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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Thirty-Nine

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“Forgive the f-__-k out me for informing you that there’s hair in my sandwich that I did not place there,” Syahla looked at the waitress giving her attitude up and down. “I ordered a medium rare steak and glass of champagne not your bad attitude. You either fix it or I’ll do it with this knife.”

“Does she never change?” Bella glanced at Meira, her face scrunched by the woman’s harsh words.

“As you can see, no, she does not,” Meira forced a smile.

“She’s so lovely,” Venom stared at Syahla with googly eyes. He felt eyes on him and looked around to see everyone boring holes into his flesh with their intense stares. “What? That’s my Wife. I have to support her in wh@ťěver she does.”

“Still can’t believe you married someone eleven years older than you,” Bandit’s smile widened into a wolfish grin. He had a baby boy on his shoulder, sleeping peacefully while he rubbed his back.

“Can’t believe you’re raising another man’s kids,” Venom clapped back and sipped his wine.

Bella took one her heels off and threw at him but he caught it. “Hey what the f-__-k Bella?”

“You’re gonna leave my fiancé and our kids alone,” she warned sternly. Glaring at him.

“Aviel, tell your lady I was f-__-king around. How come when Neon makes serious jokes nobody throws a shoe at him?” Venom folded his arms and pouted, his expression soon changed dramatically. The cheery atmosphere morphing into a glum one. “Neon. It’s been…so long,” he sniffed, already feeling tears developing his his eyes.

After getting the waitress to go and get her another plate of food Syahla sat down next to her husband and sulked angrily. Just then she felt the shift in the mood and spot Meira wiping her tears.

“Baby?” she left her seat to go beside Meira, she immediately bursted into tears and hugged Sya. “Darling what’s wrong? Why are you crying? What happened? Did I do something wrong?”

“No. No, mom, you didn’t do anything,” she said in a whisper. “I have to go,” she left the table with her white Louis Vuitton purse before anyone could stop her.

Five years.

It had been five years since Ryat and Zayde were taken to the Mafia by their psycho families. In those years so much had changed–the Heartless Boys of Arkville were now hardworking men. Bella gave birth to twins–Reyanna and Royce–four months after the boys had gone. Aviel adopted them and raised them as his own, now he and Bella were engaged. She’s also recently gave birth to a baby boy for Bandit, his name is Austin. ki||ian and Sya got married a year after she was discharged from the hospital. Godfrey and Katniss are in a stable relationship with him planning to propose. Meira was a nurse at the local hospital and a professional hairdresser.

They weren’t teens anymore. They were grownups who had responsibilities. However, their tight-knit relationship did not change.

Another thing that didn’t change was the heartbreak they felt whenever they remember Neon and Carnage were no longer amongst them. Years had passed, not a word from the boys. They had sent out fliers and tried looking for them, but each lead led to a dead-end. Over the years, Meira stayed loyal to her boys–she never dared to look at another man. She waited, and is still waiting, patiently for them to come back to her. But with each passing day her hope dwindles further.

Still, despite being the eye-candy and heartthrob of Arkville with hundreds of men at her disposal she didn’t want any of the. The only men in her heart were Zayde García and Ryat Hamilton. She is theirs and she shall wait for them till the end of time.

Meira’s tears soon dried up, she was walking on the sidewalk passing by countless stores. She stopped at one and turned to look at her reflection. The Meira five years ago, and this Meira, were noticeably different. She didn’t grow any taller, but her hair had grown to her waist and her lashes fluffier and dark. She gained weight in the right places, making the men who walked by and saw her in that white dress with off shoulder straps that hugged her frame to drool nonstop. Meira ignored the men cat-calling her from across the street and fixed her winged eyeliner and reapplied rouge lipstick.

“Mei bae!” Katniss jogged to Meira in her black high heels. “Girl, are you okay?” she had sunglasses on, a green bandana around the lower half of her face and a hat. She wore a green and black jumpsuit and a jade necklace. As a famous model and actress, if people saw her a crowd would immediately form and she can’t have that.

“I miss them.” Meira tried not to cry, but it was futile. “I just want them to come back.”

Katniss took her best friend in her arms and sighed. “I know, Meira, I know.”

“I love them, I love them both. I love them so much it physically hurts. I don’t care what anyone says about me being polyamerous, I just want my boys back,” she sobbed on her shoulder. “I’ll do anything to get them back. I can’t handle the pain anymore. It hurts to exist at this point.”

“Shh, it’s okay, you can cry on me,” Katniss comforted her the best she could, and Meira melted in her arms. Genuinely tired and exhausted. Will another ten years pass before she sees them again? She doesn’t know. Anything is possible. “I know you miss them, Mei, but you can’t give up hope just yet. God works miracles.”

“Well he better f-__-king work one right now because I’m at the brink of insanity,” she sniffed and used a tissue to wipe her tears.

Just then, pain shot through her body and she screamed. Someone had smacked hed loudly on the backside. She flinched out Kat’s arms ans held her a** with a surprised look. A man who had been an admirer of her for years now rubbed his hands together while l**king his lips, he leered at her cleavage.

Meira looked at Katniss, Katniss looked at Meira.

Before the two could remove their heels and beat the man to d**th for damaging private property there was an explosion. The civilians going about their day screamed and ran off, some ducking. Warm liquid splashed on Meira and Katniss, there was a thud. The girls’ eyes widened in horror, the man fell down d**d with half of his head blown out. Blood soaked Meira’s white dress and Kat’s suit. They were so stunned they couldn’t speak.

“Oh. My. God.” Syahla put her hands over her mouth and rushed to Meira and Katniss. “Girls are you okay?”

Kat fainted, Korpse was just in time to catch her. Venom, Bella and Bandit watched from the restaurant up the road, they had to keep an eye on the little ones.

Meira didn’t utter a word, even as Syahla shook her and police sirens blared in the distance. She simply looked around, eyes scanning the chaotic street. Who could’ve done that?

The aim was impeccably perfect.

Officers soon came and blocked the scene off with yellow tape. Katniss and Meira were taken into custody for questioning. By evening everyone returned to the mansion now owned by Syahla–before Theodore d**d he left everything to her in a will. The maids brought cool drinks and snacks while they discussed what happened.

“For the last three years the v**lence in town had decreased,” Bella said while rocking Austin. “I haven’t heard a gunshot since the war between the Red Steele Gang and the Bad Apple Squad.”

“Whoever did it has one great aim and used a powerful weapon,” Venom said, tapping his fingers on the armchair. “I just can’t seem to think of who could’ve done that. It’s a good thing though. Why’d he touch Meira? Can’t a woman wear something segzy in peace?”

“I ask myself the same thing everyday,” Katniss was lying on Korpse’s chest in a couch. His hand rubbing on her stomach. “What? You wanna put a baby in there?”

“Sure. Why not?”

“f-__-k you.”

“Guys, let’s stay on topic,” Bandit stopped the pair from going any further. “My guess is that person isn’t from town. Y’all, I think we got new f-__-kers in town.”

“What makes you think so?” Korpse said, wrapping a hand around Kat’s throat and leaning down to kiss her.

“I was picking of Dylan and Danika from school, just like you asked. I heard a group of female freshmen talking about this guy. He was in a dodge hellcat with a red splatter paint job talking to them with a voice that gave them butterflies. They didn’t see his face or anything, but he gave each of them almost a thousand dollars to buy ice cream down the street. Dude, do you know how f-__-king expensive a car like that is?” Bandit still can’t believe what the teenagers said to him. “They also said he called them beautiful and told them to stay in school and not focus on boys.”

“What?” Meira stopped biting her nails and looked at him, so did the others. “That’s weird.”

“Guys… Guys… Do you think…” Venom looked at them with a racing heart.

“It can’t be. No. They’d visit us first, right?” Korpse said with slightly wide eyes. “But…but what if… Oh my God. It’s them ain’t it?”

“Holy $h|t,” Bandit slid to the ground holding his chest.

“No. It’s not them,” Syahla walked in and collapsed in Venom’s lap. “I was at Sapphire Rose yesterday and saw that same car. The man who walked out had green eyes, wore a black eye patch and had thin black hair. He looked middle-aged. It’s not Ryat or Zayde. I’m sorry to disappoint you guys.”

They glared at her angrily.

“What? I’m just informing you before you get your hopes up.”

“It’s a little too late for that, Mrs. Cain,” Bandit sat on the chair again and wiped his hand with wipes before taking Austin from Bella.

“Screw you. All of you. Except the baby,” Syahla smiled at Austin. “He’s so beautiful. I love him.”

“I think he did the $h00ting,” Meira finally spoke up. “But why would he do that? Maybe he was just being a gentleman,” it broke her heart to know it wasn’t who she thought it would be, but she was grateful nonetheless. “Do you guys think he’s a Gangster?”

“Definitely. He’s probably big in the dr*g selling industry, who the f-__-k knows,” Venom combed Sya’s hair with his fingers. “Maybe a Kingpin.”

“Well, now that all that done. I have to go shower, I still smell blood on me,” Katniss made a disgusted face and stood up. “Meira, are you okay? I hope it didn’t traumatize you that much.”

Meira awkwardly smiled. “Yeah…it did, but I’ve seen worse.”

They chuckled and hugged before separating. Afted Katniss left, Bella and Bandit followed since Austin started crying endlessly. One by one everyone left the living room, including Meira who also went to shower. Under the showerhead warm water cascaded down her body, her hair sticking to her skin. She remembered the time her and Neon were at the pool, and the time her and Ryat had s*x in that same shower. Meira leaned on the wall, hugging herself as she cried bitterly. She slid down to stoop on the ground and watched her tears mix with the water and flow into the drain.

That night she hardly slept. Constantly tossing and turning. Inevitably taking sleeping pills to get some proper rest–when she did fall asleep she had a dream. Two figures dressed in gray suits who had their backs turned to her were standing in a quiet meadow with with the sun shining brightly. Meira watched them, confused as to what is happening. The two men began walking away from her, backs still turned. One of them began to disintegrate into the air, the other continued walking, unbothered by what is going on next to him. The first man soon disappears completely while the other continues to walk away. Meira woke up the next morning in cold sweat. It was not the first time she had this dream but each time it happened she woke up with a deep sense of dread. She didn’t bother wondering what it meant, she quickly got ready and left for church since it was a Sunday.

“Hey curvy diva,” Vicky, one of Ryat’s cousins, greeted her warmly. Her and a few family members were staying in town. “You look as fine as usual.”

“Thank you,” she looked down at her simple white dress with sunflower patterns. She wore yellow three inch heels and a yellow sun hat with a big yellow bow wrapped around it. “Ready to worship God?”

“I always am,” she smiled. They sat together throughout the church service. Vicky noticed Meira wasn’t in her usual cheery mood but didn’t say anything as she knows Meira won’t tell her why. When church ended Vicky turned to Meira. “Hey, you go home I have something to take care of.”

Meira nodded and grabbed her yellow handbag, just them a commotion was at the door. Women gathered at the entrance of the church fawning over someone, or according to their conversation, someone. A very handsome person at that.

“Good Lord! Is he a celebrity? Could it be Chris Brown?”

“Who cares? Look how gorgeous he is!”

“Even the children are spellbound by his presence. Look at them all grouped at the roadsides watching the stranger!”

“He looks so rich and classy! What a sophisticated gentleman he is!”

Meira was annoyed. Whoever that person was was clearly distracting her church sisters. With the way things are going, they might sin by committing adultery. She can’t allow that. She walked to the door and pushed them out of her way, she stepped down and prepared to give the man a piece of her man but froze.

There was a white vehicle with the entire roof missing as per the design. A man was leaned at the side facing them. He was dressed in a white impeccable suit that wrapped perfectly around his sinewy frame. There was a white napkin in his top pocket, a brown and white Russian sable faux fur coat on his shoulders held together by a gold chain under his collar and he wore burnished white shoes with the bottoms golden. He also had on white gloves, and a broad white had atop his head which was bent to hide his face. There was a sense of danger and unpredictability to him that’s both alluring and unsettling, but he was one attractive man.

Regardless, Meira cleared her throat. “Sir. I am happy you showed up to our humble church, but I like to ask you to leave. Church is over. Return next Sunday and speak to the pastor if you wish to join.”

He smoothly raised his right hand and removed something from his mouth. It was a white plastic stick with a ball of yellow candy on top, wet with his saliva. The man spoke in a voice that melted P@ŋtîēṣ and seduced the devil.

“Forgot about me so fast? Ouch, I’m hurt,” he slowly raised his head, moist pink lips stretching into a heart-stopping smile. He spoke again, enunciated each word with a segzy lilt. “I haven’t forgot about you though, Snow.”

While the women fainted from his dulcet voice, Meira left the planet and returned in seconds. Her heart started being fast and hard, hot tears pooling in her eyes and wetting her cheekbones.


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