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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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{Tutoring the four hotties}








“Ahh!”Chris cried as the pains,he was feeling circulated his body, his eyes turned red due the mixture of pains and anger, Anthony took the knife out of his tummy and his blood pumped out….


Chris faced Anthony with a smirk and that confused Anthony,why was he smirking?..He thought he should be already seeing the road to hell

“ki|| me and forget about her forever”Chris muttered and Anthony eyes widened in shock…. not wanting to believe it’s the person that came to his mind

“Who are you talking about?”Anthony managed to ask

“Who’s else other than Mabel…. I know her present name and face”Chris said and Anthony step backwards without being pushed

(I want to use this opportunity to make you guys understand that Mabel is not Cameroon’s cousin sister, Mabel is Lillian’s friend that did plastic surgery and is now living under a new name and face because she was obessed with a poor man according to Lillian and Anthony, but Jennifer is Cameroon’s cousin sister that was ki||ed and found in the restroom, the one they said everything changed after she died… understood now?…it has been a mistake all this while)

“Call a doctor now!”Anthony yelled and one of the guard excute the task “tell he/ she to come with his equipment,we are not moving the patient to the hospital”Anthony added

“You..”Anthony pointed at a guard “find a cloth and tie his stabbed tummy now!”He added and the guard went to do it

“I told you my instincts never lies to me…. Anthony”Chris said as the guard closed his stabbed tummy with a cloth

“Just shut the f-__-k up and don’t think am letting you go!”Anthony yelled

“I know Anthony but am not gonna die, there a saying that goes this way, when there is life there is hope”Chris smiled

“d@mn you!”Anthony spat on his face,few minutes later the doctor arrived

“Master…. the doctor has arrived”A guard got Anthony’s attention

Anthony turned and grab the doctor by his collar,”if he dies you are dead, and if you go around talking nonsense then you would have yourself to blame”Anthony said and let go of the doctor

The doctor fell on the floor, fidgeting…”get to work now!”Anthony yelled and that automatically made him stood up and started with untying the cloth on Chris’s tummy

“We…. need….to…,untie his legs and hands to get a proper treatment”The doctor said, scared as hell

“Do that!”Anthony commanded the guards and they did so while the doctor continued treating him

“Hey… what’s your name?”Chris asked the fake Chris

“And why should he tell you his name?!”Anthony yelled

“I just want to tell him to see my kids today, I promise to see them today”Chris smiled

“I would do that…my name is Christian”Christian said and Anthony punched him

“You only talk when I say you should talk”Anthony said and Christian touched his bursted lips

Christian was a homeless person when Anthony met him, Anthony offered to change his life if he would do want he wants, Christian agreed and Anthony did a plastic surgery on Christian to make him look like Chris, Anthony has been planning this for a year now, Christian knows that Anthony is using him not because he’s afraid of loosing his position but something else more reasonable

“When his through…..tie him back to his ex position”Anthony said

“Yes Master!”The guards chorused

“And you, like I said… speak about this and have yourself to blame, you are not too old to be jobless, your daughter too is not too young to be ki||ed, the choice is yours”Anthony said and left the poor doctor dumbfounded and scared

Christian followed Anthony out together with up to 20 bodyguards

“You don’t have to say anything to help me,he won’t ki|| me… I would find a way to escape this place myself”Chris said to the doctor


White was sitting on the audience seat, watching Magnolia as she played the basketball ski||fully

“You like her?”she heard a voice behind him and he turned to see Alya,he removed the lollipop that was in his mouth

“What makes you think so?”White said

“C’mon… just look at the way you are staring at her”Alya said

“Am watching her play…. it’s just for entertainment”White said, almost immediately some guy in the quest to snatch the ball away from Magnolia pushed her down

“What the f-__-k!”White made to rush to her but Alya pulled him back

“Where are you going?, it’s for entertainment,so let the physicians do their job”Alya chuckled

“Am in love with her… satisfied?”He asked

“Yes,am I but not fully satisfied till you tell me what you discussed with Thiago”Alya said

“Nothing important, just a way to get him out of the infirmary,those two would actually argue about staying with you if I didn’t bring that up yunno”White said

“That’s exactly what’s making me curious,he wouldn’t have follow you if it’s nothing serious,he wouldn’t have left without arguing with Raynell”Alya said

“You really are a curious cat”White said

“Don’t try….”

“Thank you”White interrupted her

“About what?”She asked

“Thank you for making me smile and lively again, even if I continue being bullied, I don’t mind”White said

“I would do everything in my power to stop Cameroon”Alya said and he smiled

“How is your back?”White asked

“It’s doing well… the nurse applied an onitment on my back”She said

“You were discharge earlier than I envisaged”White said

“No… I sneaked out”She smiled



The unknown guy stood and pasted White’s picture on the wall… separately from where he pasted all his victims and target

“How dare you stop my operation”The guy muttered under his breath, looking at the right side of his neck, there’s another butterfly tattoo drew there

“White… you would be blame for all my mess, that’s your punishment”The unknown guy smirked

He sat down and poured some wine into his glass cup as he drink the memories of how he ki||s his victims from the first to the last one, refreshed his brain and he started laughing like a manaic

After raping them till they bleed from their v spot,he would drag them to the restroom and stab their tummy thrice before abadoning them

“Haha…. it’s feels too good to ki||,how I love the smell of blood”He smiled and took a sip from the wine


Raynell woked up from her slumber and rubbed her two eyes with the index finger closest to the thumb

She turned to look at Alya but no one was on the bed, the remaining sleep in her eyes cleared off….

“She was told to rest up to five hours”Raynell said

“Alya!!!!!”Raynell screamed


School already dismissed and the students were trooping out as usual, Alya could be seen among the students but she quickly palmed her ears like she heard something

“What was that?”She asked herself, but smiled when she remembered Raynell

“She must be looking for me”Alya said and almost immediately she saw Raynell running towards her

“No no no!”She wanted to take to her heels but Raynell suddenly jumped on her

“Where did you go?,huh?… your wounds aren’t healed yet, do you want to infect your wound”Raynell scolded her

“Ahh…my back it’s hurts”Alya winced and Raynell quickly step away from her

“You were supposed to take a good rest for five hours… let’s go home, school dismissed already”Raynell said

“Am sorry doll, I was curious about something so I…”Alya stop when she realised how White changed the topic earlier in the stadium

“He did that intentionally… what’s his reason?, they are hiding something?”Alya thought,she look to her left side and caught a glimpse of White entering Thiago’s car, almost immediately the car zoomed off

“Strange”Alya said and Raynell glanced at her with a confuse look

“What’s strange?”Raynell asked

“Nothing”Alya smiled

“Let’s just get out of the school…. have nothing doing today, why don’t we hang out?”Raynell said happily

“I too…… I took a day off because of the bruises at my back”Alya smiled

“Then let’s go clubbing!”Raynell shouted “we gonna party till dawn”Raynell added

“Silly….we are coming back once it’s 9pm”Alya said, pushing her forehead with her index finger


The whole area was rented with loud sounds of music… you could also hear the voice of some individuals screaming out of joy and pleasure

On one spot was a girl seen being f-__-k by three guys while another was holding a mic in front of her…so her Mõ@ɲs were heard too

Ayla smiled from where she was seating as she watched Raynell dance, Alya felt the urge to dance too but was afraid she might get f-__-k by someone, she was to segzy to resist, she knows, not to talk of dancing segzily

They already change into normal dresses,so they don’t look like high schoolers

A guy held Raynell’s waist from the behind but she acted like she felt nothing but when the guy was moving his hands towards her B-__-bs, she pushed him off

Alya was still smiling and watching when a guy suddenly and mistakenly poured his wine on her

He started leaving even without saying sorry,

“Hey…!”Alya shouted rushing to meet him, she held his arm and he turned,he was wearing a face cap and a face mask but the butterfly tattoo on his neck was visible

“How may I help you?”He asked

“You poured wine on my dress and here you are asking me this stupid question”Alya yelled

“Blab all you want am outta of here, touch me again and have yourself to blame”the guy said and left

Alya just decided to let him go, she only let out a scoff as she watch him leave

“Where have I seen that tattoo before?”Alya asked herself, trying hard to remember but it was a futile mission

LET’S GET OUTTA OF HERE…. she messaged Raynell



WHAT?…. AM COMING RIGHT NOW…. Raynell gave her feedback


“I miss you Dad!”The twin said as they both hugged their Dad at once

“I miss you too…my kids”Chris said (fake one)

“It’s no longer pumpkin?”Vincent asked and Chris heart skipped

“You guys would always be my pumpkins”Chris smiled

“Am the only one you refer to as pumpkin”Vincent said again and Chris heart flew again

“Dad…did you change perfume?… you scent different now”Vince said and Chris couldn’t stop his heart from beating very faster than usual

“Yes…. I changed brand”Chris smiled awkwardly

“Aww…. I thought you were so much in love with that brand”Vince said

“Well… I decide to change”Chris smiled

“You are sleeping here with us tonight, right?”Vincent asked

“No kids….. Have works to do as a matter of fact I have less than twenty minutes to leave”Chris said and the both frowned

“Why is it always work…. working all the time, that part of doesn’t change”Vince said

Chris phone rang and he picked up after some minutes the call ended

“I need to go now”Chris said and left, not giving them the chance to say the next word

Chris left the compound and found Anthony waiting for him in the car,he quickly entered it, the car zoomed after ten minutes, almost immediately Cameroon appeared

“Strange…. when did they became so close to enter the same car”Cameroon said and walked in,

He didn’t go out with his bike or car,he usually stroll everyday after school

Entering the sitting room, Cameroon met the twin

“My Dad and your Dad came here together, don’t you guys finds it strange?”Cameroon asked

“Dad came alone, your Dad wasn’t here”Vince said

“Am becoming more curious”Cameroon said

“But Dad acted strange today”Vince said

“There is something fishy smelling”


As Thiago and White came out from the police station, white was staring at the pictures of Jennifer’s dead bodies

“What’s there on your phone that you are so interested in?…. you were crying like a baby few minutes ago”White said

“Yeah… I really missed her, just that talented always drives my sorrow away”Thiago said

“Who’s talented?”White asked knowingly with a smile

“A writer, his currently on his 10th book ,UNDER A SPELL”Thiago said and White smiled more while going through the pictures

“By the way, what about the girl that was attacked”White asked

“She was transfer to the hospital,her case needs proper medical attention”Thiago said

“Okay… that’s good, I hope she would wake up, she needs to answer to many questions”White said and immediately his eyes met someone in black on a bike, aiming his gun at them

“Thiago bend down!”White screamed and Thiago did so,a bullet pass above them

“Run!”White said and they ran towards Thiago’s car,they entered and zoomed off but the bike didn’t back down,he chased after them and a hot chase began

“Am dumb but definitely not dumb when it’s comes to driving”Thiago said and stop the car,

“What are you doing?”White asked

“Be quite,if we keep driving he might $h00t at the tire,we need a plan”Thiago said

“I got you at that”White said and started thinking of a way

Thiago waited and immediately the guy released the bullet,Thiago took the left side before the bullet could meet his tire

Before the bike guy could restart the machine again, Thiago was out of view but he didn’t back down he took the way they went and found the car parked

The car wanted to move but he shot at the tire and it stopped

He came down from the bike and headed towards the car but a gun was pointed to his head from the behind

“Thiago was right about the gun being useful”White smiled and Thiago came down from the car

“It’s the end”He smirk, holding his gun firmly “who are you?”He added

The guy smirked under the face mask

<T <B> <C>

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