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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRAVINGS – Episode 33 & 34

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Snow looked at Diego with so much fear in her eyes. Just looking at Diego you’d see that he is ready to devour her if she doesn’t start talking.

“Who is Vincent? He is my son, right?”

Snow summoned courage and took her hands from Diego.

“He is not your son!”

“You mentioned him countless times on the phone. I’m sure he is my son!”

“Just because I mentioned the name Vincent doesn’t mean he is your son”

“Then who the heck is he?”

“He is a friend of my daughter, both are very close”

Diego sighed.

“Where is my son?”

“I didn’t tell you before, you think I will do it now?”

“Tell me where my son is, else you won’t like what I will do to you!”

“Try to hurt me, Diego, then I am going to scream for help, let’s see how you’d be able to escape”

Diego looked around, and it was crowded with people, who were watching the fireworks.

“If you dare try to do anything harmful to me, these people will come after you, and your criminal organization that has been in the dark, will come to light!”

“I can see you got a little courage now”

“I wished I had the courage back then when my late sister was stupidly in love with you. You left her at a time she needed you the most. You threw her out of your house denying her and the baby in her womb. You can’t just walk in a place you never dominate. You won’t ever find out about your son, not then, not now and definitely not ever!”

Diego smirked dangerously, and Snow tried her very best to hide her nervousness.

“You are lucky you’re surrounded by people, else you won’t like what I would have done to you. You won’t tell me about my son? Then I am going to find him myself” Diego said, and walked away from her.

Snow sighed in relief, touching her chest that was pounding heavily.



Dove keeps walking back and forth with her fingers in her mouth. She does it anytime she is scared or worried, and right now she is scared of what Vincent was going to do to Niko.

He had so much anger in his eyes when he left the house earlier, and the anger portrayed that he is ready to ki|| Niko for touching her.

She no longer has a phone, so she would have called either Jovita or Snow.

Dove was still pacing around when Snow entered the house, and Dove rushed to her, holding her hands.

“What’s wrong, Dove?” Snow asked.

“It’s Vinny, please you have to stop him, I don’t want him to be a murderer because of me” Dove said in a crying voice.

“What’s Vincent trying to do?”

“He came here earlier and saw my bruises, he asked how I got it, and when I told him, he dashed out of the house to face Niko. He was so angry, he might have been Niko! I don’t want him to go to jail because of me. Please stop him” Dove said, crying.

Snow quickly brought out her phone from her purse, she quickly dialed Vincent’s number, tapping her feet.


Vincent walked to Niko and he grabbed his hair, Niko screamed hellishly.

“How do you want to die? Is it by hanging you or by butchering you?”

Vincent was in anger, and looking at him, you’d see he was even ready to bury Niko alive.

Niko was too weak to talk, and if by chance Vincent punched him again, he was going to land in a coma.

Vincent aimed to punch him again, but he was distracted by the call from his Aunt.

He drops Niko, and Niko falls to the ground, with blood all over his body.

He needs medical attention, cuz Vincent designed his face and body with punches and kicks.

“Hello, Auntie”

Snow was talking when Dove took the phone from her.

“Vinny, please it’s enough”


Hearing her crying voice over the phone weakened him, and his anger vanished into thin air.

“Please stop wh@ťěver you have in mind. I know you’re trying to fight for me, but it’s enough. I will blame myself forever if you end up in jail for ki||ing Niko. That’s enough, please” She cried.

Vincent didn’t know when tears dropped down from his eyes.

He loves her so much, and it aches his heart seeing her cry.

Vincent cleaned the tears in his eyes and said.

“Fine, I won’t”

“Thank you so much, Vinny” She ends the call.

Vincent glared angrily at Niko, and walked to his car, he entered and was about zooming off, but he stopped halfway.

He looked at Niko who was lying on the ground half dead.

He took in his lower lip and dialed his family’s hospital number.

Their family doctor picked up at once.

“Bad Boy Vincent, what’s up?” The doctor said.

“I am fine. I need your help”

“With what?”

“A man is lying half dead on the ground. I will send the location, just send an ambulance to get him. I will cover up for his bills” Vincent ended the call.

He looked at Niko one last time, before driving off.



Zoey is seen arranging their guns in the store room.

She was assigned to do it alone by Diego’s instructions, so Charming was waiting for her outside.

When she was done, she was about to go outside to meet Charming when Landon blocked her.

Zoey’s heart skipped in fear on seeing him.

Landon was having cigarettes smell all over him. He is a big time smoker and a drug addict.

“Boss” She called him with a shaking voice.

“Are you going home?” Landon asked.

“Yes, I am. Have a nice day, boss” She tried leaving, but Landon held her hand, and she became scared.


“Have anyone told you, you’re beautiful?”

Zoey smiled, nervously.

She wished someone would come to her rescue.

“I like everything about you, from your head to your hazel eyes, your pointed nose and beautiful red lips. Your B-__-bs are the exact shape I like, and your waist is tiny, exactly what I like. It will be so good f-__-king you down there” Landon said.

He tried touching her B-__-bs, and Charming entered immediately.

“Boss, Don sent for you” He lied.

Landon smiled at Zoey, and Charming didn’t like the way he was looking at Zoey.

“We will continue our conversation, later” He leaves, and Charming continues glaring at him.

“Charming!” Zoey hugged him.

“Are you okay?”

Zoey broke the hug and shook her head. “I was so scared, thanks for coming to my rescue”

“You were taking time to meet me outside, that’s why I came back from you. Zoey, I think you should stop working for Diego”


“You’re my girlfriend and I shouldn’t have allowed you to become a robber like me. Landon has his eyes on you, I noticed it the day he came, he was lusting for your body. I don’t want him to carry out his evil plans on you”

“Don’t worry, Charming. I will be fine”

Charming sighs, he got a call from an unknown number and he hesitated before answering.

“Hello, who is this?”

“It’s I, Niko”

“Why are you calling me with a different number?”

“I lost my phone, I’m using the hospital’s cell phone. It took
ages before I guessed your number correctly”

“Did I hear you say hospital? Why are you at the hospital?” Charming asked.



“Tell me it’s a lie, and I will believe it. What were you thinking, Niko?! It’s Dove!” Charming scolds him.

“I don’t know what came over me” He sniffles.

“Sorry to say, I will support this Vincent of a guy. You deserve the beating from him. I won’t tolerate a guy beating me up” Zoey said

“I know I was wrong, that’s why I allowed him to have the upper hand. I deserved it” Niko said.

“Have you talked to Dove?”

“I haven’t Charming. I don’t know where she is. She is avoiding me”

“You can’t blame her, Niko! You beat her up” Zoey said.

“I don’t support you either. Regardless of the fact that she spent the night at Vincent’s, it didn’t give you the room to hit her. I am sure her dad doesn’t know what you did to Dove, he would have arrested you”

“All I want right now is to apologize to Dove. I don’t want our relationship to end. I love her” Niko sniffles.

“Just give her some time. I’m a lady like her, so I understand the pains she is feeling right now”

“Zoey is right, Niko. Give her some time and take care of yourself as well. Your face is in a mess” Charming said.

Niko places his hand on his face, crying silently.



“How is Dove doing?” Jayden asked, holding her hand.

After she got what she ordered from China, she went to see Jayden and told him everything.

“She was sleeping when I left the house. She will be so traumatized right now” Jovita sighed.

“I will visit her tomorrow. I haven’t seen her yet, but I feel like I know her, cuz of the way you and Vincent always talk about her”

“Sure you can, but you shouldn’t look at me tomorrow”


“My mom called me and said Vincent is at our house. He already found out about Dove. Vincent almost ki||ed Niko”


“Yes. So he will be staying at our house for the meantime because of Dove. I think can’t believe that cousin of mine is in love”

“I couldn’t believe it either. I guess he’d faint what he finds out that one of his best friends is dating his cousin”

Jayden and Jovita laughed.



Dove sits on the bed, talking to her dad on the phone.

She borrowed Vincent’s phone.

“Where are you, Dove? You left home last night under the rain, and up till now, I have not seen you. Niko even dropped by countless times asking for you. What’s going on, my jewel”

Dove cleaned her tears and smiled.

“Nothing dad, I will be staying at a friend’s house for a while”

“Why? Is everything okay”

“Yes. You already know my dream is to become a web toon writer, right?”

“You mean a cartoonist?”

“Yes dad. So she is coaching me”

“Must you do it at her house? You already know I love having you at home. Dora is a headache”

Dove smiled and tears fell down from her eyes.

“Don’t complain, you pampered her too much”

“You can’t blame me, she didn’t get to have the love of a mom. Your mom died a year after Dora was born, and that’s why I had to give her both the love of a dad and a mom too” Jacob said.

“I know. Maybe we overdid it. She is so stubborn”

Both laughed.

“Be safe okay, and if it gets too hard, come back home, immediately”

“I will dad. I love you so much”

“I love you too, my jewel”

Dove ended the call, allowing her tears to fall down from her eyes.

Vincent entered the room, and she quickly cleaned her tears.


Vincent smiled at her.

“I brought your medicines” He said.


Vincent went closer to her, but he couldn’t look at her. He kept avoiding to look at her, even when he was giving her the medicines.

“Why are you not looking at me?”

“Because I will go back to Niko and beat him again. That’s why I am avoiding to look at your bruised face and body”

Dove smiled.

“Do you love me that much?”

“Yes I do” He looked at her, and Dove smiled.

“You finally look at my face”

“It’s not funny, Dovey,” He said.

Dove went closer to him, and hugged him, her head resting perfectly between his six abs and chest.

“Dovey” He tried breaking the hug, but Dove hugged him tightly.

“What are you doing, Dovey?”

“I want to be in your arms, Vinny. Give me permission to”

Vincent smiled, segzily

“Permission, granted” He hugged her back and kissed her hair.


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