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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD GIRL IN DISGUISE – Episode 47 & 48

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(Her life as a guy)

By May Maria K ✍️


°°°Chapter 47💛48°°°


Devon knew that it wouldn’t take time before
they find out that Megan was gone and they
didn’t need any soothsayer to tell them who was
responsible for her disappearance.

This time they held Devon in the underground
dungeon where they took care of some of their
hard headed criminals.

He was held with very strong chains and he was
tortured every hour until he was ready to tell
them where Megan was.

Devon wasn’t ready to say a thing. If he talks,
Megan won’t be able to carry out the revenge
that she seeks for.

The strong metal door opened and Devon knew
that it was for another round of torture.

Some guards ushered the Boss in as he came
into the dungeon. His mask covering his face as

He told the guards to stop and then he went
forward and squatted in front of Devon.

He laughed sinisterly before lifting Devon’s chin
up. He patted his shoulder before speaking up.

“You’re trying to be a lover boy. Sweet isn’t it” He
said and chuckled. Devon folded his fist and
wanted to punch his face.

“I’m going to torture you until you have no blood
left in you. You made Megan run away and I
would make you pay for doing so” His voice
turned hoarse and then he signalled one of the

The guard left and came back with something
in his hands. It was an electric shocker.

Whenever he makes any movement of his body,
it’ll shock him. Even the blinking of his eyes
which is inevitable. The guard attached the
shocker to Devon’s hands.

Skull smiled evilly under his mask as he
watched Devon groan in pain but deep down he
was worried on why Megan left the institute.

It would be danger for him if she surely regains
her memories.


Maverick yawned tiredly. They have not rested
one bit until now. She wanted to have some
snacks since her stomach was rumbling

Her phone made a beep sound and she checked
it out. It was a message from Frankie.

Part of her was surprised that he also had her
number. She got his number without him
knowing and she was surprised that he also
had hers.

She smiled to herself and opened the message
box to see what he sent her.


That was what the message read and Maverick
felt butterflies in her tummy when she thought
of what surprise he wanted to show her.

She totally forgot about the sounds in her
tummy and was literally running to the flower
garden in a haste.

She opened the door to the garden but she
didn’t see Frankie. Because of he said it was a
surprise she thought he was lurking around

She was so excited of the thought of what the
surprise could be then she started calling his

Someone had a hoodie which covered his face
totally. He was with a strong metal pipe in his

He was hiding behind one of the flowers in the
garden and was waiting for the best opportunity
to strike.

When Maverick came to his direction, he
positioned his hands well and when she backed
him, he swiftly got up and hit the metal pipe
hardly on her head.

Maverick released a painful cry before falling
unconscious in the garden.

When the person already did it, he hit it one
more time on her head before leaving the

He was in a hurry to go and bumped into
Frankie on the way. He didn’t even mutter a
sorry before running off.

Frankie didn’t pay attention to what the guy did
and went to the garden to have a peaceful time

When he got to the garden, he first went to
touch his favorite flower there and that was
when he saw Maverick lying unconscious on
the floor.

Fear gripped him and he bent down to her
shaking her body continuously while calling her
name but she wasn’t responding.

He became extremely worried and then he
carried her in his arms and took her out of the

He was sweating while running as he took her
to the school clinic.

It didn’t take him up to two minutes because of
the way he ran so fast then he dropped her on
the bed before calling the attention of the
nurses there.

The nurses came to attend to her and Frankie
was told to wait outside while they attended to


Frankie was pacing around waiting for what the
nurses would say. Soon a nurse came to him
and sighed.

“You were the one who brought the unconscious
patient” The nurse asked and he nodded.

“Do you know what happened?”

“I don’t know I just found him unconscious”
Frankie replied and then the nurse sighed again.

“We’re going to inform the school authority
because something serious happened to the
patient. Like he was hit by something strong in
the head making him to pass out”

“He had some internal bleeding in the head and
we don’t have such equipment to take care of
something that serious so he would be taken
back to the mainland where he would be treated
properly”The nu explained to him.

Frankie was so scared and then he remembered
his encounter with the hoodie guy but he didn’t
get a clear view of the person face.

“Can I see the patient?” Frankie asked and the
nurse nodded for him to go in.

Frankie went to where Maverick was lying on
the clinic bed. He sat in an available seat beside
her and held her hands.

“Who could have done this to you? ” He said to
himself as he tightened his hold on her hands.

“Nothing would happen to you okay. You would
get treated” He said to unconscious Maverick
like she could hear him.

He bent his head resting it on their intertwined
hands as he reminisced the kiss they shared

A tear escaped his eye and he quickly cleaned it.
He’ve never cried for anyone apart from his
mother and sister.

Well Maverick was so special to him and he
could not deny that.


A nurse knocked on his door and he told the
person to come in from inside. The nurse
greeted him and went to sit on the chair in front
of him.

“How may I help you Nurse Lily” Mr Baldwin
said in a polite tone and the nurse smiled a little
before speaking.

“There’s is an emergency in the clinic” Nurse Lily
said and Mr Baldwin looked up from what he
was typing.

“A student was taken to our clinic this evening
and the case seems critical” Nurse Lily said and
Mr Baldwin rubbed his forehead.

“At least how’s the patient for now “

“The patient is doing okay but needs to be taken
to the mainland as soon as possible to undergo
proper treatment” Mr Baldwin nodded.

“But there’s one thing I don’t understand here”
Nurse Lily spoke up and he creased his brows.

“What’s that?”

“Aren’t all the students of this school boys” the
nurse asked.

“What kind of question is that. Isn’t it obvious,
it’s a boy school only” He answered.

“Then why does this guy seems different. He
has Břě@šťs” The nurse said surprisingly and Mr
Baldwin eyes widened.



Biggie just got back to the room to see Connor
sweating badly. There was an Air-con in the
room so he didn’t know the reason for the

He have been looking for Connor all day and he
was in the room all along.

“Hey dude where were you. You didn’t attend
training today” Biggie said and hit him at his
back slightly.

“Huh… Me… Ohh” He said like he wasn’t
listening to what Biggie was telling him.

“Why are you sweating and now you’re talking
like someone who just committed a crime”
Biggie said and Connor’s heart started beating

“What are you saying. I didn’t do anything. How
would you say that” Connor flared up.

“Hey dude chill. It was just that your expression
looked like someone who did something bad
but it was just a joke” Biggie said and Connor
calmed down.

“I didn’t do anything”

“I know”

Biggie saw a black hoodie lying on the bed and
he picked it up and wore it.

“Wow it’s so comfortable wearing this” Biggie
said and wore it out of the room.

He was just taking a stroll when he came across

When Frankie saw the black hoodie on Biggie
he remembered that was the hoodie the guy
who bumped into him was wearing.

The person was coming out of the flower
garden and was in a haste so he fixed the
puzzles together and he knew that this was the
person who might have done that to Maverick.

He rushed to Biggie and then pointed an
accusing finger at him.

“It was you who did that”

T. B. Continued…………

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