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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter Thirteen


Meira woke up to the smell of ham and eggs with a thunderously growling stomach. For a brief second she thought she was at home but remembered the kitchen was far from where her room was, and it’s on the first floor. She yawned softly and sat up in bed, she reached over to the chair and took up her glasses to put them on. The place was dark but blueish light still managed to illuminate the place from between the boards that make up the building. Meira looked around her bed, it was empty, she had been hoping Ryat would show up but he didn’t.

She decided to go look for him. The fresh beauty tossed the sheet off and swung her feet off the bed, she walked to the rails made of wood and looked down at the wide space. Luckily, Ryat was there sleeping soundly on a couch, Venom was also asleep on another one. The two were wrapped in blankets. She smiled and looked across her, Korpse and Bandit were sleeping like babies, they were also covered properly in their respective sheets. As she looked she smelled something delicious, her stomach growled at the appetizing aroma the food emitted.

‘Who is cooking? It smells so good,’ she ventured down the stairs with one hand on the wooden rails. Once at the foot of the flight she stopped, brows furrowed in confusion. A good distance off to her right where the kitchen was a tall male with his back turned to her. He seemed to be the one cooking on the white stove, and he was singing melodiously. ‘Holy. Mother. Of. God. Is that Neon?’

Indeed it was.

She stealthily walked over to him but stopped behind his back to admire one of God’s great creations. Tight skin was stretched across his muscled back–there wasn’t a single sag or wrinkle her eyes could identify. Neon has a spine tattoo of a sword with vines covered in thorns. His brilliant blonde hair that smelled like strawberry and coconut shampoo obscured the sword’s handle. The urge to run her finger through his hair attacked her like a Lion in the Kalahari desert, but she would never give in to it.

Meira remained behind the tall blonde, listening to him sing and rap quite well. It was impressive.

Fifteen minutes of staring later and Neon finally was placing lettuce leaves on a sandwich, he turned to look at a sleeping Venom and Carnage but he met the impossibly bright and clear eyes of Meira instead. He had no idea she was standing there. Her face turned red when he caught her staring red handed, she looked down shyly. It was his turn to smile at her.

“Good morning princess, did I wake you with my singing?” he dipped a knife in a bottle of mayo to coat slices of bread in it. “My sincerest apology if I did.”

“No! I woke up because of the food. I’m hungry, and you sound really good when you sing and rap,” she stared up at him from under her fluffy lashes.

“Well I’ll be damned, this is a wonderful way to start off my morning,” he finished with the bread and moved to get the cheese. “Take a seat, baby girl, I’ll be serving you today.”

“Mm-kay,” she closed her eyes and grinned before turning around and walking back to the table.

Neon’s eyes were spellbound by the way her @zz cheeks went up and down and shook as she moved. She was a Goddess in his whiskey-eyes, and she possessed a segzy walk. It was mesmerising to watch her move and he took in the sight as if it were the last thing he’d ever see in his life. Meira has no idea how drop-d**d gorgeous she was so she tended to unintentionally seduce people. Neon was sure even woman questioned their segzualities when she cat-walked by them.

‘God sure has his favorites,’ he chuckled and reflcused on making his friends a scrumptious breakfast.

The blueish six a.m. light slowly faded into light yellow as the sun rose over the horizon, gracing everything in its path with warmth and life. Zayde stirred the oatmeal porridge and groaned, he was still recovering from the hangover but he had to cook for the boys. It was a job he took great pride in doing. He was using a spatula to flip the pancakes in the frying when his eyes zeroed in on the tattoo of a snake’s tail on his left hand. It was a cobra, it ran from his hand, up and around his arm to perch it’s vicious head on his chest. This instantly reminded him of his…mother.

Velvette Valentino. She used to love serpents, especially snakes and dragons. He remembered her spending hours surfacing the internet for information on them. When she wasnt busy obsessing over fire spitting dragons and snakes she was ab*sing him–both physically and s*xually. The horrid memories of what she’d done sent chills down his spine. He flipped the pancakes, removed them then turned the stove off. Zayde shared the breakfast equally, he covered the boys’ food and left it to cool since he knows they h@ťě being woken up before ten a.m. While fixing Meira’s food he caught sight of a vase filled with vibrant roses and picked out one. He set the food tray neatly and held the rose as he began walking to her with her breakfast.

Meira’s eyes devoured the food before her mouth could. “Zayde, this looks great! Who taught you how to prepare food like this? It looks like it came from a 5-Star restaurant. Good job!”

He only smiled at her praises. “Everyone has an obsession, mine was cooking channels. I mostly taught myself how to cook and properly decorate a dish until I went to highschool and Mrs. Warner taught me the rest of what I know. Thanks for the compliments, the boys always say my food looks like a load of $h|t a truck drove through,” he laughed at that knowing his friends are usually f-__-king with him.

“Where is your food?” she asked curiously.

Neon went back for a mug of black coffee and sour cream biscuits. “I don’t usually like eating in the morning. And I’m not a morning person.”

“Oh, me too! Hehe. It’s okay.”

Meira shrugged and dived into her meal. A bacon and egg sandwich with all the necessary toppings, a bowl of creamy oatmeal porridge with two cinnamon sticks in a cross at the top, a mug of creamy coffee with a heart design at the top and lastly blueberry pancakes drenched in syrup. The food was so scrumptious she just kept eating, temporarily unable to talk. It was so good, too good be true. Neon was a true master Chef!

While she was preoccupied with stuffing her face Neon sipped his coffee and laughed inwardly. She was so d@mn cute. They ate in silence, and naturally Neon got lost in his thoughts. He recalled the memories he shared with his mum before she was h*t by a car and d**d at the scene. She h@ťěd him. And it wasn’t no normal hatred, she blamed him for ruining her relationship with a Mexican Cartel leader.

Though he was young, she always kept him locked in a cold basement with a piece of cardboard for a bed and a bucket to relieve himself. There was no light and not even a blanket to warm him at night–so he often got sick. Plus, she fed him a slice of bread and half glass of water every day. If that wasn’t enough, she would pay him a visit every night and do s*x*ally inappropriate things to him–things mothers aren’t supposed to do to their sons. He had his virginity taken by his mother against his will and if he ever resisted her she’d mercilessly b**t him with an electrical chord for long hours. Today, his skin occasionally tingles as an after effect of her wickedness. When she d**d it was the best news ever, he was supposed to be taken in by his uncle, but Juan didn’t come for him until years later, and his house got burned down.

Zayde ended up living in the remnants of what used to be his mother’s house for three years, Juan did not come when he was supposed to. He had to eat rats, cats, or anything he could find to survive. He drank smelly rainwater caught in buckets, worked for people in his community to make a few dollars, and almost d**d after contracting malaria. Hunger and mosquitoes were his friends, darkness and coldness his family. He vividly remembers taking shelter under rusty zincs held down by boulders during storms. The list of the things he’s been through is a long one. When Juan finally showed up he brought him to Arkville and gave him a slightly better life–Neon may have not been swallowing his saliva to stay alive when he lived with Juan, but he did have to eat leftover food while staying in a barn with goats, horses, pigs, ducks and many other animals.

He sipped his coffee shakily, desperately trying to hold back the tears thr_@tening to fall. The most f-__-ked up thing about his life was that he never got to talk or express his feelings the way he should’ve–every time he did he was b**ten until his skin was blue, black and purple. This caused him to develop severe, incurable Anger Issues and Antisocial disorder. He never learned how to properly express himself as a result of always bottling his emotions. His reaction in most cases are either silence, or extreme acts of v**lence. He’s tried to change, went to many therapists, but he remained the same.

‘It’s always ??? ????? ??? ?? ?? and never ??? ??? ??? ?? ??,’ he said inwardly and sighed.

“Neon,” Meira called. He was sitting there silently and glaring at the wall. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” came his sharp and icy response. Just like that his mood changed.

Meira didn’t know why he was being so standoffish, just a moment ago he was smiling. She didn’t say anything else but admired his snake tattoo that ran up his left arm, from the snake’s neck on his shoulder a bush of roses sprouted and flourished. Speaking of which, she picked up the rose Neon gave her and smelled it.
The floral fragrance was a nice one. On his other arm was the tattoo of a dragon coiled around it, its head was on the other side of his chest next to the Cobra’s head.

“Do you like reptiles?” she inquired.

“Unfirtunately, yes. I once had a pet snake called Jacob, but my cat k*ll*d him, then I k*ll*d the cat. So now I have no pets, but I’ll buy another Python soon,” he emptied the contents of the mug in his mouth and swallowed it down. “What’s your favorite animal?”

“Bunnies! I love white bunnies. They’re so little and cute,” she beamed like a child who’d just walked into a candy store. “But…my mom eats them. Stewed bunnies with a side of roasted sweet potatoes is her all time favorite meal.”

“You two are up early,” Carnage said before Neon could reply to Meira.

He walked pass them, purposely pulling on Meira’s hair then bumping fist with Neon. “I could eat a lion right now, I’m starvin’.”

“That makes two of us bro,” Korpse stretched his limbs and yawned. “Morning Snow, sup Neon.”

“You know the usual homie,” he bumped fist with Korpse.

“I just love the smell of coffee in the morning,” Bandit pulled a shirt over his head as he came to take his seat. He too greeted Neon.

Everyone picked up their meals and sat down around the table. Without another exchange of words they began eating their breakfast.

“So… Snow, about the bunny thing?” Neon said smiling, which eventually broke into laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Bandit asked.

“Her favorite animal is rabbits and her mom’s favorite food is stewed rabbits,” he threw his head back, still laughing hysterically at her.

Meira became flustered and picked up a piece of un eaten bread and threw it at Neon, it landed in his mouth which made him immediately stop laughing and started coughing, he hit his chest, trying to get the dry piece of bread out.

This had the boys, and Meira, roaring with laughter.

“Nice one Mei,” Venom showed up and put both hands on her shoulders, looking down at her with a bright smile. “Should’ve threw a rat in that hole.”

Ryat’s eyes instantly left his meal to stare at Venom’s fingers gently massaging her shoulders. He couldn’t explain why, but the scene irked him more than anything he’d ever seen. He felt inward angry.

“Man, f-__-k all y’all motherf**ers,” Neon coughed and went to the frudge to get a carton of milk to drink. “Some friends y’all are. Snow, that was not cool,” he placed a hand on his hip, milk in the other hand and stared at her with a milk mustache above his lips.

“Sorry… Not sorry,” she grinned. “Hey, Venom, can you put these down for me, please?” she looked up into seas of bright green and pouted cutely.

“But of course, anything for you mami,” Venom winked and cleared her things away. He passed Neon–who was looking him up and down–on his way to the sink. “The f-__-k are you lookin’ f-__-ktard?”

“The definition of ugly as hell,” he rolled his eyes.

“What did you just say?”

“Nothin’,” he walked back to his seat and sat down. “Anyways, we’ll be leaving in a few hours. I have some important $h|t to get done.”

“Yay! Ryat, can I please have my phone now?” Meira looked at her stepbrother pleadingly.

He held his red mug with two hands, and without looking at her replied, “Nope.”

“Oh come on!” she whined and folded her arms. “Give it back. Now! It’s my phone.”

He ignored her.

Bandit and the rest of the guys laughed at their behavior.

?? ?? ?????????….

Not me crying. Neon, come here I’ll give you a big hug moi sweet baby boy???

Is Ryat…jealous? because Venom was holding her?? Lord ha mercyyy

Now now Meira why’d you do Neon so dirty??

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