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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Her life as a guy)

By May Maria K ✍️


°°°Chapter 59💛60°°°


She placed her hand on the trigger and she
pulled it and a loud gunshot sounded as
someone went down when the bullet hit the

The person the gun shot was Devon. He actually
saw when Becky was about to pull the trigger
and doing the first thing in his mind, he shielded
her and the bullet took his back.

Gasps filled the hall as he went down slowly.
Bravo got his gun and he shot Becky thrice on
the head and this time around she died.

Devon smiled even in his pitiful state. Even if he
dies now, he knows he did it for her and it was
worth it.

“You need to hang in there Devon” Megan said
but Devon smile went wider and then he
coughed out blood.

“I’m happy I got to do this for you maybe now
you’ll truly know how much I love you” Devon
said but Megan shushed him.

“You need to stop talking. You can’t die now not
when I am developing some insane feeling for
you” Megan half yelled and she didn’t even
know she was crying.

The saying was really true. You won’t know the
value of what you have until you lose it and
that’s what Megan is facing now.

Devon removed the pink bracelet in his hand
and then he wore it on her hand before
muttering, “Perfect”

“I know you were the little girl who gave me this”
Devon said referring to the pink bracelet.

“How could I forget those cute eyes. I Knew it
was you and that was why I was trying so hard
to get close to you” Devon said and then
breathed in.

“This is gonna be the last time I’ll be seeing your
face just know that I love you…” That was the
last thing he said before closing his eyes and he
went limp on Megan’s body.

“Noooooo” Megan wailed and then her eyes
changed to that of a dangerous one. It was
filled with rage.

She got up and then she looked around. Dead
bodies everywhere. They had already ki||ed all
his gangsters. Now it was time to ki|| the Boss
of them all.

Her face showed no emotions as he gripped her
guns tightly and glanced at Devon one more
time before going through the way she
suspected Skull might have escaped through.


Frankie was trying to take cover so that he won’t
be mistakingly shot. When he got to a place that
was safe to hide.

All that didn’t take a minute but when he
remembered they had Maverick he got up and
looked front to see Skull leaving through a path.

He didn’t think twice before following them. He
was scared that they would do something bad
to Maverick.

He secretly followed them but he saw them
going out of the institute entirely.

A car was already waiting for Skull so he got in
and drove out. Luckily Frankie’s car was close
by so he also got in and followed them.

As the driver accelerated his speed, Frankie also
did so. Maverick life was on the line. He doesn’t
want his Dad to hurt Maverick.

A call came on his and he connected it to the
Bluetooth speaker in his car as he concentrated
on what he was driving.

“Frankie where are you” He heard Megan voice
but her voice sounded so fierce and hard.

“Dad is trying to get away and I’m tailing them”
Frankie replied.

“Don’t call that devil my Father he’s a bastard, a
shitty one” Megan yelled.

“My location is on. When the police arrives tell
them to trace me with that” Frankie said and
then they lost connection when his phone
battery died.

He paid full attention to the car he was tailing
and he accelerated his speed when he almost
Lost the car.

The car halted and then Skull came down from
the car gripping Maverick hair tightly and she
was wincing in pains cause of the hair he
gripped so tightly.

Frankie felt like ripping his heart out but he
knew he was no match for this devil he’ve
always called a father.

“Let her go ” Frankie said but Skull scoffed.

“You are talking like a child. You are not acting
like a real son I have always wanted” Skull said
and then he brought out a gun in his pocket and
placed it at Maverick forehead.

“Maybe if I ki|| her you would finally become a
Man” Skull said and just when his hand touched
the trigger a bullet hit his left shoulder and he

It was Megan. She had a vindictive expression
on her face and then she twirled the gun in her
hand and shot his stomach.

“That’s for ki||ing my mom” Megan said and
then she shot his right leg.

“That’s for raping me all the time. d@mn you’re a
bastard” She said again and then she shot at
his eyes.

“That’s for Devon. For what you did to him”

Then she shot his forehead and he died finally.

“That’s for making my life always in tears” She

The guards who followed Skull ran away seeing
that their boss was dead. They were scared of
having the same fate.

Frankie went to hug Maverick so tightly and he
planted so many countless kisses on her face.

He was really really scared that his Dad would
ki|| Maverick. Well he was a heartless man so
what does she expects.

Megan finally smiled when she ki||ed Skull with
her bare hands. She got justice for her Mum and


Megan sat beside a gravesite. She had a pink
bracelet in her hand as she rested her head on
the grave of Devon.

She had always made sure to come visit him
every day. Even if it’s just for an hour.

Her phone ran in her pocket and she pressed the
green button answering the call.

“Mandy where’s are you, it’s about to start” She
heard Frankie’s voice and she smiled.

He was graduating today from Aviation school
and she could Miss it for anything.

“I’m on my way” She said and hung up not
waiting to hear any other thing that he was
going to say.

She dropped the flowers she brought on the
grave and then she rushed to go prepare.

The hall was decorated beautifully and it was
booming with loud music. Frankie and Maverick
were dressed in their pilot outfits.

They were graduating today as professional
pilot and it was like the happiest day for
Maverick cause she finally got to achieve her

Wondering why she didn’t get expelled like it
was supposed to be. Well her Dad the governor
used his influential status and she was the first
girl to graduate in the aviation school.

She finally accepted Liliane and the governor as
her real parents and she also forgave Lucky.
After all they were so good to her and even
considered her as her real daughter.

Well Tracy accepted her fate and she was
starting to change little by little.

Daniel and Connor already asked for Maverick
forgiveness and she gladly forgave them
although Frankie was a little grumpy about it.

“My baby” Liliane said and rushed to hug
Maverick tightly.

“You are finally becoming a pilot as you’ve
always wished” She said and caressed her

“What about Dad” Maverick asked.

“He had an important meeting to attend to”
Liliane replied and Maverick nodded. She

Stephanie and Mrs Myers came also and they
hugged them. Tracy had lectures so she
couldn’t come.

Megan was the last to come and she hugged
Frankie before wishing him congratulations.

“Hey boy girl” Biggie said and Maverick laughed.
That was what he began calling her.

Biggie really changed. He really meant it when
he said he was going to lose weight and right
now he’ve changed from the fat Biggie everyone

He doesn’t even deserve the nickname Biggie

“Hi my name is Owen” Biggie said to Megan
stretching his hand for an handshake but
Frankie smacked his head from behind.

“Flirting with my sister huh” Frankie said glaring
at him.

“Babe let him $h00t his shot” Maverick said and
hit him lightly on his chest.

“Didn’t you see what he was doing” Frankie said
but they were disrupted when an announcement
was said.

“The ceremony is about to start please everyone
take a seat please” Mr Baldwin voice was heard
from the front and everyone went to have their
seat respecting their decision.

After the whole celebration, Frankie and
Maverick finally had an alone time together.

Frankie pulled Maverick closer by the waist,
“finally we have time for each other”, Frankie
said and then he slammed his lips on hers.

They were so impatient as they got rid of their
clothes still on the kiss. Frankie hands went to
her bare Břě@šť as he squeezed it pleasurably
earning a soft Mõ@ɲ from her.

He played with her Ɲīpplës as they were on the
kiss filled with so much passion.

Frankie broke the kiss and then he trailed kisses
down to her chest before capturing one of her
melons in his mouth.

Maverick hands went to his hair as she was
gasping for air because of the pleasure she was
deriving from what he was doing.

After sucking both B-__-bies to his satisfaction,
he kissed her down to her stomach then to her
thighs before his nose smelled the fresh scent
of her Pů$$¥.

She was like the best gift he had and he would
cherish this gift for the rest of his life.

He looked up at her and then he muttered, “I
love you”

After t said that his lips came in contact with
her Pů$$¥ and Maverick couldn’t hold the
pleasure anymore she screamed,

“I love you too Frankie”

And they had a night full of affection and love
as it was filled with pure ecstacy…….




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