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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Twenty-One

???? ?? ??? ???????…

Late at night, Syahla was prowling through the halls of the mansion. All the lights were off, the milky moonlight was the only thing that shone through the windows to brighten the hallways. She wore a blue robe and matching nightdress with flip-flops, she also had her phone and earpods plugged in. As she continued to make her way around with Lady Gaga songs booming in her head she passed by Meira’s room and stopped, it was quiet except for her listening music.

‘I wonder if she’s sleeping,’ Syahla thought. Her daughter usually goes to bed pretty early, but she still went and knocked on the door. After receiving no response she shrugged. ‘She’s sleeping,’ she walked onward.

She went down the stairs and was on her way to the kitchen when she heard shuffling. Syahla froze in her tracks and turned the music off. She put a hand behind her ear and listened closely, it sounded like glass plates being moved about. She sighed in relief, Syahla was already planning to get her shotgun to sh**t an intruder. The maids are obviously washing the dishes and putting them in the cupboards. She started the music again and walked all the way into the kitchen.

It was dark in there, and someone was definitely in the kitchen. “I thought all the maids were asleep in their quarters,” she yawned, removing her earphones to throw over her shoulders.

She noticed the person stopped doing wh@ťěver they were doing immediately.

“Serve me a glass of warm milk and strawberry muffins,” she placed her hand on the frigid wall next to her and searched up and down until her hand touched something. She flipped the light switch on while rubbing her eyes, she looked up at what she thought would be the maid but her eyes widened.

In the kitchen was Venom holding boxes of cereal, multiple bags of Takis, Doritos and Pringles, and he had a bucket load of soft drinks. Neon was also there, he was at the sink making bowls of cereal–he was wearing yellow and white polka dot pajamas with a box of full cream milk in his hand and a box of Frosted Flakes in the other. The boys looked at each other, then at back at Syahla. They both knew they were caught red-handed.

“Well excuse the absolute f-__-k out of me,” Syahla was looking them up and down rapidly.

“Mrs. Hamilton, we can explain,” Neon said. “J-just hear us out.”

“Mrs. Hamilton is unavailable at the moment so therefore you will be put through to her slipper,” she kicked one leg up and the flip-flop flew off and landed into her hand. “So you two own this kitchen and all the food here now, huh? How did you get in here without anybody knowing?” she began chasing the boys around the island.

Neon ran with the box of cornflakes and milk while Venom put everything he previous had on the table except for a large Sour Cream Pringles container. “Mrs. Hamilton it’s not what you think it is!” Neon tried explain but one slipper came slicing through the air at him, he ducked just in time with wides. “Hey now lady, what if that thing caught me? Do you know how many hours I spend on myself in order to have a face this handsome and you want to ruin it? Calm down.”

“I’ll calm down after seeing you d**d,” she threw another one and he evaded it too. “What are you two doing in my house! Who let you in and gave you the permission to eat?” she started running around the black marble island again but they were faster than her. “How dare you boys steal from us!”

“Wait! Calm down! Ryat told us earlier that we could stay for a while!” Venom stopped running and put his hands before him. “Please don’t k!ll us. We’re too young and handsome to d**.”

Syahla stopped running with a slipper in her hand, her brows inching up. “Oh? Is that so?”

“You can k!ll him he’s a waste of space anyway,” Neon leaned on a counter across the road and took a red apple from the fruit basket. He bit into the apple and chewed. “d@mn, that’s one good tasting apple.”

Venom gave Neon one pointed look and a scowl. “You’re a waste of sperm. One condom could’ve prevented your a**.”

Neon’s eyes widened and he dropped his apple angrily. “f-__-k you!”

“So let me get this straight, Ryat gave you both the go ahead to stay here?” she folded her arms, supicioysly suspiciously narrowing her eyes at him and Venom. “I’ll need to clarify that with him, and he’s not here. So both of you get out!”

“Hey now mami, chillaaax,” Venom’s smiled and stepped to her with caution–he was very much aware that Syahla was like a bomb, if you’re not careful with her she’ll blow up and end you. “We were just having a movie night together. Bandit is busy taking care of his siblings, Korpse refuses to leave Kitty’s side at the hospital, and we don’t know where Ryat is. So, apart from ourselves, we don’t have anyone to hang out with. We’re here, and we’re bored. Boredom k!lls people, and we’re too gorgeous to d** so…we decided to borrow the theatre room and some snacks.”

Syahla thoroughly assessed him. Indeed, he was a fine-looking muscular young man, and so was his friend with a slightly leaner physique. She is aware that they’re her stepson’s friends, it should be okay. “Well, alright then. You can stay, but, I’m staying with the both of you. We will be watching Serial K!ller Documentaries.”

“Eh?” Venom and Neon shared glances. “What?”

“We’re gonna need more snacks. Get them and let’s go find out how many people Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer,” Syahla picked up her other flip-flop and wore them. “Make sure you bring alcohol.”

“What is with woman and serial k!llers? You guys are so obsessed with them yet scream at the sight of blood,” Neon was bitter, he wanted to watch The Godfather instead.

“What is with men and p*rn? You guys obsessively watch yet badly perform in bed, can’t make a woman 0rg@zms so she has to buy vibr*t*rs or have sidemen to do the job right, and cant find the ćƖĩť even if you had a vividly drawn map of it,” she kissed her teeth and looked away with an eye roll. “Let people like what they like.”

Neon’s mouth dropped incredulously, he glanced at Venom to see him covering his mouth and giggling. “She not talking to me like…” his brain failed to process what she’d just said to him.

“If you have one working braincell–which you clearly do not–you’ll shut your mouth with that apple and not continue this argument because I will destroy your self-esteem,” she flashed her mid back length hair.

“I’m on your side,” Venom scooted over to Syahla. “Sorry man.”

“Wise decision, young man,” her lips curved ever so slightly.

Neon grumbled as he bit into the apple and chewed.


“So, how long have you been married to Theo?” Venom took out a Pringle from the green container and bit into it, the snack made a crunching sound as he chewed. “What made you marry him anyway? Theodore is a p@zzy. His first wife was basically the man in the relationship, she was a bad Ɓîtçh. I guess he has a taste for badass women–but the thing is, he can’t handle them.”

Thirty minutes into watching documentaries and Neon was silently sleeping next to Venom, a white blanket with sunflower designs covering him.

“He can’t even handle me in bed,” Syahla sipped a bit of her wine and looked behind her up the rows up burgundy seats at the door to make sure it was locked. “Between me and you, I only married him for the money. If I may ask, how old are ya?”

“I’m twenty-five. Turning twenty-six this year,” he opened a bottle of blueberry soda and drank from it. “I know I look and act young but I’m not that young.”

“Hmm, I’ll take your word for it,” she crossed her legs and started staring at the video talking about Jack The Ripper. “I grew up in the slums in a family of ten. When I was fifteen I lost everything in a house fire, all my family, all my belongings, everything. Back then there was a notorious motorcycle club that’s a part of the 1%, the President took me in an took care of me until I was eighteen. At that age I joined his Motorcycle Club and became the baddest biker Ɓîtçh in town. I was a highly respected gal, pretty d@mn fine too. My life in that time was going great, used to sell drugs and be a body guard for a local kingpin to make some money. Then I fell in love with someone. He was fine man with the clearest blue eyes I’d ever seen and curly black hair. I fell at first glance, became a bit obsessed.

“I hope he’d notice me until one day he did, and when he did we had a darn good thing going. But we all know good things don’t last forever, after we got married and had Meira–I had her at twenty-two–he became ab*sive with me, sometimes it would get so bad I couldn’t leave because I didn’t want anyone to see my injuries. I stayed with that man for more years than I should’ve, why? Because I loved him. Love makes you do stupid things. Long story short, I dropped out of the club and fell into deep depression, my husband developed a gambling addiction. He was apart of my MC back then, and when he gambled all of our money he borrowed from them and couldn’t pay it back. We were wanted and marked for d**th–my husband soon committed s*icide, leaving us behind with his debts. I just regret letting Meira have to come home and see his body swinging from it. I was taken into custody for questioning, everyone knew he was b**ting me so they assumed I did it.

“I’ve never k!lled a soul before and would never dream of doing it. I lost many years to that man, years that I would never get back,” she placed the glass on the ground and grabbed the bottle instead. “After I was released, the MC guys were looking for me, so I had to run away. I had lived on the streets for years until Theodore found me, he fell in love with me and spent money on me. So, when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him I said yes, even though I didn’t love him.”

Venom was speechless, he’d even stopped eating just to listen to her. Turns out, she’s misunderstood, just like he and his gang. “d@mn.”

“Don’t feel sorry for me, kid. Pity is the last thing I need,” she downed half the bottle and stood up. “It was fun kicking it with you, but I’m not as young as I used to be. Sleep is important, can’t be a bad Ɓîtçh and be ugly too,” she turned and began going up the stairs then left through the way they all came.

Venom blinked twice and turned back to the screen. He dropped the can of Pringles on the seat where she was just sitting in then rested his head on the back of the chair. Watching movies no longer interested him. In a low, serious tone Venom looked at the ceiling and said, “I would’ve treated you better. I could treat you better. I ??? treat you better.”

?? ???? ?????…

“Why did you bring me back? Didn’t you say you wouldn’t come back?” Meira complained as her and Ryat neared the mansion.

“I saved you from getting an earful from your psychopathic mom and this is the thanks I get?” Ryat reached the building and rode up the driveway, the guard there recognized him and opened the gate so he can go inside. “You’re an ungrateful little girl. This is why you’re so short. Wicked people are always short.”

“What? Ryat, stop making fun of my height that’s not nice!” she punched him lightly, he just laughed at her adorableness.

They rode around the mansion to the back, Ryat parked under a tree. Meira took her helmet off, she got off Ryat’s bike and removed the rest of his stuff aggressively. She shoved them into his hand and tried leaving but he grabbed her wrist preventing the action, Meira looked back at him with a brow arched in question. Ryat threw everything behind him into the darkness and pulled her back to him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, now grabbing her waist. “I didn’t say you could leave.”

“Ryat, we have to go our separate ways now. If someone sees us we’re screwed!” she panicked.

He chuckled and came off the bike to sit on it instead and pulled her between his thighs, he brought both of his hands to her thighs then ran them upwards to her backside–which he squeezed to his satisfaction. Loving the softness.

“Baby girl, if someone sees us ????’?? screwed,” he grabbed her throat in the dark possessively and brought her closer.

“Ryat, stop,” Meira whined, holding onto the hand around her neck. It was warm, and rough, the hold was tight but enough to hurt her. It sent delicious tingles sprinting across her skin which faded into shivers, his hand on her throat with another squeezing and slapping her a** pleasured her in ways she could not understand. “Please stop…”

Ryat ignored her words, instead running his tongue around her the shell of her ear. “You’re the best thing I’ve ever tasted,” kissed the spot where her ear meets her jaw and descended to her neck. He kissed her there then bit deep and hard into it.

“Ow!” she squealed in the dark. “Oh no,” she attempted to look around but Ryat turned her head right back using his hand still around her neck. “I said stop it, you big meanie!” he just bit into lower lip and smirked at her.

Ryat tenderly licked the spot he bit, feeling his teeth marks with his tongue. He kissed the spot then started s**king on it like a starved vampire. Meira held onto Ryat’s broad shoulders for support, waves of pleasure was spreading through her the more he s**ked. He soon pulled away to leave a blazing trail of kisses down her neck, down her chest and stopped at her br**sts. He gave each a kiss.

“I’m not going anywhere, not anymore.”

“Great, I’m so excited to have you here,” she said sarcastically.

He bit the top of one her br**sts, she yelped. “Watch your mouth. Don’t ever talk to me like that again.”

“I said I was excited to have you here you idi*t!”

“Don’t try to be smart with me, I know what sarcasm is.”

“Can we pleeease just go now?” she begged, trying to pry his hand away from her neck.

“If you kneel and call me ‘Daddy’ then I will.”

She was stunned. “I’m not–”

“There’s some maids coming,” he spotted three maids walking towards where they were.

“What!?” she heard their voices. “Ryat, let me go! We have to go! I don’t wanna be caught with you! Please, just let’s go!”

“Kneel.” one word, one command. No way around it.

Meira looked around, the maids didn’t see them because they were in darkness but she was still so scared. Finally, she swallowed her pried and slowly kneeled between Ryat’s legs. “Happy now?”

“Now beg me to let you go.”

Even in the dark, his slate eyes were still bright. She gulped, feeling a different kind of sensation in her body that had her P@ŋtîēṣ dampening–as if they already weren’t damp from the kiss and groping at the beach. Ryat was a dominant person, and Meira just…liked submitting to him. Most of the time–like right now. Without him having to repeat himself twice, she did as told.

“Please, ?????, can I go now? Pleeeease,” she pouted, fluttering her lashes to convince him.

He paused, studying her in the dark, then smirked at her submissiveness. She’s the perfect girl for him–exactly what he’s always wanted. “You’ve very been a good baby for me tonight, Little Dove, I like that,” he bent over and took her neck in his hand. “Here’s your reward,” he brought her in for a drugging kiss, sloppy kiss. While he swirled his tongue in her warm mouth–tasting her–his free hand snaked down her body and went between her parted legs.

Luckily, the maids has gone. They were busy gossiping about how nasty Yulia was–she pooped in the toilet and called them to flush it for her.

Ryat’s hand went down and underneath her, she was warm there. He stopped kissing her and attacked her neck instead–s**king, l**king, and biting to his delight–while his hand curved under Meira’s p**sy.

She gasped. “Ryat! No wait! Stop! We’re not supposed to be…” she trailed off, eyes rolling into the back of her head when he pressed down and rubbed her ćƖĩť in a slow circle. “Oh my God…” she Mõ@ɲed softly.

“Move your hips for me, baby,” he commanded, still pressing down directly on her nub. He ran a finger downward, between her slits.

Meira felt liquids run out of her, wetting her underwear. Her nails dug into his calves, she did what he asked–slowing grinding her hips on his fingers. The feeling made her throw her head back. ‘This is so degrading,’ she said inwardly.

Ryat started rubbing faster, and faster. Meira bit her lip to prevent more Mõ@ɲs from slipping, her ćƖĩť was throbbing with desire for something more, something bigger–like an ????????. Something started building in her stomach, her ćƖĩť throbbing harder and a bit painfully. She whimpered under Ryat, her neck still in his hand. She felt her mind getting foggy, she bit on her finger to stop herself from Mõ@ɲing as dizziness started taking over–she was so close.

Just when she felt something knotting in her abdomen he removed his hand after one last press, and Meira opened her eyes in disbelief.

He chuckled segzily and bit her earlobe. “That’s all you’re getting, for ???. Naughty little girl. You want your Stepbrother to make you Com? How cute.”


“Let’s get outta here, if we get caught we’re actually gonna get in trouble.”

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