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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Neon was listening to Blinding Lights on the loudest volume as he drove fast down the road, drifting at every corner he came across. His head bopped to the music while his hands operated the steering wheel and the gear switch. He came across a stoplight and turned the music down, cops were there and they h*r@zzed people for every and everything. Even now they were scouring through the myriad of vehicles to find a simple mistake so they can be given a ticket.

One cop pulled up to his window and knocked on it. He growled angrily the whined it down, his mean and vicious expression quickly swapping for a calm and friendly one. “Good day officer!”

“Nice whip, kid. You sure you’re old enough to be driving this?” he gave the car a once-over. “It’s pretty d@mn good car.”

“Yes officer, I’m an adult and I know how to drive responsibly.”

He eyed him surreptitiouslt, but instead of asking for an ID he shrugged. “Safe drive then, fella.”

Neon whined the window back up then chucked his middle fingers up behind the officer’s back. The moment the light turned green he turned the music right back up and started zooming down the road again, Neon soon reached the place he worked at. It was two-story building lively with music and customers going in and out of other stores. He parked his car and got out, unlike what he’d expect, there was an eerie feeling to the air.

That feeling you get when you know a huge disaster was about to come. Every nerve ending in Neon screamed for him to get out of that area.

He began looking around anxiously, balling and unballing his fist. Just as he began walking off a huge explosion happened in the building that sent him flying off his feet and falling on his chest. There a loud ringing in his ear, and for a while everything around him was a disoriented image. All he could make out was people formatted like marching soldiers dressed in full power walking in his direction, he knew he had to run, so he tried to get up–but someone stepped in his back and placed the mouth of a gun to the back of his skull.

“Don’t move, you Mexican dog $h|t,” the man above him said.

“Man, get the f-__-k off me!” he tried moving but he heard the click the g*n made.

“Calm your horses kid, one wrong move and your brains will explode,” he pressed his body down on the bumpy ground more making Neon even more angry, but he knew he had to remain calm.

“Is this the one?” the group of men in black had finally reached and surrounded him. “The Paloma Cartel’s new $cvmbag leader.”

“He’s not the Don yet, but we’ll make sure he never climbs the–” a loud bang sounded, warm liquid splashed on Neon, then a heavy weight fell on him.

“What?” he rolled onto his back and met the man who had him pinned down, he was lifeless, laying in a pool of scarlet with half of his face missing. “Oh f-__-k no. I’m getting the f-__-k outta here.”

He tried running as the men in black suits strangely wearing white bandanas around their heads opened fire, but three of them grabbed him. Neon didn’t have to put up much fight though, five glistening white sport cars weaved into the fairly large and mostly empty parking lot. They was drifting across from them, guns pointed out the passenger windows, the people inside opened fire on the men in black. Neon escaped from the guy’s and ran into the middle of the parking lot. The white cars started drifting around him in a circle, like a protective shield wall. A sixth car came in and stopped next to Neon, the front door was opened and a man leaned over to look up at him.

“¡?????, ?????!” the man yelled in a clear Spanish accent.

He didn’t waste a second to hop in, lock the door and out the seatbelts on.

The six white cars made one last circle around the lot, k!lling anyone that wore full black then left in a straight line through the way they came. Two more white cars joined them on the way, but around seven black ones hopped on the trail too.

“What the hell is going on?” Neon asked, looking behind and seeing the black cars starting to mix with the white ones. “Who are you? Who are those people? Why was I attacked? I didn’t even do anything. I need a logical explanation for this.”

“Do you know how to use a g*n?” the man driving asked as he drifted professionally around a corner, he opened his window to put his hand and head out. He shot two men in one black vehicle and sent the car crashing in a dirt wall. “Do ya?”

“Who the f-__-k doesn’t?”

“Then here,” he tossed a silver revolver to him and changed gear. Now getting on a busy road and having to swerve to avoid hitting any cars. “Make use of that.”

Neon looked at the g*n and checked if it was loaded, once he confirmed it was he put his hand and head out of the car and aimed at some of the black ones closing in. He gave two men headshots, sending one car running off the road, through the rails and off the cliff into the sparkly blue ocean water. He continued to aim and $h00t but it got harder since the car was driving super fast and kept changing lanes.

“Dude, cut that $h|t out! How am I supposed to $h00t properly?” he slid back inside the car.

“Good job, you did good,” he pressed a button on the door and made all the windows go up. “Your safety is the most important thing here. I’ll teach you how to properly aim to k!ll at a later date.”

The strange man with blonde hair in a gel comvbover style and russet brown eyes changed gear again and started going way faster than he was before. Men from the black cars shot at them and tried knocking them off the road but the man worked the road better than any professional racer ever could. And then, the white cars made a straight line format on the road–side by side–then waited a bit and just stopped. The black cars sped up and crashed into numerous other vehicles. Like the rascals they were, they easily cut through the chaos on the road and drove up the heart-shaped highway as the vehicles behind exploded.

‘Wow…’ Neon was mesmerised. He’d never seen anyone drive like that. “Who are you?”

The man ripped the white bandana off and combed his hair back. Sweat had dampened it. He turned to look at Neon with his murky, smokey eyes.

“Stay innocent.”

“What?” Neon blinked in confusion.

“What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”

? ????? ?????…

The two had driven in silence to the other side of Arkville. It was an abandoned community called Norbrooke. Due to many previous gang wars there all the residents upped and left. The car took them down a lane and turned off into the woods, very soon a mansion came into sight. A place hidden so well you had to have the exact location to know it was even there. The golden gates opened as they drove in–everything screamed luxury. From the giant marble statue of a mermaid with Doves on her arms, the grand white massive mansion with a brown roof, to the crystal clear water of the pool. There was even a cherry blossom tree near the pool mentainence room. Men in nothing but white were crawling all over the property–upon seeing the vehicle they lined up in neat rows with expressionless faces.

“What is this place? The Wonderland Alice got lost in?” Neon rolled his window down, loving how the smell of baked bread was thick in the air.

The man didn’t answer, he removed his seatbelts and left the car. He walked around the back and came to open Neon’s. “Okay, that was wonderful.”

“Zayde, right?” he dried his face with a white towel that was presented to him folded in a swan on a golden tray. “Zayde. Matías. Ramón. Garciá.”

“How. Did. You. Know. My. Name?” Neon started backing up in fear.

“I’m your brother,” he rolled his sleeve up revealing a star birthmark. “Precisely, your twin brother.”

“Nice one,” he forced a laugh. “Real funny.”

“No, we’re actually triplets,” a man appeared from behind him. He had extremely dark blue eyes and straight, waist-length golden-blonde hair, he was also dressed in white. The two of them looked like Royal Princes. “This is Zorion. You’re Zayde. And I’m Zamora. It’s good to finally meet you, brother, but unfortunately a proper reunion will have to commence at a later date. The Ravens have our location and they can storm this place at any second. We need to move to Mexico City.”

“No, you need to move with that b*ll$h|t. I’m going home to Snow and my homeboys,” he turned to run out but was blocked by an army of men in white. “What the hell is going on here?”

“If you ever leave and go back to that place you will never live to see another day. Lady Danger, your friend’s surrogate mother, wants you d**d and she will stop at nothing to achieve her goal,” Zamora took the g*n Zorion was handing him and raised it at Neon. “We’re sorry, brother, but this is for your own good. We’ll explain everything when you wake up and is in a safe place,” he shot him in the neck with a red dart.

Before Neon fell down the two saw his wide confused eyes, and then, he passed out cold on the concrete.

Now, the real challenge begins.

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