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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRAVINGS – Episode 23 & 24

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“I heard you are rich, and you’re the kind of guy I need in my life. Be my boyfriend, and provide me with anything I need, and in exchange, I’ll sell my body to you” Dora said, determinedly.

For the first minutes that passed, Alex didn’t say a word, he was just looking at her.

Dora got fed up with his silence and asked “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Because you are joking, right?”

“No I am not! I’m god-d@mn serious. You’re the kind of guy I need, I don’t want to be like my sister, so date me, and fulfill my wish, and in exchange for that, my body will be yours”

Alex chuckled.

“How old are you again?”

“I’m eighteen” She lied.



“Won’t you regret what you’re about to do?”

“I have already made up my mind. I heard you don’t resist girls when they throw themselves at you, why are you hesitating?” Dora asked.

“You’re definitely going to regret it” Alex muttered, unfortunately for Dora, she didn’t hear his last words.

“So are you in?” She asked.

“You came to me willingly, who am I to say NO”

Dora smiled.



Joaquin sat with Angel in the living room, they were both studying together.

Since they were scholarship students at Yellow-spree high, they have to maintain their good grades, in order to keep their scholarship intact.

As for Dora, she doesn’t need to study hard to be in Yellow-spree high, cuz Dove and Jacob struggle hard to pay for her tuition.

“Finally, I got the sum right!” Angel said, excitedly.

“Sure you did,” Joaquin said, looking at her.

He has a huge crush on Angel, but he can’t tell her cuz Niko gave him a serious warning that he is not allowed to have a girlfriend at such a young age.

Joaquin knows what his brother is capable of doing when he is angry, so he chose to respect Niko’s decision, moreover he can’t ruin his friendship with Angel.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked with her cute smile. Her name implies what she is, she is absolutely beautiful with a very nice personality, and that’s why Dora treats her like trash.

“Nothing” He answered, looking somewhere else.

“Dora wasn’t in school today”

“Why do you even care about her?” Joaquin asked, he doesn’t like Dora at all.

“She is our friend”

“I am only friends with her cuz Niko is dating her sister. That girl insults my brother and I with any given chance she gets”

“I thought you’re already used to her attitude?”

“Wh@ťěver” Joaquin muttered and Angel smiled.

“I will be going home now” She stood to her feet.

“Already?” Joaquin asked. He doesn’t want her to leave.

“Yes. Izzy gave me some chores to do, and she’d be angry if I don’t do it”

“Alright, I will see you off” He stood too.

“Don’t bother, continue studying. I will bake your favorite cookies tonight and share it with you and Dora tomorrow”

“Must she partake in it?” He frowned and Angel laughed.

“Bye, Joaquin!” She waves at him and leaves.

Joaquin stood by the door with a smiling face, watching Angel as she walked down the street.

“Really?” Niko asked from behind him and he flinched.

“Niko” Joaquin turned to look at him.

“Should I ban Angel from coming here? Because it seems like you’re about to violate my rules”

“Can’t I even look at her?”

“That’s where it starts from, Joaquin. Having feelings for the opposite gender is normal, but you’re way too young to be in a relationship”

“Don’t worry, Niko, my education comes first. I will make you proud by becoming the best astronaut”

Niko smiled and ruffled his head.

“That’s my boy. Go to your room, I got something for you” Niko smiled.

He might be the scariest person on earth when he is angry, but he is so sweet when he is in a good mood.

“What could it be, Niko?”

“See for yourself” He smiled again.

Joaquin rushed to his room, and in the next minute, he screamed out in excitement.

Niko, knowing the reason for his scream, smiled.

Joaquin rushed out of his room, holding the latest iPhone 14.

“Tell me I’m imagining things, and I will believe”

Niko chuckled and ruffled his hair

“No you’re not Joaquin, it’s my gift for you. I never for once got a phone for you, and I am sorry it’s coming too late”

“It’s not too late, Niko! Where on earth did you get the money?”

Niko faked a smile.

“Do you love it?” He asked, avoiding Joaquin’s question.

“I do, thanks so much. You’re the best brother in the whole wide universe!” Joaquin squealed.

“I am hurt, wasn’t I the best brother in the entire universe?” He asked, faking a frown.

Joaquin laughed.

“No! You have always been the best” He gave Niko a high thumbs up and he smiled.

“Can I take a good look at the phone in my room?”

“Sure you can”

Joaquin giggles and went to his room.

Niko smiled seeing how happy his brother was. Joaquin was also another reason why he joined Diego’s robbery gang.

He also got Dove the latest iPhone 15, and plans to give it to her tonight.

He has no robbery mission tonight.

Niko got a call, and he smiled when it was the agent he hired.

His planning on buying a house, and his next step was getting married to Dove.

“Hello, Mr. Hayes”

“Niko! Will you like to see the house I found, I dunno if you’re going to love it”

“Alright, I will be there” He ends the call.


Niko looked around the house, but he wasn’t pleased with the structure of the house.

“What do you think?”

“It’s not up to Dove’s taste” He said.

“Who is Dove?”

“My girlfriend. She once said she wants to have a huge playing field for our kids, but this house doesn’t have it, and she doesn’t like it when the kitchen is close to the toilet. She gets irritated easily, and….”

“Are you planning on getting married to your girlfriend?”

“Yes,” Niko replied with a smile.

“Then you both can check out the houses together”

“She is going to get suspicious”

“Suspicious on what?”

“Never mind”

Niko looked around the house and sighed.

*Just give me a little bit of time, Dove, I’d tell you the truth about my job after I quit* He said, inwardly.



Charon entered the makeup department in his company, and his eyes searched around for Izzy.

After he gave the money to Izzy earlier this morning, she left without saying a word or taking the money.

“Boss, are you looking for someone?” The head of the make-up department asked.

“Where is Izzy?”

“She is not coming to work today”

“Did she say why?” Charon asked.

“She only said she was sick. I don’t think she is sick, cuz she was crying when she called me”

“She was crying?” Charon asked, he was already feeling guilty.

“Yes. Is there something you needed her to do for you?”

“Not really,” Charon said.

He went back to his office anticipating if he should call her or not.

“But it’s all her fault, if she had stopped me, this wouldn’t have happened. Should I apologize?”

Charon dropped his phone when he didn’t know what to do.

The door opened and Piper entered dressed segzily as usual.

“Are you ready?” Piper asked. He is taking her for shopping as always.

“Yes, but aren’t you going to apologize?”

“Apologize for what?”

“You slapped me, Piper”

“This isn’t the first time or the last time I’d slap you, so I don’t see any reason why I should apologize to you. Are you taking me for shopping or not? Or should we just go on hiatus?”

“Fine, I’ll”



Vincent watched as Jayden helped him pack his stuffs.

“It’s just a sleepover, why are you making a big deal out of it?” He asked.

“You don’t often sleep over at your Aunt’s place, so it’s a big deal, Vincent. Make sure you give this cheese-balls to Jovi, she loves it” Jayden said with a smile as he packaged the cheese-balls

“Who is Jovi?” Vincent asked.

“Jovita of course! It’s her favorite”

“How did you know my cousin loves cheese-balls and I don’t?”

Jayden fakes a smile.

“I just took a guess. I forgot I needed to attend to something” Jayden said, walking towards the door.

“Stop right there!”

Jayden halted his feet and slowly looked at Vincent.


“Why are you calling my cousin Jovi? Come to think of it, you have been so secretive about your girlfriend” Vincent grabbed his collar.

“Are you dating my cousin? Is Jovita your girlfriend?” Vincent asked.

“Of course not, why would I date Jovi… I mean Jovita?”

“Then who is your girlfriend? I’m curious to know about her now”

“I don’t have a girlfriend, Vincent”

“Really? Then who is the girl you have been chatting and smiling with?”

“She is from Japan, she is a pen friend!”

“Are you sure?” Vincent asked.

“I’m sure of it. You’re my best friend, and I will never date your cousin”

“You said it yourself, so if I ever find out you’re dating and sleeping with my cousin, I’m going to cut off your balls, fry it and give it to you to eat, understand”

“I’m not dating her,” Jayden said, jerking Vincent’s hand from his collar.

Vincent smiled. “That’s good to know. She doesn’t deserve someone like you”

“And you think Dove deserves a bad boy like you?”

“Speaking of Dove, she cut tiles with me. She terminated her contract with my company and she doesn’t want to see me”


“Her boyfriend’s order”

“Wait! She has a boyfriend?!”

Vincent nodded.

“Why didn’t you tell me about it? I won’t have supported you or give you tips to win her heart!”

“I know you were going to do that and that’s why I didn’t tell you about her boyfriend”

“She is not single, Vincent. So stop wh@ťěver feelings you have for her.

“It’s not easy to forget about Dove,” He muttered, sadly.



Dora kept smiling as she kept looking at the alert she got from Alex.

“I guess I didn’t make the wrong decision” She giggled.

“Dove!” She heard Niko calling her from outside.

“What’s that pauper doing here?” Dora frowned and opened the door.

“Yes, what do you want?” She asked disrespectfully.

Niko was already used to her attitude, so he didn’t mind.

“Where is Dove?”

“She is not here”

“Where did she go?” Niko asked.

“From what I can remember I am not her guardian, so I don’t know where she is”

“Can you tell her I dropped by, I am unable to reach her”

“Do I look like your mouthpiece? Break up with Dove and let her date someone else!”

“What’s so wrong with me?”

“Everything is wrong about you, you’re downgrading her life rather than upgrading it. My biggest wish is that you don’t end up with my sister!” Dora said and banged the door on his face.

Niko looked at the things he got for Dove, and sighed.

“Where did she go?”

He called her, it was reachable, but she wasn’t picking up.



Dove was with Izzy, Jovita and Snow in the kitchen, unaware that her phone was ringing in her bag, cuz it was on silent.

“I am happy you both agreed to be friends with Jovita, her talking attitude chased people away from her” Snow said.

“C’mon mom, they’re at lost, cuz I’m not boring”

“And that’s why you don’t know how to boil water,” Snow said.

They all laughed except for Izzy who seemed like she was out of the world.

“Izzy, are you okay?” Dove asked

“Yes I am” She faked a smile.

There’s no way she’d tell them she cheaply gave her body to Charon.

“Are you sure? You have been moody since you got here” Jovita said.

“I’m fine” Izzy faked a smile again.

“Mom, is Vincent here already?” Jovita asked.

“Yes, he came a few minutes before you came with your friends. He is probably in his room” Snow answered.

“Can I use the bathroom? I want to pee,” Dove said.

“Sure, the rooms are upstairs, you can use any room you want,” Jovita smiled.

Dove returned the smile and went upstairs.

“Have some snacks, Izzy” Snow said

“Thanks,” She said in a low voice, trying to put on a bright smile.


Dove kept looking at the different doors in front of her, not knowing which one to enter.

She just came to Jovita’s house and she hasn’t even dropped her bag, when Snow invited them to join her in the kitchen.

“Why are there so many rooms when there are just three people living in this house?” Dove asked herself.

“Which one should I use? I really wanna pee?” She took in her lower lip.

After much thinking, she entered the middle room, and just as she entered, Vincent came out from the bathroom.

He just had his shower, so he was wrapping a white towel in his waist, with his breathtaking chest exposed.

His fringe hair was wet, giving him a segzy look.

Beads of water were falling down from his hairless chest.

Dove gulps down as her eyes fixed on his broad chest and tempting six packs.

She no longer wants to pee anymore!

He had an eagle wings tattoo on his chest and Dove could swear that she was getting wet, just by looking at his chest.

“Dove? What are you doing here?” He asked, clueless that his segzy chest was turning her on.

“Well I…” She hiccups

“You what, Dove?”

“You…..” She hiccups again.


“I… you…” She hiccups

“I? You? What are you saying, Dove?”

“I….” She hiccups with her eyes gazing at his chest and abs.

“Why are you hiccuping? Are you suffering from indigestion?” He asked, walking closer to her, making Dove see the clear view of his body.

Even his biceps were tempting as well

*Was this what he was hiding underneath his clothes* Dove thought to herself, as she stared endlessly at him.

“Dove!” He called her, but Dove’s eyes focused on his body.

“Can I?”

“Can you do what?” Vincent asked, unaware of what he was doing to her.

“Can I touch…. Your Chest?”



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