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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Friends Are Never Your Family.
[# Chapter Fifty-Three


????? ???? ?????…

The Ravenhood Syndicate basked in the fact that they defeated the Paloma Cartel once and for all. After years of fighting and plotting, they finally succeeded – funny thing is, they brought the fight to them and still lost. Now, The Wolvez and The Ravens were partners and the world was peaceful again. News of the Ravens’ Godfather getting married soon had spread like wildfire, so did news of him being the one who k!lled the Kingpin of the Paloma Cartel. They’re currently the most dangerous, cruel, and ruthless gang in the world.

Not even authorities dare mess with the. Their power winds threw Cities and suburbs alike.

The world is at their mercy.

“Congratulations, Don!” a man said as he walked by Domenico in their new hideout.

“Thank you,” he replied politely and kept walking.

‘??? ?!???? ???? ???? ??????.’ a voice ominously said inside his head. Ryat squeezed his eyes shut and turned into an empty room. For the last few days, he barely slept, guilt plagued his heart – both for k!lling his friend and not personally visiting Meira and his friends. He basically abandoned them. Well, it’s not like they’d speak to him after they heard the news of what he’d done.

‘I did the right thing, he betrayed us. He betrayed me.’ he tried convincing himself, but it didn’t work.

His heart refused to hear anything his mouth had to say. Neon is d**d – because of him. He vividly remembers the look in Zayde’s eyes before they closed, it was a look of absolute devastation. It haunts his every dream, now he fears sleeping.

He slid down the wall and sat on the ground, propping his elbows on his knees and putting his face in his hands. As he sat there, his mind wondered, and he remembered his talk with his grandmother about a drug dealer who betrayed his friend. Neon was the dealer, he was positive.

But currently, he feels like the dealer instead.

?????? ???? ????????.

“Shh, honey, I know it hurts,” Syahla rubbed Meira’s back as she wept on her lap.

The news of Ryat’s marriage and him k!lling El Santé had reached them early this morning, everyone has been in a glum mood ever since.

“How could he?” she sobbed, feeling as though the other side of her heart has disappeared – well, because it did. “Ryat k!lled Neon. H-he threw him–”

“Don’t repeat it, please,” Venom said, holding a bottle of alcohol with his eyes bloodshot and filled with tears. “Don’t remind me, because I swear to God I’ll find that bastard and make him swallow this bottle. He broke his f-__-king promise. He didn’t even have the decency to visit us! I dropped out of school because of that bastard! Just to work and get him out of jail for r@p!ng Angelicca. Look what that f-__-king resulted in!” he threw the bottle across the room and it shattered just like his heart.

“He promised me. The pinky promise which we sealed with our bl**d, Ryat, after everything we’ve been through with and because of you… This is the thanks we get?” Korpse could hardly speak. “And here we were thinking Neon would sell us out. How f-__-king wrong we were.”

Meira got up from Syahla’s lap and ran outside, unable to believe what the messenger had came to tell them. There was already so much problems. Both Bella and Bandit were in comas, Katniss was getting treated for severe burns on her legs, Dylan had a broken leg, and now Neon was d**d and Ryat is getting married to a woman who isn’t she.

This brought her back to the dream she once had. Now she knows what it was saying. It was a vision. In the dream, the two men who were walking away from her was Neon and Ryat. The man that had disappeared into thin air was Neon: it was an indication that he was going to d**. The other one kept walking away until he eventually disappeared from sight: it was Ryat walking out of her life.

It all made sense.

She escaped through the back exit of the hospital and ran to a cherry blossom tree where she hid behind. She was disappointed, angry, heartbroken all at once. Meira felt like screaming and pulling her hair out. She’d never see Zayde again, while Ryat was going to spend his life happily with a woman knowing he k!lled his best friend. Every single memory they’ve created together played in her mind and ahe broke down further. The men she’d ever loved were taken away from her – well, one left on his own accord.

Meira picked out her phone and dialed Ryat’s number with trembling fingers. Her vision wasn’t the best without eyelashes, and the tears made it worst. She trembled violently as the phone rang – this had to be a prank of some sort. Ryat would never k!ll Neon. She’s positive!

Surprisingly, he answered.

“…Meira, are you crying?” the voice that once gave her butterflies made her stomach twist with anger.

“Tell me it’s a lie. Tell me. You didn’t k!ll Neon, he’s alive. I want the truth, because I swear to God Ryat if you did do it…” she paused to sob. “I’ll never, ever, ever, forgive you for as long as I live.”

He was silent for a while.

“Meira, h-he betrayed us. He was the one who sent his men to attack you and the boys–”

“B*llsh!t! He had nothing to do with the attack. It was two lunatics called Satan and Lucifer who survived being shot and almost burned to d**th years ago. How dare you accuse Neon of doing something so vile? He loves me and the boys, he’d never dream of hurting us!” she screamed at him. “You monster! You’re a monster and you k!lled your friend! How do you sleep at night knowing his blood are on your f-__-kind hands? Answer me you no-good Mafia puppet!”

“Meira! I heard his voice on a recording ordering the hit. It was him. What are you talking about?”

“Are you calling me a liar you backstabbing son of a sl*t?” she stood and balled her fist. “Were you there? We all saw it with our own eyes. Ajay and Ace Rivera two f-__-king twins who were once you goddamn friends! They’re alive and they want our @zz*s d**d! Why did you k!ll Neon in cold-blood?”

Ryat was silent, having nothing to say. He knew Lucifer was alive, but not Satan. If they’d done that… Then that means Neon was framed.

“Neon always talk brightly about you. About how he admired you and loved that you two were friends. Neon loved you like a big brother. He saw you as…as the father he never had. That’s how much he cared about you! He always said when he made it as a singer he’d travel the world with you and I. How could you k!ll the person who did nothing but love you unconditionally? You. Are. Disgusting. The Mafia made you into a monster.”

“Meira, it’s not like that…”

“Then tell me what the f-__-k is it! Dammit, Ryat. You k!lled the man I loved…” she sat back down, crying bitterly. “Half of my heart and soul is gone. I can’t believe…that you’d do such a thing. And on top of that, you have the audacity to marry another woman. Do I mean nothing to you? Huh? You really are a bastard.”

“Meira, dove–”

“Don’t goddamn call me that you monster! Go be with your wh-_-re and let me mourn Neon in peace. When you were busy doing wh@ťěver he was there on phone calls with me until I fell asleep. He always made excuses for you, he always said you were caught up in something and that’s why you couldn’t spend time with me. Even the day you took his life, that same morning he called to tell me that we’d all be running away together. Ryat, I h@ťě you. And I hope you never find peace or love.”

“Meira, please listen to me–”

“Shut up. Just shut up! You broke your promise, and my heart. I hope you are happy about that. You took Neon’s life mercilessly, without a second thought. You let the sun set on your broken promises. Ryat Hamilton, you will suffer,” the words sent chills down Ryat’s spine.

“Karma is a Ɓîtçh and she’s going to f-__-k you so good you’ll never forget it. There’s an old saying my mom used to tell me as a child, she said: Let the Devil take your hand, and God will make you pay. Goodbye, Ryat Hamilton.” she hung up the phone and removed the sim card, she broke it in half then threw the phone in the fountain nearby.

She placed her hands on her heart and fell on her side, bawling her eyes out until they were sore and swollen. Neon’s d**th broke her heart, Ryat’s betrayal shattered it. She pounded her fist on the ground and curled into a ball, cold shivers wracking her plump frame. Even when the rain began falling she never moved from under that tree. The nurses found her there and carried her away despite her screaming and crying.

They thought she was insane, but no, that’s what heartbreak does to people.

Korpse and Venom hugged each other as they too cried, everyone was crying, actually. They just wondered how will they deliver the news to Bandit since he’s in such a condition. They lost two friends in the span of four days. The situation just can’t get any worse than that. It possibly can’t!

Back at the Ravenhood headquarters, Ryat’s heart was pounding. There was a possibility that he had k!lled Neon something he hadn’t done. And if that was the case, he’d never forgive himself, nor would Meira or the others. He got up and ran to the lounge where Lady Danger is, but on the way he passed by a room with a door slightly opened.

What he heard made his heart drop.

“I only want the best for my son, Mr. Wolfgang. I saw attached he was to that Mexican $cvmbag so I had to do something. After his old home was blown to nothing, I had my IT crew create a fake audio. In other words, I set him up and it worked. Now he’s gone and my son can live happily.”

“You are a vicious woman, I like that very much. Any parent would have done the same. Cheers to success!” Wolfgang lifted his wine glass and the two cheered to the recent success.

As they continued their conversation, Ryat walked away with wide eyes.

Neon… Was innocent.

He k!lled an innocent man, and not just any man, his best friend.

Before he could grieve there was a loud explosion that sent him flying into the wall and hitting his back incredibly hard. He fell down with his back aching terribly and ears ringing. They were under attack.

“Dom!” Lady Danger ran to his aid and helped him up. “What the hell just happened? Don’t tell me we’re under attack! We eliminated all enemies!”

Ryat stayed quiet, he knew exactly who did this.

And that further proves Meira right.

“We won’t escape. They’re psychopaths and they want me d**d. They’ll do anything to have me d**d.” there was three more loud explosions and half of the villa collapsed, screams erupted all around them alongside countless shots firing.

“This is the end. Save your woman, leave me. I heard your conversation with Wolf. I k!lled an innocent person, my best friend. Go, just let me d** and be with him in Hell,” Ryat fell down against the wall, crying and whimpering. “Go on…”

Lady Danger didn’t question him, she ran off to go find Yulia. She knows she’s in the mansion in one of the lounges. “Baby! Yulia! Baby where are you?” she called out desperately, discarding her heels in search of her lover. She searched every room until she came across one with a scene that froze her.

“Capo Donatella. It’s nice to see you again,” Marcello Corleone – MC – said and pulled the string on a chainsaw. It roared to life. “Remember me, Ɓîtçh? Turns out I’m g*y afterall and you have someone very precious to me captured. Where is Zorro?”

“Yulia, baby,” Dona saw her lover kneeling with tears in her eyes.

“Spit it out! Or else she d**s,” he held the weapon near her face and Yulia screamed.

“Th-there’s a place at the back of the villa. There’s a mango tree there, behind is a door that leads to a prison. Here are the keys!” she threw them to him, and kneeled. “Please, let her go, she’s innocent!”

“This woman k!lled my three sisters and little brother who was five years old and you want me to spare here? You’re quite funny,” he shot her in the shoulder then kicked the table away so she could have a clear view of what he was about to do. “You like scissors, don’t you? You’ll surely like this then,” he held the chainsaw between Yulia’s legs and dragged into painstakingly up through her body. Cutting her thoroughly in half. Her blood sprayed everywhere tainting everything in sight, her screams pierced the air until they d**d down, she died ain’t her eyes wide and mouth agape.

Donatella screamed in agony seeing the love of her life get k!lled so brutally. “No! Yulia! No! No! No!” she beat the ground and dragged her hair.

“Come here Ɓîtçh. You’ve been making people’s lives miserable for far too long. Karma’s here and it’s got my name on it,” he tied her up then stabbed a hook beneath her ribcage, she screamed and reached for a d**d Yulia as he dragged her away by her hair.

He walked until he reached the main staircase where he found Satan and Lucifer k!lling every one they saw. “Guys!” he yelled and got their attention, “Heads up!” he lifted Lady Danger and tossed her into the air, she held onto a chandelier as to not fall.

The boys smirked.

They picked out two special g*ns and smiled as they shot at her. The b*llets were plump, round and silver, also thick. They went into her eyes and stayed there. As she screamed and cried for mercy something in them beeped read before her head exploded. She fell down but the rope on the hook made her swing on the chandelier.

“I… Wanna swing… On the chandelier…” Satan sang making Lucifer laugh.

“You f-__-king @zzh0le,” they high-fived and shot her again. This time in the chest and abdomen so she could explode into pieces, her blood soaked their white face masks.

“Thank you,” Marcello mouthed to them.

“Anything for our adorable best friend. Now go get your man,” Satan winked and kept k!lling people.

Marcello ran away to go find Zorro and El Diablo, while the Twins from Hell left the living room and ventured upstairs to look for the man who allegedly k!lled their mother. Their g*ns were long and had lasers at the top.

They searched and searched until they eventually came across Ryat standing in the hallway, their eyes made six and they opened fire instantly. Ryat managed to escape but he got shot in the arm, he ducked into a room and hid in there. It was a quite spacious lounge. The twins arrived in there and looked around for the little b*stard.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are!” Satan taunted. Pointing his g*n around the place while Ryat was hiding behind the counter in the bar section. He was bleeding very badly, but he knew if they caught him he’d surely meet Neon.

It sounds great, but he has to take care of Meira.

“Where’s the little p**sy who betrayed his friend?” Lucifer huffed in annoyance. “You heard the news about him k!lling that Kingpin? I heard they were good friends until this Ɓîtçh switched up and k!lled his a**. Hey, listen to this you f-__-ker!”

“The only place for fake friends is in Hell where we rule. So come the f-__-k out and let us k!ll you, ’cause you’re a d**d man anyway. When Zorro and El Diablo gets here it’s over for you so come out now and we might make your d**th less painful.” Satan sneered viciously.

“You’re a p**sy. A coward. Who the f-__-k lets a Ɓîtçh they hardly know tell them the friend that has been there for you your entire life is fake? Huh? You’re the $cvmmiest of $cvms motherf-__-ker come out!” Satan banged his fist on the bar counter. They searched the room and found no one. He then saw a bottle of Hennessey and reached for it, planning to help himself to it but saw legs on the ground. “Huh?”

When he looked down there was a rifle pointed at his face, the trigger was pulled and his head was blown to pieces.

Lucifer turned and saw Satan without a head and ran over, he barely made it far when Ryat stood up with a g*n pointed at him. He pulled the trigger and shot him in the head as well. The Twins from Hell were now d**d, and this time they won’t come back to life. Ryat broke down into sobs. Those were his friends, regardless of what they’d done.

They were just led astray.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Ajay,” he hugged Satan’s lifeless body and cried into it. “I’m sorry…” he walked over to Lucifer’s body and hugged it, “I’m so f-__-king sorry, Ace… Rest in p-peace…” he yelled out, squeezing his hand. Once he calmed down a bit he laid their headless bodies side by side and made them hold hands.

Those twins loved each other more than life itself, he’s pretty sure there happy to be d**d. Ryat poured alcohol on them while muttering the words ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again. He set them to fire then ran out after giving them one last heartbreaking look. As he ran all he saw was d**d bodies, no one was alive except for him and many of the Twins’ men.

He came across a room where he heard sobs, he stopped to check and saw Wolfgang crying over Yulia while calling her name.

“Papa!” Ryat’s daughter appeared out of nowhere and hugged his leg.

She was so loud, Wolfgang heard and ran to her but stopped at the threshold. He closed the door behind him. The two men looked at the crying girl who has no name, then looked at each other.

“We can’t leave her here,” Ryat said tearfully.

“Princess, who do you want to go with?” Wolfgang asked, trying to be strong.

The little girl looked at them both, then went to Wolfgang. He picked her up then looked at Ryat. He reached into his pocket and handed him a card with his number on it. “This is you want to keep–”

“Yes, I do, she’s still my daughter, but I can’t raise her. I don’t know to raise a child. I’m sorry, and I’m sorry about Yulia,” he sobbed and looked down.

“Don’t cry, it wasn’t your fault. Get out of here, Ryat, I’ll see you again,” the two shared a brief hug before Wolfgang ran away with the girl and Ryat ran to a different way trying to escape the growing flames.

Ryat ran and ran, every childhood memory with his friends flashing in his mind like like lightning. He kept running and running without thinking until he crashed straight through a way and began falling to his death, he closed his eyes and waited to hit the ground. Ready to pay for the things he’d done, but instead, he fell into a pool and began sinking. He didn’t even try to save himself.

He closed his eyes and accepted his fate, his tears carried away by the swaying blood-stained water. Before the unforgiving darkness claimed him, he felt grab a hold of his.

He passed out shortly after, water filling his lungs.

?? ?? ?????????….

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