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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Illegally Yours )


THEME: Bad boy’s love.

Written by Rhema J.




* 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 *


“Hey Derek are you two gonna eat each other’s mouth up or will you accept the coconut juice you ordered?” Taylor says causing Derek to break the kiss and take a look at us.

When his eyes met mine, I looked to the floor instant, like I wasn’t watching them just now. My cold fingers were gripping on the tray nervously and I felt like an idiot thinking a young girl like me could get Derek to like her when he has girls like this pretty blond girl beside him.

She’s taller, and older and gets to kiss Derek’s pink and attractive lips. She’s everything I want to be right now.

Derek takes his eyes off me and moves them to Taylor. “You could have dropped it, you don’t get to interrupt me when I’m busy,” he says.

“Come on, I never want to see all that in the first place dïck” Taylor rolled her eyes dropped the coconut drink for them, and left.

I have no idea why I was still standing there thou.

“Hey Dove” I raise my head when I heard Derek wave at me.

“You know her?” A pretty blond girl faces him and asks.

“My kid sister” he responds.

Ouch! I h@ťě how he sees me as a little girl and calls me kid sis. I’ve been in love with him since I was 12, I want to be more than a little kid to him. I want to get the privilege to sit beside him and kiss his lips like the pretty blond girl did.

“Oh, hi” Pretty blond girl smiled and waved at me. I envy her a lot because her smile looks so pretty too. “Veronica” She introduces herself.

Pretty face, pretty name, that’s why she gets to kiss Derek. “Dove” I force a smile, gripping on the tray even more. “I need to go back to work,” I say and turn around and it’s like the wind of curse just blew past me because I bump into some guy holding a tray containing seafood and it all emptied on me, mostly my hair.

“f-__-k, so sorry” I heard him apologize but I didn’t bother to look at his face. I just embarrassed myself in front of a pretty blond girl- wait is it Veronica now? And Derek. So embarrassing, screw me.

I hid my face to avoid the people’s gaze as I found my way to the female restroom.


“All done” Taylor removed the last leg of crab from my hair. We were both sitting by the counter.

“Thank you” I exhale. “I thought those crabs were going to be a part of me now. Need to go to the salon to get my hair done before raccoons visit me” I sighed and Taylor chuckled.

Don’t do it… Don’t bring a pretty blond girl up. I warn myself but the moment my mouth opens, the words fly out. “What about pretty- I mean Veronica?” I ask. Screw me again for almost blowing my cover

“Derek’s girlfriend?”

My heart sank at the confirmation from Taylor but what can I do? I only nodded. “She’s pretty” I muttered.

“Derek never carries last on that, lucky dïck” Taylor scoffed and I nodded.

I was starting to think it was a waste of time coming back. I thought I won’t leave the same, that Derek and I would go on being something but I guess I’m wrong. I would go back with half of my heart broken and maybe drink some ice cream to cool it down.

“Hey,” I woke up from my thoughts at a male guy’s voice. I look at the unfamiliar guy beside me, he’s got full hair, and he’s tall and handsome but doesn’t move me. “You didn’t look at my face earlier, I bumped into you earlier and made those seafood fall on your head, I’m sorry” he apologize.

“Oh it’s fine don’t worry” I waved it off. So what if I got showered with seafood in front of the boy I’ve loved since I was twelve and his pretty girlfriend?

“I’m glad we’re cool, Benny Cage” He stretch his hand out to me expecting a handshake.

Looking at his face now, he isn’t that bad. He’s handsome and has a good smile. I’ve heard about things you want that don’t work out so maybe this guy can be my first boyfriend or have I started overthinking?

“Dove Bellywood” I accept his hand.

“There will be a beach party, this Sunday, it will be cool for you to come over. You can bring your friend along incase you feel uncomfortable”

This is the first time I’m being invited to a party. Mom don’t let me go out because apparently ‘I’m too young’ I stare at Benny’s face, feeling blank on how to answer.

“Yes she will be there and she’s bringing me alone” Taylor pops up from nowhere and answers for me.

“Great then, can I get your number so I can call you?” Benny ask as he stretched his phone to me.

“Um, sure” I collected his phone and type my number then hands his phone back to him.

“Thank you and nice to meet you Dove” he smile at me and I smile back. “Um, I should head back to work then, see you later” he took a tray of drinks and snacks before walking away.

My panic alert kicks up instantly. “Why did you say yes?”

“What, we need to go to that party” Taylor shrugs.

“But we don’t really know him” I say

“Dove you don’t need to know people before getting into a party and you’ve never been to a party before so make it your first time” Taylor shrugs again. This girl just don’t bother about anything does she?

“You know my mom won’t feel good about me attending parties especially when a stranger I don’t even know invited me” I sigh.

“Dove girl” Taylor calls. “I love your mother, I really do but sometimes I need to say f-__-k her. She’s not going to stop you from attending your very first party by your soon to be boyfriend” Taylor nudge my shoulders.

“Soon to be what now?” I crease my brows.

“Come on, I saw the way he looked at you” Taylor smiles.

“That’s nothing” I shake my head. “It don’t mean anything”

“Okay” she gave me a wink. “I believe you”. She don’t believe me, each time she gives me a wink before saying something then she don’t believe you but who knows if she is right? Attending Benny’s party on Wednesday would decide for me.


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