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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRAVINGS – Episode 37 & 38

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“Dove” Niko called her name, and he began crying like a baby.

He was still on the ground crying when his phone began to ring, and he sniffles, before picking up.

“Hello, Charming” He said, trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

“Where are you?” Charming asked.

“I am at Dove’s”

“Has she forgiven you?”

“Not yet. She is still mad at me”

“I know it’s hard for you, but you need to come to the organization”

“Why?” He cleaned his tears, standing to his feet.

“Don needs you. He has a mission for us”


“Does it hurt?” Dove asked as she treats Vincent’s lips.

“I should be asking you that, Dovey”


“You talked to Niko harshly a while ago, are you okay with it?”

“Why will you think I am not?” Dove asked, avoiding his eyes, and arranging the first aid kit.

Vincent held her hand and Dove looked somewhere else.

“I am okay, Vinny”

“No, you’re not Dovey. Just let it out, cuz I know you’re breaking inside. You don’t have to hide your pain in front of me. Let it all out, and I will be a shoulder you can cry on”

Dove looked at Vincent, and in the next minute, she started crying.

“It hurts so much, Vinny. Anytime I think about how Niko beat me up, I break inside. What hurts so much is that I love him. I still love him so much, Vinny”

Vincent’s heart broke into pieces hearing Dove say she loves Niko, but despite the pains he was feeling, he tried his best to console her.

She is the woman he loves after all, and he can’t withstand watching her cry.

“Should I call Niko, so you both can resolve your differences?” He asked, cleaning her tears.

Dove shakes her head.

“I don’t want to”

“But you love him, right?”

“Yes I do, but I don’t want to talk to him or see him”

“I h@ťě seeing you cry, Dovey”

“I will be fine. What Niko did to me it’s not something that can be forgiven easily”

Vincent helped her to clean her falling tears.

“Where is your dad and sister?”

“My dad will be at the station. I don’t know where Dora is, maybe she will be with her friends”

“What about your mom?” He asked.

“She died of cancer 14 years ago”

“Sorry to hear that”

“You’re more pitiful, Vinny”

“How?” Vincent asked.

“Jovita told me your mom died the very day you were born, which means you never got the chance to spend time with her”

“That’s true. I got to experience motherly love from my Auntie, cuz she showered me with so much love. I owe my Auntie and Jovita a lot, they’re the best family ever”

Dove smiled. She was no longer crying.

“What about your dad? Jovita avoided the question when I asked her about your dad”

“I dunno him and I don’t want to know him”

“You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to”

“Thanks, Dovey”

“When are you going to visit your Grandpa?”

“How did you?…. Jeez! Jovita is a big time parrot”

Dove laughed.

“She talks a lot, but I love her company. She is fun to be with”

“Yeah, she is,” Vinny smiled.

“I will act as your girlfriend”


“Grandpa thinks you have a girlfriend, or do you have one?”

“No I don’t” He answered sharply.

“Then let me be your acting girlfriend”

“I don’t want to impose, Dove”

“You’re not imposing anything, Vinny. You helped me a lot when I was suffering from Niko’s wrath, the least I can do is help you”

“What about Niko?”

“I don’t want to talk about him. So when are you visiting your grandpa, I heard he lives in the countryside of Washington”

“Yeah he does. I’m planning on visiting him next week, but you don’t have to go with me. I can lie to him why I didn’t bring my girlfriend with me”

“Why? You don’t want to see your grandpa?” Dove asked, pouting.

“No it’s not that. You are going to have an earful from him”


“Jovita and I always avoids visiting him cuz he talks a lot.He is ready to tell you his life achievements from the 60s down to our current century”

“Really?” Dove asked with a smiling face.


“It’s not bad. I’d like to hear what happens in the 60s”

“You’re going to regret it”

“I won’t”

“So you have made up your mind to be my acting girlfriend?”

“Yes I have. What should I call you? Sweetheart? Babe? Sugarplum? Avocado?”


Dove laughs so hard.


Vincent was about to enter his car when he saw Dora walking towards her house.


“Oh look who will have here! Vincent Moore” She smiled.

“Can we have a conversation?”

“What kind of conversation?”

“Why did you do it?” He asked.

“Do what?”

“I know you told Niko about Dovey spending the night at my house. Why did you do it?”

“How did you know I told him?” Dora asked in return.

Vincent looked at Dora.



“What do you want to talk about Izzy?” Vincent asked when Izzy insisted on talking to him, secretly.

Dove was in the living room, looking at the gift she got from both Charon and Jayden.

“It was Dora”

“Dora? You mean Dovey’s younger sister”

“Yes. She was the one who told Niko about Dove spending the night at your house and also planting the idea that Dove slept with you on Niko’s brain”

“How did you know?”

“My younger sister is friends with Niko’s younger brother, so he told her everything. I can’t tell Dove because she’s going to get hurt that her sister badmouth her”

“What kind of girl is Dora?”

“You won’t want to know. She is the opposite of Dove. If I was to describe Dora in six words, I’d say she is the goodness of arrogance”



“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You shouldn’t have told Niko anything”

Dora laughed and walked closer to Vincent.

“You should be thanking me rather than scolding me”


Dora scoffed and said; “I know you like my sister. It’s so obvious you do, because I saw the way you look at her the day you had dinner with us. So you should be thanking me”

“I owe you no appreciation, Dora. I never asked you to do that, because of you…..”

“Niko beat her up, right?”

“How did you know?”

“I heard Joaquin telling Angel about it”

“Don’t you feel sorry for Dovey? She is your sister!” Vincent said, wondering what kind of world Dora came from.

“Why should I feel sorry for her? She chose to date Niko. I don’t like Dove, and you wanna know why? She is not smart. She has no thinking faculty”

“Watch your mad, kid!”

“Don’t tell me what to do. You know what? I no longer give a f-__-k about who she dates. If she wants to date you or even a mad man in the streets, she should go ahead, I don’t care. What matters more is that I am more smarter and I get anything I want”

“What are you up to?” Vincent asked.

“You’re not my dad, so I don’t see reasons why I should answer your question” Dora rolled eyes at him and left.

“She is really the goddess of arrogance like Izzy said. Should I just tell Dovey? No, she is going to get hurt, I won’t tell her”

Vincent entered his car.



“Why can’t you get me a private jet?!” Piper shouted at him.

“Do you have any idea how expensive a private jet is? Why on earth do you want a private jet?”

“Because I boasted to my friends that we’d go on our girls trips with the private jet you’d get for me. They are expecting me to show it to them, so don’t embarrass me. I told you before, all my friends are celebrities, I need to make a name for myself”

“Do you even listen at all? I don’t have the money to get you a private jet. My company is about to face bankruptcy, can’t you be supportive and give me encouragement rather than demanding for a private jet?”

“I never for once told you that I am a supportive girlfriend”

“Piper” He called her name heartbreakingly.

“Are you going to get me the private jet or not?”

“No, I won’t”

“You won’t?” Piper asked, surprisingly.

“You heard me clearly. I can’t afford to go broke because of you, Piper”

“I don’t want to see your face again!” She shouted at him.

“Do wh@ťěver you want, Piper”

“I h@ťě you!” She spats and leaves the office.

Charon sighs and sits on the chair, with his hands on his forehead.

“Why can’t she be satisfied?” He said sadly.

Someone knocked on the door, he gave entry permission and his secretary entered.

“Any news?”

“I don’t think we’d face any bankruptcy, Boss”

“Really?” Charon brightened up.

“Yes. Star-life agency called and they said they’re ready to make a deal with us”

Charon smiled, happily.



Izzy took in a breath in and out before pressing the doorbell.

Charon opened the door and smiled at her. “You came”

“Why did you call me here?”

“Aren’t you going to come in first”

Izzy rolled her eyes and entered the house.

She looked at the table and she saw red wine on the table.

“What’s the occasion for?” Izzy asked.

“I am celebrating”

“About what?”

“Star-life signed a deal with my company, ”Charon said, and Izzy brightened up.

“Really? I’m so happy, I was scared that your company was going to suffer from bankruptcy”

“Really?” Charon smiled at her, Izzy immediately frowned.

“Why do you want to celebrate with me?”

“I thought you were happy just now, so what’s with the mood swings?”

Izzy said nothing.

“I thought of you and that’s why I chose to celebrate with you. You don’t drink alcohol, so I got us a nonalcoholic wine” He takes her hand, walking towards the sofa.

Izzy smiled, but when Charon looked at her, she frowned and took her hand from him.

Charon poured a glass of wine for her.


Izzy smiled a little before clicking glasses with him.

“Do you watch Movies?” He asked.

“Yes I do”

“What’s your favorite movie?” Charon asked, taking the remote.


The remote fell from Charon.

“Chucky! Are you a fan of horror movies?”

“Yes I am, and Chucky is my favorite movie. It’s not that scary like everyone claims”

Charon’s eyes fell on her.

“Why are you looking at me? Don’t tell me you find the movie scary?”

“Yes I do”

“Really? Then have you watched THE EXORCIST and THE CONJURING? It’s more scary than Chucky, but I don’t find it scary. The perfect time to watch such horror movies is at night in a very dark room” Izzy smiled.

“I won’t be surprised if you are a witch”

Izzy laughed.

“Why? You don’t watch horror movies?” Izzy asked.

“No I don’t. I go for romance movies”

“Are you a girl in disguise?”

“Who said romance movies are meant for only girls?” He asked, smiling.

“I dunno. Human thinking, I guess.

They laughed.

“Are you alright? You and Piper argue today”

“You eavesdropped?”

“No I didn’t. She left the company murmuring to herself. She was angry and I figure out the both of you must have fought”

Charon sighed.

“She wants me to buy her a private jet”

“Private jet? What for?”

“It’s a dumb reason, Izzy. She wants to use it to go on a girls trip with her celebrity friends”

“Is she insane? Private jet costs a fortune! Are you going to buy it for her?”

“No I won’t. Surprisingly this is the first time I’d be turning her down, and because of it, we’re having issues. What am I even saying, we always have issues” He sips his wine, sadly.

Charon looked at Izzy, and her eyes were on him.

They stared at each other, and slowly, Charon went for her lips.

Izzy kissed him back, but when he touched her B-__-bs, she broke the kiss.

“I don’t want another mistake where you’d consider it a one nightstand”

“I won’t, Izzy… I promise” He said in a whisper and went for her lips again.

Izzy felt a sensational feeling and she began kissing him back.

The both of them took of their clothes in a rush, and in the next seconds, Charon was already f-__-king her from behind.

“Charon” Izzy Mõ@ɲs as Charon moves his Ďïčk in and out of her p**sy.



All heads bows on the ground as Niko and his crew rob a mall.

They were all wearing masks so their faces couldn’t be seen.

“Nobody moves, or you’re going to get shot!” Niko said, pointing his guns at the innocent souls.

Charming, Zoey and the rest of the robbery gang were busy packing money inside their bags.

They succeeded in packing the amount of money they needed and were about to leave the mall, when the cops arrived.

They surrounded the whole entrance.

“f-__-k! The cops are here!” Charming announced.

Niko’s eyes widened.

“We need to find a way to get out of here?” Zoey said.

The cops entered the mall, and an exchange of gunfire occurred between the cops and the robbers.

Some robbers died at the spot, while Niko got shot in the stomach.

He groaned in pain hiding in a corner.

He looked at his stomach and he was already bleeding dreadfully.

He was in so much pain.

“Let go of me!” He could hear Charming voice.

Some of the robbers have already escaped through the back entrance, and luckily, Zoey was among them.

Some policemen were already on the ground, half dead.

Niko took a peep as he bears the pains from his bleeding stomach.

His eyes widened when he saw Charming. He was held captive by a police man who was trying to take off the mask he was wearing.

Only Zoey’s name written as a tattoo was seen on Charming’s arm.

“I can’t allow him to see his face” Niko said, and stretched out his gun to $h00t the policeman.

Niko withdraws his gun when the policeman raises his head up.

“Jacob? Dove’s dad?” His eyes widened.

He looked at Charming who was struggling with Jacob who
was determined to take off Charming’s mask.

Niko becomes confused, he is definitely going to get arrested if Charming is caught.

He can’t allow Dove to know he is an arm robber.

Niko straightens his gun at Jacob.

The next sound that was heard was the sound of a gun, and the bullet pierced inside Jacob’s heart.

Jacob fell to the ground, gasping for breath, and every light inside the mall went off.



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