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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRAVINGS – Episode 61 & 62

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“Marry me”

“What?” Izzy asked, not believing what she just heard from Charon.

“Let’s get married, Izzy”

“Have you gone mad? Or did your break up with Piper affect your ways of thinking? Why would I get married to you?!” Izzy yelled at him.

“Can you please stop shouting?” He asked, calmly.

“Don’t tell me what to do, Charon! You think marriage is a child’s play to you, huh?”

“That’s the only way for you to keep the child. You said you can’t keep the baby because you aren’t my girlfriend, then let’s get married and raise the baby together”

Izzy scoffed.

“You want to marry me because of the baby?”

“Yes. It’s my child and I won’t allow you to get rid of it, neither do I want to be a baby father to my child”

“Then what about us?” Izzy tries her best not to get emotional.

“As long as we get along we don’t have a problem, right?”

Izzy turned around and cleaned her tears. She doesn’t want Charon to see her crying.


Izzy dried her face and turned to look at Charon.

“I’m not getting married to you”

“Why not? Are you that determined to abort our baby?”

“Yes I am! And you want to know why? You threw many insults at me!”

“I thought we were over and done with that?”

“Over and done? Did you apologize for the countless insults you threw at me? You said what we had was a fling, and now you want to claim the baby made out from a one night stand? If Piper didn’t break up with you, would you have suggested we get married? I’m sure you’d have said we should abort the baby!”

“I’m not that kind of man, Izzy. Even if I was still with Piper, I’d have take responsibility for my baby”

“Can you just stop saying your baby?!”

“It’s mine, Izzy. I am the one who got you pregnant”

“I know you got me pregnant, but I can’t get married to you!”

“Why not? Do you know how dangerous it is aborting a child? What if you die in the process? What am I even saying? You are not aborting my baby”

“Are you the one who’s carrying your so-called baby for nine months? Or are you the one who will go into the labor room?”

“I’m going to take care of you Izzy. I won’t leave your side. After we get married I’m going to be a good husband and a father to you and our child”

“Do you love me?” Izzy asked.


“I’m sure you’re not deaf! Do you love me?”

Charon stayed quiet, looking at her with those innocent eyes of his.

“It’s obvious you don’t love me, so why would you suggest we get married? Marriage isn’t a joke, Charon and I don’t want to be involved in a loveless marriage”

“What about you? You don’t love me either, right?”

Izzy took in her lips, this jerk in front of her is yet to realize her feelings for him.

“We don’t love each other and we made a mistake, but that doesn’t mean we should let our baby suffer. As long as we are on good terms, our baby won’t know we don’t love each other. Please Izzy, let’s get married for the sake of our unborn baby, that way, your mom won’t scold you for sleeping with someone who is not your boyfriend”

Izzy swiped her long brown hair to the back.

“My brain is spinning, I need to leave” She walked away but Charon rushed to her and held her hand.

“Please don’t abort the baby”

“Let go of me, Charon”

“Izzy, I’m going to be the best husband to you”

“Let go of me or I’m going to ki|| myself, that way you won’t get the baby you need”


“Let go of me!!!” Izzy shouts at him and Charon let go of her.

“Stop shouting, it’s not good for our baby”

Izzy hissed at him and walked away.


“Don’t follow me!!!”

Charon stopped on his track and he kept looking at Izzy as she walked away.



“You did something with Dove’s friend and you didn’t tell us about it?” Jayden asked.

Vincent just stayed quiet, he wasn’t in the mood to talk.

He so badly wants to talk to Dove, but he keeps restraining himself because of the fact that Dove used him to get over Niko.

“I thought it wasn’t important,” Charon answered.

“So it’s important now because she is pregnant?” Jayden asked again.

“That’s not important anymore. The life of my baby is at stake cuz Izzy is determined on aborting my baby rather than marrying me”

“You think marriage is a comic book to you? Who will marry someone they don’t love?”

“Just because I don’t love her doesn’t mean I h@ťě her. I’m marrying her for the sake of our child, but she isn’t cooperating with me” Charon said, looking sad.

“What about Piper? You dated her for almost nine years. Is that easy to forget about her?”

“I don’t want to talk about her. What’s more important is the safety of my baby”

“Whoa! Charon Brien is starting to act sensible” Jayden clapped his hand.

“Stop! It’s not funny”

Jayden giggled and looked at Vincent who seemed to be out of the world.

“You’re not smoking today? Thought you have gone back to your bad boy era?”

Vincent said nothing.

“If you’re dying to see her, then go and see her and stop ki||ing yourself, silently” Charon said.

“I don’t want to see her”

“It clearly showed in your face that you miss her. I know what she did was wrong, but you both can talk and fix things” Jayden said.

“It’s not easy, Jayden. She used me. A part of me wants to believe she loves me, while the other part doesn’t. I was shattered when I found out she was using me to get over Niko. God knows I love her, but she took it for granted”

“I know how you feel, Vincent. Piper also took my love for granted. You still have a chance to be with Dove, at least she told you she loves you unlike Piper who loves someone else and not me. Give her a chance to explain herself”

“I support Charon”

Vincent sighed and close his eyes; “I want to take a nap”

“Sure you should. You need it cuz you haven’t fully healed” Charon pats him.

“What will you do with Izzy?”

“I’m not going to give up until she agrees to marry me”

“Okay, good luck,” Jayden said and began chatting with Jovita.


Izzy keeps glaring at Dove without saying a word to her.

Dove felt uncomfortable and said; “Fine. I’m sorry. I only told Charon because I didn’t want you to abort my godson”

“Your godson?”

“The baby in your womb is my godson”

“You shouldn’t have told Charon, now he wants me to marry him”

“He wants you to marry him? He didn’t deny the pregnancy? That’s good, Izzy!” Dove said, excitedly.

“Why are you excited?”

“Because I am happy he didn’t deny the pregnancy. You should get married to him”

“Why should I marry him? He doesn’t love me!”

“Life is unpredictable, Izzy. You never know, he’d love you along the line”

“And what if he doesn’t?” Izzy asked.

“Have a positive mindset, Izzy. Don’t abort the child, I have been longing to change a baby’s diaper”

“Since you have such an urge, why don’t you get pregnant so you can change a baby’s diaper?”

“I would, if I am pregnant”

“Then tell Vincent to get you pregnant”

Dove became sad after hearing Vincent’s name.

“Is he still giving you cold shoulders?”

Dove nodded; “He doesn’t believe that I love him. He even called me a bîtch”

“Is he crazy? Why would he say that to you?!”

“Shouting isn’t good for your baby”

“Forget about me. I know you made a mistake, but Vincent is doing too much. He doesn’t even know you’re the reason why he is still alive”

“Don’t bring up my kidney transplant, Izzy”

“Believe it or not, he has no right to call you a bîtch”

Dove cleaned her tears and smiled; “I’m fine, don’t worry about me”

“You can act fine to everyone but not to me. It’s clearly obvious you’re sad because of Vincent”

“You should worry more about yourself, Izzy. Your mom is a very strict woman, she’d ki|| you if she finds out you’re pregnant. I suggest you agree to Charon’s proposal, that way your mom will think you both are together”

“You should worry more about yourself, Dove”

“I’m fine. I will be going to the hospital”

“Why? What happened?” Izzy asked in panic.

“Is panicking your middle name? I’m fine”

“So why are you going to the hospital?”

“My wound reopen, so the doctor wants to restitched it, don’t tell my dad, I don’t want him to worry”

“I think it’s best if you stay in the hospital to heal fully”

“I can’t stay in the hospital, Izzy. I need to be at Jayden’s company for my internship so I can have an opportunity to publish my very first book, and I also have my sugar farm to cater for”

Izzy looked at her and Dove smiled; “I’m fine, Izzy”

Izzy sighed.

“When is the wedding?” Dove teased.

“Should I take out your remaining kidney?” Izzy asked and Dove laughed.



Niko sat on the couch trying to reminisce about Dove’s conversation with him when he was still at the hospital.

“Was it my imagination or did she really say she was using Vincent to get over my breakup with her?” Niko asked himself.

Joaquin and Candy entered the house.

“Hi Niko” Candy smiled at him.

“I met her when I was coming home, she bought lot of fruits for you”

Niko looked at Candy; “Thanks Candy”

“No need to thank me. I am happy your bruises are healing up. It’s no longer visible like before” Candy smiled.


“Yes Niko”

“Did Dove visit me while I was still in the hospital?”

Candy stopped smiling after hearing Dove’s name.

“Yes. I called her the day you were hospitalized. She came straight to the hospital after I called her. She cried, seeing the state you were in”

Niko smiled; “That means I wasn’t hallucinating. Dove really came to see me, and she said those words to me”

“What are you talking about, Niko? What words?” Candy asked.

“Dove still loves me”

“Why would you think that? Your relationship with her ended two months ago”

“I know Candy, but I never intended to break up with her, and she is only using Vincent to get over our breakup. I’m going to take Dove back” Niko smiled.

Candy’s eyes became misty.



Vincent was busy drying his hair with a hairdryer when he got a call from Izzy.

He hesitated before picking up.

“Hello, Izzy”

“Why did you hesitate to pick your call?” Izzy panicked over the phone.

“I’m not the one you should be calling, it’s Charon. He is the father of your unborn child”

“You’re the one I intended to call. It’s Dove”

“Dovey? What happened to her?”

“She is dying!”

“Why will Dovey die?” He panic.

“She was your kidney donor!” Izzy dropped the bombshell and Vincent’s eyes widened.

“She was my kidney donor? Why didn’t she tell me about it?”

“Did you give her the chance to talk? You were always pushing her away and now she is dying. You stressed her out and it affected her so badly!” Izzy cried.

“Where is Dove?” Vincent said, tears were streaming down his cheeks.

“Same hospital you were admitted in. This is the last chance you gotta see her or you won’t be able to see her again”

Vincent ended the call and rushed out of the house.

His stitches reopened and he began bleeding slightly from it, but Vincent didn’t care.

He entered his car and stormed towards the hospital.

“Dovey” He called her in a panicked voice.

In less than ten minutes he arrived at the hospital and he dashed inside the hospital, but he stopped on his track when he saw a dead body being pushed out from a ward.

It was covered.

👤 How can a beautiful girl like her die

👤 She’d have stayed at the hospital, while stressed herself after she did surgery?

👤 I’ve contacted her family, they’re on their way.

These were the words of the nurses.

Vincent’s world crumbled instantly and he walked up to the dead body like a walking corpse.

Immediately he got to the dead body, he began to cry, shocking the nurses.

“You are joking, right? How can you die leaving me behind? How am I supposed to live without you? Dovey, please don’t die, even if you don’t love me, I’m going to love you. You can use me as long as you want, I’m ready to be used by you, but please don’t die. Come back to me, I can’t go on without you! Dovey!” He cries like a baby.

“Do you know my daughter?” A woman asked and Vincent’s cry hung in his throat.

“Huh? Your daughter? Dovey doesn’t have a mom?” He sniffles.

“Vinny?” Dove called him from a distance. She just redid her stitches.

“Dovey” He rushed to her.

“What are you doing here, Vinny?”

Vincent hugged her tightly.

“Thank God you weren’t the one that died. I thought I lost you, Dovey”

Dove broke the hug; “Why would you think I was the one that died”

“Izzy called me earlier and told me you were at the verge of dying”

“d@mn that Izzy. So you rushed here to see me? I thought you didn’t want to see me”

Vincent shakes his head like a baby; “That’s not true, Dovey. With every day that I didn’t see you, It felt like I was slowly dying. I am sorry I pushed you away, I was just hurt, but I don’t care anymore you can use me as much as you want”

Dove slaps him, shocking Vincent.

“Up till now you’re still misunderstanding me? I love you Vinny!!” She announced loudly.

All eyes fell on them.

“Everyone listen! I love Vincent Moore!”

People began clapping.

“I love you Vinny Moore!” Dove said loudly again.

“That’s enough, Dovey” He said, feeling shy, though he was smiling.

“I didn’t know a bad boy like you knows how to get shy!” Dove said loudly and everyone laughed.

Vincent looked at everyone that was watching them and his eyes went back to Dove.

“She is my oxygen!” He said loudly.

Everyone laughed, including Dove.

He lifted her up from the ground with one of his hands and Dove laughed.

“I’m running out of breath,” Vincent said with a smile.

“So?” Dove asked with a cute smile, with her hands on his neck.

“You’re my oxygen, won’t you give your boyfriend some breath?”

“Alright, your oxygen is here to save you!” Dove said and kissed him.

Everyone screamed as Vincent and Dove kissed each other crazily.

Vincent made it more satisfying to watch by massaging her ašš during the breathtaking lingering kiss.



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