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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRUSH – Episode 36

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. ❤BAD

?Make a choice Bella!!?Chloe or Nicc!!?? ?

Highschool romance


(Playful fight???)

Bella’s POV

Twenty minutes later,

I changed into my recreation clothes which I took out from my locker
It was a black sweater and jumpsuit, everyone was wearing same thing like me

I dressed my hair before coming out of the female lounge to see Chloe already changed too
“Whoa! You look handsome my boyfriend “I admired staring at his half closed sweater which revealed part of his athletic chest

He blushed again, he held my shoulder
“You look like my very own princess ” he said winking at me
I smiled at him before tugging at his hair

After that, we walked hand in hand to the field for the recreation and we separated afterwards
Everyone was already gathered for it
We the girls formed a group of circle while the boys did same too

A ball was brought by one of the girls, she began tossing it about
“Catch the ball! And throw it to another person
That’s the game! “She explained and we all nodded

“Now catch! “She threw the ball to me and I threw it to another and then another… It continued that way
Anyone who failed is out and will stay in the middle of the circle….

Chloe’s POV

We formed a circle, we all jogged on our legs waiting for the game to start
Peter who was with the ball tossed the ball up and down lightly in his palms trying to get us all ready for a throw
“Ready? “He asked and all of us nodded in unison

He threw the ball to Zayn who threw it to me and then I threw the ball lightly to Ben who threw the ball back to Peter and then to Zayn who gave it to another guy who still gave the ball to me

So it went on and on until they threw the ball to Nicc who smirked at me before giving a very hard shot of the ball and the ball landed on my tummy which made me groan cuz of the pain and it made the ball to fall on the ground

“You can’t catch a ball, how weak you’re “he said ironically
He’s in for a fight and am gonna give him that since he called for it
I took the ball up and aimed at his head
I targeted it properly before hitting the ball right at his head

“Ouch! d@mn! “He fell on his knees holding his head
I smirked… I just got my revenge
I smirked again
“Pass the ball the two of you”the guys complained sensing a fight between us but we didn’t want that anymore

This new ball throwing is getting so interesting
He gave the ball a hard shot at me and I caught it with my arm with the hotness and pain it gave to my palms immediately
I groaned lightly

I hit the ball back to him but this time I made the ball hit his mouth and not the type he will catch with his palms
“Oh my God!! “The guys exclaimed watching the both of us playing drama for them

Zayn came to my side
“What’s wrong with the both of you? “He asked really concerned but I pushed him aside
“Shift, he might hit you this ball”I cautioned getting ready to catch his ball

“Chloe! Stop this! I will tell Bella about this”he warned and I hesitated for a minute thinking about how Bella will feel when she gets to hear that we both are fighting with a ball when the ball hit me right on my ear making me groan loudly cuz of the pain

I touched my ear, it was bleeding seriously
I wanted to stop but I couldn’t anymore… He started it afterall
“It hurts like hell right Chloe? “he asked mockingly and I grinned at him
“Just shut your trap and catch the ball”I snapped at him before I let out the ball aiming and falling directly on his tummy

“Arhhggh! Oh my bad! “He groaned and I smirked before re-examining my ear again
Peter grabbed the ball from him before he could $h00t it at me again
He furiously turned to Peter requesting for the ball but Peter won’t give it back

He turned towards me getting his filthy legs and body closer to where I stood nursing my little wounds
“You think you won? “He asked almost jamming his forehead with mine

“Won? I always win and I never fail “I reminded and he let out a loud scoff which got me smirking
“Look Chloe, I always won even basket ball I’m unbeatable on that ”

“You guys should stop! “Zayn barked at the both of us but he smirked at his words
“Don’t mind him dear, I need to speak some sense into this bastard”he insulted and I gave out a short laughter

“Bastard? Who’s a bastard amongst us
I, that is in my dad’s house or you who is a stray cat looking fot shelter and my dad mercifully let you guys in”I fired back

“What did you just call me? ”
He asked trying to make me repeat my words
“I said you’re a stray cat… “He punched me but I didn’t waste time in giving it back to him in case any teacher comes in again like last time and I won’t have time to revenge

He made to hit me again but Bella’s voice stopped the both of us
“Stop!! “She yelled getting closer to us
We glared at each other with so much hatred in our eyes
I so much h@ťě this guy! I just h@ťě him!!

She pulled me away from Nicc
“What’s wrong with the both of you? “She half yelled staring from me to him
Nicc turned to her with a jovial smile dancing on his lips
“I know you would come to save my handsome face from being ruined by him”he uttered which made me feel like punching him again

He’s just pissing me off each time he speaks with confidence towards Bella
“Really? You just ruined my boyfriend’s face”she sided me which made my heart flutter so much
“You don’t mean that do you? “He asked her and she took a quick glance to me

“Why did you guys fight? “She asked the both of us
“Cuz I love you”he muttered and I wanted to hit him again for uttering such words so carelessly
Bella turned her gaze to me
“Why did you fight? ”

“He started fighting me and I wanted to revenge”I replied calmly my gaze not meeting hers
“Why did you fight Chloe, Nicc? “She asked him again since she seemed convinced by my answer

“Cuz I love you and I want to take what belongs to me
He’s an obstruction to it”

“And do you think being this way will make me love you? “She snapped at him
“You do love me and I know it…. ”
“Stop putting words into her mouth”I chipped in and she hushed me

“Nicc, my feelings have died for you
Get that into your head… And lest I forget, I saw Sandra not quite long ago ”
“Bella… I know I did something… ”

“You did nothing Nicc, you followed your heart “she snapped again before grabbing my arm and leading me out of the little crowd which had already clustered around us

?We don’t talk anymore

?We don’t talk anymore

?We don’t talk anymore
Like we used to do

?We don’t laugh anymore
What was all that for?

?We don’t talk anymore
Like we used to do
“Ahhhh”I groaned in pain as she dressed my wounds
“You shouldn’t have fought, what if Mr. Smith caught you”she nagged but that wasn’t my problem but how she stood up for me back there was my concern

She cut another cotton wool and soaked it into a spirit before using it to clean my ear and then the side of my lips
She quickly stopped when her gaze fell on my lips…

Bella’s POV

My gaze fell on his lips and I almost froze as it kept calling me in for a kiss
I couldn’t
. ❤BAD

?Make a choice Bella!!?Chloe or Nicc!!?? ?

Highschool romance



Nicole’s POV

Three years ago,

I and Bella walked hand in hand watching the blue lights which littered the street which was getting ready for Easter celebration tomorrow

She turned to me
“Let’s make a wish Nicc”she suggested closing her eyes for a bit
I giggled watching her closed eyes which lasted for three minutes before she opened them again

“What did you wish “I asked her and she laughed shyly
“That we should be together like this forever “she said and I smiled a bit
I closed my eyes repeating what she did and opened them again

“What did you wish? “She asked me immediately I opened my eyes
“I won’t tell you, “I replied and she frowned, she wanted to know what I wished for but I won’t tell her

“I told you mine Nicc”she complained and I chuckled
“Its not necessary… ”
“I still want to know”she insisted and I had to give in
“That we follow our heart in the future Bella”she blushed real hard at me when she heard me say such words

We still trudged down to the loveliest part of the road
Beautiful designs and songs aired softly with everywhere bubbling with activities
“Look! That’s a rose flower Nicc! “She pointed to a workshop which was only meant for flowers

“You want one? “I asked and she nodded happily
“I won’t get you one, I will buy ten of it for you “I said and she blushed again holding onto my arm and leaning her head on my shoulder

I smiled at the wind which brushed past us…

Chloe’s POV

Since basket ball was announced in school a week ago I had been preparing so hard since then, suffering myself and wishing if I will do my school proud and even Bella

I ran hundred meters race for five times before falling down on the field and taking a rest
I miss Bella so much, I haven’t seen her quite often since I started my practice

I panted for breath thinking about easter which was just tomorrow
What am I gonna get as a surprise gift for her? Something she might value with all her whole self?

I sat up again from the grassy field looking about to the busy guys who were running up and down and practicing their ski||s with each other
I wanted to leave so I could see Bella before she leave for school today but I couldn’t

I am the captain, so I can’t leave without anyone’s consent especially Teacher Big Tummy, he would yell at me if I leave like that

“Hey! Captain! “I heard his voice call me and I sprang up from the ground dusted my bums before running to meet him
“Sir”I called and he beckoned on me to follow him which I did
Bella’s POV

I left school as soon as the school dismissed, it have been such a boring school for the past week since Chloe started practicing for the basket ball which will soon be held tomorrow on our school field

He doesn’t care anymore about me, he doesn’t see me anymore and we seldomly chatted cuz he’s always tired after every practice

It made me feel unwanted to the extent that even though I was with my friends, I wasn’t comfortable at all
Its hard to admit but I think I miss him so much

I want to see him, I can’t wait till tomorrow when I will finally see him but is that it?
I sighed in frustration going into my bedroom

If only I could see him for a minute
I grumbled dozing off in my school uniform…

“Hey gotta wake up baby! Happy easter!”my dad shoved me out of my bed
He pecked me on my cheeks dancing around me
“Happy easter sweetie! “He chuckled saying so and I got the message

Today is easter already! So I slept off till this morning
I wasn’t happy, no one was getting me a gift today not even Chloe who had been ignoring me for one week

But hold on a minute… I rushed to my phone and turned it on
Chloe’s message hit my phone screen immediately it was unlocked

?Happy easter Girlie❤❤❤
He texted and I almost yelled out if not that my dad was still in my room
What took him so long to chat me let alone call?

?I know you read it but won’t reply
I want you to be the first person I will see before I enter the basket ball pitch to play babe
I have got something to show you

“Dad I have to go to school now! “I said really hurrying into the bathroom to take a bath and rush to school
“You didn’t wash your school uniform last night and I had to do that for you lazy thing?! “He nagged but I wouldn’t hear that anymore

Niccole’s POV

I bought ten rose flowers from a shop and smiled at the seller before leaving for school
I can’t wait to see Bella and give these flowers to her, I really won’t miss her today in school

I came to school and saw her rushing her way to meet Chloe I think
“Bella! “I shouted her name and she stopped walking searching for the person who called her name

I waved my arm in the air so she would see me and she did see me
I ran towards her
“Happy easter”I shoved the ten roses to her face before she collected them
“Nicc! You still remember?? “She smiled so hard admiring and smelling the ten roses

“Why won’t I remember when today is easter”I smirked and she smiled
“Thanks so much, I love them ”
I blushed so hard seeing her so happy about the roses but then I looked ahead to see Chloe staring towards our direction

My mood changed immediately, he’s probably looking for Bella
I have to act fast
“If you’re that happy, why don’t you hug me then”I suggested and she shook her head.

“No I can’t”
“We always hugged remember, this is not your first time hugging me”I pressured and she hugged me wrapping her hands around my waist
I smirked staring at Chloe who was struck at the spot he was, he couldn’t move an inch..

I hugged her back, pressing her tighter to my skin still staring at Chloe who couldn’t move at all

Chloe’s POV

I tried so hard not to see anyone until I’ve seen Bella, I texted her even though she didn’t reply yet, I made sure she saw me first thinking she might have missed me so much

But she didn’t! She didn’t even care if I was there or not else why is she hugging him?
My body shivered looking at the both of them, I became weak, I turned and staggered away

“Hey Chloe, the game is starting soon, the Blandie’s just arrived “Mr. Big Tummy announced to me but I was too weak to even stand
I found myself lying down on the floor maybe I will get better and I didn’t

The way she hugged her with those roses in her hands weakened me the more
Why am I getting so worked up about it? I knew she loved him before I went for her.. Didn’t I know that? Or didn’t she tell me?

“Are you okay? “Ben asked me and I nodded trying to get up but I couldn’t
He helped me up
“Are you sure you’re okay? “He asked me again and I nodded my head
Writer’s POV

Late in the afternoon, everywhere filled to the brim waiting for the match to start
Everyone was busy supporting their best player

Nicc didn’t play, he was new in the school and he was happy he didn’t so he would have more time to spend with Bella who was sitting next to him watching the players warm up for the match

Chloe sighted them together again and his body weakened the more
When the match started, he was playing nonsense loosing over and over again
He will get hold of the ball and throw it away or just lose out

He doesn’t even know what he’s playing
He had to leave the pitch to the amazement of everyone
He didn’t want his school to lose out and he wasn’t concentrating in the game he’s playing, so he had to go

Chloe’s POV

“Chloe! “I heard her sharp voice call me, my whole body tore awake again by just hearing her sharp voice
I thought I was angry with her earlier?
Why did I suddenly turn soft by just hearing her call me?

She came towards me, I tried so hard not to look at her
“I missed you”she said and I almost hugged her but I held myself
I’m angry with her and I should act it out

She made to touch me and I pushed her hands away
“What’s wrong? “She asked me and I shook my head, unable to speak in case my mouth fail me in this

“Because I didn’t see you as you requested? ”
“So you knew?… “I held my tongue feeling a surge of new pain creeping into me
“I’m sorry, When I… ”
“I don’t need those explanations, happy easter”I cut her off heading into the male lounge to change my clothes

She backhugged me resting her head on my back
“I’m sorry, I won’t… ”
“You will Bella cuz you’re always easily get manipulated”I cut her up recalling how she hugged Nicc earlier

She came to my front blinking her eyes, I almost fell for that but I struggled so hard to keep up with my act
“Is this how you greet me after shutting me out for a week? “She picked an offence and I had to defend myself this time

“I didn’t”
“You did Chloe and after all that, you get angry over something irrelevant! “She raised her voice a bit
“Bella…. ”
“Don’t spoil my easter for me!! “She cut out shattering my heart the more…

Its just a misunderstanding ???

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