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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD GIRL IN DISGUISE – Episode 1 & 2

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(Her life as a guy)

By May Maria K ✍️



Her name is Maverick Myers. A tomboy who loves to dress as a boy. She’s nineteen.

She had always wished to become a pilot in future but her parents wanted her to be a surgeon cause of the risk in it.

Her passion in it grew to the extent that she had to disguise as a boy to get into the most famous Aviation University in California which is a boy school.


His name is Frankie Brauns the cold hearted guy who doesn’t love to talk to anyone.

His only goal is to graduate from the University and be the best pilot known.

His cold attitude happened cause of a reason and I bet you would wanna know…….

What happens when Maverick successfully gets admission into the Aviation University?

What do you think will happen when she gets to be roommate with Frankie?

Do you think she will be able to melt his cold heart?

What happens when she gets entangled with so many guys?

Let’s not forget it’s a boys school…..

Wear your seatbelts to join the ride..

Chapter 1💛 2


“I’m here with it” Stephanie said entering into Maverick room.

“It’s okay, drop it on the table” Maverick said checking herself in the mirror. She can’t believe she’ll finally get to achieve her dream.

Her parents are enrolling her in a girl’s school beside the Aviation University she had always planned to go to. So instead of going there, she will be going to the University as a guy.

She picked the hair brush Stephanie put on the bed and used it to comb her short hair that she made to look like a boy’s own.

After doing everything she was supposed to do, she carried her luggage and left the room.

She is about to start a new life not as a girl anymore. It was partially easy for her since she was a tomboy who loved boys outfits. So it’s just like living your dream.

After successfully carrying the luggage to the parlour, she saw as her mum and dad were discussing. Stephanie was not there so she was probably in her room.

The sounds she made maked her parents to look up ending the conversation they were having.

“Ohh my baby is here” Her Mum said and stood up walking to where she was standing.

“How do you feel” Her Mum asked.

“I’m okay but I will surely miss you all” Maverick said and pecked her Mum on the cheeks.

“I will also miss you baby but you know this your hair is not still satisfying by me” Mrs Myers said and Maverick nodded.

“I know you like my long hair alot but I just decided to try a new style” She said and her mum sighed.

“It is okay if that’s what you want” Her Mum muttered and then she went to her Dad and hugged him tightly.

“I’ll miss you dad” Maverick said and her dad caressed her hair.

“I’ll miss you too. The driver is already waiting to take you there” Her dad said and she pulled away from the hug.

“Ok dad, tell Stephanie that I am already gone and that I’ll miss her” Maverick and made to go out with her bag already with her.

“Leaving without telling me” She heard Stephanie voice from the back and she turned.

“I’m sorry Steph you know I am running late” She said and hugged Stephanie who returned it.

Then she left the house after bading everyone goodbye. She got into the car and the driver drove out of the building.

‘I hope I can pull this through’ Maverick thought as she looked out of the window.


“Hmmm this burger is your tasty” Biggie said as he rubbed his belly munching on his hamburger. He is so fat and loves eating food so they nicknamed him Biggie.

Connor them smacked his head and he hissed and took a big bite from the burger he was eating.

“Why did I even forget, you don’t feel anything when you are eating” Connor said and he laughed. Connor is his only friend since most people don’t wanna be with him cause of his way of eating and his size.

“Yeah bestie” Biggie said and hugged him then he gave Connor a peck on his cheeks.

“Eeeww I am not gay” Connor said and shushed him away.

“You have to hurry up foodie break is about to be over” Connor added and just immediately the bell rang signifying that break was over.

Then Biggie hurriedly eat his room stuffing everything in his mouth at once. Connor laughed at how funny he looked as they walked out of the cafeteria going to the practice room.

As they were about to go Connor bumped into Daniel who was about to go.

“I’m sorry ” Connor muttered but Daniel hissed and left without saying anything.

“Rude” Biggie said and they continued their chatter.


Maverick stood in front of the big gate with her luggage in her left hand. She took a deep breath observing the building.

Then she entered the gate which opened automatically. Then she saw as different guys were walking around not even caring that she exists.

Then she wondered how she would be able to get to the administrator’s office.

Then she entered the building walking down the hallway with no destination. Just then two boys approached her.

“Hi you must be new” Biggie said as he observed her from head to toes.

“Yeah” Maverick said in a low voice that sounded some how cute.

“I almost mistaked your voice of that of a girl” Connor said and Maverick was tensed.

She does not want to blow her cover on her first day.

“Some guys voice sounds girlish so your yours isn’t the first” Biggie said and Connor nodded.

“Can you show me the way to the administrator office” Maverick said making her voice more bold.


And they led the way. Seems the place was not even far from where she was because it didn’t take up to five minutes before they reached.

“Thanks” Maverick said and made to go into the office but Connor pulled her back.

“You didn’t tell us your name, mine is Connor”


“My name is Maverick” She said before entering the office without waiting for them to say anything.

Then she saw a man with a white beards sitting on a swivel chair and then she went to the available chair at his front and sat down.

“Maverick Myers” The man said before looking up.

“Yes sir” She said with a little bow.

“Okay here is the card you’ll need to locate your room” The man said and handed a card to her.

“And this your schedule for the rest of the semester” He added and handed her a long sheet.

“Thanks sir” Maverick said and stood up leaving the office.

Then she looked at the card in her hand to locate her room. She walked a long distance before she stopped in front of a door.

ROOM 100 was what was written in front of the room door.

Then she looked at the card in her hand and it said the same room number then she took a deep breath before opening the room door entering inside.

What hit her was the scent of fresh flower and she inhaled it before walking round the room.

She noticed everything observing the room. It had only two beds so she noticed that it would be for only two people.

Then she saw that one bed was empty and she didn’t need anyone to tell her that it was hers. Then she placed her luggage on the bed.

She took her time to bring out her clothes arranging everything in an order. It took up to an hour.

When she was done, she took a white towel and went to take a shower. She was still on that when the room door opened and Daniel entered into the room.

Maverick rounded up her bathing and walked out of the bathroom.

Daniel turned when he heard the bathroom door opened and he looked to see Maverick with a towel tied around her chest. Her fresh white thighs were open to his view that he didn’t know when his heart made a beat.

“Who are you” He said in a cold voice.

“I’m Maverick your new roommate” She said but in her mind she was scared cause she knows that guys don’t tie a towel on their chest.

Then her heartbeats went high pitched when he began coming close to her, her heart beating so loudly in her chest that she feared it might burst.

Then he stopped when he was just few inches away from her.

“Why are you wearing an earring it makes you look so much like a girl” Daniel said in a love voice his gaze on her face….

And Maverick swallowed…..

T. B. Continued………

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