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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Two worlds apart ?)






Ted’s eyes widened and his hand momentarily wrapped around Ryan. He lowered him down gently squatting beside him.

The police took the gun from Boss, before carting him away

Tears streamed down Ryan’s eyes and he let out a sad smile.

“I’m so sorry….. For betraying you, I was a spy right from start. Boss took me in when my parents died, he trained me to be a spy and work for him. I should have quitted, I’m sorry” He said, with his voice quivering

“Don’t talk again, you are gonna get through this. Don’t talk as if you are dying” Ted retorted

“Get Jenny too…. She’s working for the Boss” Ryan coughed out blood

” I’m sorry…… I promise to be a good person in my next life” Ryan added and slowly, his eyes went shut and his hand grew cold.

“No…. No….. Ryan!!!” Teddy screamed, his tears rushing out like water

A stretcher came around and took Ryan’s body from him

“Let’s go…. He’ll be taken to the hospital, I’m sure he’ll be fine” Jamie muttered pulling Teddy up

★ ★ ★



Teddy knocked on the door gently, decode going in. His mother sat on the bed, looking better than before.

“You are here son” She flashed him a smile, tapping the space beside her. He moved closer and sat beside her

“You are so grown up now…. My handsome Ted” She said, stroking his head fondly

” Mom” He called, tears es aping from his eyes

“My son” She replied, her eyes holding a lot of emotions

He pulled her into a hug, resting his head on the crook of her neck.

“I missed your touch so much, I thought you both left me….. I was devastated” He cried

” I’m sorry….. For leaving you alone. Your uncle took me away from the car, before setting it ablaze with your father in it. He kept me with him all these tears, tormenting me daily. I should have come soon” She replied

“It’s not your fault…. I should be blamed instead” Ted uttered, pulling out of the hug. She ran her hand on his face, with a smile playing on her lips

“You grew up well” She mumbled

” Sir Recee took good care of me” He pouted, like a baby, laying his head on her lap

She began stroking his hairs, making him smile

“You used to love this when you were little” She said

The door suddenly opened and Brielle came in with her parents. She quickly rushed to the bed, she glanced at Ted’s mother then turned back to her parents with a knowing smile

“Is she his Mom? Is she going to take Angel from us?” She inquired

“Who are they?” Ted mom asked

” This is Sir Recee, Flora and cute Brielle” Ted replied, pulling her both cheeks

“I’m the last child of the family since brother refused to give me a baby” She pouted

Her eyes suddenly widened in realization

“Where is pretty?” She said, looking around

” we broke up” Ted muttered

“What!!? Why?” Flora said

“I broke her heart….. I don’t deserve her” He replied, flashing her a sad smile

“I have a plan!”


” Who is in there?” Amelia asked, fixing her gaze on the metallic door

“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Brielle replied, twisting the knob


Amelia entered the suite, only to see Ted there. She turned back and meant to leave but he held her, turning her back to himself

” Im sorry” He said, his eyes pleading for understanding

“You should have told me but you just broke up with me instead. Do you know the pain I passed through with the shattered heart? What else do you have to say? Huh?” She cried, pushing his chest with her hand continuously

“I admit that I’m at fault but please don’t push me away” He replied, wrapping his hands on her waist while looking at her fondly

She shut her eyes closed for a while, before opening it

“Please…..” He added

She blinked her eyes rapidly, forcing a smile. He pulled her into a hug instantly

“I love you so much” He muttered, causing tears to escape from her eyes.

He pulled out of the hug, clashing his lips on hers immediately. He sucked on her bottom lips gently, while she reciprocated. She made sounds into the kiss, making it more sweet.

“I’m sorry for making you cry” He said, as soon as they broke the kiss

“It’s fine….. You were also going through a lot”

“How about Martins? Are you dating him? You guys grew really close, his always around you” Ted blurted out, with a cute pout

” Are you jealous?”

“Nope….. I’ll just let the world know that you are mine alone” He said

” And you are mine too, no girls should come close to you” She retorted and like that he claimed her lips again

“How about Ryan? What was the doctors report?” She asked

“He’ll be fine…. The doctor confirmed it, he’ll take some time to heal” Ted replied



A hand wrapped around her waist and a farmilar scent hit her. Thelma smiled knowing who it is already

“Why are you here alone?” Sean asked

“Nothing” She replied

” Let’s go downstairs… It’s game time”

As he meant to leave, she pulled him back, clashing her lips on his. His eyes widened at first and he froze for a while. She broke the kiss slowly, looking at him lovingly

“Am I the only one feeling this way?” She took her hand and placed it on her chest, which was racing madly


” I love you Sean….. So much.i can’t get my mind off you. When I look at the world, the only oerson i see is you. Is your feeling for me still intact? I can’t take it anymore” She confessed

“Mi amor” He called softly, pulling her into a deep hug

” I love you too, even for a thousand years to come,nothing can change my feeling about you. You became my addiction over night” He said sothingly

Just then, the bell sounded signifying the commencement of the games

“Let’s go” Thelma said

“But we didn’t get to kiss yet” He pouted like a child deprived of sweets

” You can have me to yourself all the time but for now, it’s game time” She said

He swept her off the floor, carrying her in a bridal manner

“What are you doing?” She said, looking surprised

“Treating a queen” he winked, making her cheeks turn red

★ ★ ★


A few students gathered around for truth and dare, including the STARS and the girls

“Who will go first?” Daisy asked, looking around

“I” Arnold replied, taking his of the bottle which he spinned. It landed on Thelma and a smile spread on his face

“I dare you to kiss me on my cheek” He commanded

Sean stood up immediately, his face res with anger

“What kind of dare is that? She’s my girlfriend for crying out loud” Sean protested

” who cares….. It’s a dare and she have to do it” Arnold rolled his eyes

“I’ll do it for you” Sean said, moving closet to Arnold

” What!!? I want a soft lips on my cheek on some hard rock”

“His lips is as soft as butter, you’ll melt into his arms” Thelma giggled

Sean pinned Arnold down who was struggling to get away from his grip and gave him a slight peck on his left cheek.

“God Why me!!!?” Arnold said, dramatically, wioing the place continually

Thelma spinned the bottle and it faced Amelia

“I dare you to kiss Ted” She smiled

Ted turned to look at Amelia, who was fidgeting.

” I’ll help you out” He said and without waiting for her reply, slammed his lips on hers

“Woah!!!” They all shouted, except Hazel who rolled her eyeballs

Hazel took hold of the bottle and spinned it, it faced Jamie

“Truth or dare?” She asked, with a smirk


” I dare you to be my boyfriend for nine days” She said, causing an uproar

“What’s the punishment for not doing the dare? I can’t possibly date a Ɓîtçh like you” Jamie said cheekily

” What!!?” Hazel fumed, standing up from the circle

She stormed out angrily and Bethel followed suite

“I have a present for you” Thelma said to Amelia, bringing out a card. She stretched it closer to Amelia, who took it from her

“What do you think? I registered you in the catwalk show” Thelma winked at her

“But….. I never said I was interested, why did you do it?” Amelia retorted

“Babe, just do it. Victory will be yours, you have all it takes to win this” Ted butted in, taking her hand which he carressed

She turned to look at it, fearfully and he flashed her a reassuring smile.

★ ★ ★


Hazel eyes beamed, as she peeped from the dressing room. She can’t be less than happy, knowing she already won

“Oh my gee….. Kris Wu is there too” Bethel giggled, plaming her face with her hand

“I can’t wait for him to notice me, watch how I’ll capture his interest and win the first place” Hazel said, with an air of pride

“That’s true, that spot belongs only to you.” Bethel praised her

They took a glance at the other contestants and truly, they were no match for her

“Now…. We’ll call on the first contestant for today…… Lauren Barry” The moderator of the event said into the mic

The call went on and on till it got to Hazel’s turn. She took a deep breath before taking the walkway. She was being in smiles all through and went she got to the middle, she made seductive poses.

A smile spread on Kris Wu’s lip as he stared at her, she’s the best among all obviously.

“Now…. The last for today, Amelia Lewis” The moderator said, causing Hazel to furrow her brows

‘When did Amelia sign in?’ She thought

Amelia took the stage, with a nervous smile. The whole crowd gasped as soon as they saw her. The red flowing down revealed her curves and her make up was a blast. Her blue eyes was beaming as she moved slowly to the centre of the stage, her hips swaying without any effort.

Kris Wu stood up immediately she got there, with his mouth agape. The whole crowd cheered for her as she flashed them a cute smile. Her long hair was let down and it stopped right at her waist level.

She catwalked back to the dressing area

“The winner of this catwalk show is…..” The moderator cleared his throat

“Amelia Lewis” He said with effort into the mic

Amelia gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. Her eyes turned glassy as she step forward

A crown was placed on her head as she took photos with the judges of the event. Thelma climbed the stage and also took a picture with her

“That’s my best friend!!” Jewel’s voice was the loudest

Beatrice and Ciara also took pictures with her.

“Would you like to give a speech?”

Amelia swallowed hard before taking the mic

“Firstly, I’ll like to thank you all for your support, vote and encouragement. The appreciation also goes to my Mom for being there for me, she’s the best Mom in the world and to all my friends here, heart you all” She said simply, with her voice sounding like music

“No….no” Hazel screamed, fainting immediately


Ted released a smile, watching the whole event from the top building. He didn’t go down to prevent crowd.

A hand wrapped around his waist, startling him. He turned back and his gaze landed on Amelia, who was looking like a true queen

“Babe” He called in a whisper

“Bear….. Thank you so much” she said softly, hugging him tightly

“That’s okay….. You deserve all good things in this world” He said, reciprocating the hug

“I love you so much” She said, surprising him

He quickly pulled out of the hug, looking deeply into her eyes

“What did you just say?”

“I love you bear” She smiled, standing on her toes and like that, she pressed her lips on his softly

“Let’s get married” He said, after breaking the kiss


“Be the mother of my children” He said again, taking her hand



Amelia opened her eyes slightly and her eyes landed on Teddy, who was looking at her

“Good morning” He greeted

“Morning….. Why are you staring at me that way?” She smiled

“You look cute” He said, making her cheeks turn red

“Thanks” She said, trying to stand up but he pulled her back, making her fall on the bed. He climbed on top of her, showering kisses on her face

“Stop it….. The kids will be here soon” She giggled

Well, they actually got married and she’d gotten pregnant and gave birth to twins; a boy and a girl.

“Who cares….. You’re my wife” He said, taking her lips

The door bursted open and Rianna and Ryan came in

“Dad…. Why are you on top of Mom?” Ryan asked smartly, with furrowed brows

Ted let out a groan as Amelia pushed him away

“I…. He was….”

“We wanted to make babies, can you guys just leave? Let I and my wife be for once” Ted said, running his hand through his hair

“Don’t mind your Dad, kids. We should get dressed, we are having an outing with Aunt Thelma and Aunt Jewel” Amelia uttered

“Hurray…..” Ryan shouted

“Will you keep your voice down? Just because you are crushing on Tiara, that’s why you are happy” Rianna butted in

“What!!? Crush?” Ted’s eyes grew into a round ball

“Uncle Arnold said it’s okay to have a crush” Ryan said cutely, playing with his fingers

“What!!? What’s Ryan teaching you guys?” Amelia exclaimed

“It’s time to to take your bath kids” Fourteen years old Brielle said, appearing at the door way

“We are grown up for crying out loud and we can take our bath ourselves” Ryan said, causing Brielle to drag his ears

“Mom….. She’s hurting me” Ryan cried and Brielle drew his ear harder

“You are too stubborn just like Angel” Brielle snapped, pushing him out

“Teach him a lesson” Rianna jeered, giggling happily

“Let’s go cutie” Brielle carried her in her arms

“This is impartial….. Why do you prefer her to me?” Ryan mumbled

“I love you too okay?” Brielle said, ruffling his hair

“How cheesy…. I want to hear that from my crush not from someone old like you” Ryan said and ran off immediately

“Just let me get hold of you” Brielle shouted, shutting the door close

“Should we just send them to my Mom or perhaps yours?” Teddy said, laying back on the bed

“You wanted twins right? And you got that or are you getting tired of us already?” Amelia pouted

“I love you all” He pulled her to himself

“I love you too” She pecked his lips

“A kiss” He said, blinking his lashes cutely

“Nope… We have a get together with the guys” She laughed out

“I’m glad I met you….. I’m glad I love you. I’m the happiest man on Earth right now, what more can I ask for” He said, pulling her into a tight hug

“We are two worlds apart but I’m glad we met” She replied


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