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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Forty-Four


El Santé’s men were alerted almost immediately, they checked their g*ns to make sure they were full. Those were obviously men from Ravenhood. A $h00tout can happen at any moment. As the gate opened and the tires of the cars smoothly rolled over the concrete, the men stood as still as the statue in the middle of the front yard. Waiting on the $cvmbags in black to make a move so they can $h00t each and everyone of them d**d then leave their bodies in fields for the Crows to eat.

People fail to acknowledge just how brutally ruthless Cartels in Mexico actually are, but that’s fine – that just means their enemies will be shocked beyond the world when they show them what true cruelty and heartlessness is.

The men formed a protective barrier around their Kingpin, El Santé. Even urging him to go inside one of the cars, but he stood amongst them with white contacts back in his eyes. The friendliness he once had had completely vanished, he looked cold and menacing with an even worse aura. The black car doors flew open and made-men in brilliant black suits and ties to match stepped out, mirror their nasty looks and wicked glares.

One man came up and opened the back door of the leading vehicle. All the men lined up like soldiers as the man of utmost importance alighted from the vehicle, his expression icier than a frozen like. They saluted him with highly raised chins and highly puffed chins.

“Aill Hail Lord Lucifer!”

The display and everyone looking at each other, even the maids peeped through the windows, and some birds watched from branches.

The King of the Ravenhood Italian-Sicilian criminal organization, was feet across from the main Kingpin of the Paloma Cartel from Mexico.

There was no sound as the two most powerful gangs in the world faced off, their leaders had locked eyes. One signal is all it takes for a bloodbath to taint the concrete red. Hearts raced, breaths were held, and hands itched to pull triggers – but the Godfather and Kingpin didn’t say a word as they took in the sight of each other.

“Don, should we open fire?” Lord Lucifer’s right hand man, Marcello, otherwise known as Thorn, asked. Hating the sight of the men in white. “Why not turn that white red, right here, right now?”

“Hold your ground. We did not come here to fight,” the noble Godfather spoke.

He was wearing a suit as black as midnight, with a vermilion silk tie and black shirt underneath. He wore black gloves on his hands, and black burnished shoes with the bottoms redder than blood itself. There was a skull ring carved from human bone on the pointer finger on his left hand, and a black opal watch on his wrist. Tattoos littered the man’s neck, some were scattered around his faded head, and a upside down cross tattoo on his left cheekbone. His bushy from had been trimmed to perfection and slit twice on each one, his rich raven-black hair has grown out, too. It was mostly gelled down, but some was swept over his left eye, almost covering it entirely. His face was handsome even to make Christians become wh*res, but his expression couldn’t be described with words – it was simply too bone-chilling and terrifyingly menacing. There was bloodlust in his eyes and a knife in his heart.

The man looked like he would slaughter an army of wild animals with his bare hands.

The man was Domenico De Leone, the new Don of the Ravenhood – formerly known as Ryat Hamilton. The only son of the Hamilton family.

“I’m happy to see Zayde and Ryat, but I don’t think they’re happy to see each other,” Venom whispered to his wife, Syahla, and to the others.

“Let’s back away,” Bandit said. They all began to move back and let the groups dominate the yard.

“Boss, how do you want them?” El Santé’s right hand man and most trusted hitman asked. “Minced. Grinded. Burnt alive. Dismembered. Dropped in a volcano. Placed in barrels of acid. Fed to mountain wolves. Or maybe something more extreme, like left in the Sahara desert? You name it and we do it. I want their skins to be the same color of their clothes, burnt ’til black.”

“That won’t be necessary,” El Santé said in a Spanish accent. “Don’t make any moves.”

“Boss, are you sure? We can have them d**d in seconds if you want. Twenty snipers are around the property and a little over a hundred men I brought as backup. One word from you and they’ll all be laying in a pool of blood,” Slayer, his right hand man, said. Eager to see d**d bodies of his enemies scattered on the floor.

“Amigos, look, they’re dressed for their own funerals,” one of the other men said, prompting everyone to have a laugh, except El Santé.

For minutes no one made a move.

After a while, El Santé removed his white fur jacket and readjusted his cufflinks. Across from him, Lord Lucifer also removed his leather jacket and hat. Once the gang leaders were finished they went back to staring silently, before making moving in each other’s direction at slow and calculative paces. Their men were anxious behind them and confused about their behavior, but also knoq their bosses can defend themselves.

Rather soon, then were face to face, on the same height – six feet five inches, hearing six feet six.

They sized each other up, like a Lion and Tiger before they break out into a bloody brawl.

“Neon, is that you?” Ryat whispered.

“Ɓîtçh, I thought you ain’t like long hair,” he replied in the same low voice.

“I thought you didn’t like short hair,” he said.

The two fought hard to not laugh at each other, on the outside they seemed like enemies with deep rooted hatred, but in their hearts were nothing but love and excitement to see each other again.

“Did you come back earlier?” Ryat asked, running his eyes up and down Neon.

“Yeah, a few days ago. Don’t worry, I took care of Meira,” his lips slightly curled then went back to normal.

“Dude, literally thank you so f-__-king much,” he did the same as Neon.

“Let’s take this conversation inside, away from the men,” Neon suggested. They blinked in understanding then turned and walked back to their groups.

“Boss what did he say to you? Should we k!ll him and his mutts now?” Slayer asked.

“Stay out here and keep an eye on The Ravens, I’m going inside with their leader to discuss something important,” he solemnly said to him.

“Don, why not $h00t them all d**d now. What if my finger accidentally pulls the triggers?” Thorn badly wanted to see those insects in white on the floor in red.

“I said stand down. That was a direct order from your Godfather. I will be back after having a deeper discussion with that Kingpin. Do not ’cause any trouble,” he warned him.

After both made gave their gang members strict warnings they went inside, throwing h@ťěful glares at each other. They entered the mansion with El Santé slamming the door so hard it almost broke.

Meira and the others hurriedly entered behind them, bout found them gone.

“What the hell?” Korpse felt a sense of panic rising in his heart. Everyone began looking for the duo until one maid called them upstairs and to Theodore Hamilton’s old study room.

They all rushed to it and were shellshocked by the sight they came across.

Neon and Ryat were hugging and crying.

“It’s been five years man,” Ryat said rubbing Neon’s back with tears endlessly running down his eyes. “I haven’t seen you in five years.”

“Five f-__-king years is a long time,” Neon replied tearfully. “They took me away from you guys before I even got a chance to say goodbye. Dude, I’m so sorry for leaving.”

“It wasn’t your fault, man. It wasn’t mine either, it’s just the f-__-ked up universe and our psycho families,” Ryat patted his back, closing his eyes.

“I missed you,” he said, voice breaking.

Neon couldn’t even reply, he choked on his tears and closed his eyes. “I miss us. I miss the Bloodlust Bastards. Every one of y’all. I don’t wanna leave again. I just wanna stay here, this is home…my home, your home, our home,” he broke down into sobs before he could finish.

It was an emotional moment that moved those standing at the door to tears. Korpse, Venom, and Bandit, smiled tearfully and went to join the hug. The five friends who have been each other’s rocks for years and years, who had been taken away from each other and forced to live different lives, had reunited as a group after five long years.

It was an incredibly emotional moment that even the coldest of hearts could be moved. The boys pulled away with tear-stained faces and red eyes, seeing each other’s faces they began laughing.

“Neon, and Carnage, are finally back in Arkville,” Venom said, nodding in approval. “This is how it should be. This, I missed this, we missed them.”

Neon looked at Ryat, they smiled and looked away, laughing.

“Man, I miss y’all so much,” Bandit hugged both Carnage and Neon, the two others joined as well.

“I missed you guys too,” Ryat and Zayde chorused.

“Boys,” Meira looked at a maid who smiled and bowed. “Let’s go to the kitchen, the maids are preparing a feast in your honors.”

Ryat finally locked eyes with Meira, she blushed at him and looked at Neon, she blushed too and looked away. “Dove…” he called in a soft voice.

“Go get her tiger,” Neon patted his shoulder, a proud smile on his face. “I know you miss her.”

“Bro, you’re heaven sent,” he shook hands like bros with Neon then returned his gaze to Meira, it became affectionate and sensual seeing her looking so irrefutably gorgeous. He’d never seen her looking that good before in his entire life.

He slowly walked to her, his expression blank but eyes fervent.

She looked at Neon briefly and he winked at her, she smiled and returned her gaze to Ryat. He held her by her waist and she shivered, placing her hands on his shoulders.

“Get ya man sis,” Katniss cheered her on.

“Why don’t you get your man?” Korpse asked, eyeing her mischievously.

“You can get the f-__-k out,” she looked him up and down the rolled her eyes, hissing as she did so.

The group bursted into laughter.

“You’re gonna regret that tonight,” he promised her, frowning deeply.

Katniss kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear. “I look forward to it, Zaddy.”

“Hey, we have children here,” said, talking about Dylan and Danika who were watching curiously from a corner. “Shameless, very shameless people.”

“Look who’s talking about shamelessness,” Venom shot him one look. “Shut up, Neon.”

“Is that how you treat the woman you’re married to?” Neon put his hands on his hips.

Venom hissed and walked out as they laughed at him. “This guy never grows up. Neon will always be Neon,” Venom returned and shook his hand.

“You two brats, get out! This is an adult conversation,” she grabbed her siblings by their ears and carried them away as they whined, giving excuses as to why they should stay there.

After the chuckling ceased Ryat want back to focusing on Meira, he grew impatient and swept her in his arms them brought her in the middle of the hallway. They smiled fervently, and lovingly as they stared – Ryat twirled Meira around in his arms. Once he stopped they didn’t hesitate to lock lips in a hungry, needy kiss. Their hearts heating with love and affection.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold the f-__-k up,” Syahla stopped them.

They pulled away, looking at her confused.

“Aren’t you two siblings–” Neon interrupted her.

“On paper. Not related by blood,” he walked to where she stood near Ryat and Meira.

“But they’re still related–” he stopped her again.

“First of all, lady, you don’t get to talk about their relationship when you’re married to your stepson’s friend who you are sixteen years older than,” he flashed his invisible hair behind him and continued. “So let them keep kissing until their mouths get tired, in the meantime go focus on your husband, Mr. ki||ian Cain,” he rolled his head and applied invisible lipstick on his lips while holding up a fake makeup mirror.

“Neon, bro, I love you, but you f-__-ked up,” Venom took a step back, knowing his wife is crazy.

“He woke up and chose d**th with that comment,” Bella also removed herself.

“I ain’t say $h|t, and I don’t wanna be a part of this,” Bandit back as well.

“It was nice knowing you, Neon,” Korpse cleared his throat.

Neon smiled, knowing Syahla’s gonna f-__-k him up for sure. He turned to look at her and met a d**th glare that gave him literal chills.

“So, you think because you’re a grown man you can treat me this way? Huh?” she began removing her shoes. “Because of this, I’m going to roast you and then make you into a mashed potato salad!”

“$h|t!” Neon ran as she chased after him and threw her shoes.

“Oh no,” Venom and Meira looked at each other.

“See ya!” Bella sped off after them, so did Korpse and Bandit, all while aughing. Venom went too, Meira also wanted to go knowing her mother would actually k!ll Neon for talking back at her but Ryat didn’t let her go.

“Ryat?” she touched his face.

“Little Dove, I’ve missed you,” he carried her into the study and placed her on the table, pulling her body close to him. “I miss being inside you, too.”

“I miss you too, Daddy,” she spread her legs for him, her ćƖĩť already giving throbs from the arousal the close proximity gave her. “How was Italy?”

“A Nightmare dressed like a Daydream,” he replied and drew a chair so he could sit between her legs.

“Same for Neon,” she recalled their conversation and shivered in discomfort.

“I know, Cartels and the Bratva has been ranked as the most violent and ruthless Mafias in the world. I went through some hardcore training in Italy as well, though,” he leaned back with a sigh.

“Can you tell me about the initiation process?” she already heard what Neon had to do, she wanted to hear from Ryat. “It’s okay, I handle the details.”

“I h@ťě talking about it. This stuff makes me sick to my stomach,” disgust flashed in his eyes. “But I wouldn’t dare lie to you. I…” he hesitated, “I was forced to r**e a virgin and Com three times before midnight. The next day, at exactly midnight, I stood in front of a Jesus cross as they poured a bucket filled with the blood of white Dove’s in it. I had a cross in my hand with my eyes closed as I pledged the Omertra.”

Meira held her stomach, almost throwing up at the horrid imagination. “Oh my God. What the hell?”

“I know. That’s why I didn’t want to talk about it. It’s disgusting, and I’m disgusted at myself,” his voice grew deeper and colder. “But I can’t tell you anything else. I made a pledge, I have to stick to it.”

“What pledge?”

“The Omerta. It’s a pledge of silence, to never speak of what happens in the Mafia to outsiders. I was forced to make another promise, too.”

“What…what’s that one about?”

“To k!ll El Santé on spot if I ever see him, but I can’t do that. He’s like a brother to me. I feel like a knife is cutting through my heart as I speak,” he ran his hand through his hair. “Have you ever been stressed until your confused? That’s me, currently. I’m supposed to k!ll him, take his life, but I can’t do that – but at the same time if I don’t, and Lady Danger and my superiors find out, I can d**. As well as him. I don’t know what to do.”

Just then, Neon barged in and shut the door behind him. There was chaos outside with Syahla screaming at him from behind the door.

“Sya! Stop!” Venom forcefully removed her from the door. “Behave. They need some privacy.”

“Fine. But I’m still gonna k!ll him,” she walked off.

Everyone left, giving the trip privacy.

“I lost about fifty pounds from all that running,” Neon shrugged out of his jacket, remaining in a tux with a deep V. He hung on a jacket holder and made his way to the two seated on and around the desk. “What are you two talking about?”

“He said they told him to k!ll you,” Meira touched his cheek.

Neon looked at Ryat, he didn’t meet his gaze.

“Hey, Ryat, don’t feel bad. They told me the same thing,” he admitted. “I was even banned from coming here, but I still came. If my brothers know that I’m here, with you, it won’t end well.”

Ryat finally looked at Neon, and he smiled comfortingly – but he knows Neon too is deep in his $h|t. Them being here is extremely risky.

The two friends are trying desperately to hold onto their friendship, but the universe keeps pulling them further and further apart. But this was only the beginning of what was to come.

Things were about to get unbearably worse.

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