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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Friends Are Never Your Family.
[# Chapter Fifty-Four


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It was a cool and uneventful evening with clouds uselessly crawling across the sky. Acting as a hindrance to stop the radiant yellow-orange rays of the setting sun from touching everything. While birds flew west over the skyscrapers, below citizens sluggishly made their way off the streets.

“Boss,” the driver and henchman said, peering at the man in the backseat through the rearview mirror. “We’ve arrived at Hamilton Enterprise.”

“Go get me a caramel cappuccino,” Ryat said coolly. His eyes moved to the car window to watch the serene scenery moving past outside.

“Is that all sir?”

“Khaled, I’m having a headache.” Ryat removed his sunglasses and ran his finger along his chiseled jawline. “I don’t want anything else, just go get me the drink. Thank you.”

Without another word, the man left the vehicle and crossed the road.

Ryat squeezed his eyes shut and heaved a shaky sigh. Every day he grows closer to thirty, and each passing second he regrets every bit of his past. Since that day, he’d never seen or heard from Meira or his friends. He’s searched high and low for them but it seems they’ve disappeared off the face of the earth. The war ended the day he…

He swallowed down the lump in his throat.

The war between the Doves and the Ravens was abolished the moment he’d k!lled Neon. Both Gangs survived the war with less than half of their original members, but to continue it was pointless. The heirs were gone and there was no one to rule the syndicates. So, the world was at peace again. People were free to wear Grey, Black and White wherever and whenever they pleased.

A gentle knock came at the window, Ryat sighed and knocked back. The door opened and he stepped out into the chilly November air in his black fur coat. The man handed him the drink before both turned and climbed the stairs into the company Ryat inherited from his father. He tossed the key toward the valet and stepped into the thirty floor building.

After the war, he took Neon’s advice and started over in a different place – Imperial City. It’s the most beautiful of all the cities with an insanely high crime rate, but its better than being in a place that is filled with heart shattering memories.

“Khaled. Have you found them yet? Meira Kameron, Aviel Lee, ki||ian Cain, Godfrey…?” he asked as he went up to the receptionist for some files. “Please tell me you’ve found something.”

“No sir. I’ve scoured the earth for them and have been doing so for the last one and a half year. I can’t find them.” Khaled took his eyes to floor. “I’m sorry, sir, but I think we should give up the search.”

“I’ve wronged these people in so many ways. No. I can’t just give up. I must find them even if its the last thing I do.” Ryat sternly said, eyeing the man darkly. “Don’t suggest any rubbish to me, Khaled.”

“Um, Mr. Hamilton?” the receptionist said meekly. “I’m so sorry to interrupt you, but you have a client waiting on your office. He’s been there since early afternoon.”

“Who is he?” Ryat checked his watch, it was around three in the evening.

“Sir, for safety reasons he prefers to keep his identity unknown, but he is a popular artist who has songs in Spanish, English and French.” she informs him before going back to type on her laptop. “He’s currently still in your office, he’d stepped out shortly to meet someone? I think.”

“Tell him I’ll be there in a minute.” Ryat bit out and turned back to Khaled. “You’re dismissed for the rest of the evening.”

“Thank you, Boss–” he was already at the elevator before the man could finish talking.

While in the lift, Ryat thought his life over ther last two years. He spent it alone. No friends to call upon when he wants to blow up someone’s house, no Meira to playfully bully, no no one. It was hard, and he spent a lot of that time crying and asking heaven for forgiveness, but he hasn’t given up hope. He prays when he finds his true family that they’ll have even a bit of forgiveness in their hearts for him – but knowing his friends, the possibility of them even looking at him is 0 – -1.

The elevator soon pinged and he stepped off. The hallway was dark and empty, lights overhead shone down on him exposing his manliness. He’d grown a lot over the time – physically, mentally, and emotionally – and today he’s a different man from who he was two years ago. Ryat had even been to therapists several times in order to deal with unhealed childhood trauma, and much more.

What’s sad is that he had to go through that process alone, but its understandable. No matter what happens, he will never forget his friends and all that they’d done for him when he needed it.

Life had taught him a lesson that he’d never forget about, well, not again at least: Cherish those who are close to you because you never know when you’ll lose them. Ryat stopped near his office and looked at his reflection in the shiny black window walls.

He was still heartbreakingly handsome, just more masculine – all of his boyish features had faded entirely. He was a man now. He’d also grown out his hair to shoulder-length, it looked a bit greasy but nonetheless raven. His eyes were still slate and full of life, and his features were still strong. No sagging skin or wrinkles. He had an intimidating and sociopathic aura, but that’s just your typical Carnage reminding people of who he is. It makes him wonder how the others look.

‘I miss them. I wish I could see them again. To at least know that they’re alive and well. I want my friends back. I want… I want Meira back…’ he folded his lips, fighting back tears. ‘Crying won’t do me any good. Its best I keep searching. I’ll find them. One day.’

He shrugged off the coat as he entered his office, also loosening his blue gray silk tie. Upon entering he saw a man seated before his desk, he was dressed in a sleek white suit tailored to fit his body type perfectly. His hair was dyed green and trimmed neatly. It was a back view, and Ryat was no homosegzual, but it was classy and attractive.

‘He must be very wealthy.’ he thought to himself as he pulled his jacket off and left it on the jacket holder in the corner.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. I had a last minute trip to make to Swan City.” he cleared his throat and went to sit at his desk. “So, let’s get down to business. What brings you to my–” he stopped talking the moment he looked up yo see the face of his client.

Well-kept green hair swept to the back with a portion hovering above his left eye. His eyebrows near thin and slit at the middle. Mystic whisky-colored eyes built to keep someone spellbound for the rest of eternity. Tattoos of roses and butterflies on his neck with a quote there, and plush pink lips pressed together in a straight line. The face was unmistakable.

It was Neon.

“…Zayde?” he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. “Zayde? Neon? El Santé?”

He didn’t reply. He kept staring at Ryat with this cold, fierce, menacing look in his eyes. Like a tiger who’d just even pissed off by a kid.

“You’re alive…” he was shocked, but more happy than ever. He wanted to get up and hug Neon, but the intimidation swirling in his eyes pinned him to his seat. “Neon. Is that…is that really you? I-I can’t believe you’re here sitting in front of me… Dude, you have no idea how I’ve missed you–”

“Save the b*llshit for somebody who cares.” he narrowed his eyes icily.

“Zayde. I know you h@ťě me–”

“Oh you do? Well thank f-__-k because if I had to tell you you’d be d**d at my feet with a bullet in your skull.” his words were more venomous than a Cobra.

“Neon, hear me out. Please. I’m begging you. Just hear my side of the story.” he pleaded with him.

He didn’t reply. The air was filled with gripping tension. It was as if they were playing Russian roulette. Neon suddenly stood up, in his left hand was a glock. He walked around the desk and pushed it against Ryat’s head, making him stop talking.

“You threw me off a building and left me for d**d. You thought I d**d, but I survived. Now I’m back. I’m titanium, Ɓîtçh.” he snarled. “I should k!ll you right now. Empty the goddamn round in your brain and let you bleed out. But you know why I won’t do that? Because it’s pointless. You’re pathetic.”

He lowered the g*n and walked away to light a cigar, still with the g*n in his hand.

“Zayde, if you sh**t me. I wouldn’t blame you, I deserve it, and a lot more. But…please, at least hear my side of the story.” Ryat begged him, getting up cautiously. “My aunt made me listen an audio and I heard your voice saying that–”

“You don’t get it, do you?” Neon interrupted him. “I don’t care about your st*pid excuses. You know d@mn well I loves Meira ans the boys to Hell and back. I would never do something so foolish. You just didn’t trust me and you used that as an opportunity to k!ll me. Just say it, you wanted me d**d. For what? Because I cared about you? Why do people with good hearts have to go through a load of crap before they find happiness?”

“Neon, just give me a chance to explain.” Ryat tried touching him but he burst out laughing and walked away.

“Did your aunt put a g*n to your head and force you to k!ll me?” he faced Ryat. “Did she force you to k!ll Zamora? Hmm? No. She influenced you, and you f-__-king let her because you’re a weak-minded little Ɓîtçh. That’s what you are, and that’s why I don’t want your excuses, Ryat.”

Hearing what he said, Ryat remembered the time he spent with his grandmother on the rooftop. The story she’d told him. It was the same thing playing out. She predicted everything that would happen and tried to warn him of it, but he didn’t listen. Now he paying for it.

“Neon–” Ryat tried saying, but Neon put a finger to his lips and walked to him. Slowly. Calculating every step like a true psychopath.

“I was sent here to get your head and bring it to the Don of Imperial City. He goes by the name Drago, and his best friend is an infamous biker, he goes by the name Venom.” he placed a hand on Ryat’s cheek, smiling softly at him. “I work for them, and I’m not leaving until I see your lifeless, headless body tainting this place scarlet red.”

Ryat’s heard dropped, and he slowly backed away from Neon who pushed the g*n against his chest.

“You didn’t leave the Mafia. Neon, you told me you would,” Ryat gulped as Neon pressed the cold metal against his Adams apple.

“That was until the f-__-ker I considered a brother f-__-ked me over and near d@mn k!lled me. I went into a coma for nine months and couldn’t find anybody. Thank f-__-k for El Diablo and Zorian, but I still left Mexico and came here where Drago helped me start up my career as an artist. He was there for me when no one else was so I owe him.”

Neon backed Ryat up to the wall and took the safety off the g*n. A staring contest ensued. The silence deafening. Hearts shattered and many tears were shed. In the end, Ryat dropped his hands while shaking his head.

“You’re not going to k!ll me. Are you?” he asked, voice solemn.

Neon didn’t answer.

“You won’t k!ll me, Zayde, you don’t have the heart. You’re lying about that Godfather, aren’t you?”

Tears sprang from Neon’s eyes and ran down his cheeks. “They think you’re the Don of the Ravenhood gang, but I told them your name isn’t Ryat Hamilton, it’s Domenico De Leone, and you’re in Italy. I lied for you, despite everything you’ve done to me–”

“You still care.” Ryat pushed away Neon’s hand and pulled him into a hug. “After everything I’ve done… That I’ve put you through… You still f-__-king care. You’re an idiot, do you know that?”

Neon sobbed. “That’s the power of love. Either that, or I really am an idiot.”

Ryat patted him on the back, blinking his tears away. “I’m so sorry, about everything. For not believing you, for not trusting you, for doubting you, for k!lling you. I can’t believe you’re alive, and here, but I swear on my life that I’ll do wh@ťěver it takes to make amends. I know we can’t go back to being friends like before, but I don’t care. Zayde, I’m deeply sorry, from the bottom of my heart.”

He sniffed and pulled away. Eyes red and tearful. As he stared at Ryat, he shook his head. Zayde met his old friend’s eyes and said emotionlessly:

“It’s too late to apologize.”

He turned and began walking out but Ryat grabbed his wrist. “Neon! No! Don’t leave, please!”

“You’re d**d to me, Ryat. You betrayed me. Us. The Bloodlust Bastards. You hurt me, so bad. I let you in and you gave me a reason not to trust people. I should’ve listened when my mother told me: Love gets you hurt, Trust gets you k!lled, and Loyalty gets you taken for granted.” he ripped his hand away and wiped his tears. “I’m done giving people my all only to be let down in the end.”


“What, Ryat?” he turned and yelled at him. “What the hell do you want me to do? Forgive you and move on like its nothing? Act as if you didn’t throw me off a five foot building after believing a Ɓîtçh you met less than ten years ago play some st*pid audio? You believed her who had your d@mn parents k!lled and sent you to jail over me who had been there since you were three years old. Do you know how deeply devastated I am? I cried for days, Ryat. I cried until I even lost my d@mn vision for half a day. If you were in my shoes would you have forgiven me, huh?”

He remained silent before replying. “I… Zayde, I need you to listen to me. I know you won’t forgive me, and I know you never will. But I’ll still be there for you even if you h@ťě me more than you h@ťě raisins and you f-__-king h@ťě raisins. I never had it easy either, okay? After what happened I lost everything and lived in the streets for a whole year. I slept in rubbish bins to not be har@zzed by gangsters and went from house to house begging for scraps.

“At one point I was hit by a car and lost my f-__-king memories, temporarily, but when I regained them I hit up a few of my dads old business partners and they got me here within a few months after that one year. I cried and let guilt eat every single day and night. I never forgave myself, and I never will. And I know you, or the others will either, but I just want y’all to know that I’m so goddamn sorry and I regret everything even if it’s too late! I don’t care. I’ll still apologize every day, mop your floors and scrub you’d toilets if that’s what it takes to even let you guys look me in the eye. We…we all make mistakes. No one is perfect. And Neon, I just want you to know that… I still see you as a little brother, and a psychopath.” Ryat placed his hand on his shoulder.

Neon looked away and sighed. “This is way too wholesome for my liking.”

They shared a laugh.

“I can’t believe I’m hearing you say that you’ll mop floors to earn my forgiveness. You? Kneel down? I don’t believe it.” Neon shook his head.

“You once did the same for me when I was in jail. That’s the bare minimum for me if I want you forgiveness. But I know that no matter what I do in this world, I’ll never earn your forgiveness, much less trust. And I’ll never find another Neon.” he took his hand, looking at him. “Don’t leave, please. You came here for a reason, right?”

Neon stared at him and flashes of that terrible day rushed in his mind. He pulled away and shrugged. “I know where Meira and the boys are.”

“…you what?” Ryat yelled, eyes bulging.

“Bandit and Bella has another kid named Lillian, now they’ve got four kids. Your stepmom and ki||ian have an adopted son, Katniss and Korpse are married and recently had a son. And Meira…” he looked away sadly.

“What’s wrong with Dove?” Ryat started worrying.

“She has a set of twins, Ryat. We got her pregnant the night we both f-__-ked her.” he dropped the bombshell, but he wasn’t finished. “I came to find you because she’s engaged.”

“To who?” he asked in disbelief.

“Some business tycoon with a yacht,” he shrugged nonchalantly. “Doesn’t matter, he’ll d** either way. Though you f-__-ked up, and I’m d**d, she’s still our property. We need to get her. And you need to make things right. My card’s on your desk. I’ll see you soon, Ryat.”

Without another word, Neon left the room.

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