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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S GOOD BABY – Episode 26

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Kingsley entered their apartment,Keith was the only one in the living room

“Did you see her?” He turned back but Kingsley ignored him,Kylan also entered and Kingsley faced him

“You don’t have to be angry okay? We were only talking and it wasn’t even..”

“I never said I was angry” Kingsley cut in

“Then why is your face like that?” Kylan asked

Kingsley roll his eyes

“I’m not angry Okay? She’s not even my girlfriend yet,but once she’s mine,don’t even get close to her” He said and went in

Keith faced Kylan

“What happened?” He asked

“He met Summer and I in the library” Kylan replied and Keith chuckled

“He’s in love with her” Keith muttered

“He said he doesn’t know if he love her or not” Kylan said

“He told me he’s in love with her” Keith said and Kylan kept quiet

“I know you like her” Keith said

“How did you know that?” Kylan looked up

“It’s so f-__-king obvious,you were interested in her from the beginning. But why did you call Kingsley’s attention to her when you like her? Anyways,I hope you stop because I don’t want any disagreement between us so just give up on her,you know how Kingsley can be when he’s angry” Keith said



Summer lie down on her bed staring into space,she couldn’t help but to think maybe Kingsley might get mad because of that.

‘I think I’m going crazy,I can’t even study and all I could do is thinking about him all day?’ She sighed

“Pinkie are you asleep?” Naomi asked

“No,why?” Summer turned on the bed

“Check the school site” Naomi said

Summer took her phone only to find it switched off

“Flat battery” She muttered and stood up to charge it

“Our test is coming next week” Naomi said and Summer’s phone dropped from her hand

“Next What?!” Summer shouted

“Next week,what’s the problem?” Naomi asked

“Nothing,I’m just surprised” Summer replied and took her phone

“I Can’t wait,writing test means our exam is also coming right? I can’t wait for this session to be over,I have alot of places to go during the break. And isn’t it amazing? Once we are back again,it’s our last session in Stanford!!!!!!” Naomi screamed

Summer smiled and nodded

“Right,we will be free soon” she said

“Yeah pinkie” Naomi said

Summer got on the bed after plugging her phone

‘Test is coming and I find it hard to read,great. Just great’ she thought and closed her eyes.



Summer turned back for the umpteenth time and sighed

‘Why is he not here yet?’ She thought worriedly

“Are you okay?” Reed asked

“Yeah I’m fine” Summer immediately replied and sat down,the class was getting filled up already but there was no sign of Kingsley and his friends.

Suddenly Kingsley walked in and Summer almost smiled but she controlled herself,she was more surprised when Kingsley stopped right in front of their desk. Reed and Sawyer looked up but he was staring at Summer.

“Come with me” he suddenly said and grabbed Summer’s hand

“Where are we going?” Summer asked as Kingsley take her out of the class

“What’s going on? Are they close?” Sawyer asked Reed but he didn’t say a word

Kingsley took Summer into an empty class and pulled her back against the wall staring at her without saying a word,Summer stared at him but then looked away nervously.

“Look at me” Kingsley said and she looked up again

“Why…are we here?” She asked in a mutter

“Seriously? You don’t know why we are here?” Kingsley asked and she shook her head

“I want you to reject me again” Kingsley said


“You’re making me go crazy already,I can’t stop thinking about you,I can’t even do anything right,I find it hard to sleep too. It’s my first time feeling this way,but all you could tell me was to stop loving you? How the h*ll am I suppose to do that? Just tell me what to do to stop thinking about you,maybe I might be able to stop this crazy feelings of mine. It’s even worst when you aren’t talking to me anymore,I’m f-__-king dying inwardly,I guess my heart is an opposite of me,I have a soft heart…….” Summer held his shirt and pulled him down to her size before smashing her lips on hers

Kingsley’s eyes became wide immediately her lips met with his own

Summer broke the kiss

“What was that for?” Kingsley asked still looking shocked

“An answer” Summer smiled

“And the question is,will you become my girlfriend?” Kingsley asked and Summer hit him playfully

“Who the h*ll get an answer before asking a question?” She chuckled

“Do you really accept me??” Kingsley asked

“Yes but,on one condition….”

“I know,no other girls,no f-__-king,no kissing,no hugging,no holding of hands,I won’t even talk to them…”

“Stop that,I never said you shouldn’t talk to them” Summer laughed

“No flirting at all,I swe*r,I’m all yours right now,do wh@ťěver you want with me” Kingsley said

“Jeez,you’re so dramatic”

Kingsley carried her and roll her around

“Kingsley!!!” Summer screamed and he dropped her

“I love you,I love you so much. Gosh,should we just announce to everyone that….”

“Kingsley calm down!” Summer laughed

“I really want to tell everyone okay? I just,gosh I’m so happy” He hugged her so tightly

Summer smiled,her arms also wrapped around him

“I love you Sunshine” Kingsley said

“I love you too” Summer replied

They broke the hug and Kingsley kissed her,she immediately responded to the kiss and they do that hungrily especially Kingsley,he could almost mistake her lips for a juice the way he was sucking on those lips like a possessive boyfriend. His hands rubbing her waist romantically,tightening his grip on her like he’s never going to let her go.

After the hot kiss,they both stared at each other,they were so lost in their eyes

“I get jealous too” Kingsley muttered touching her lips

“I am really a jealous freak,so don’t let any guy pass the boundary,I may go crazy” He said and Summer nodded

Kingsley smiled and went for her lips again

They walked out of the class holding hands,smiling at each other every seconds that they got the students attention as they wonder what’s going on between them

“She’s my girlfriend” Kingsley said for some group of girls walking and they gasped

“Seriously?” Summer chuckled

Kingsley winked at her and she blushed

They entered the lecture hall and Kingsley kissed her hand before releasing her

? What was that?

? Don’t tell me it’s what I’m thinking

? Kingsley and Summer?

? It’s more like,Bad boy and the nerd

? This is crazy

“What’s going on?” Reed asked Summer when she sat down

“What you’re thinking” Summer replied

“What am I thinking?” Reed asked

“Kingsley and I are dating” Summer replied

“What?” Reed’s eyes widened

“I thought you said you’re not ready for any relationship,aside that, Are you really going to date him? You know what type of guy he is” Reed said

“He’s not like that anymore,and besides he love me so much,I also feel the same” Summer said

“I can’t believe this” Reed muttered under his breath

The professor came in after that

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