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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Seven

?????? ???????…

“I swear to God if that boy shows up to my home playing love songs loudly at six in morning I am going to crucify him,” Syahla made it clear to her husband. “What he should be focused on in his unborn child. I can’t believe he left and didn’t take Belinda with him. He’s filthy rich and a well-known football player, he could’ve at least rented an apartment for her. I don’t know why young woman put themselves in these situations.”

“I’m going to school now ma, see you later!” Meira hugged her mother and kissed each of her cheeks. “Please don’t stress yourself too much, and don’t be too hard on Bella.”

“Sweetheart, you were gifted with a big heart. It’s both a blessing and a curse. Oh, my darling, I’ll be okay. I might even drop by, Mr. Gardner wants to talk to me. You go on now to school and do your best, a good education is important. I dropped out of school in seventh grade and never went back, I never got an education, but you can. Go on and make your mother proud,” she pressed a kiss to her hairline and rolled her eyes irritably. “I’ll also try to be nice to Belinda, but just for the baby’s sake. I give you my word stop looking at me like that.”

“Fine, mother, I’ll take your word. Have a great day!”

“You too sweetheart, you too.”

In a matter of minutes Meira was walking through the main hall in school. The students leaning on the azure lockers whispered obscene things about her, she received death glares and some were bold enough to say bad things to her face. Despite all this, no one came near her, as if she had some type of contagious disease. Even her old b*lli*s walked wide when they passed her.

“Hey Josh, don’t walk too close to her. She’ll make her psycho mom k!ll you!”

“Yeah, have you heard what happened to Roxanne? That was not cool. She didn’t even do anything bad, she was just playing with her.”

“The little Ɓîtçh can’t take a joke that’s why she got her m*rd*red. She should just drop out of school nobody likes her anyway, now she made it worse.”


“Ugly pig face.”

“She’s so hideous, I wonder what made Christopher date her.”

“Last I heard he was dared to take her V card but failed so he paid the person almost three hundred thousand dollars.”

“They could’ve have picked someone with actual good looks? That’s so low. I wouldn’t f-__-k her even if I was getting paid a million bucks to!”

At this point, she wasn’t even surprised or bothered. Meira held her head high and walked to her locker, not caring about their comments. All they can do is talk, none would dare to lay a finger on her. They were like dogs; all bark no action.

The hours in the day crawled, the whole school avoided her like a plague. This was the first day she went to school and one tried to take her things or h!t her, it felt good, peaceful. She loved her body just the way it was. At least she didn’t have to get plastic surgery to get a big backside and stiff br**sts. It was time she began embracing her s*xiness and stopped letting people get into her head. From today onwards, she’d show her beauty off and make her h@ťěrs shed tears of blood.

In raucous cafeteria she plugged her earphones in and listened to calm music. She picked her lunch box from her bag–because her mother wouldn’t allow her to eat school lunch–and opened the lid. The smell of delicious food hit her nostrils and she dug in while reading notes, she was studying for the upcoming exams. They were months away but she had always prepared early on.

Out of nowhere, a shadow loomed over her. She paused, fork full of spaghetti midway to her mouth, and looked up at who was there. It was Katniss Trevéjo, otherwise known as Mindy. Meira only knew because all the boys at school claim they’d have intercourse with her. She had long straight ginger red hair, light brown eyes and hips for days. She had a red bandana wrapped around her head and waist beads around her hips, she was wearing a white jumpsuit. Meira didn’t know why, but for some reason she sat down next to her and dropped her hand bag.

While chewing gum, she applied lip gloss over her lips already covered in lipstick. Then she searched her bag and took out a makeup mirror so she can watch herself while brushing her hair, then applied mascara, popped in another bubblegum and finally took out her phone. She eyed everything in the cafeteria sassily before hissing and patting her head.

“School is nothing but a place for fake, problematic people,” she flashed her hair and checked her appearance again. Making sure everything was on fleek. “I h@ťě coming to school but I need an education so I can’t stop.”


“Yas?” she replied and stopped looking at herself in the mirror to look at her. Kat’s winged eyeliner was neatly done. “What’s poppin’?” then she went back to looking at herself.

“What…are you doing here?”

“Okay so, like, I’ve seen you around school and I like how you move. You’re a rogue wolf, just like me, who always gets talked about. I think we’d make great friends,” she unlocked her phone to take a selfie. “Don’t mind these sour-p@zzy Ɓîtçhes they’re mad because they can’t be us.”

Meira continued eating, but occasionally glanced at Katniss. The girl did nothing but check her appearance, take pictures, and fixed her hair. Let’s not forget chew her gum.

“Well, nice to meet you, Katniss.”

“Oh my gosh you know my name? Girl, that’s amazing. The universe really wants us to be friends on God, don’t worry Meira I’ll take care of you just stick with me bae,” this time she took a selfie with Meira awkwardly lookin at her. “You look so cute!”

Meira found herself smiling at Katniss. They both had lunch together, on her way out Katniss waa following behind her. She had a Șëx¥ walk, hips swaying, nothing hidden by her suit. The boya whistled at her and howled. She was visibly disgusted by her behavior and looped her arm through Meira’s. She was about to ask Kat why was she annoyed when a commotion stopped her.

“Holy $h|t! Yo, it’s Zayde!”

“Hot d@mn, he is drop-d**d gorgeous. Y’all hear something purring?”

“I asked God to send me a soulmate and he showed up today. I just know we’re meant to be!”

“Ɓîtçh please I’ve had my eyes on him since freshman year!”

“Back of Ɓîtçhes the boy is mine! M-I-N-E. I’ll fight anyone who tries to take him from me!”

“He’s such a Daddy.”

Meira and Katniss shared shocked glances. They moved out of the middle of the hallway and watched the students crowd a staircase they just walked by. Soon enough, the person the girls were losing their minds over stepped out. Meira was surprised to see it was actually Zayde, she had no idea he attended the same school as her. She’d never seen him at school before.

“Well that’s shocking,” Katniss said and combed her hair with her fingers.

“What’s shocking?”

“Zayde. What’s he doing down here? He’s hardly ever seen outside of his classroom. Wow, just wow. Look at him. Definitely a solid 10 no doubt.”

“He went to Arkville high? I didn’t know.”

“How do you not know Zayde Matías Ramón García? He’s the Mexican heartthrob hellooo?” Katniss flashed her hair then folded her arms. “Everyone knows Zayde he’s super popular, and he’s a bad boy. Not just any type of bad boy, I mean he’s put at least five people into comas and three in wheelchairs since he’s been here. Yah, I know right? That’s like so tragic,” she blew a bubble. “He’s also made about ten teachers quit after meeting for the first time. He’s that terrible.”

“Hold up, wait a d@mn minute. He’s ‘El Sante the Mexican Terror’?”

“Yeah. Surprised you hadn’t seen him at least once. He’s a mercurial bad boy with violent tendencies. A room can be filled with people and laughter one moment but the second he walks in everything gets quiet for fear of him thinking they were lauging at him and getting brutally attacked. I once saw him crush someone throat’s with his bare hands. There’s a bunch of other things I could list out that he’d done to make everyone in town fear him but I’m too lazy for that. Girl, I don’t even know from the Bloodlust B*st*rds is more bloodthirsty and psychopathic. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of them who actually k!lled Roxanne. Honestly, she had it coming,” Katniss checked the time on her phone. “Hey girl can you follow me downtown I need to buy a anklet?”

Meira was flabbergasted. El Sante is notoriously known for his violent acts. He has the whole staff of the school on a puppet string, they can’t expel him even though he’s b**ten many students to a pulp. Meira has only heard the horrifying stories of the stuff he’d done in and out of school, but she’s never seen him before. She can’t believe El Sante is the same Neon who comforted her hours ago.

She had so many questions on her mind but decided to ask just one. “My gosh, but wait. Who’s the Bloodlust B*st*rds?”

Katniss stopped checking her face to look at Meira as if she’d just said the most absurd thing. “You don’t know the ‘Bloodlust B*st*rds’, aka the Heartless Boys of Arkville, gang? Oh, right, I forgot you aren’t from here. You’re pretty new and don’t talk to people so you don’t know anything. On our way to the store my sister owns I’ll fill you in on all the tea girl, and you better be ready because these are real life horror stories.”

Meira put a hand over her heart, this time is not what she thought it was.

“And if you think El Sante was bad, wait till you hear about Carnage. He was a menace before, during the time spent, and after he went to prison. The stories of what he’s done behind bars are bone-chilling. I had nightmares for days when I heard what he’s done. I have so much things to tell you school should just dismiss right now like, on god,” she flashed her hair and sighed, still chewing bubblegum. “The whole crew of them are bad to the bone. For some d*mb reason, the girls in town are obsessed with them. So, so tragic. I know right?”

Meira didn’t hear anything else she said afterward, her eyes were just focused on Neon, or ‘El Sante’, as he walked by. His aura was a cold one, his eyes were so dark you’d think a thunderstorm was about to break out in them. His fists were tightly clenched and jaws locked tightly. He was almost outside when a student mistakenly bumped into him, he stiffly turned to look at the guy with a glare that made her blood run cold.

“El S-sante? Oh my God, I’m so sorry–” before he finished his head got slammed into the lockers so hard they dented deeply. Neon let his body slide to the ground then stomped in his chest and in his throat. The ground vibrated from the brute force. “H-help…” blood spurted from the guy’s mouth.

Everyone stepped back.

“Don’t ever call me that cr*p again. The name’s Neon. Remember it,” he slammed his foot into the guy’s stomach and then kicked his head into the locker. Before storming out he spat on him.

“Did I mention he h@ťěs being called ‘El Sante’?” Katniss randomly asked, earning her several glances. “What? What’d I say?”

Meira swallowed thickly. She refused to believe that was the same Neon she had talked to last night. It can’t be him. The guy he just b**t up is bleeding from his mouth and nose. Students didn’t dare make a step to help him until half an hour later. She’d never done it before, but she skipped the rest of her classes. She was in the bathroom unable to get the image of Neon out of her mind. The way he just possibly broke that guy’s ribs, she found it slightly…captivating, but at the same time immensely scary.

At the end of the day she went for registration then waited outside for Katniss. She must know everything else. The bit of information she provided earlier left her intrigued, there was no going back now. She wanted to know the rest.

She wanted to know everything.

?? ?? ?????????….

Neon? well you managed to fool everyone? was not expecting need like that to hear about you–

Thoughts on Katniss??✨

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