, I just didn’t want you to feel insecure” he replied guiltily.

She looked away for a while before looking at him again, she took a step closer and hugged him tightly.

“I love you” she said.

He smiled widely, touching her hair.

“More more pink, and I’m sorry for keeping that from you” he said.

“It’s ok, we’re fine now but what are you gonna do about her?, She’s not gonna escape from her illusion anytime soon, seems she has a big crush on you before the movie” she said.

“Yes, she did, but not to worry, I’ll handle her, just promise me you won’t run away” he said and she smiled.

“Where can I possibly run to?”

He touched her @zz and she broke the hug.

“He wanted to spank it, that’s why I got violent” he said.

“I saw a new side of you entirely today, but it won’t turn out well I can just smell it” she said worriedly and he held her face.

“I’ll handle it” he said.

“Are you sure?”

“Sure” he replied, kissing her lightly.

They went back to class and met everyone already.

“Genny I saved you a seat, come sit beside me!” Clara waved.

Genny ignored her and sat with Quincy.

It’s everyone and his girlfriend except Echo and Polly who are sitting together then Reece who’s sitting with Trinidad since Red is not in same department.

Travis is sitting alone .

Jules is sitting alone, same as Clara .

Winston isn’t in class.

Knowing that Genny will not come to him, Clara stood and went to him.

“I want to sit with you” she said and Quincy leered.

“My boyfriend isn’t meant to be shared”

“He’s mine” Clara beamed.

“I’m not yours” Genny said simply.

“Genny!” Clara stumped her heels on the ground.

Twinkle came in and Polly shook his head in disbelief.

“Someone wake me” she buzzed.

“What?” Echo asked beside her.

“Twinkle?, What’s he doing in Maybelline?” Polly said.

“Twinkle?, What a weird funny name”Echo cackled.

Twinkle sat beside Travis .

“Hi, Twinkle from Hankuk” he extended an handshake.

“Travis” he replied .

“I know, it’s nice to attend same school with you” Twinkle smiled.

“Why did you transfer from Hankuk?” Travis asked.

“Cos of someone” he replied.

“A girl?” Travis asked and Twinkle smiled.

“I knew it” Travis laughed.

Twinkle looked back and his eyes met Polly’s.

He smiled but she pursed her lips and looked away.

“This semester” Craig said

“Crazy semester, it started with blood” Bae replied.

“Social media is on fire!” Echo said, looking at her phone.

Everyone else started looking.

The video of the fight between Genny and Winston is trending everywhere and right now, Winston’s fans are attacking Genny’s fans.

*Is Genny a psycho?, Why will he beat our win-win like that?* A student read a comment.

*Win-Win is the real psycho, he tried to spank Quincy’s @zz* Reece read another comment.

*Genny is suddenly becoming annoying* Clara read another comment.

*I h@ťě Win-Win for making our Genny turn violent* another comment read.

*Genny shouldn’t have done that*

*Winston deserves it*

*Winston is a pervert*

*Genny went extra*

*I h@ťě this!*

*That handsome Winston’s face!*

*Gosh I h@ťě Genny!*

*I h@ťě Win-Win!*

*Genny well-done, thanks for teaching that @$$h0le a lesson*.

Different comments started rolling in and Genny read , not knowing what to do.

“Pretty Mrs is calling for you Genny” a student said by the door.

“I’ll be right back” he said and left the class, Clara followed.

“Let’s go together” she held him.

“Stay away from me please!” He yelled at her and she staggered back fearfully.

He walked away and made his way to May’s office.

He knocked and after hearing “come in” from May, he went in.

Winston is with her, the blood on his face is gone, seems he got it treated.

“He told me he was just trying to talk to her, not spank her” May said.

“I clearly saw this @$$h0le trying to slap her @zz and he also told me to follow my bride, he said something about f_cking my girl and I lost it, so I took it out on his junky face” he replied.

Maybelline faced Winston.

“Why did you lie?”

Winston went silent and May sighed.

“Genny I’m sure you saw the media, your fans are attacking each other all because of the video, it’s not cool to make his face like this on the first day of resumption” she said.

“He made me lose my cool for the first time in many years, if he continues talking $h|t about Quincy then I’ll make sure he ends up getting admitted in an hospital” Genny replied stubbornly and May hit her hand on the table.

“Why are you being stubborn! I’m talking here!”

“I’m sorry mum….but…

“Admit your mistakes, misconduct might be allowed when I wasn’t here but now that I’m here, that ended already” she said.

“I’m sorry” Genny muttered.

“Then Winston … You acted like a complete jerk” she said.

“I’m sorry” Winston said and Genny knew immediately that he didn’t mean it

He has an insincere look on his face as he said it.

“If this repeats itself again, I won’t take it lightly, you guys are matured and should know how to handle things” she said.

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