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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S GOOD BABY – Episode 21

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Kingsley walked out of his room fully dressed looking hot at usual,Keith and Kylan also came out from their rooms respectively, dressed up.

“Are we going already?” Kylan asked and Kingsley frowned

“Where?” He asked

“Josephine said she want us to come today if I could remember” Keith said

Kingsley rough his hair frustratingly

“Can you two just stop talking to me?” He asked

“We are not talking to you,it’s about Josephine” Kylan said

“Are you crazy?!” Kingsley yelled

Keith and Kylan chuckled

Kingsley sighed out and went out and they followed him

“I said don’t follow me!”

“You will get bored without us,Kylan let’s go back in,I really have somewhere else to go today” Keith said and the two went back in

“Bored my foot” Kingsley scoffed and climbed on his bike.

He was riding when he caught a glimpse of Summer and Naomi, he immediately stopped.

“Sunflower!” He called and ran after her

Summer and Naomi turned and Kingsley smiled at Summer.

“I will go ahead” Naomi whispers to Summer before walking away

Summer stared at his legs,

“Oh,I got better after using the drug you gave me” Kingsley grinned and Summer nodded

“That’s a relief” She muttered

“Where are you going?” Kingsley asked

“Just hanging out,I guess you’re going somewhere” Summer said looking at his outfit

“Kiddo!” The voice interrupted them and Kingsley turned

Josephine waved her hand,walking closer to them.

“Hey Kiddo” She smiled

“Why are you here? I was on my way” Kingsley said

‘Who is she?’ Summer wondered

“I don’t want you to get lost” Josephine replied and rough his hair before turning to Summer.

Summer bowed slightly

“Wow,you look beautiful. Are you Kingsley’s girlfriend?” Josephine asked

“Huh??….no I’m not” She immediately replied

Josephine turned to Kingsley

“She’s my friend” He muttered

Josephine coughed

“I didn’t know you’ve started keeping female friends” She muttered and Kingsley smiled

“I will see you later” Summer said turning to go

“Mind coming?” Kingsley asked and she shook her head

“Come with us,just looking at you this way,you’re so adorable” Josephine smiled

Summer looked at Kingsley and he gave her a cute face

“So? Are you coming?” Josephine asked and Summer nodded.

“Good then,let’s go” Josephine lead the way and they followed

“She’s my sister,the one I told you about” Kingsley whispers to Summer and she gasped

“I didn’t know,your elder sister?” She asked and Kingsley nodded

“Oh no,I should have greeted her properly gosh Summer”

Kingsley chuckled

“Stop being extra,it’s nothing”

They all entered the car and Josephine drove out of the school,Summer immediately texted Naomi. They were on their way to the cafeteria.

“Why is Jasper not here?” Kingsley asked

“Its weekend so,I love being free” Josephine said and Kingsley nodded

“How’s your new house,are you comfortable staying alone?” He asked

“Will you move in with me?” Josephine asked

“I prefer staying alone even if I want to leave the school hostel” Kingsley scoffed

“Brat” Josephine pouted and Summer smiled listening to them.

After some minutes,they arrived at Josephine’s house

“What do you think?” Josephine asked Kingsley as he looked around

“You have a really nice taste” Kingsley said

“What do you think..oh I don’t know your name” Josephine faced Summer

“Summer” Summer said with a smile

“I’m Josephine,Kingsley’s sister.” Josephine introduced herself

“Nice meeting you sis” Summer said and she smiled

They entered the house

“Wow” Summer mumbled under her breath

“Have your seat,I will be back” Josephine said and walked away

Kingsley and Summer sat down

A maid came to serve them drinks while they wait.

“Are you comfortable?” Kingsley asked

“Of course,your sister is interesting” Summer smiled

“Then what about me?” Kingsley asked and she scoffed

“Seriously? I’m not fun to be with? Or interesting? You always laugh whenever we are together” He said

“I always laugh because I don’t want you to feel bad” Summer said and he chuckled

“Seriously?” He smirked

“What,what are you thinking?” Summer asked suspiciously and immediately hold her hair

“I’m not going to untie it,you look cute this way” Kingsley smiled and Summer dropped her hand,but then almost immediately Kingsley removed the hair tie and she groaned

“You really trust me so much” Kingsley mocked

“Of course I know I shouldn’t have trusted you” She scoffed and arranged her hair with her fingers

“I can help with that” Kingsley smiled and moved closer,he started arranging the hair,Summer was also staring at his eyes and then his eyes fell on hers too.

“They are pretty” Summer muttered

“What?” Kingsley asked and dropped his hands

“Your eyes” She replied with a smile

“They are pretty too” Kingsley said

“What?” Summer asked

“Your lips” Kingsley muttered and she froze

They both continue staring at each other until Josephine came downstairs

“Come on you two,let’s eat. Kingsley I prepared your favorite” Josephine said

“Really?” Kingsley smiled and stood up,he offered his hand to Summer,and she hold him. They both followed Josephine to the dinning room.



Naomi was eating alone when Weston joined her

“You’re here” She looked up and smiled

“I guess you’re happy to see me” Weston also smiled

“Yeah,Summer has to leave so I am alone” She pouted

Weston smiled

They continue eating

Brayden walked over to them and Naomi looked up

“We need to talk” He said

“Huh?” Naomi muttered in shock

“I want us to talk,come with me” Brayden said and Naomi almost stood up but Weston hold her hand.

She turned back to him

“Where do you think you’re going?” Weston asked

Brayden frowned

“Who are you to ask that question? I f-__-king said I want to talk to her!” He yelled

“Maybe next time,right now I am with her” Weston said softly

Naomi released herself from Weston’s grip

“I will be back” She muttered and faced Brayden

“Come with me” She said and walked out of the cafeteria

Brayden and Weston glared at each other before Brayden went after Naomi.

Weston sighed and buried his face in his palms

‘What does she think she’s doing?’ He thought and tried eating again but he lost his appetite already. He stood up and walked out of the cafeteria


Naomi stopped somewhere silent and faced Brayden,she fold her arms

“I’m listening” She said

“Is it true?” Brayden asked and she frowned

“What?” She asked

“I’m asking if you’re dating Weston” Brayden said

“What if I am?” Naomi asked

“I’m just saying……..”

“Look here dude,we broke up already. You broke up with me already so I don’t think we have any f-__-king business together. I’m never going to be involved in your life again so can you please stay away from mine also?! And besides,I have the damm right to date whoever I want,I can even date your brother if I fall in love with him so what the h*ll is your probs? And for your information,Weston and I are dating,surprised??(chuckles) I don’t know maybe I’ve been blind all of my f-__-king years in Stanford that I haven’t noticed. He’s better than you thousands of times,He’s more handsome,He’s smarter and most importantly,he’s more romantic,He’s just the best” She moved closer to him

“Don’t ever appear in front of me again or Weston will destroy your face,He’s a jealous type” She smirked and turned to go,she was shocked to see Weston looking at them. He walked closer and grabbed her hand

“You heard her,don’t even try to talk to her,touch her or do any f-__-kimg thing with her or I’m gonna ki|| you” Weston thr_@tened and walked away with Naomi leaving Brayden speechless.

“Never knew you’re as crazy as that” Weston said as they walked

“I didn’t know you were watching,I was talking with no control” Naomi muttered and Weston stopped,he faced her

“You’re right tho,I’m a jealous type” He said in a low tone

Naomi smiled and pecked his lips

“Do that again” Weston said in a lower tone

“No” Naomi stuck her tongue out at him before running off

Weston chuckled and followed her



“You can go now” Summer turned to Kingsley as they got to the hostel

“I took your whole day,sorry” Kingsley smiled

“It’s nothing,I really enjoyed spending time with you ” Summer replied and Kingsley nodded

“Goodnight” She waved

Kingsley grabbed her hand and pulled her closer

Summer blinked twice

“What are you…..” She stopped when she noticed Kingsley staring at her lips,she wanted to look away but Kingsley held her cheek and made her look straight at him

“I told you,your lips are pretty” he muttered

Summer’s heart started beating faster than normal,Kingsley looked into her eyes.

“Can I kiss you?” He asked

“Huh?” Summer said nervously and took her lips in

“Can’t believe you’re seducing me without even trying hard” Kingsley said

She looked up at him in surprise and brought out her lips,wet.

Kingsley lost control of himself right away and slammed his lips on hers at once,Summer’s eyes widened.


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