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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Nine


“Is this how you treat family? Just because you’re making a couple bucks from selling narcos and cocaine you feel like you’re better than me now, huh?” behind the bar a man with a barrel belly and low haircut wearing a blue shirt, knee length jeans and sunglasses is getting pissed off at someone. “It’s a few couple thousand dollars I’m sure you can do without that it. Besides, this would count as an extra for all that money you borrowed from me kid.”

Neon stood there as still as a stone, staring at the man sputtering utter bullshit. “Uncle Juan, I’m gonna ask you nicely for the last name. Where is my money? I lent you close to ten thousand a month ago, you said you’d pay me back last week but you didn’t. I’ve given you enough time, pay up now before things get nasty,” towards the end of that statement a familiar darkness clouded his eyes.

A single sign that his incurable anger issues has stirred awake. The longer this man stalled the more his raged mixed with irritation and impatience grew. “Give me my money, I want it now. Don’t f-__-king play with me.”

Juan felt incredibly disrespected and made the terrible mistake of grabbing Neon by his shirt and dragging him forward. “Little ya little punk, I raised you because your wh-_-re of a mother couldn’t. It’s time for you to pay me back for everything I’ve given you. Don’t pass your place with me, boy, you’re still a child and I’m a man.”

Neon sighed deeply and shut his eyes. “Uncle Juan, I’m warning you. Back off now or I’m gonna f-__-k you the hell up.”

The older man was highly offended by his nephew’s words. He was nothing but a st*pid boy he unfortunately had to raise. How dare he thr_@ten him? This was unacceptable. “Alright kid, you’re asking for it. I’ll give you something,” he punched Neon across the face and shoved him off. “You wanna talk to me like a man? Make sure you can fight like one too.”

Neon’s impatience ran out that moment.

He turned to look at Juan and used his thumb to wipe the blood away from the corner of his lips. “Big mistake, Uncle Juan.”

When Neon swung back and his fist collided with the side of his face Juan fell flat on his back, his jaw almost breaking off completely from the sheer force. A stinging pain shot through it, he held his jaw and gritted his teeth angrily. ‘This boy has the audacity to raise his hand at me? I’ll be sure to teach him a lesson–’

“Aaaahhhh!” he screamed in agonizing pain. Juan looked down and saw his entire leg was bent in an L. Neon stood over him with an iron pole. The look in his eyes was a blood-curdling one, not to mention the crooked smile on his face. “Y-you!”

Neon wasn’t done yet. He raised his weapon once more and hit Juan across the head with just the right amount of force to not break his skull or knock him out. He went on to mercilessly beat the $h|t out of his uncle for the next five minutes.

“Zayde! S-stop… P-please… I-I raised you! I-I’m your Uncle… Y-your o-own flesh and blood! I’m family!” he squinted when Neon raised the iron to hit him but didn’t. Icy fear gripped the man’s stomach. “Z-zayde… D-don’t k-ki|| m-me! I’ll pay you b-back tomorrow, I p-promise! I’ll take a l-loan f-from the ba–aah don’t hit me again please!”

Neon slammed the pole in his ribcage and purred at the sound of bones breaking. Satisfied with what he’d done he tossed the pole aside and stood over his Uncle. “Pay you back for everything you gave me? You mean for all the pain, headaches, sleepless nights, f-__-ked up mental health and anger issues? f-__-k yeah I’ll pay you back.”

Juan’s eyes bulged beyond comparison. He saw his life flash before his eyes when his Nephew brought out a silver revolver and flicked out the cylinder to check if it was filled or not. Juan knew Neon was a problematic kid with a nasty attitude and an infamous temper, but he would never put the life of a family member to an end, right? After all, he is family.

“Z-zayde… Y-you’re not… P-put the g-g*n away…” he raised his broken arm to beg, burning tears falling from his eyes. Everything hurt. Neon broke many bones and left the man ill-shaped on the floor. “We’re f-family… Bl-blood is th-thicker than water! Remember that… Y-you wouldn’t actually–”

Neon squatted and pressed the g*n to the side of his head, the cold metal made him shudder. Neon Ç0çƙed his head and punched the man in his nose, it broke instantly, blood running down from his nostrils. Then he stood back up again, g*n still pointed downward.

“Blood is thicker than water but it ain’t thicker than my bullets. I don’t f-__-k around hen it comes onto what’s mine,” he emptied a round of bullets in the man’s head, the dreadful sounds of d**th drowned out by the loud music.


Meanwhile, in his absence, the celebration carried on without interruption.

Ryat and his gang were seated around a table where the finest drinks were displayed in buckets of ice. The party was held in his favor so it was natural he got the best of everything, but sadly, quietly seated on his chair, his eyes were colder than the ice in the bucket.

He had a usually icy aura and a standoffish personality that made people keep their distance from him, but this evening was different. His mood went from sociable to extremely antisocial within seconds of arriving–what could’ve been the cause? Well, the fact that his heart was bleeding.

His father was a two-faced son of a Ɓîtçh. On the outside he was a man who wanted to have a proper father-son relationship with his child, but in reality he was urging Ryat to sign a contract to take over all of his properties and run them. This is why he’s rarely been home, he was deluded into believing his father finally–after all this time–cared about him. What a fool he had been.

It hurts because even after everything he’d done to him, all the pain he put him through, he still loved his father dearly. If he hadn’t h@ťěd his father before, he undoubtedly despised every vein and blood vessel in his body right now. Even though he tried to hide his emotions behind a stony expression, Venom and the others saw right through the façade.

“What’s going on with you Ryat?” Venom ran his eyes over him. “You look like you’d slaughter someone.”

“Yo what the f-__-k is wrong with Ryat? Who the f-__-k messed with him?” Korpse swung his feet off the table and focused all his attention on Ryat. “Man you know you can talk to us about anything. What’s wrong you? Talk to us.”

Carnage–who hardly ever shares his feelings and thoughts with anyone–ignored his concerned friends and got up from his seat. He made his way to another table and slapped a man on his shoulder twice. The man looked up from his poker game ready to argue but swallowed every word and thought upon seeing stormy grey eyes peering down at him.

“What you want Carnage? I’m in a game here.”

“The stuff. Where’s the stuff.”

The man hurriedly reached into his pocket and brought out a white packet. “Do your thing on the low fam, don’t want the cops on our @zzes.”

“I ain’t your fam,” he reminded sharply. “Watch it.”

“Ain’t gotta tell me twice.”

Ryat slipped the small packet into his jacket pocket and turned around to leave but almost bumped into someone. He scrunched his face irritably at the near collision when it dawned on him who he had nearly walked straight into.

“Ryat!” Meira called excitedly. Her doe-eyes taking in every fine detail of his face. ”Hi Ryat! longtime no see. You’re never at home, which is sad, but it’s okay. I know you and Theodore aren’t the best of friends.”

He had to blink a second time to make sure he was seeing right. For a few minutes he was silent, searching and finding nothing to say.

“Meira!” someone whisper-yelled loud enough for the two to hear. They looked over and met Katniss applying lip gloss in the reflection of a car. “This is a bad idea,” she continued, Kat smoothed out her hair then angrily–and quite daintily–came closer to Meira but stopped almost fifteen feet away. The fear she had of that male she stood beaming at was higher than the clouds in the sky.

Ryat looked around, instantly noticing the leers Meira was getting. She picked a bad day to wear tight jeans, they really showed off her figure. For some reason, the lascivious looks from his acquaintances angered his soul more than anything did. “What are you doing here?” he asked through clenched jaws.

“I brought you cake! I heard you loved red velvet cake, your mommy used to always make it for you. Please accept my gift. I’m sorry for going into your room, I was just really excited to meet you,” she raised the cake higher to him. It was a three-layered cake adorned with red macaroons, flowers made of frosting and decorated with sprinkles at the side. A cherry lied in the center.

Forget the cake. He was more focused on those intoxicating crystal-blue doe-eyes, and a pair of reddish lips perfectly curled into a heart-stopping smile that melted his heart. For a brief second he felt his heart tremble at the sight. ‘What?’

Ryat snapped out of wh@ťěver trance his stubborn stepsister put him in when he heard the men cat-calling her. They were shamelessly starting to crowd around too. Their hungry eyes on her plump body made his heart burn hotter than a furnace. “You have got to be bullshitting me.”

“Hmm? What’s that, Ryat?” she Ç0çƙed her head innocently.

“You need to get outta here,” he came closer.

“Okay…but don’t you want the cake? I had it made specially for you. I’m sorry about what happened, take the cake please,” she pushed it onto his chest.

“Meira,” he strained.

“Pleeeease accept my apology! Please, pretty please!”

Ryat’s body inexplicably became hot and his Ç0çƙ half hardened. Her begging him to take the cake turned him on in ways it shouldn’t. “Meira.”

She pouted at him while blinking her black fluffy eyelashes. The action was so simple, yet it drove him crazy. What the hell was she doing to him?

“Mei, we need to dip–” he was cut short.

“Listen you turd, you better back the f-__-k up before you get smacked the f-__-k up. Touch me again and I’ll beat your @zz into the ground like an Ostrich. I said I’m not interested homie now get the f-__-k outta my face,” Katniss, on the other hand, flashed her hair and raised both fists up. A man was h*r@zzing her and she didn’t like it at all.

“You little Ɓîtçh!” the man was angry at her for resisting his advances.

“You want something to eat then you can have these hands for dinner!”

Meira’s focus shifted to them. “Kat! Oh no!” she left Ryat and went to put the cake on the table not seeing the many men that were standing behind it. When she bent over her phone fell from her pocket, she set the cake down and retrieved her phone. This was a great mistake she made.

A heavy slap landed on her backside that made her jerk. “Ouch!”

When she looked it wasn’t anyone she knew, it was just some guy with two gold tooth, bad breath, and disheveled stylish clothing. “Hey there pretty little thing. I gotta admit, you’re thicker than a snicker.”

“Get off of me!” the man grabbed her by the waist and pulled her body onto his. “I said g–”

A powerful blow landed to his jaw knocking his gold teeth and normal ones right out. Everything happened swiftly. After the hit Ryat gave him, Venom popped up behind the man to hold him by his hair from behind, Ryat pulled Meira aside and immediately Neon grabbed the cake, reared his hand back then threw it right in the man’s face. Bandit jumped on a chair, grabbed a champagne bottle and hopped over the table to smash the drink across the man’s head. Korpse appeared afterward with a large stick he got from who knows where and hit the man brutally in the stomach with it. The man then fell down limply.

While all that happened in the blink of an eye, Katniss reached into her hair and whipped out a sharp silver knife and sl!ced the man’s face with it. He attempted to attack her but she st@bb*d him in the neck, chest and then stomach. She raised her foot and kicked his body off her knife, blood was starting to come from his mouth.

As if things couldn’t get any worse deafening sirens echoed all around them. Four loaded police cars swerved around the lane and stopped a building down the lane. “Everybody freeze!” one police officer stuck his head out and ordered with a firearm in his grasp.

“Everybody scram!” one man yelled.

Other man whipped out their illegal weapons and fired shots at the officers. What ensued was a $h00tout between police and street gangsters.

Ryat was busy holding Meira protectively in his arms while simultaneously reaching for his g*n, he looked over to make sure his friends were okay but they right next to him with g*ns as well. All of them were hiding behind a single car. Mindy was also hiding from the barage of bullets at the front of a BMW.

Meira grew scared seeing the g*n in Ryat’s right hand, heck, she was terrified seeing everybody with g*ns ranging from pistols to .50 caliber semi-automatic rifles. She knew she was in a dangerous situation and didn’t say anything, she instead buried her face in Ryat’s neck and held his body tightly, her hands fisting in his biker jacket.

Ryat held Meira close to him. This was a mess. The police weren’t suppose to know they were there, ninety percent of them were wanted men. Someone must’ve them gave a tip. If he ever finds the informant they’re as good as d**d. He wrapped his free arm around Meira’s waist and kept her close to him as the shots continued to ring out.

“Meira,” Neon called, bravely putting his arm over the car to fire shots at the police. “Have you ever seen a g*n in real life before aside from now?”

“No!” she cried and turned to look at him. “I’m scared…”

?? ?? ?????????….

Neon is just like me? murderous anger issues. Y’all people need to stop playing with that boy

Meira, we love you, but please DO NOT do this again? this is def my favorite chapter so far

Not Katniss being a badass ?? slay girl

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