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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S GOOD BABY – Episode 13

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“Me? Dumb?”

Kingsley nodded

“Now I Know you’re really a jerk,Fool” Summer said and Kingsley laughed

“It’s not the first time anyone would call me a jerk,but a fool?” He chuckled

“Then should I keep calling you a fool,punishment for ever calling me dumb” She said

“Don’t call me that,I have my reputation to protect”

Summer laughed out

“Reputations? Playboy reputation? Oh right,you don’t want your numerous girlfriends to know you’re a fool” She smirked

“I don’t have a girlfriend,and I’m not planning to have one” Kingsley said

“Why? You want to keep being a playboy forever?”

“I prefer being a playboy than falling in love or having a girlfriend” He replied

“Seriously? Why?” Summer asked curiously

“Why must I be the one telling you stuffs? Tell me about your self too” Kingsley said

“Are you trying to escape that question?” Summer asked

“I won’t deny that” Kingsley smiled

“Fine i’m gonna tell you about myself,,My name is….”

“I know your name,just go somewhere else” Kingsley cut her off

“Jerk!” She snapped and hit him

They both laughed

“Okay,My parents are in France,Paris to be precised. I have a little brother,He’s really little but sweet. I think that’s all” She smiled

“Wow,that’s interesting. I will love to meet your brother someday,I’m sure he’s going to like me” Kingsley winked

“Just because of your face? Oh please” Summer scoffed

“You should know I am really proud of my face,I’m thinking of becoming a model,what do you think?” he teased

“Don’t try it,you’re too ugly” Summer shook her head

“Gosh,you’re perfect in hurting people’s feelings”

“Say yes!! Say yes!! Say yes!!!!” They heard people chanting and they turned to see a man on his kneel in front of a lady.

“Who the h*ll proposes on a bridge?” Kingsley scoffed

“We met here honey,remember?” The man started and Summer faced Kingsley

“Did you hear that? They met here” She scoffed

“So,he have to propose here just because of that?” He asked

“That memory is really amazing when you think about it,,meeting your soulmate in an interesting and unforgettable place..” Summer said dreamily

“Soulmate? What’s that?” Kingsley asked

“You don’t know the meaning of soulmate” She faced him looking surprised

“Tell me”

“A soulmate is probably someone you can spend the rest of your life with,just like now,they are getting married if she accept that ring” Summer said and Kingsley scoffed

“Not all couples spend the rest of their lives together,don’t you think?” He asked

“Why did you say that?” Summer asked

“Some ends with regrets” Kingsley replied

Summer wondered what he meant by that but she focused back on the couples and the lady really accepted

“Wow!” Summer clapped her hands

Kingsley looked away and turned back to the fireworks,Summer joined him.

“It’s because you’ve never fallen in love,if you do,you will start thinking about the future and you want to really stay with that person for ever” Summer said and Kingsley looked at her

“I agree to that,I’ve never fallen in love,but what about you? You sound like you’ve fallen in love” Kingsley said and Summer laughed

“Of course I have,,I had a boyfriend in high school. But it didn’t end well”

“What happened?”

“Let’s just say it was my fault,I wouldn’t even let him kiss me or do anything with me,so we broke up” Summer faced him

Kingsley started laughing

“What’s funny?” Summer asked

“You don’t mean it do you?”

“I’m f-__-king serious” Summer scoffed

“You two were dating but,no kissing? At all?” He asked and Summer shook her head

“That’s crazy,really crazy” Kingsley chuckled

“Must we kiss? I was still fourteen for heaven sake” Summer groaned and Kingsley started laughing again

“You’re really something else,I had my first kiss when I was 9” Kingsley said


Kingsley nodded

“She was older,but we were friends and she just,pressed her lips on mine,silly me couldn’t even understand what that means,but it was amazing” He winked

“Oh just ki|| me,you’re really a pervert” Summer said

“I won’t deny that either” Kingsley Smiled

Suddenly Summer felt a drop of liquid on her face and she touched it

“Kingsley,I think it’s gonna rain soon” She said

“Really?” Kingsley looked up and almost immediately the rain started to pour

“Let’s go”

They immediately got back on the bike and went off.



“f-__-k, why now?” Naomi groaned as she was about getting to Brayden’s room and the rain started pouring heavily

She had to run and she finally got there looking wet,,

“How will I go back with the laptop?” She murmured and knocked on the door,it opened and Weston showed up. He looked at her from her wet hair downward

“Is Brayden in??…” She asked

Weston shook his head and told her to enter

“Where did he go to?” Naomi asked after he closed the door

“I don’t know” he replied

Naomi immediately carried her laptop from Brayden’s study table

“I came for this” She said showing Weston

“But you can’t leave,it’s raining” Weston said

“That’s right,I will just wait until the rain stops” Naomi dropped it

She touched her wet hair and bite her lips slowly,she turned toward Weston and he immediately looked away,He’s been staring at her

“Hey,what are you doing?” Naomi asked and moved closer to him

“Nothing important” Weston responded

“Wow,you love watching movies?” Naomi smiled and sat down beside him,Weston shifted immediately but Naomi didn’t notice,

“Oh no,you’re just like Summer. She love Kdramas alot” Naomi smiled,her eyes not leaving the screen of the Laptop

“What about you? What do you like?” Weston asked

“I prefer hanging out,it’s more fun” She replied and wrapped her arms together,she was beginning to get cold

“You might catch the flu if you don’t change your clothes” Weston muttered

“I just want the rain to stop,I need to submit my assignment” She said

Weston stood up and walked away,he returned with a large towel and wrapped it around her. Naomi smiled

“Thanks” She said and Weston nodded before leaving again,minutes later he returned with a hot tea and handed it to her

“You really don’t have to do this,I’m fine” Naomi said looking up

“I don’t want you to catch the flu” Weston said

“Thank you” She smiled and took it from him,he sat down again and they continue watching the movie together.

Minutes later,Naomi fell asleep and her head dropped on Weston’s shoulder which made him turn. The rain was still heavy and doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon.

“Where did he go?” Weston muttered referring to Brayden

He gently carried her and walked to Brayden’s bed,he was about dropping her when the door opened and Brayden entered looking soaked with the rain. His eyes widened immediately

“What the h*ll are you doing?!” He yelled angrily

Weston dropped Naomi first before facing him

“You’re finally back” He said and Brayden scoffed

“I’m asking you that what are you doing with my girlfriend,how dare you touch her that way!!” Brayden snapped

Weston scoffed,he didn’t want to talk but he couldn’t stop himself

“Girlfriend? Do you even care about her??” He asked

“What?” Brayden said

“I’m asking if you care about her feelings? If you’re not interested in her anymore,just f-__-king tell her and stop playing with her emotions you bastard!” Weston snapped and a heavy punch landed on his face which made him fall.

Naomi’s eyes opened and was shocked,she immediately stood up

“Weston!” She almost rushed to him on the floor but Brayden grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room

“Brayden wait,why did you do that….”

Brayden stopped and faced her with an angry look

“Why did you come here? Why didn’t you just call me before coming? Why did you stay alone in that room with Weston!” He shouted

“I came for my laptop and it started raining”

Brayden went in without saying a word,he returned with an umbrella and her laptop

“Here,just go” He said and went back in

“Brayden” Naomi called but then the door opened again and Weston came out,he had a cut on his lips

“Are you okay?” Naomi asked but he ignored her and walked away


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