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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD GIRL IN DISGUISE – Episode 39 & 40

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(Her life as a guy)

By May Maria K ✍️


°°°Chapter 39💛40°°°

With her heart racing so fast, she stood on her
toes and brought her lips placing it on his with
her eyes closed.

When Maverick placed her lips on his own, he
wanted to respond to the kiss so badly but he

What if someone was lurking around looking for
what to implicate her with. Those thoughts were
on his mind.

He can’t just do this cause of his selfish
cravings. So he broke the kiss and held her

“I’m no longer angry with you, you know it’s
easy to believe someone that you know but
don’t trust someone that easily” He said and she
smiled afterwards.

“At least you aren’t angry anymore” She said
and then shockingly hugged him.

She wrapped her hands on his waist resting her
head on the nook of his neck inhaling his sweet

Frankie was surprised at her actions. This was
just the way his dead sis always hugged him.

Then he finally hugged her back. He could hear
her loud heartbeats from her chest.

He couldn’t even comprehend what he was
feeling right now but he surely knows that it’s

He hasn’t felt that with someone else that’s one
thing he knows. But was the feelings mutual.

Was she experiencing the same thing he was.
He couldn’t stop thinking about her. Was that
the same with her.

He needs to figure this feelings out. He was
literally going crazy every minute just because
of her.

Only God knows how much he’s keeping his
cool because everyone still think of her as a guy
so he needs to play along to avoid suspicion.

The hug lasted for more than ten minutes
already and none was ready to pull away from
each other.

Maybe the scent from each other was so
intoxicating and they didn’t want to let go. It
was almost to fifteen minutes when Frankie
pulled away gently.

“You don’t need to worry I will be by your side
okay” He reassured her and she nodded like a
cute innocent teenager.

She hugged him one more time but this time it
was a quick short hug and she pulled away
instantly before rushing out of the flower

Frankie smiled to himself and touched his heart
that was beating so fast and he couldn’t even
stop it.

It was beating for her. Then he ruffled his hairs
before staring his gaze landing on a flower.

Then he smiled before going to touch it. His
love for flowers are extraordinary and if it’s
possible he might not want to leave this island
cause of it.

It was like the school made this place specially
for him.

He was interrupted when his phone buzzed in
his pocket and he brought it out. He opened the
message box and checked the sender.

It was his Dad. What does that old man wants

He thought his father finally understood him
when he didn’t show up at the engagement but
he never knew that the old folk had something
up his sleeves.

He opened the message and finally read it..



He read the message carefully but he didn’t
understand the second part. What does his
father wants to show him.

He knew he was so cunny but he didn’t want to
waste time thinking so much about it so he
waved away any thought that was trying to
come into his mind.

Maverick went to join Connor and Biggie but
they were done eating their snacks so they gave
her her own to eat while they discussed.

“Where did you go that you took so much
time”Connor was the one who asked.

“No where just wanted to clear the air with
someone” Maverick replied with a smile.

“It’s Frankie right”Biggie asked and she shyly

Connor scoffed seeing her reaction. It can’t be
that she is falling for him. He won’t let that

“I hope I am safe because you’re acting like a
girl all of a sudden… Wait don’t tell me…” Biggie
said and paused. Maverick heart flew outta
chest when she already knew what he wanted
to say.

Not again.

“You’re a gay” He said and Maverick eyes
widened. That wasn’t what she was expecting
from him so she shook her head immediately.

“No am not” She defended almost yelling. Is that
what he was thinking of her.

“Then that’s a relief” Biggie said and sighed.

“Let’s go it’s almost Time. I don’t wanna be late”
Connor said and stand up and the other two
followed him from behind.


The three people sent on the mission returned
back and as usual the gang organized a party
for their victory.

Megan was in her room lying on the bed and
facing the ceiling like it was some sort of

She doesn’t attends the gang party but only did
once and that was because of Devon.

Then she came down from the bed and headed
straight to his room. She didn’t even bother
knocking and just opened the door.

And like she suspected, he was in. The sound of
the door opening made Devon turned back and
he was Megan.

He was somehow surprised to see him but he
didn’t show it.

Then Megan came forward till she stopped right
in front of him. Then she raised the T-shirt that
he was putting checking to see if his wounds
were already healed up.

Devon face lit up and he smiled. Was it really
care that she was expressing now. He couldn’t
believe that she really cared to come and see
how his wounds were.

Maybe she was changing but one couldn’t
guess right cause she’s covering everything up
with her Stony face.

Well he didn’t care, he is ready to break that
Stony face of hers even if it takes him a
thousand years.

She really got him trapped with her beauty and
cool demeanor and he’s not ready to let go.
Instead he’s ready to bring out those hidden
emotions in her.

Megan dropped his T-shirt when she saw only
scars. Then she stood straight and turned to go
but Devon didn’t let her.

He hugged her waist from the back and she
stopped moving. When he saw that, he smiled
and turned her around making her face him.

“Where are you going?” He asked and she gave
him a confused look.


“Can’t you stay for a little while with me” And
before she could even respond he pulled her out
to the balcony of his room.

There was two chairs there so he sat down in
one and tapped the other seat for her to also do

She huffed before reluctantly sitting down.

“Look up in the sky, Don’t you love the sight”
Devon said looking at the millions of stars that
were shining up in the sky.

Maverick didn’t want to do so but she had no
other choice before looking up.

She stared at the dark sky since it was night
looking up at the stars and moon were making
effort to brighten it up.

“Yunno anytime I feel depressed or angry I
always look up to the sky every night and I just
find solace in it. It’s beautiful right” Devon said.

“There was a little girl who told me sometime
ago that she loves the stars and now I’m
beginning to love it also maybe even more than
the girl” Devon said and caressed the pink
bracelet on his hand.

Megan eyes went to that pink bracelet on his
wrist. She stared intently at it. It looked so
familiar to her but she’ve never seen it before so
how could that be.

An excruciating headache hit her and she held
her head. It didn’t go away but then she started
hearing voices in her head.

*Why don’t you love stars as much as I do* A
little girl said in her head.

*Oh please. Flowers are more lovely to stare at
than those silly stars that doesn’t do anything
than to just shine anyhow* She heard a little
boy voice.

*I don’t care. I love my stars that way dummy*
The little girl said and Sticked her tongue out at
the boy.

*You little brat* the boy said and ran after her
as she ran away.

As she was running something fell from her

That was all Megan heard and by this time tiny
amount of blood were already coming out of
her nose like phlegm.

“Megan what’s happening to you” Devon came
to her holding her but the pains came in full
force this time.

“Arrrggh” Megan screamed out before passing
out in Devon’s arms.

T. B. Continued………

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Solely Written By May Maria K ✍️


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