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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Twenty-Three


What ensued were blood-curdling screams and horrified expressions plastered on faces. The screams of Meira and Yulia alerted everyone in the mansion. Seeing her mother on the ground in such a condition was enough to make Meira faint, but she held her balance and ran over instead. She shook her mother’s body while screaming her name, but Syahla was unresponsive. Meira placed her hands under her body and pulled her into her arms, she looked at the others with tears running down her cheeks and her mothers blood tainting her school attire. It was a morbid painting on display; one that would forever scar her mind.

“Mom… Mom wake up! Mom don’t leave me here! Mom!” she yelled, heart shattering the more the realization sunk in.

Meira saw the knife in her stomach and held the handed, preparing to pull it out but a hand grabbed her wrist. She looked up and met Venom’s bright eyes–he was equally in a state of distraught. Unable to believe the lady he had spoken to just the previous night was now possibly lifeless in her daughter’s arms.

“Don’t remove the knife. If you do she’ll bleed to death,” he kneeled and put a finger under her nostrils. “She’s still breathing,” he wasted no time in struggling out of his jacket then put it over her. “Hang in there mami. Don’t f-__-king die on me,” he took her in his arms and stood up.

“My wife!” Theodore yelled, crying bitterly. “My beautiful wife! Who did this to you?” he tried touching her but Venom sidestepped him and left.

Everyone ran out after him, Meira was inconsolable on the ground. Neon was the one who had to forcefully take her into his arms and comfort her. He tried his best but it was hardly working. Carnage soon arrived having just heard the commotion, he had been getting ready to go to work when screams echoed through the walls and met his ears. Seeing Meira being comforted by Neon he quickly went over and joined him in calming her down. The two did the best they could, but it wasn’t enough to stop her from shaking, sobbing and crying hot salty tears.

“Jesus better take the wheel right now before I do because if that happens I’m burning every f-__-ker in Arkville alive,” Neon looked at a stressed out Carnage. “Who the f-__-k could’ve done this, man?”

“I don’t know Zayde,” Ryat wiped her tears. “The whole town thinks she k!lled Roxanne. Though I’m not surprised something like this happened, it’s still pretty f-__-ked up man. It could’ve been anyone, but my guess is gonna be someone from her family.”

“This is some b*ll$h|t, horse$h|t, crab$h|t, goat$h|t, fish$h|t, cat$h|t and just $h|t in general. She d**d last week around nine in the morning, why can’t they just let that $h|t go? Man, I don’t like when Snow’s sad. It makes me angry.”

“Couldn’t agree more. Stay here with her and I’ll call K!ller Swan and see if she can round up some information for us,” he hugged Meira and then stepped off to make the call.

“Mom… Mom.. M-mom…” her fingers and lips were trembling. Cold sweat washed her body. Her eyes were wide and bloodshot.

Neon whipped out his phone and called an ambulance, the police in this situation would be very useless–most were paid off by the gangsters to not investigate anything, and Syahla was already h@ťěd since everyone thought she was a m*rd*rer. ‘d@mn it,’ he cursed and picked Meira up.

“Yo Neon, where you going?” Ryat asked when he noticed Meira in his arms.

“The ambulance is on the way. I’m gonna take her to them. We can’t calm her down, but maybe they can,” Neon explained, not only was immense worry in his whisky-colored eyes he sounded deeply affected by her state in his voice as well.

Knowing that was his homeboy and he didn’t have anything to worry about he approved him leaving with Meira. What Ryat needs to do is find out who snuck into the mansion, into Syahla’s room and did this–fortunately, the person was right under his nose.

In the backyard under a group of trees and rose bushes, a man slipped out of his servant costume and into a full gray suit with a matching silver tie. He poured soap and bleach on his hands then used the water from the green hose to wash away the soap mixed with the blood. The flowery scent of the soap mixed with the coppery blood smell was something he had gotten used to inhaling. Once he was done doing that he dried his hands.

From behind the bushes someone came there crying, it was Yulia. Seeing the man there she stopped immediately and wiped the water off her face. “What is wrong with you? She’s still breathing! We ordered you to stab her to death.”

“It wasn’t that simple. She’s a strong woman and an exceptional fighter. Taking her down wasn’t easy, but I managed to do so. Besides, she’ll put in critical condition at the hospital and probably die there anyway,” he turned to face her, removing his blue eye contacts and wiping makeup off his face.

“Are you sure? I want that woman dead. She’s going to be a major problem for me.”

“I’ve been a Contract K!ller for ten years I know what I’m saying. The job is done. Pay up.”

Yulia nodded and retrieved her phone from her pants then dialed a number, the person answered the third ring. “Christopher baby, the job is done. Where should he pick up the money?”

“Tell him to visit Chimere Drive. There will be a white Mayback parked there with two men inside. Tell them I sent you,” Chris said into the speaker.

“You heard that?”

“Yes ma’am. It was nice doing business with you,” he promptly turned and walked off. He blended into the chaos at the front yard where the ambulance was and managed to leave the property without being discovered–but as soon as he reached far down the road where he had a bike parked he was shot in the head with a .50 semi-automatic caliber rifle.

Not even seconds afterward and men in black suits with black bandanas tied around their heads came to drag his body off the asphalt and into a car parked nearby. It immediately drove off to dispose of the useless body. Sitting next to a blue and white Bugatti Chiron parked at the top of a mansion, Lady Danger looked at the sniper perched at the edge of the roof in front of her and nodded as she drank a glass of Monfortino Riserva–the most expensive Italian wine.

“Well done Lorenzo,” she raised her glass to him.

“I am blessed to have been able to please you, milady,” the man kneeled, put a hand across his chest then bowed. Having high respect for the woman sitting cross-legged in the scorching sun. “Madam, wouldn’t you like to go back inside? The sun is merciless today. I would d** if you received a sunburn.”

She chuckled softly. “Let us leave then. Shall we?”

Back the Hamilton mansion Yulia was still in the backyard on a phone call. “Chris, my best friend, I know you h@ťě Carnage but you can’t k!ll him. I love him. He’s the man of my dreams! Everything I’ve ever wanted!”

“You’re madly obsessed with a guy who has k!lled more people than he’s ever went to school? Look Yulia, do your thing, but you’re gonna leave Meira alone. I love her, she’s mine,” Chris replied sounding a bit pissed off at his childhood best friend. Though he is American, he grew up mostly in Russian and can speak the language fluently.

“Leaver her? You love her? She’s disgusting. I think she has a thing for her stepbrother, who is my man, and that’s unacceptable.”

“That’s b*ll$h|t. Look Yulia, you’re my best friend and I love you, but stay away from my girl.”

“Stay away from her when you want to skin my man alive? Absolutely not. I’d rather have him than continue this friendship. I want that girl d**d, just like her mother, and no one will stop me.”

“f-__-k you then. I’ve always h@ťěd your nasty a** anyway. I’m gonna use a machete to chop that guy’s Ďïčk off then make him s**k it. I will have his head on a stake and you, or no one, will stop me,” he hung up the phone in her ear then blocked and deleted her. He dialed a different number and waites in angry silence for the person to answer.

“What do you want? I’m busy,” the man said in a perfect Russian accent. In the back ground Chris heard loud Mõ@ɲing and skin slapping. “Hurry up.”

“I need you to clean up the Rossington warehouse near Crocodile Lake,” he coughed briefly, scrunching his nose at the awful Mõ@ɲs. “I’m gonna need you to kidnap someone for me, too.”

“How much are you willing to pay? I charge five hundred thousand and upwards for clean ups and abductions.”

“One million dollars. The money will be paid upfront immediately after the job is successfully done,” Christopher waited impatiently for an answer. “I’ll send you a picture of the target.”

“Say no more. We have a deal.”

?? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ????????.

The bright day had faded into gloomy darkness, gray clouds were scattered across the sky with the promise of a few hours of rainfall. The whole gang of Bloodlust B*st*rds were in the parking discussing the day’s previous incident and grew angry when they couldn’t find any useful info.

“The hit must’ve been ordered by someone we don’t know,” Neon said, elbow resting on his other arm crossed over his chest. His hand was on his face as he bit his lip. “My biggest guess is Wolfgang. I was walking by his room when I heard he and Theodore. He said he knew Sya k!lled Roxanne and would in return k!ll her if Theodore didn’t orchestrate an engagement and wedding party for Carnage and Yulia.”

“I’m not supporting anything but I personally believe that was a bluff,” Bandit slipped his hands into his jacket pockets. “He’s unconcerned about everyone in the family, he just wants Yulia and Ryat together. I don’t know why, but I feel like he didn’t do it…but someone connected to him did.”

“I think he did it because he’s a heartless gangsta,” Venom bit his thumb. “But you’ve got a point. I don’t think he meant what he said, gangsters always use bluffs to plant fear into people. The possibility is there that he did it, but I feel like it was someone else.”

The boys though for a while then their eyes widened. “Yulia!” they said in unison.

“Dude, remember how she was looking at Sya that day when we arrived?” Neon touched Venom and he nodded. “That f-__-king dengue fever carrying albino sl*t must’ve have done this, or is connected in some form.”

“It could’ve been anyone. Yulia could’ve been the one who ordered the hit and him being the one who executed it. Everyone is a suspect,” Ryat bald his fist in anger. “And who knows, they might go after Meira next. They have bad blood with each other.”

“No, no, no. f-__-k that!” Neon’s irate voice pierced through the night. “If that dimwit f-__-ks with Snow his a** gon’ end up on the f-__-king news. I saw how he was looking at Meira and heard what he said. That f-__-ker might even kidnap her and r*p* her till she d**s.”

“That’s not gonna f-__-king happen as long as I’m here,” Ryat cracked his knuckles. “If he f-__-ks with my stepsister I’ll bathe him in a pool of acid.”

“Boys,” Korpse, who had been quiet all this time, finally spoke up. “What we need to do is stop arguing, and get rid of both of them. It doesn’t matter if they’re from a city gang or not. That old f-__-ker thinks he’s invincible; like he’s made of titanium. If he’s made of steel we’re gonna find out. It’s time we show this motherf-__-ker what the Bloodlust Bastards are made of.”

“I like the sound of the that,” Ryat had a slight growl to his voice that made him sound terrifying. “Everybody’s Gangsta till the real Gangstas pull up. This is our town and it’s time for him to get out. We don’t like new comers.”

As the boys began planning what they would do, the back door of the car Korpse was leaning on opened and a cut little boy climbed out. He was wearing blue pajamas with dinosaur designs. He walked to Korpse as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

“Hey boys, look,” Venom jotted his chin towards the kid and everyone looked.

“Dylan?” Korpse called when the little boy came to hug one of his legs. “Did we wake you?” he bent down and gently pried him off then picked him up.

“Uh-huhhh,” he rubbed his eyes, wrapping his little arms around Korpse’s neck. “Where is Kitty?”

“Katniss is sleeping in the hospital. The nurse said she’ll be discharged soon,” the little boy rested his head on Korpse’s shoulder, he started rubbing circles around his back.

“I miss Kitty,” he yawned before falling asleep there.

“You didn’t tell us you had a secret son with Katniss,” Neon said. “He’s a cute kid.”

“Shut up El Sante,” Korpse replied knowing Neon h@ťěd being called that, he received a death glare but ignored it. “This is Kat’s little brother and he has a twin sister. I’m gonna take them home and leave them with my grandma after this then spin back and kick it with you guys.”

“Safe drive,” Ryat bumped his fist, so did everyone.

Korpse soon put Dylan back in the backseat and covered him the blanket, the little boy started cuddling with his sister in his sleep. They hugged each other and softly snored. Since Katniss was in the hospital, he began taking care of the kids. He got them enrolled in prestigious private schools, bought a house for them and Katniss to live in, stacked the house with food and other necessities and opened a bank account for Kat, one on which he put a couple hundred thousand dollars. Korpse, like Carnage, are the rich ones in the group–but they always spoiled the boys rotten, especially Ryat. He bought everyone cars and luxurious apartments with the money in his dad’s bank account.

After Korpse left the boys continued talking and called other people there so they could talk.

From the shadows, in a red Tesla a woman was at the passenger front seat watching them. Next to her in the driver’s seat is her trusted Consigliere. She picked up her binoculars to get a closer look, and saw them exchanging knives and g*ns. Eventually, the other people left and those four went inside the hospital.

“I wonder what are they planning to do,” Lady Danger lowered the binoculars. “Lorenzo, do you think we should eliminate Wolfgang or let the youngsters do it?”

“???????, I think maybe you should let them handle this, just to see what they’re made of,” the man said. “To be in the Italian-Sicilian Mafia you need to be cruel, ruthless, and merciless. We must see what these kids will do to a powerful man like Wolfgang to determine your next move. If need be, we shall immediately interfere and terminate him ourselves. The Young Master’s safety is of utmost importance.”

Lady Danger listened to his advice and nodded. “I like the sound of that. Alright, we will be going with your suggestion. Keep your eyes on the kid, I can’t lose him. As the heir, his time is coming.”

“I am sure he will be an excellent Kingpin, just like his mother,” the man pressed a button to start the car’s engine. “Shall we go now, milady?”

“Take me to the most expensive Italian restaurant around town. I am craving some lasagna,” she slid dark glasses up her nose then curled her blood-red lipstick covered lips into a smile. “I hope my father’s years of training him pays off.”

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