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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Friends Are Never Your Family.
[# Chapter Forty-Eight


Ryat pulled the flimsy branches aside and walked back to where he left his friend. He was now standing, shirtless and jacketless, with the half-empty bottle of Hennessey in his left hand. The milky white moonlight emphasized the neatly sculpted contours of his body, as well as the rigid abs that rise and fall with every intake and release of breath. There was a new tattoo on his body, one on his hip, it was of a detailed compass with the words ‘?’?? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ????.’ in calligraphy font. Ryat’s eyes swept off his lanky frame with the perfect amount of muscle and squinted his eyes at him, as if judging him.

“Zayde,” he says softly, words coming out in misty clouds.

He brought his right hand up and ran it through his hair, bringing the glossy, brilliant strands back to sit tousled atop his head. “Yes?” he glanced at Ryat, eyes seeming to blink in slow motion. Within seconds his lips curled upward, he sported a smile with his pearly white teeth dazzling in the light. “What? You think I’m not or something?”

Ryat scoffed. “Stop being delusional, Zayde.”

“But I am hot,” he chuckles and raises the bottle to his lips. He tilts his head back and pours the bitter cool liquid in his mouth, he swallows it and brings the bottle back down. He wipes away the bit that runs down the corner of his lips and makes his way over to Ryat, a smile still playing on his lips.

Once he was there, the two spend a minute staring at each other before Ryat removed a Glock from the inside pocket of his jacket and pushed the tip against Neon’s stomach. “What if I shot you? Right here, right now. Pointblank.”

Neon looked down at the place g*n, then back at Ryat’s slate-grey eyes.

“There’s a g*n pointed at your stomach, does that not scare you?” Ryat Ç0çƙs his head to the right.

“No,” he answers honestly.

“And why is that?”

“Because I know you’d never $h00t me. I trust you, with my life and my heart,” Neon smiles softly.

“You shouldn’t trust just anyone, Zayde,” Ryat tries to retract his hand but Neon grabs his wrist and smoothly removes the g*n. Before he could blink he felt the ice-cold weapon against his forehead.

Ryat was taken aback, to say the least. His friend smiled without showing his teeth and chuckled, he lowered the g*n and within seconds skilfully pulled the firearm apart. Piece by piece. In less time he put it back together, turned the front to him and hand the g*n back to Ryat. His eyes possessing the calmness of the center of Tornado yet as bright as the sun. Ryat took it and put it back where he got it. Impressed with Zayde.

“I guess all that training paid off,” he felt slightly jealous that Neon could do that, but he could not.

“I used to stay up till one a.m. learning how to take a g*n apart and put in back in less than ten seconds. All of those hours when I could’ve been dreaming about flying Donuts better goddamn pay off the f-__-k,” he hissed and looked away.

Ryat chuckled, looking him up and own. “Put your clothes on and let’s go to this place of yours. I’ll call Dove and tell her where to meet us.”

“Well that’s something to smile genuinely about,” Zayde hands Ryat the bottle and goes to get his stuff.

Ryat pushed the negative thoughts trying to pin him against Neon behind and dialed Meira’s numbers. The sleepy tone she answered in made Ryat smile heartwarmingly for the first time in years.

“Baby girl,” he calls out.

“Daddy,” she replies with a soft yawn. “You haven’t contacted me in so long. When are you coming home with Papi? I miss you two, and, I’m sorry for getting angry the other day. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Princess,” Neon puts one arm around Ryat. “Don’t apologize, it’s okay. The situation is out of control, we h@ťě this as much as you do. On the bright side, we have some…good news for you.”

They looked at each other with knowing eyes and mischievous smirks.

“Papi, Daddy, what’s going on?” they heard the sound of sheets shuffling.

“Meet us at Aviel’s bakery, bring spare clothing,” Ryat instructed. “We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise, Snow,” Neon l**ked his lips.

“Katniss is awake, I’ll ask her to take me there. I’ll be there soon. I love you, Ryat and Zayde.”

“We love you too, sweetheart,” they said in unison.

Soon the two were on the road. Ryat in brown fur coat and Neon in a green BMW he stole from an influencer. The two cruised on the lanes and highways, occasionally traveling side-by-side to childishly grin at each other and even race on the road. By the time they got to the spot, which is the bakery Bandit and Bella own, they saw a flaming red Bugatti parked and waiting. The passenger door immediately opened and Meira hopped out, the short and thick young lady ran to the two handsome males leaning against a wall and gave them a welcoming hug.

The boys bumped their fists and smiled.

“You two @zzh0les and pieces of no-good $h|t,” Katniss stepped out dragging two big suitcases along. “Do not get her pregnant. That is a baby. A baby can’t raise a baby.”

“I’m not a baby,” Meira pouted and folded her arms across her chest. “I’m a grown woman!”

The boys looked at Katniss, then everyone started laughing. Meira grew red with irritation.

“That’s real cute,” Katniss leaned on the car. “Kids always want to grow up. Who’s gonna tell her that there isn’t anything fun about being a grownup?”

“I’m not a child! f-__-k off and leave my height. Short people lives matter!” Meira stomped, making Neon run off with laughter and Ryat stoop down. Even Katniss fell into the driver’s seat. “It’s not funny stop laughing at me! You guys are so mean for no reason. I’m gonna tell my mom you’re bullying me for being short.”

“No!” everyone said looking panicked. “We don’t want to rile up the Queen of Crazy. No!”

Meira rolled her eyes.

“Alright, I’ll go back now. You guys take care,” Katniss closed the car door. “Bye Mei bae!” she started the engine and drove off after waving to Meira and the boys.

“I’m a bad Ɓîtçh and I got bad anxiety, people call me rude ’cause I ain’t let them try me,” Katniss sings as she drives home. Within a few minutes she was back at the Hamilton residence but came across a weird sight. “What the hell?” Katniss stopped the driving. There were two cars and limousine parked fairly near the gate, ultimately blocking her way. They weren’t present when she was driving out.

She looked beside her on the car seat and met the M-16 and AK47 she had put there not too long ago for protection. Her boyfriend had taught her how to use g*ns. Katniss drove closer and two men appeared holding white flags. She stopped and they came to her car, she rolled the window down while her hand was on the Glock hidden near her.

“Who are you people and how may I help you?”

“Good night, young miss,” one man greeted politely, his accent purely Russian. “We are looking for a man who lives here. His name is Ryat Hamilton. Could you please tell him we would like to speak with him?”

‘Ryat? They mean Carnage? Why are people dressed in gray suits in the middle of the night lookin’ for Ryat?’ she thought to herself. “He was kidnapped five years ago and hasn’t been seen since. Theodore Hamilton, his father, is also d**d, only his wife, stepdaughter and a few family friends live there currently.”

The duo looked at each other and spoke in Russian before facing her again.

“Thank you, madam. Please enjoy the rest of your night,” he removed his hat and slightly bowed to her before replacing it and leaving with his companion. Shortly after, all the vehicles drove away.

Katniss went inside and stood confused. She thought about calling Ryat but remembered his strict warning not to call him under any circumstances. She also knew exactly why all three met up and decided not to disturb them.

When she looked up she met Korpse standing on the balcony in nothing but gray sweatpants. The moon doing justice to his countless tattoos, and the massive print in his sweatpants showing though its dark. She gulped and looked down. A sudden shiver creeping down her spine and sending shockwaves throughout her body. God sure has his favorites – Korpse is one of them.

Tonight was going to be a long time.

?????????, ?? ? ?????? ????…

“Misha. How is she?” the Pakhan’s trusted right hand man inquired about the wellbeing of the young lady sleeping next to him wrapped in blankets. “She looks beautiful when she sleeps.”

Wolfgang throws a glance at her and smiles. “She is fine. When she awakes from her slumber give her wh@ťěver she wants.”

Across from him, sitting in the corner is his daughter, Yulia. Her eyes were red from crying moments prior to this. Her lips were pursed, eyes puffy and legs bouncing in irritation and anger.


“Do not mention my name, father,” she snapped at him. “This is cruelty. I demand you stop this madness at once!”

“This us traditional, Yulia,” he looks at her darkly. “You know this. I taught, and raised you, well. I am the Pakhan of the Feral Hounds Brotherhood, also known as The Wolvez. This has been our tradition passed down from generation to generation. This will happen with or without your consent. I love you, my daughter, but I deeply apologize – you will not have things go your way this time.”

Just then, his phone rang. He checked the called ID and saw the picture of a nurse sitting behind a desk. “My love is calling,” he answered the call knowing who it is. “Mystique, my lovely darling.”

“Mikhael! How are you doing?” Missy awkwardly said.

“Better, now that I’ve heard your voice. Were you too busy to contact me, my love?” he crossed his legs and looked at his nails.

“You know I’m a nurse, Maikhael. It’s not easy. I barely get any free time. I’m sorry,” her voice softened.

“No need for, my sweet dear. When we get married you won’t have to work anymore. You can retire and sit at home doing nothing more than being my wife, or, you can travel,” he smiled. “When will you be available darling? There’s this restaurant I would love to take you. Or perhaps we could go on a trip to Paris in my private jet.”

“You have a freaking private jet?” she exclaimed. “Just how rich are you?”

“I am the richest man in Russian with nearly a quarter Trillion sitting idly in my bank account just waiting on you to waste it on irrelevant things since my independent daughter refuses to do so,” he looked at Yulia and she rolled her eyes. “Can you believe she is already a billionaire at the age of twenty-one? She made every penny herself. I am quite a proud father. I raised my little girl well.”

“Holy mother of Jesus!” Mystique gasped.

“Hmm, yes,” his smile faded. “My dear, as much as I enjoy hearing your voice I have business to take care of. We will be in touch. Till then, take care, be healthy, look beautiful and live life to the fullest. Muah.”

“Okay, Mikhael! I’m going to miss you so much though, so sad, goodbye! Muah!”

When she hung up he smiled at the phone and shut it off. He tucked it inside his jacket and glanced at the baby girl beside him in the blankets. “Her mother was placed in a lunatic Asylum after what they forced him to do to her. She gave birth to this cutie in her small confinement and almost st@bbed her to d**th with a pair of scissors. Adriana Romano, her mother, tried going her left eye out with a fork. That woman even locked her in a pot and placed her in an oven, that’s when the security guards accidentally shot her to d**th.

“Now, she is missing one eye and gets b*llied by her schoolmates at the daycare. Calling her names like Captain Hook’s Lost Bride and The One-eyed Pirate. Tragic, is it not?”

“Indeed,” Aleksei shook his head. Running his finger along the toddler’s damp forehead. “Her blood is tainted by the mongrel’s of Ravenhood, but she’s an innocent child, and not just any child.”

“The biological daughter of Domenico De Leone. Godfather of the Ravenhood Crime Syndicate – Lord Lucifer. Or shall I say, Ryat Hamilton,” with a sigh he looked away, directing his gaze at Yulia.

She gulps and lowers her gaze.

??? ???? ?????…

“Tadaaa!” Neon said.

“Holy Satan,” Ryat exclaimed. Staring at the giant building covered in blinding lights. “This is dope.”

“Wow!” Meira said excitedly. “It’s so pretty!”

“C’mon, my darlings,” he put on sunglasses and walked with a gold cane. Showing them the pool, the tennis court, basketball court, car garage with over ten different cars inside, greenhouse and much more. “That’s just the outside. Let’s go in and see real beauty,” he winked slyly at Ryat.

They entered the Villa and the extravagance was jaw-dropping and impressive beyond galaxies. The gold and white accents, white Orchids and Jasmines, glamorous chandeliers with sparkling ornaments in every room, plus the air that smelled like Lavender and Arabian Jasmines with a tinge of Saffron would make anyone faint. It was a real-life wonderland. There was even a painting of Meira in a Cinderella dress sitting in the same position as Mona Lisa in a vineyard.

“How much did you buy this place for?” Ryat asked, unable to believe his eyes.

“Over five hundred million dollars, but it was worth it,” Zayde scratched the back of his head and shrugged at the ‘what the heck?’ look Ryat gave him. “What? I like spending money okay.”

“You are unbelievable.”

“And you love me right?”

“Eat a cactus.”

“I am highly offended.”

“I’m glad you are,” he stepped past Neon who started laughing. “Gonna have to tape up Dove’s mouth. Her screans are gonna echo a lot.”

“I got everything in check don’t worry,” Neon and Ryat bumped fists and met Meira nibbling on the cheese cake in the living room.

“I’m in heaven!” she exclaims, putting her arms in the air.

“Not yet, but you’re about to be,” Ryat l**ked his lips. A tray full of delicacies is on the table but he’s hungry for something else.

Like a plump Dove.

“Enjoying yourself, baby?” Neon was behind the couch. His hand snaked down the surface and found its way to Meira’s neck. Stroking the column at first then tilting her head so she can look at him.

“Yes, Papi. I love it here!” she giggles.

“Tonight, Little Dove, we’ll be taking you back to Church,” Ryat dropped his shirt, loving the way Meira’s eyes widened seeing his tattooed, sinewy and toned body. “But first, apologize to your God.”

“Wh-why?” the pastries were removed from her hands and she found herself being stripped by two sets of hands. Every touch giving her delicious tingles that slither straight to her ćƖĩť and make it throb achingly with desire.

“Because you worship us now,” Neon whispered dark and sensually in her ear.

Meira knew she was f-__-ked.

Well, she was about to be f-__-ked – hard.

She was at the mercy of her psychopathic and pathological boyfriends with an insatiable bloodlust – just like their group name – and there was nothing that turned her on more.

Maybe she was insane after all.

?? ?? ?????????….

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