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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.


Meira sobbed into her pillow, moping over what her ex-boyfriend had done to her. She balled her fist and turned her head to look out the windows, she had loved him dearly. Even after they broke up, because her love wouldn’t die down she thought of giving him a second chance. Well, not after what he did to her in the abandoned pool maintenance room.

It was raining pretty heavily outside. The clouds were dark, thunder roared wickedly, and every few minutes the flash of lightning came. Rainwater cascaded down the clear windows, Meira stared at it and basked in the calm ambiance it provided.

When it was clear the storm was getting worse Meira rolled out of bed to draw the curtains. Fog had started to gather at the corner of the windows.

After pulling the ash grey curtains together she turned to go back to bed and finish crying over her lost love when urgent knocks came at her door. She thought of who could be outside her room at this time but didn’t get any ideas as the hard knocks persisted. Annoyed at the person, she opened the door preparing to give them an earful of curses but became paralyzed with fear immediately. What…the hell?

Standing there was an unexpected guest; her Stepbrother. He was hunched over, left hand on the doorframe for support and face fixed on the floor. He looked up at her and her eyes grew wider than humanely possible.

Meira assessed him keenly and met blood splatters all over his face, his lips were busted and blood trickled down the side of his brow which was swollen and turned purple-black. The most terrifying thing was the axe in his right hand. Blood glided down his arm from the nasty injury on his shoulder to leisurely drip off the sharp silver blade. She had noticed his jacket looked soaked, but it wasn’t drenched in rainwater, it was in blood. The pungent smell invaded her nostrils after the startling realization.

“Snow,” he called in a rough, sultry voice. “I made sure he won’t bother you anymore.”

“What… What have you done?” her breathing became heavy, a panic attack just around the corner.

He straightened to his full height, towering over her. In a darkly sinister tone, he said, “I took care of your problem, permanently.”

Meira almost fainted. Her stomach felt like it was being twisted with brute force. Her vision doubled for a split second. Bile raised in her mouth, she spun on her heels and spat in the trashcan. Thunder viciously roared above her in the clouds. Her brain failed to process what was going on. She used her sleeve to wipe her mouth before turning around once she heard a click.

He was now in her room. He locked the door. Dropped the axe, and slid out of his wet clothes. Crimson liquid stained his toned body. Miera stared at him mortified, she tried making a run for the bathroom but he grabbed her and tossed her onto the bed like a ragdoll. Her body bounced, she was now directly under him.


He mumbled something she didn’t catch.

“What’s happening?” her heart roared in her ears.

“You’re mine, nobody messes with what’s mine. I’ll ki|| anyone who touches you,” slate-grey eyes sliced through her crystal-blue ones. “Snow, I love you.”

Cold fingers roamed over her skin before they found her nape and held it tightly. His thumb messaged the skin over her throat, he growled possessively as his gaze swept over her body.

“This…” she said meekly, her heart slamming against her ribcage. Her Břě@šťs were pressed against his firm body. “This isn’t right,” tears glided down from the corner of her eyes, and her hands snaked up his body. One hand buried itself in his soft hair, while the other held his waist.

“When the line between love and obsession blurs, everything feels right,” he swept loose hair strands behind her ear. He grabbed a fist full of curly hair then swooped in and pressed his lips firmly against hers in a drugging kiss.

Meira Kameron is a sweet, kindhearted eighteen-year-old senior in the local high school. When she was made to stay home one day because of a special occasion she was furious but excited to meet her stepbrother. Even though he pretty much h@ťěd her at first sight, she admired him and did her best to make him comfortable living with her. However, admiration quickly turned into something completely wrong. It wasn’t her intention to fall in love with her stepbrother, but fate had other plans. They say good girls love bad boys, but Bad Boys Don’t Have Hearts, and Meira would soon find out.

? ???? ?? ????, ???, ?????????, ??? ?????????? ???? ?? ?????. Let’s jump right into it then, shall we?


《 Monsters aren’t born, they’re Made 》
By, ✿ฺ Author Indigo Raine ✿ฺ
©Copyright 2023 [?? ℕ?? ℂ?ℙ? ?ℝ ℝ?ℙ???]
Genre(s): Dark Romance, Forbidden, Mafia.
Theme: Sometimes water is better than blood.
[# Chapter One


Though the atmosphere was a cheerful one, dark clouds promising despair loomed in the sky. It was a sunny Friday morning in the humble month of March. Birds flew over the bright horizon, kids rode their bikes down the streets lined with mansions, the smell of sweet-scented flowers permeated the air. Everyone bore sparkly smiles. On a nearby property classical music blared from the speakers. Flashy vehicles had chock-a-blocked the driveway. Today was no ordinary day for the members of the Hamilton Family–in fact, today was a great day.

Or maybe not.

“Meira!” a middle-aged woman dressed in a knee-length blue dress walked along the pool, heels clacking against the concrete. “Where is that daughter of mine? Meira honey!”

Meanwhile she searched tirelessly, in a room on the third floor of the mansion, a young lady was bawling her eyes out. Despite hearing the calls of an older woman, she ignored it and continued to cry. Today was supposed to be a wonderful day, except it wasn’t, not anymore.

“How could he do this to me?” she sobbed, “What went wrong? How could he do that to me…with her of all people? My cousin.”

Meira Kameron dropped the expensive phone in her hand and stood up, she stumbled toward her dresser and sat down with her face buried in her palms. “I gave him my heart, and all he could say was that…that he didn’t ask me to,” trembles racked her frame as she cried non-stop.

“Meira! Good gracious, sweetie is that you in there?” the same woman from earlier was now outside her room door. “Meira…” her voice softened after hearing low Mõ@ɲs and whimpers.


The door burst open immediately.

“Meira! What the hell?” she stood there frozen under the threshold, seeing her daughter crying bitterly for God knows why made her blood reach a boiling point. “Meira, you tell me what is wrong with you right now. No daughter of mine should be crying at nine a.m. on a Friday!”

“Mom, Christopher. He…he cheated on me with Belinda. She…she just sent me screenshots, voice recordings and pictures. She said he never loved me, he just wanted to take my virginity. Mom, I gave him my heart. I thought he was the man of my dreams, I thought…I thought he’d marry me,” Meira looked up teary-eyed at her mother. Her heart felt as if a red hot knife sliced through it. “Mom, what do I do now?”

After a moment of silence, her mother sighed.

“That two-timing, cheap lying, son of a h**!” she went to stand by her daughter and pulled her into a comforting hug. “My darling, you can start by stop crying. We don’t cry over men where I’m from. Especially not good for nothing cheaters.”

“B-but… Mom, I loved him!” when she saw the evidence of disloyalty, her heart sank to her stomach. Even now she can swear a hand is strangely her heart. She’s crying so hard breathing and standing feels impossible. “How could he do this to me… With her of all people, too!”

She huffed. “Everybody knows Belinda is a serial wh*r*, but I expected better from Christopher. I had my suspicions, I tried to warn you, but you were too lovesick to hear me out. Well, that’s all in the past now, dear look at me,” she knelt before her daughter. “Stop the crying. He is not worth a drop of those diamonds you call tears. The good thing is you didn’t give him your pride, or did you?”

“No. Mother. We both agreed we’d wait until marriage.”

“Wonderful! Sweetie, I know it hurts, I too have been heartbroken in the past, but you will get over this. Should I stay with you and tell Theodore to reschedule the meeting–” she was interrupted.

“No! Absolutely not,” Meira pushed back the stool and stood up. She brushed her dress off, wiped her face clean with wipes and sniffed. “Today is when I meet my brother, it’s supposed to be a special occasion given the fact that he’s just been released from prison. My heart is breaking into a million pieces as we speak but I refuse to let a stupid boy ruin my day. So, no, don’t cancel. What we should do is go downstairs.”

Syahla Rujiwati, a beautiful Indonesian woman, stood up. Concern weighed heavily on her chest for her daughter. “Meira, when I catch that brat with the ancient wig that looked like a raccoon ran through it I will destroy her. That outrageous football player should be lucky m*rd*r isn’t legal. But, are you sure about this? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. You’ll need some time to heal and I don’t think human interaction will help much.”

Though Sya, formally known as Mrs. Hamilton, gave valid points, Meira had her mind made up. “I will be okay. I may be heartbroken but the fact that I’ve been dying to meet…him, definitely overpowers that. So, can we just go back down now? I’ll be okay. I’m tougher than I look.”

Deep down Meira just wanted to curl up in a dark cave and disappear, but she had been anticipating the arrival of this day and therefore would not allow the meeting to be rescheduled. Besides, crying over a boy when family members are around isn’t a wise decision. She can always lock herself in her room and shed endless streams of tears–just not right now.

Despite her mother’s suggestions she still went through the day like her heart wasn’t further shattering the more she fake smiled. Hours passed and evening rolled around, the day was well-spent except for this morning’s happenings. The rain poured heavily outside, gloomy dark clouds soaked everything it could, thunder roared and lightning occasionally striked. All the family members were piled into the luxurious lounge where maids served them drinks and snacks.

Meira’s health deteriorated as the rain kept pouring. Today felt like a funeral. Who died? Her heart along with all the feelings she harboured for her now EX-boyfriend.

What was more concerning is that the guest had not arrived yet. Meira wondered what could be the cause. Her excitement to finally meet him wanted to choke her. She felt breathless imaging meeting him. She had seen photos of him when he was in highschool, and God, he was irrefutably attractive. At least she had a handsome brother to brag about, that was a good thing, right?

“Meira,” one of her oldest cousins who is married with three kids collapsed on the bean bag next to the arm chair she was currently in. “You okay girl? You don’t look too cheerful, the Mei I know is always smiling like she had won the lottery.”

“I’m okay, Vicky, just not a fan of the weather,” she awkwardly smiled.

Vicky eyed her for a long time before shrugging. “I thought so too. The rain is like periods, always shows up at the wrong moments to ruin everything.”

“Bet you wished you had your period instead of Vivienne at sixteen,” a younger male cousin commented, referring to her first child.

Everyone stopped doing what they were doing to glare at the disrespectful kid.

“What? I was kidding!” he tried to laugh it off.

“Justin, I bet your mom wished she saw her period instead of two red lines on the pregnancy test. Oh, wait, I forgot you don’t have a mother. I sadly cannot relate,” she sipped her pineapple juice innocently.

“Vixen! You are a grown woman, stop arguing with a fourteen-year-old!” one of the elder aunts berated her. Justin was now crying in her arms.

“The kid needed to be put in his place, what in the name of potatoes does being grown have to do with that? Instead of picking a fight with Vicky raise your brat right,” Syahla rolled her eyes.

This of course caused a major argument amongst family members. The Hamilton Family has always hardly gotten along with each other.

“Big brother Theo! Where did you find this leech? I’m sure she only married into the Hamilton family for the sake of money! She is a gold digger and you should get rid of her,” one of the other women venomously glared at Meira’s mother.

“Who told the unmarried barren swine she was allowed to have an opinion regarding who Theodore Hamilton marries?” Syahla casually asked and everyone’s mouth dropped. “What? She’s talking about ‘get rid of people’ ma’am why don’t you get rid of your bad breath? I will not let anyone in this room bully me, I am not afraid of you guys. Try me and I’ll make all of you into roasted potatoes!”

“Mom! Seriously, stop! That was so rude!” Meira walked to her mother in order to stop her, the aunt she had been arguing with was already crying. “I hope I don’t end up like this in the future.”

“Oh hush, if you don’t have a back bone in this world unwanted morons like this will walk all over you,” she rolled her eyes and hissed. “Nonsense. You’re so mad about my marriage with Theo why didn’t you marry him instead? Mind your business, you sack of rotten potatoes!”

It was a total disaster, the arguments carried on till night. Everyone had forgotten why the family had met up in the first place and just kept on arguing. Meira had stopped paying attention to them, lost in her own world, staring out the window.

“Are you happy with what you’ve done?” Theodore Hamilton, a business man with hundreds of properties and businesses throughout the country, said to Vicky. “This chaos, are you proud of it?”

“Well, growing up I was told I could be anything I wanted, so I became a problem,” she grinned and raised her glass to Theo. “When’s he getting here by the way? I thought he would’ve been here sooner. Oh, and technically I didn’t start this, Justin did. He’s such an @zz, no wonder why he repeated seventh grade twice. He’s a dumb one too.”

Theodore’s mood instantly changed. In an icy voice he said, “He doesn’t want to come home. I do not blame him. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he were a no-show. I had never been a good father to him. He does not want to visit home and understandably so. You should probably start going home, I’ll book you a first class flight to Italy in a few. The dinner has been ruined anyway. See, this is why he h@ťěs the family, they always make things about themselves and never about him. Even when it is about him,” sighed.

Meira came back to earth when her mother–?? ??????–almost got into a fight with one of the aunts. Another hour later when things finally managed to cool down, good news came. The person they had been waiting for had safely arrived. Since so much had happened already and his day was practically ruined, it was agreed that the dinner would take place tomorrow. Tonight, he would rest in a private room previously prepared.

She was both disappointed and relieved, she really needed some alone time. Meira checked her cell and saw numerous calls from Christopher. Belinda didn’t show up–???? ??????–or sent any other message. Meira just sat down grieving her shattered heart, she cried so hard that night she puked her guts out at least twice into the toilet.

It had been one hectic day, and things were going to escalate from then on.

?? ?? ?????????….

Don’t we all just love family gatherings?? Certainly not me.

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