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HomeBAD GIRL LOVEBAD GIRL LOVE – Episode 59 & 60

BAD GIRL LOVE – Episode 59 & 60

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🎀BÀD GÎRL LOVE🎀 (His•Beautiful•Baddie…)



By: Naomi Cindy B.

“I’m a Ɓîtçh, Richie. A stripper” she muttered
tearfully, and Richie’s two hands fell from her
shoulders in a slow mo.

His eyes were still on hers, and she took a step
away from her immediately. It’s like all the
bones in his joints got removed cos he
staggered weakly after he made that move, and
his mouth dropped open as he stared at her.

Lovelyn was still crying, staying still by the wall.
The moment she steps away from the wall, it’s
sure she’d faint, so she leaned on it wholly as
her hot tears cascaded down her round cheeks,
her eyes staring back at the guy she loves who
looks more than shocked in front of her.

Richie staggered back again, and this time, he
shook his head and turned his back. He began
walking out of the room.

“Don’t go!” Lovelyn shouted. He didn’t stop.

“Don’t go!!” She shouted again. He kept going.

“Don’t go!!!” She shouted with all her guts, but he
finally got to the door and stepped out of the
room, meeting Tsunami by the door.

“See? I was right after all” he smiled, and Richie
threw a punch as his face immediately, making
him stagger.

Richie’s eyes were so red as he stormed out of
the corridor, and Tsunami spat out blood as he
stood, wiping the one on his lips.

“How come he’s so strong? d@mn it!” He spat
and entered the room, meeting Lovelyn who’s
still by the wall, but this time, she’s sitting on the
bare ground, crying so loud.

He began clapping as he walked to her,
laughing lightly.

He squatted in front of her and raised her teary
face, placing his pointer finger under her chin.

“Good, but it isn’t over yet. He’s the Romeo type
who’d surely stick no matter what, so you’re
completing the process anytime he shows up in
front of you again, and it’d better if you don’t try
to inform him about the contract at all. If he
gets involved, then he’d die along with your
parents, understood?” He said.

Lovelyn kept crying, so he got his gun and
pulled the trigger, aiming for her head, and her
eyes widened.

“No! No!!!” She screamed, holding her head with
her two hands.

Tsunami directed the gun to the wall, and the
bullet flew into it.

“Understood?” He asked again.

“I … I understand!!!” Lovelyn shouted, and he
smiled, throwing her a parcel of money.

It landed on the ground in front of her.

“Your pay for tonight” he said and walked out.

Lovelyn’s tears fell on the parcel as she cried
harder, and she eventually lay flat on the bare
ground, crying her eyes out.



Richie met Jacob in the living room when he
arrived, but Jacob hasn’t even said a word when
he rushed upstairs, and Jacob stood, dropping
the popcorn bowl with him.

“Why the hell is his eyes so red? What the hell
happened RK! Rich boy!” He shouted, rushing
upstairs too, but Richie locked his door inside
already, so he couldn’t get in.

“Rich boy! RK what the hell is wrong again! Are
you ok? You’re scaring the $h|t out of me dude!
You’re not planning suicide are you? What
happened to you!” He shouted, banging so hard
on the door.

No answer, so he sighed and rested on the door.

“RK seriously it’s not funny, are you fine?” He
asked calmly.

Meanwhile, Richie entered the bathroom
immediately he entered the room, and he’s
currently under the shower, trying to calm
himself down, but it’s not working.

His heart was running on a high tempo as the
water wet him. He didn’t even take off his
clothes so the water is drenching his clothes
together with him.

He’s trying to pacify himself that it’s just
hallucination, but it’s not possible when he saw
it so clear.

His girlfriend is a stripper, she was almost
naked earlier and…

He dived his fingers into his hair crazily.
“Damnit!!!” He yelled shortly, sitting under the
shower eventually.

Is this the feeling when someone is going
crazy? He’s going mad.

So…when she asked him about his view about
strippers, she meant this…

He rested his back on the wall as the water kept
pouring on him, and tears began stinging his
eyes, trying to come out.

She’s the same girl who was living a fake life
before he met her. Same girl who rented cars
and wears to school, same girl who lied about
her family status, same girl whose mum signed
a contract as a maid just so she could go to

What else is she going through? What else has
she done just to live? What other dirty things
has she tried just to survive?

Why didn’t he meet her earlier than he met her?
Why did they meet so late? Why is her life so
hard even when he’s in it? Why is she suffering
so much even as his girl? Why is everything so
hard for her?

“Lovie” he muttered, and his tears finally poured
down his cheeks in large torrents.

He propped up his knees and buried his face in
it, crying guiltily.

Would he have met her earlier if he didn’t go to
the US for his college education? It’s all his fault
for meeting her late, he poured all the blames on
himself, and that moment, he felt so worse

The door finally opened, and Jacob came in.

His eyes widened when he met him sitting under
the shower with his clothes on.

“What the f-__-k do you think you’re doing! You
wanna die?” He pulled him up, and when he saw
his tears, he calmed.

“Hey, what’s happening?” He asked gently.

Richie didn’t say a word, so he hugged him in a
tight brotherly way, patting his back repeatedly.

“Calm down, Richie”



Janet was setting dinner on the small table
when Lovelyn came in in tears, and she rushed
to her.

“Love what’s this? Why is your face like this why
are you crying? Did something happen? Talk to
me what’s happening?”

“eomma” Lovelyn sniffed, hugging her tightly.

“Love, tell me what the matter is” Janet hugged
her back.

“My boyfriend…he found out about the…
clubhouse” Lovelyn hiccupped.

“Richie?” Janet said, breaking the hug to look at
her face.

Lovelyn nodded, and Janet hugged her again,
stroking her hair.

“You’ll be fine, dear” she muttered, but deep
inside of her, she’s glad.

‘It’s better this way’ she thought, kissing her hair.

“You’d be fine”

“No. I won’t be fine” Lovelyn cried harder.



Bernie is currently in his room, sitting on his
swivel with his face buried in his phone screen.

He needed something to distract him from
Lovelyn, and he luckily found one

His mother’s case with the politicians, and he
has digged deeper.

They both died of heart failure in their houses,
and the bank accounts of the two were found
empty after their burial.

Freaking rich politicians with empty bank
accounts despite their slush funds? It doesn’t
make any d@mn sense and it’s driving him

Where did all of their money go?

He was still thinking when Everest came into the
room, and till he got behind him, he didn’t know.

Everest saw what he’s looking at on the phone
screen, and he sighed.

“I know how curious you can get, don’t try to dig
into that case, it’s dangerous” he said, and
Bernie stood.

“I don’t think I told you you have the right to
enter my room” he said with an h@ťěful smirk.

“We haven’t really talked since I came back and.

“We don’t talk even before you travelled, so what
are you talking about? All you did was laugh
anytime dad told you you’re better than me, all
you did was mock me cos you were more
brilliant! Where did that Everest go? I want that
jerk back! Mock me again cos I h@ťě this saint
side of you it’s boring!” Bernie yelled.

“Bernie listen to me I…

“I don’t wanna listen!” Bernie shouted.

“I was childish back then, I didn’t know what i
was doing could ruin the relationship between
us. I thought it was fun till I travelled for college.
I learnt better over there Bernie and I’m back as
a better person, I’m so sorry Bernie I…

“Go to hell with your apology” Bernie said and
started walking out, but he suddenly looked

“And the case about mum’s concubines always
dying with heart failure and empty accounts, I’m
just starting with it” he said and left the house,
slamming the door behind.

Everest sighed and wiped the little tear that fell
from his eyes.

Bernie is not ready to make up with him, and
Richie is not ready to listen too, but when he
remembered what happened between him and
Richie, he figured out maybe he doesn’t even
deserve the forgiveness.


While Richie Kim is the most brilliant student in
the whole school, Everest Han is the second
most brilliant, so they’re tight friends who do
everything together, but deep inside Everest, he
really wants to find out

Just what is in Richie’s head which made him
even more brilliant than the teachers? Is his
brain bigger than it should be? Or is his IQ 1

These questions has been disturbing him since
day one, and his curiousness didn’t help
matters, so he decided to find out one day.

He invited Richie to his house when he’s sure no
one is around.

He offered him fruit juice, and 15 years old
Richie drank it with a clean heart.

Everest loaded the drink with sedative already,
so Richie slept off on his bed afterwards.

Everest got a knife and climbed the bed with
him, determined to find out what’s inside his

He started cutting Richie’s head with the knife,
and despite the blood, he didn’t stop.

The opening of the door made him turn to see
Mrs. Han by the door with wide terrified eyes.



Everest was already crying so much, in regrets.

The incident made Richie develop fear of
sleeping alone on a bed cos each time he does,
he dreams of Everest cutting his head open.

He’s the cause of Richie’s trauma, and he’s so
guilty for it.

“I’m sorry, I was naive”



Mabel is in the living room, currently having a
FaceTime with Yuri and Ruby.

“You still haven’t told me the secret you know
about Lovelyn, I’m dying to know” Ruby said.

“Calm down will you? I’m waiting for the right
time to pop the champagne” Mabel laughed.

“Wait…is it very big? Big enough to make her
leave school?” Yuri asked.

“Leave school? She’d land in jail baby! And
Ruby I need you to do something for me” Mabel

“What’s it?” Ruby replied, and chairman Lee
stormed in immediately.

“Dad!” Mabel stood, but he ignored her and went
to Genevieve’s home office. She’s in an online
meeting presently, but he took the laptop and
smashed it, making her stand.

“You took over fifty bars of gold from the safe
again despite the fact that I changed the
password for the tenth time! Are you trying to
wreck me? Till when are you gonna be doing
this? Where did you sell the gold to? Tell me !”
He shouted.

“Stop shouting, hypertension ki||s” she said
simply and walked out of the office.




The appearance of the ex-president early that
morning made the students start murmurs
among each other.

He came with Mone, and they received another
shock when a police car drove in. Three cops
came out of started following them behind as
they walked into the school.

👥 What’s happening?

👥 Is a student getting arrested?

👥 Cops? What’s gonna happen?

Students made way for them in the hallway till
they got to the door of the senior class.

“Mira Lee, where’s she?” A cop asked.

“Why Mira Lee?” Vista appeared.

“She’s not in school yet” Hwasa replied.

“Here I am” Mira’s voice said behind, and they
all turned around at once to see her crying with
the bracelet on her right wrist.

“You figured out” Mone said, and she

“I’m so sorry, Chloe”

“Arrest her” the ex-president ordered.

“Mira Lee, you’re under arrest for the murder of
Chloe Shin” a cop said, and eyes widened as
they began handcuffing her.

“What’s going on I don’t understand!” Vista
shouted and tried to stop them, but he was held

“I pushed Chloe” Mira said in tears.

👥 What!

👥 f-__-k!!

Vista’s arms dropped, and Hwasa shed a tear as
Mira was taken away.

Jeremy placed an hand on her shoulder, and
she looked at him.

“$h|t happens” he said, and she sniffed.

Mabel, Ruby and Yuri stuck hands immediately.

“It’s Lovelyn’s turn” Mabel said.



Richie could be seen standing on the bridge in
Lovelyn’s street. He’s leaning on the rails, and
the night breeze blew his hair gently as he
stared at the water.

She’s not in school today according to Mira, and
she wasn’t at the clubhouse too, not even the
park, and her line has been off.

At least, if she’s coming home, she’d meet him

He was barely breathing as he waited,
reminiscing about them, their moments. He
misses her.

He looked up when he heard steps approaching,
and he saw her walking towards him, wearing
jean skirt and purple hood which covered her

She stopped immediately she saw him, and he
took his body away from the rails, facing her

Though there’s just a little space between them,
but she felt far away, so he made to go closer
and hug her dearly, but she was faster.

She walked five steps to him and stopped right
in front of him, pulling the hood away from her
head, her face evenly red as a result of tears.


“Let’s break up” she said, and that instant, he
felt a large hammer crashing into his heart, and
his heartbeats came rapidly like he’d burst
anytime from now.

“What are you saying?”

His voice was shaking as he said those words.

“I’m a Ɓîtçh remember? A stripper and…

“And I don’t care! Just become my Ɓîtçh and
stop going to the club and I promise to fix
everything. I took your virginity so I know you’re
not a slut, I still love you even more and this
changes nothing, we’re still US, it’s still the two
of us baby” he went closer, but she stepped
back, holding back her tears as she got a text on
her phone.

She quickly looked at it. It’s from Tsunami.

• Richie’s chest might be in danger

She quickly looked up at his chest, and her eyes
widened when she saw a tiny red light,
obviously from a sniper.

“I mean it, let’s break up” she quickly said.

“Stop saying that Lovie! Enough already!!”
Richie shouted and came closer again, but she
stepped back too.

“Stop coming closer!!!! Please!!!! Stop!!!!!!!!!” She
screamed as the light got brighter and brighter
on his chest without his knowledge.

He kept coming close nevertheless.

“I h@ťě you Richie Kim!!!! I h@ťě you!!!! I fell out of
love so stop!!!” She shouted, and he stopped on
his tracks immediately, cold sweat climbing
down his chest.

“You love me” he muttered.

“No I don’t! Not anymore!” She replied and
instantly threw her phone into the river_The
phone he got her.

“You enjoy playing with my heart, don’t you?
You said those hurtful things to me the other
time on this same spot” he muttered hurtfully as
tears fell out of his eyes.

“Yeah, I enjoy playing with your heart cos it’s
fun” she replied.

“Lovie…. please don’t do this to me, I can’t…I
can’t survive it…I… I can’t do it, please continue
loving me” he begged tearfully, and she shook
her head.

“I left your car at your mansion already, let’s
really really end it. We’re not meant to be” she
muttered, and the red light disappeared from his

“You can’t be serious, no please! You can’t leave
me!! You can’t!!!” He cried loudly, going on his
knees devastatingly.

“Bye, Richie Kim” Lovelyn muttered and turned
her back.

Her tears finally fell as she began running away
from him.

“Lovelyn! Lovelyn!!!” Richie screamed, and blood
came out of his nostrils.

He stood to run after her, but his knees
weakened, and he fell back heavily, losing his

He landed on the ground unconsciously, nose
still bleeding and tears still pouring out of his
closed eyes.


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