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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Friends Are Never Your Family.
[# Chapter Fifty-Two


??? ???? ???…

Marcello was laying in bed having breakfast when the door opened and slammed against the wall, almost breaking off the hinges. Zorro marched in and slammed it shut making Marcello flinch. He studied the man’s expression and if furious was a person, it would, without a single doubt, be him.

“What happened to you?” he asked, chewing on the bacon, eggs and pancake in his mouth.

Zorro paced up and down the room angrily. Balling his fists, flaring his nostrils, furrowing his brows – his eyes were bloodshot. “I can’t believe it. No. It has to be a joke. It must be a joke.”

He stopped moving and looked at Marcello who was watching him with worried eyes. For the last few weeks, he and Marcello had spent quite a lot of time together and he had grown fond of him. But today, when he looked at him all he saw was h@ťě and disgust.

“Zorian, what’s the matter?” MC asked softly.

“Your Godfather k!lled one of my brothers. His headless body was left out in a cornfield as a scarecrow.” he clenched his jaw tightly. “And you know what that means, Marcello.”

His heart dropped. “Zorro, think of what you’re going to do.”

“He k!lled my brother and humiliated the Cartel,” tears forced their way out his eyes and wet his cheeks. He brought out a knife as he approached Marcello predatoriously. “You have to d** now.”

“But…but I’m not one of them,” he said calmly.

“What the hell do you mean? You’re a Raven!” he stabbed the mattress next to him making Marcello flinch and spill the breakfast. The hot tea soaked his thigh making his scream in pain.

“No! I’m not! After that night, I-I left the Gang. I don’t want to be in the Mafia anymore. I just wanna live and be happy. I left the gang I swear!” the hot tea seemed through the bandaids and ruptured his barely healed injuries causing him to wince. “Zorro, please, don’t do this. Y-you’re not thinking straight.”

“After our wealthy father left Zamora and I in Cuba, we were adopted by ab*sers. We ran away from home and grew up on the streets. I ate a piece of poisoned bread from a trashcan one day, Zam sold himself in order to afford medicine for me. That was when we were fourteen years old. Traffickers even found him and sold him into the black market where he was sold to a Russian billionaire to be his bride. I-I never saw my brother again until he was seventeen,” Zorro crawled onto the bed, his eyes murderous. “When he came back it was during a war between The Ravens and The Doves, that’s when El Diablo found us and brought us to our rightful home. Have you any idea of how devastated I am by this d@mn news?”

“I hear you, Zo, and I understand. I can’t begin to imagine what you must be going through on the inside, but, will k!lling me bring him back?” MC mirrored his emotions and began shedding tears. “If taking my laugh means he’ll come back, then I will let you do it. Take my life. It’s meaningless anyway. I have no family, no friends, and no lover. So do it, please, k!ll me. If that makes you happy.”

Zorro stared at him with trembling lips, the knife in his hand almost breaking from how hard he was gripping it. In the end, he collapsed on the bed and broke down into endless sobs. “They… They k!lled him in cold-blood. The took my brother’s life. Bastards. I’m gonna k!ll them all!”

As he released his pent up emotions, Marcello was there consoling him every second throughout it. After the night Zorro saved him, he knew he no longer belonged to the Ravens. He belonged to no one. He was done with the Mafia and they unfair wickedness. And the more he spent time with Zorro, a man from the opposing Mafia group, he grows fond of him, too.

After sometime he calms down, now he’s laying on his back staring at the ceiling. The knife nowhere to be seen.

“Did you mean what you say? That you’re done with them?” he turned slightly to look at him.

“Yes. I’m done with the Mafia. I want to live a normal and honest life, without all that drama. I’m gonna move to another country,” he cleared his throat. “But that’s if you allow me to do so.”

A moment of silence passed before Zorro stood up. “I have to go,” he carried the knife as he left, but before he reached the door Marci’s voice stopped.


“What is it?”

“Be careful out there. If they k!lled your brother, that means they’re hot on your trails. They may be planning to attack your hideout. Just, be safe.”

Zorro squinted his eyes at him before returning to the bed, he sat down next to Marcello then hugged him – as if when he walked out that door he’d never return. Then, he got up and left him.

Marcello found himself worrying about him…

????????? ??…

Although he badly wants to go and visit his family, he can’t. And Meira isn’t answering her phone. He fears the worst. The private investigator he hired walked into his office and sat in the chair behind his desk.

“Good day Mr. Luca Lombardi,” Ryat greeted and shook his hand.

“It’s an honor to be here, Don De Leone. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you want of me, sir?” he crossed his legs and interlocked his fingers. His expensive glasses low on his nose.

“Go to the Falkon City hospital and find out what happened to the people who came in from the fire at the Hamilton residence.” he leaned back in the chair, popping the top of a champagne bottle.

“Alright sir, I’ll be back by tomorrow–”

“This evening. It’s 12:03 pm you have until 5 to be back here with an answer and it better be positive,” his voice deepened as he placed a g*n on the table. “Do we have an agreement, Mr. Lombardi?”

The man remained silent for a while. “You’re as vicious as they say you are, Don De Leone.”

“Oh no Mr. Lombardi, I’m much worse. Now get out.” he poured the bubbly champagne into a glass and sipped from it while staring at him. The man left his office without another word.

As he was about to try Meira’s number again he heard a commotion outside. He got up and pulled the thick red curtains apart to see what’s going on. There was only one thing he saw.


“Neon you bastard!” Ryat dropped the glass and moved a book in the shelf. A secret door opened and he bolted inside. He equipped himself with g*ns, small bombs and a bullet proof vest. There was an obvious ache in his heart but he ignored it.

Betrayer’s don’t deserve a heartbeat.

Nor a life.

While he finished getting ready and stepped into a hallway only to meet a group of Doves on their way to his office, Neon was hiding behind a tree not knowing what to do. He heard that Ryat ki||ed Zamora – one of his brothers. The news shattered his very soul and left him crying for hours. Even now, whenever he blinks his eyes hurt. However, he understood that Ryat may have been forced to k!ll Zamora, therefore giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Unfortunate, Zamora’s husband, El Diablo, and his other brother, Zorian, did not take the news lightly. They found the Ravens’ hideout within hours thanks to an anonymous tip. Now they’re her and they won’t leave until the Don, and every last crow falls lifeless. The Ravens always wear black, but today they’ll wear blood. The Doves do not play.

“Boss!” one of Neon’s men appeared. “Is everything okay? Why aren’t you joining us?”

“I don’t feel so good,” he said to him, and gulped.

The man looked around. “Boss, this spot is safe. Stay here and no one will see you. I’ll go get help! Don’t worry!” the man bowed then ran back into the battle.

Hot tears ran down Neon’s cheeks, almost burning into his skin. He peered around the huge pine tree, his eyes widened comically. The green grass was tainted dark red, a pool off to the right was filled with d**d bodies – they casually floated around in it. He looked above, through the tree branches he saw how the sky had darkened. The sound of never-ending shots being fired made his ears ache. So many people were dying, right before his eyes.

He looked back around and slid down the tree. Crying almost hysterically. All the people he loves are suffering because of this pointless war. Who started it anyway? It needs to end. Meira and his friends are now hospitalized due to some maniac blowing the place, he has a feeling its the Ravens but there is no proof. Regardless, this has to stop.

‘I can’t live like this anymore. This ain’t no ordinary life. God, wherever the f-__-k are you, I hope you’re listening because these words are coming from the depths of my soul,’ he swallowed hard. ‘Help me. Help us. Save us from ourselves. I’m so done with all of with all of this, if I could…I’d trade it for a halo. Living is too hard.’

He covered his ears and continued crying his eyes out, but at some point he remembered that Ryat was inside the mansion. He can’t let Ryat d**, no.

That’s family, though not blood related.

‘Ryat, dammit. I can’t leave you in there,’ he dried his and stood up. ‘I’m gonna save you. I’ll get you out of there and we can leave with Meira and the others. We’ll runaway together and never look back.’

He whipped out two gold barrel g*ns and readjusted his suit. Making sure the bullet proof vest he always wore was still intact. After making sure everything was set he stepped into the war with a mercilessly mindset. He shot anyone he saw wearing black, whether it was a maid or not. Within moments he entered the mansion and began searching around for Ryat, all he found was his men slaughtering the hell out of Ravens.

‘Where are you Carnage?’ he ran upstairs and bent the corner. He came in contact with a group of three Ravens. ‘Holy sh!t–’ he jumped off the stairs and began running. A endless stream of g*nshots were fired but he evaded all shots.

A wild goose chase around the building ensued with him dodging bullets and throwing things in the way to slow them down. Neon managed to throw a statue at one man and k!lled him, but the other two didn’t stop, not until they ran out of amo. That’s when he turned around and attacked them. One man swung at his head but he grabbed his wrist and broken it on his knee. As the man screamed it agony he he kneed the other one in the crotch and gave him an uppercut that knocked his teeth out. He held their heads and knocked them together before $h00ting them d**d with the last bullets he had.

Neon knee the Ravens weren’t trained to do physical fights. They were only powerful with a g*n in their hands. After running around he found an M-16 laying carelessly on the ground, it was fully loaded so he took it and ran up the stairs.

…only to bump into a person he had been looking for.

“Jesus Christ, Ryat! You scared the sh!t out of me,” he laughed in overwhelming joy seeing Ryat still alive. Without thinking he hugged Ryat briefly then pulled away to look down the stairs. “Alright, look, everyone’s busy fighting so guess what? We’re gonna leave this place and go to the hospital. We’ll get Meira, the boys and their chicks then leave this place. I gotta private jet across the city, and I’ve got a place in New Jersey that no one knows about.”

Hearing no response he looked back at Ryat to see him glaring at him. “Dude, we don’t have any time to be grumpy. C’mon we gotta leave before they catch us. Let’s go start a new life and marry Meira–” before he could finish talking, something stabbed deep into his back. The force was so powerful it pierced through the vest, Neon dropped the weapon and stumbled back. Feeling a sharp pain. He turned around and looked at Ryat.

His eyes as dark as the sky outside, but at the same time they were emotionless. He wore a pokerface and didn’t look like he regretted stabbing Neon in the back – literally, in the back.

“Ryat…” he choked on his own blood and fell to his knees. “Why…why…”

“You betrayed me in so many ways, Neon. I knew you’d be the one to betray us. You’re a snake. A wolf in sheep clothing. After everything I and the others have done for you, you sent your pets to blow up my mansion? You disgust me.” he kicked him across the face and stepped on the knife, pushing it deeper until it was all the way through.

“I-I would never hurt them… What are you t-talk…” Ryat shot him in the both of his legs. He cried out in pain, a pool of his own blood now forming beneath him. “Ryat, p-please, you…them… Mean everything to me… I l-love you, all… You have it all wrong, listen–” Ryat kicked him again.

“Shut up! I should’ve listened my aunt. I should’ve k!lled you a long time ago. In life, you should never forget the people who were there for you when you had nothing. You’re nothing but a little p@zzy. You deserve to d**, Zayde García. And don’t worry about Meira and the boys, I’ll take cars of them.” Ryat held his head and slammed it hard into the ground, breaking his nose. “Oh, and I k!lled your brother. I’m gonna k!ll your other brother once I’m done with you.”

Neon’s heart grew a hole in it, as if he’d just been shot by a bullet made of lava. Everything Ryat is accusing him of is a lie, he never blew up anything or betrayed anybody. Every single day he thought about them and even made a way for them all to escape and have a happily ever after. How could Ryat think than he betrayed them?


“My name isn’t Ryat, it’s Domenico. People like you should’ve have been born, I think your parents agree because none of them gave a flying sh!t about you. You’re a waste of space, Neon, and I’ll never forgive you for what you’ve done.” he grabbed him by the hair, fingers pulling hard on his hair making his scalp ache.

Neon couldn’t even say anything, he was too shocked. Is that really Ryat? The person he grew up with? No. It can’t be. He promised never to let the Mafia change him.

He broke his promise.

Tears straight from Neon’s broken heart pushed through the corners of his eyes. How could he do this to him? All he wanted was the best for him.

As Ryat, the man he considered a brother, dragged toward a window, memories of their childhood flashed in his mind. His heart went cold. He couldn’t feel it in his chest anymore. He felt empty.

Ryat kicked the window on the fifth floor, it shattered. He moved the other pieces of glass away and looked down. The war had suddenly stopped and everyone was looking at him. The rain was pouring heavily, it made the clothes stick to everyone’s body. Ryat dragged Neon and placed his neck on the window where some glass lightly cut his throat.

“Any last words? Betrayer.” Ryat said with utmost disgust.

“All I ever wanted was the best for you. I n-never…” he vomited blood out the window, the pain from the wounds made him weak. His vision blurring from his own tears. “I never…betrayed you… Ryat, you’re…my brother…I-I love you… And all th-the rest…”

“My aunt once told me this, Neon. Friends Are Never Your Family. My eyes burn just looking at you.”

“Ryat…I-I hope…if th-this makes y-you happy… Do it… Tell them…I-I love them…” he trailed off, eyes closing and head becoming limp. He was succumbing to his injuries. “Don’t…regret…thi…”

Ryat felt an ache probing his heart, but convinced himself that he was doing the right thing. He hurt Meira and the boys. He heard his voice on a recording, but now it feels like he’s forcing himself to believe that it’s him. “I won’t regret it.”

And just like that, Lord Lucifer of the Ravenhood Italian gang, lifted the main Kingpin of the Dove Cartel who was now limp, and tossed him through the window of the fifth floor. It was heart-stopping silence as everyone watched the man’s body fall anf hit the hard concrete with a thud, eyes closed.

“No…” El Diablo, the man who promised his father to take of him, exclaimed. “El Santé… No!”

“Oh God, no…” Zorian dropped his g*n and fell to his knees. “Not him…not him!” he screamed into the air as thunder roared.

All the Doves dropped their weapons, giving up on the battle seeing their Kingpin lifeless on the ground. They crowded around him and kneeled.

Lady Danger found Ryat on the fifth floor and stood next to him with a sly smile. “I’m so proud of you, my son. You did great. The Ravens reign victorious. Now, go tell your men to capture the Doves and lock them in our prison cells.”

?????. Then why does he feel like he’s just made the biggest mistake of his life?

?? ?? ?????????….

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