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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRAVINGS – Episode 45 & 46

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Dove kept laughing as she remembered how the lady rolled on the floor.

Though she didn’t roll on the ground for eighty times cuz Dove stopped her at fifty.

“Was it fun for you?” Vincent asked.

The both of them were at the rooftop of the hospital watching everyone walking around the premises.

Dove looked at Vincent with a cute smile.

“Yes it was. I haven’t had so much fun like this,” She laughs.

Vincent admires her little set of teeth and boxy smile.

“Then why did you ask her to stop at fifty, if you were enjoying the scenario?”

“Have you forgotten my name is Dove? I’m not bad you know?” She smiled.

“If you were nice like you claim, you wouldn’t have allowed her to roll on the floor, but I am glad she did. No one makes you cry and walk away freely”

Dove smiled.

“Thank you”

“For what?” He asked.

“For defending me. You have always been there anytime I need a shoulder to cry on. I haven’t said this to you before, but I am happy I met you”


Dove nodded her head.

“Then what happened to who released this wild dog from its cage? I think you should go back to the psychiatric hospital because that’s where you belong. Can you please leave my life? What planet did you come out from? Even if you….

Dove was already laughing when Vincent was saying all these words, cuz he was talking just the way she did back then when they newly met.

“You still remember all of that?” She said in a laughing voice.

“Of course I did. You h@ťěd me so much”

“Can you blame me? You just grabbed my hand all of a sudden and asked me to marry you. I thought you were a mad man dressed in a rich outfit”

Vincent smiled lightly.

“It was love at first sight. From the moment I saw you walk through those doors, my heart developed a beat, and all I could picture at that moment was you and I getting married, and that was why I asked you to marry me. It’s my first time loving someone and I couldn’t control myself”

“What about now?” Dove asked.

“It’s still the same, I am just doing my very best to control myself. I don’t want you to h@ťě me like before”

“Don’t worry, I won’t h@ťě you”

“You won’t?”

“I won’t Vinny. From now on, let’s make happy memories together. The hating era is over”

Vincent smiled at her.

Dove returned the smile and placed her head on his shoulder.

Vincent looked at her beautiful face and smiled.

If he was told he’d get close to Dove like this, he’d have doubted it.

His only wish right now is for Dove to love him.

Even if it was just a little bit of love, he’d be contented.

Vincent kept looking at Dove whose head was still on his shoulder with a smiling face.

Niko sees them together and he leaves with a broken heart.



“C’mon Izzy, let’s buy some more. Mom sent money for us, so why can’t I get the food I want? It’s my birthday”

“Happy 15th Birthday little sis, but you’re not getting any butter roasted chicken. It’s expensive” Izzy said

“But it’s my birthday,” Angel said sadly.

“I know. I already got you a present from my savings, do
You want us to go broke after celebrating your birthday”

Angel shakes her head.

“Where’s Dora and Joaquin? Won’t they come?”

“Joaquin will, but as for Dora, I don’t know”


“You already know how Dora is right? But lately she is getting worse and….” Angel stopped talking and began to eat.

“And what, Angel”

“This spicy pork is delicious”


Angel sighed and dropped her cutleries. “It’s nothing, Izzy. Just tell Dove to keep an eye on Dora, that’s all” Angel resumes eating.

Izzy was about to talk, but it hung on her throat when she saw Piper.

She was with Jasper and they were kissing as they went upstairs.

The upstairs of the restaurant is meant for lovers and those of higher class.


“Who is Piper?”

Izzy quickly stood up.

“Where are you going?” Angel asked.

“To work?”

“But you took a day off to celebrate my birthday? We haven’t cut the cake yet, and you’re leaving already?” Angel asked, wearing a sad face.

“I’m sorry, but I need to leave. Joaquin can cut the cake with you. You can also order the butter roasted chicken you want” Izzy drops her card for Angel and quickly leaves the restaurant.

“Why is she in a hurry to leave? I thought I would finally be able to celebrate my birthday with her, but I guess I expected too much” She sighs sadly.



Izzy arrived at Charon’s company and one of the makeup artists was surprised to see her.

“Izzy, I thought you took a day off to celebrate your sister’s birthday, so why are you back?”

“Is the boss in?”

“Yes. He just came back”

“Thank you” Izzy said, and rushed to Charon’s office.

Without knocking she gained access inside his office.

Charon was surprised to see her, cuz they haven’t talked after their last fight.


“Did you know that Piper is cheating on you?” Izzy asked.


“I’m sure you don’t. I saw her earlier today, she was kissing another man!”

Charon kept quiet.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Because I am thinking of what to say to you,” Charon answered.

“What do you mean?”

Charon stood up and walked closer to her.

“So you came here just to report Piper to me?”

“Yes. She is cheating on you”

“Then what about me. Didn’t I have sêx with you twice? Isn’t that called cheating?”


“You should know how to mind your business, Izzy. My relationship with Piper is not for you to worry about. You came here with the thought I’d called her a slût right? But you’re the slût here, cuz you gave yourself to me even when we’re not together. You’re the loose one here and not Piper!”

A resounding slap from Izzy landed on Charon’s face.

“Why did you slap me?”

Izzy slapped him again with tears rolling down her eyes.

“You have no right to call me a slût or a loss woman, Charon”

“Same here, Izzy. You have no right to report Piper to me. You should have just played a blind eye rather than reporting her to me! I don’t want to see your face anymore. You’re fired!”

Izzy’s heart shattered the more.

“You’re firing me?” She asked with a broken voice.

“I don’t have water in my mouth, so I’m sure you heard me loud and clear. Get out!”


“Get out!!!!” He roared at her, and Izzy left crying.

Charon fell to the ground, feeling shattered.

“I’m sure it’s nothing serious. Piper loves you, she loves only you. You cheated too, so it’s no big deal” Charon said, trying to assure himself, but he couldn’t control the pain he was feeling.

“I h@ťě you, Izzy!” He roared.

He wished Izzy didn’t tell him about what she saw.


“You shouldn’t have told Charon” Jovita said, and Dove nodded.

She told them everything, except for the the part where she slept with Charon.

Izzy has no plans on telling her friends that she slept with Charon. She is embarrassed to tell them.

“I was just trying to help,” Izzy said, cleaning her tears that kept falling down from her eyes.

“You weren’t helping Izzy. I heard Charon loves Piper a lot, you should have just mind your business. He is so heartbroken, and I think that’s why he fired you” Dove said.

Izzy sniffles.

“Do you love your job that much? Is that why you’re crying?” Jovita asked.

“Yes” Izzy answered, but that was far from the truth.

She enjoys doing makeup, but she is crying because she won’t get to see Charon’s face again.

Despite what Charon has done and said to her, she still loves Charon.

“You can tell Dove to help you,” Jovita said.

“Why me? Charon was the one who fired her”

“Charon and Jayden listens to Vincent”

“It doesn’t change anything, Jovita”

“It does, Dove. I heard from Vincent that you’d be acting like his girlfriend when you visit my grandpa. Tell Vincent to talk to Charon to take Izzy back. My cousin listens to you”

Dove bit her lips and looked at Izzy.

“You want to continue working for Charon?”

Izzy nodded.

“I will try to talk to Vinny”

“Thank you” Izzy said, and Dove smiled.

“I have a confession, but I hope it stays between us,” Jovita said.

“What kind of confession?”

Jovita opens her phone and shows them a picture of her and Jayden.

“Is this your confession?” Dove asked.

“Well…. He is my boyfriend”

“Your what?!” Izzy and Dove asked at the same time.

“Keep your voice down. My relationship with Jayden is a secret”


“You know the saying that a guy shouldn’t date his best friend’s sister, that saying was invented by Vincent Moore, my cousin”

“Then why are you dating Jayden?” Izzy asked.

“Because we love each other. We have been holding back our feelings because of Vincent, but not anymore, and we chose to keep a secret cuz Vincent won’t think twice of burying Jayden alive when he finds out that Jayden already took my virginity”

“Why are you telling us?” Dove asked.

“You both are my friends, so I feel like you both should know. We shouldn’t be keeping secrets from each other” Jovita said.

Dove smiled.

“You’re right. Izzy and I always tell each other everything”

Izzy fakes a smile, cuz she knows she is keeping a secret from Dove.

It’s definitely embarrassing telling them she slept with someone that’s not her boyfriend.


Niko comes back home and sees Candy waiting for her.

“How did you know where I live?” He asked.

“I heard you broke up with Dove. It’s not true, right?” Candy asked.

“I don’t know who told you, but it’s true. Dove is no longer my girlfriend”

“What were you thinking, Niko? I thought we had an agreement that you stay with Dove, while I find a way to make Vincent mine”

“We didn’t make an agreement on anything”

“You letting go of Dove creates a chance for Vincent to be with Dove. I thought you loved her?”

“I am not in the mood to talk to you, Candy”

“We have so many things to talk about. Take Dove back. It’s the only way for me to have Vincent” Candy said.

“If you want Vincent that badly, then go ask him out and stop stressing me. Dove and I are done. She doesn’t deserve someone like me”

“What do you mean she doesn’t deserve you? You’re handsome and hardworking”

“You don’t know anything about me, Candy. Just go home, I need to rest” Niko said.

His wound hasn’t healed up yet, and it got worse because he has been drinking lately.

“Why? Are you sick?” Candy asked and touched his forehead.

“You’re burning up, Niko. You should go to the hospital if you’re sick!”

Niko jerks her hand off from his head.

“I’m not sick, go home” Niko tried to walk past her, but his eyes became blurry and before he could make another step, he fell on the ground, on Candy’s body.

“Niko! Niko!!!” Candy called his name, tapping him



Vincent smiled when he finally saw the diamond earrings he was looking for.

He has been walking around the shop looking for the diamond earrings that Dove admired.

It was more beautiful than the earrings that belonged to the lady who accused Dove.

“I’m paying for this” He said to the cashier.

“Whoa, someone finally bought the earrings. It’s a special earrings cuz it’s customize and you can’t find it anywhere even if you travel around the world to look for it”

Vincent said nothing.

The old him would have found a way to flirt with her, take her number and have a one night stand with her, but he’s no longer that kind of guy.

“Is it for your girlfriend? She is so lucky”

“It’s for my wifey,” Vincent smiled.

After he paid for the diamond earrings, he came out from the jewelry store and got a call from Dovey.

He smiled before answering.

“Hello, Dovey”

“Where are you?”

“I stepped out to get something”

“Really? Should I go home then?”

“Go home? Where are you?” He asked.

“Your house. I thought you were home”

“You don’t have to leave, I am heading home now. The password is 12345”

“12345? Who saves a door password with simple numbers?” She asked, smiling.

“I don’t want to forget. You can wait for me inside, make yourself comfortable, I will be there before you blink an eye”

Dove chuckled.

“Fine. I am waiting” Dove ended the call.

Vincent pocketed his phone, entered his car and drove off with a smiling face.

Dove came to see him!


Vincent quickly enters the house and sees Dove sitting on the sofa staring endlessly at a picture.

“Dovey” He smiled.

But the smile on his face vanished when he saw her tears.

“Why are you crying?” He asked.

Dove stood up from the sofa and walked to him with the picture in her hand.

“Who is this kid in this picture?” She asked with tears.

Vincent became confused.

“Why are you crying?”

“Just answer the question, Vinny! Is this you? Are you the boy in this picture?”

Vincent nodded.

“That’s my childhood photo, why?”

Dove sobbing increased and her hands went to Vincent’s face.

She was raising her toes .

“What’s going on, Dovey?”

“I thought you had died. I should have known it was you from the first day we met, I thought I was never going to see you again, but you have been around me all this while” Dove said with a crying voice and she hugged him.

“You were my first love, Vinny”

“First love?” Vincent asked, confusedly.



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