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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD GIRL IN DISGUISE – Episode 31 & 32

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(Her life as a guy)

By May Maria K ✍️


°°°Chapter 31💛32°°°


The school just arrived. The plane landed and
they were trooping out of it. The lecturer in
charge called all of them together and then
brought a paper from his pocket.

“In each rooms, it’ll be three people per room so
when I call your names you proceed inside the
building” He said as they all listened.

“Everest, Bryan, Pascal”

And the first Three went to in.

“Connor, Owen(Biggie), Clinton”

The next proceeded next.

He continued till the last three standing and that
was Maverick, Daniel and Frankie.

“You three are the last ones, go in” He said and
they looked at themselves before going in.

An attendant gave Maverick the room key since
she was the one in front. The attendant told
them that their room were the last one at the

They all did as she instructed and Maverick
unlocked the door and went in. She looked
around noticing some features as she walked

It had three beds. A bunk bed and a single one.
Then their was a kitchen in. A bathroom .

Then she saw an empty wardrobe and she knew
that was where they were supposed to keep
their clothes.

Then she turned back to see the two boys
glaring at each other and she wondered if they
had a feud between each other.

“Umm how do we share the bed” Maverick said
and they both turned to look at her at the same

“You can take the single bed while Frankie and I
take the bunk bed right..” Daniel said and turned
to Frankie.

“Anyhow” Frankie said nonchalantly and
climbed to the bunk bed. The one up and laid on


Everyone one heard from their rooms and then
Daniel turned to Maverick.

“Let’s go together” Daniel said and Maverick
released a short smile before following him out
of the room.

Frankie scoffed when he saw the way Daniel
was making advances at Maverick.

Then he got down from his bed and tucked his
hands in his pockets before leaving the room


Connor has been bugging Biggie for a long time
since they arrived but he kept snubbing and
ignoring him.

Then Clinton walked up to him. “You don’t need
to be acting this way because of a girl who
doesn’t care about you” He said and Biggie
turned to stare at him.

“I saw what Tracy did to you and if you want I
can help you get rid of your weight that’s if
you’re interested” Clinton said and Biggie
thought about it before nodding.

“Cool let’s go and stop ignoring your friend. He
looked hurt” Clinton said and pat his shoulder.

The moment he left, Biggie ran after him.


“Honey what do we do about this. I don’t think
this person is ready to stop till he achieves his
goal” Mrs Myers said to her husband.

“I tried tracing the number but it seems so
impossible. I don’t think there’s anything we can
do” Her husband said.

“Why don’t we just tell everything to Maverick in
an understanding way and let her see things
from our perspective” Mr Myers said.

“No. We’re not telling Maverick anything. We’re
looking for another solution” Mrs Myers

“Then look for the solution yourself” Mr Myers
said angrily and stood up.

“How do you think she will feel when she hears
that the two people she calls parents aren’t who
she presumes them to be” Mrs Myers yelled and
then the door stormed open and Stephanie

“What do you both mean by that” Stephanie

And the two couple turned to her speechless…


Tracy was fondling with the pen in her hand.
Her face looked so dull. That’s how it has been
since she was embarrassed in Frankie’s room.

Then she folded her fists like she was
strangling Maverick in her mind and she ended
up breaking her pen and that got the attention
of Leah.

“What’s up bestie” Leah asked as he tapped her.

“It’s just some Ɓîtçh that’s trying to take away
my Frankie from me” She said angrily.

“Oh you mean that Ɓîtçh that you told me
about” Leah said and Tracy nodded.

“I thought you know her secret why don’t you
expose her or at least thr_@ten her with it”Leah
suggested but Tracy sighed.

“It won’t work. I think Frankie is having feelings
for her but I won’t let it”

“Ok I have an idea and I’m sure she would
definitely be out of your lives for good” Leah
said and Tracy eyes lit up.

“What’s idea do you have” Tracy was so excited
to hear what she wanted to say.

Then Tracy brought her ears closer and Leah
whispered the plan to her.

When she was done, Tracy smirked, “She would
definitely pay” , She muttered to herself.


Everyone were gathered already and then the
lecturer cleared her throat before speaking up.

“I’m sure all of you know that this trip is not a
trip for fun. It’s for us to practice our ski||s in
flying a plane so we’ll be starting tomorrow so
today you all can get some rests” The lecturer
said and they all nodded then he left them to

“Let’s look for a swimming pool in the building
so we can swim. I really need to cool my body”
Daniel said beside Maverick.

She don’t know why he’ve been trying to stay
close to her so maybe this might be a good
opportunity to dismiss him.

“I don’t think I am in the mood for that so you
can just go on your own” Maverick said faking a
smile for him.

“I don’t mind. We can just do what you want”
Daniel said.

“It wouldn’t be right. You really wanna swim so
just go” She persuaded him


“I’ll get going” Maverick said and left him
standing. She knew if this continued he might
end up winning.

Maverick began wandering around the island.
She was moving about without any destination.

Then she saw a door and she opened it. She
marvelled at the sight of what she saw.

It was a very beautiful gardens with different
colourful beautiful flowers. Their was also
colourful butterflies there and she was just
smiling as she looked around.

She muttered a “wow” as she continued moving
round the garden touching the flowers there.

Then she moved further into the garden and
saw a figure from afar. The person was
touching some roses.

She only saw the person’s back view and she
gasped when the person turned a little. It was

Then he stretched his hand forth and a butterfly
landed on it. Then he smiled as he began
playing with the butterfly.

Maverick was enchanted by that smile since
she have never seen him smile to anybody
before. He was always frowning.

But she couldn’t lie his smile made him more
handsome and that made her so drawn to him.

She couldn’t even imagine that it was Frankie
that was playing with butterflies like this.
Maybe that is why they say it’s not good to
judge a book by its cover.

She was lost staring so hard at him that she
failed to notice that he already saw her.

Then he allowed the butterfly in his palm to fly
away and began walking to where she was

When she recovered from her trance, he was
already in front of her. Then he plucked a
sunflower a placed it in her hair.

Then that smile that she has never seen him
done to anyone, he finally showed that smile to

“You look beautiful like this” He said smiling
and Maverick didn’t fail to notice a dimple on
his left cheek.

It made him more handsome and she felt her
heart beating more than the regular pace. It was
skipping beats but she couldn’t even stop it.

She was so charmed by his smile. ..

Then he brought his hands to her left cheeks
and he caressed it.

“You know I would love to see how you look in
female clothes” He said.

“I’m sure you’ll look more beautiful than you are
now” He said again but the girl he was talking to
was lost staring at him.

Then Frankie smirked when he saw that it was
because of his handsome face that was making
her so lost like this.

Then he trailed his hand to her neck caressing it
next while Wondering how his lips affect her

“Why don’t you just check it out yourself” A
mind told to him and then he decided to follow
the mind.

He brought his face closer and his warm lips
landed on her neck kissing her there.

When Maverick felt it, her eyes widened but she
wouldn’t lie it felt so good.

Frankie’s lips didn’t stay there and he began
biting and nibbling on her neck making sure to
leave a hickey there.

Maverick eyes automatically went shut as she
savored the feelings. She was feeling giddy all

When she couldn’t take it any longer she didn’t
even realize when a Mõ@ɲ escaped her lips.

“Frankie” She Mõ@ɲed his name in ecstasy.

T. B. Continued………..

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