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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRAVINGS – Episode 1 & 2

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( I Fly Into Your Heart … )

GENRE; Romance And Erotically

By; Succie Brown.



Vincent Moore!

Knees falls, and Jaws drops hearing his name.

He is one of the youngest billionaire in the whole of Washington DC, in which he owns a sugar company.

Partying, f-__-king and smoking was his middle name, but when it comes to business, he is always serious about it.

Vincent has no plans for the future, neither does he have plans falling in love. His aunt has set him up on many dates, but after a one night stand with his dates, he blocks their number and pretends they don’t exist.

He believes that women can easily be bought with money, and that’s why he chose living his baddie lifestyle and not caring about love and its fantasy.

But his way of thinking slowly changed when he falls in love with Dove at first sight.

Vincent vows that he was going to have her to himself, only for him to find out that Dove has a boyfriend and they plan on getting married soon.

But despite knowing Dove has a boyfriend, Vincent is still determined to make her his.

Will he ever succeed in winning the heart of a girl who doesn’t care about his existence and only focus on her long-time boyfriend whom she loves so much??

Wanna find out? Then join me on this Romantic story that will swipe you off your feet.

Brought To You By; Succie Brown 💕


( I Fly Into Your Heart … )


By; Succie Brown.


Let’s start this story with good energy and I won’t slack off in terms of updating


The ray of sunlight shone on his face, and he squeezed his face, before opening his eyes, then he rolled himself on the bed, before getting up.

He was just waking up from sleep, but it didn’t look like he just woke up, because his handsomeness was something anyone will write home about.

His name is Vincent Moore, he is just twenty-six years old and yet he was already a billionaire of his own. He has a sugar company and it’s growing abundantly.

Vincent got up from the bed and he could feel his head pounding and he didn’t need anyone to tell him it was as a result of how he drank and partied last night.

He went straight to bathroom to wash his face and when he looked at himself in the mirror, he smiled. He knew he was extremely handsome.

“Good Morning bad boy” He said to himself taking off his shirt and his tattoos came to view. He has a compass tattoo on the left side of his stomach, and an engle wings tattoo on his chest. His six abs didn’t hesitate to make a show off and his chest was something you’d sleep on for a perfect good night sleep.

Talking about his hair, he always weaves his hair, which always brings out the baddie in him.

Everything about Vincent was perfect, he has the money, the looks and everything any girl would want in a man, but the big problem about Vincent is that he is not serious.

Apart from his company, he takes everything as a joke, most especially his love life. He doesn’t even have one to begin with, cuz he is not interested in dating, and only focus on having a one night stand with ladies who threw themselves at him.

Vincent came downstairs after he was done having his bath. He was wearing a loose joggers and a big black shirt. His diamond earrings were on his ears doing its work.

He came downstairs and met his Aunt and cousin sitting on the dining table eating.

He sighed and stuck his hands inside the pocket of his loose joggers.

“Since when did this place become your house?” He asked.

“Is that how you say good morning to your Aunt?” Snow asked in return. She might be his aunt, but Vincent sees her as his mom. Snow was the one who raised Vincent, cuz his mom died after he was born, and his dad… he has no knowledge about him or what he looks like.

“Don’t mind him mom, he has grown tall” Jovita said sticking out her tongue for Vincent. Even she is his cousin, Vincent doesn’t joke with her, he considers her as his sister and always gives her what she wants.

“Good morning Auntie” He finally greeted with a smile, and ruffled Jovita’s hair.

“Really Vincent?”

“C’mon Auntie, don’t start the morning with a bad energy” He kissed her cheek before sitting beside her.

“My head hurts”

“Why won’t it hurt, when you were busy partying all night. Do your employees know that their boss is a drunkard?” Snow asked giving him a hangover drink.

Vincent gulped it down before talking. “What’s life without having fun? Life is too short, so enjoy it why you still have a chance”

“By f-__-king around?” Jovita chipped in.

“Bingo! I’m not a bad boy for nothing” He said making a swaggering look and Snow hits his head.


Jovita chuckled.

“Did I forget something when bringing you up? Cuz I don’t understand why you refuse to settle down and get married”

“Marriage is boring. You just have to keep eating one meal everyday all in the name of being a faithful husband, I’m not in for that boring life” Vincent said, eating.

Snow threw a picture of someone on the table for him, Vincent pick up the picture and smiled segzily.

“Whoa! She is so hot, she is busty, exactly the kind of girl I like. Who is she?” He asked.

“Her name is Nelly, she is a model. Go on a date with her”

Vincent sigh and drop the picture. “Not again Auntie! This will be the tenth date you have set up for me just this month”

“I’m doing this for you to fall in love and get married”

Vincent chuckled. “Who is going to fall in love? Me? That’s not possible. I don’t believe in that thing called love, so why should I partake in it? Moreover my other dates were annoying”

“After sleeping with them, right?” Jovita asked.

“Should I have said no when they threw themselves at me? C’mon Jovita, even the Bible said ask and it shall be given to you. I just gave them what they asked for”

“I didn’t know someone like you can quote a verse. But seriously Vincent you need to change, stop all of this, and even the way you style your hair. How can you be fixing your hair, who does that?”

“Vincent Moore does that” He smiled at his Aunt.

He stood up to his feet. “I will be off to work” He kissed Snow’s cheek and ruffled Jovita’s hair again.

“Stop doing that!” Jovita frowns.

“Make sure you meet with Nelly” Snow said.

“If I go on a date with her, then I’m going to f-__-k her and forget she exist, should I still go to the date? Cuz it’s a free P**sy”


“See you later Auntie” He said with a smile and went back to his room, smoking.

“You should just let him be, Mom” Jovita said.

“I know you’re going to support him, partners in crime. No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend!”

“Don’t vent your anger on me, I’m not Vincent. Why did you even give him the name Vincent when he doesn’t act like one”

“Shut up” Snow scolded her.


Dove was laying on the couch in their small living room when she heard a knock on the door. She stood up and went to open the door and she smiled when she saw it’s her boyfriend, Niko.

Both have been dating for three years and it’s so obvious that they loved each other so much.

“Niko” She hugs him and he smiled before carrying her.

Although she is twenty-three years old, but she doesn’t look like it, because of her small body stature. She isn’t tall, but she is very beautiful.

“How are you, my love?” Niko asked with a smile.

“I’m fine, I just missed you so much” She said kissing his lips and Niko smiled before sitting on the couch while Dove sat on his lap.

“I got you your medicine, I couldn’t sleep last night when you called” He said arranging her short hair.

“Sorry for bothering you”

“Don’t say that Dove, I’m not your boyfriend only on bed” He touch her chin and she smiled.

“Speaking of the bed, I kind of miss you” She tried kissing him, but Niko stopped her.

“I know you’re naughty, but you need to take your drugs first. You were shivering so much last night”

“I got a little better, but I will be fully healed if you touch me” Dove said, placing his hand on her B-__-b

Niko chuckled, he takes his hand from her B-__-b, and flicks her forehead.

“Drugs first”

“You are so mean” She rubs her forehead with a frown.

“You know I love you, right?”

“I love you triple times more” Dove said, kissing him.

Niko kissed her back, but he stopped kissing her when she began unbuttoning his shirt.

“Don’t seduce me, you need to take your drugs”

“I don’t want to” She whines, dancing on his lap and Niko laughed.



Vincent sits with his friends in their private lounge. He has just two friends; Jayden and Charon.

They have been friends since childhood and they all have their own companies, but Vincent is the richest one among his friends, cuz he is a billionaire.

“C’mon give me that chinese girl number. I want to know what it feels like f-__-king an Asian girl” Vincent said.

Charon was somewhere in a corner calling his girlfriend.

“She is Asian, she won’t give in that easily” Jayden said and Vincent laugh.

“Have you forgotten who I am?”

“No I haven’t, you are a bad boy”

“Exactly. Give me her number and I am going to show you what I can do. I’m not a handsome baddie for nothing”

“How did you become so successful in your business with this behavior of yours?” Charon asked.

“Are you done calling your girlfriend?” Vincent asked.

“She is not picking up, maybe I should have given her the three million she asked for” Charon said with a sad face.

“Three million? I thought you gave her that same amount of money three days ago?” Jayden asked.

“Well Piper used all of it for shopping. She is mad at me for not giving it to her. I should have given it to her when she asked for it”

“If not that you’re my friend I’d have called you a fool” Vincent said.


“Allow me to talk to him, Jayden. That Piper girl is just using your head, and you’re just letting her use you all in the name of you’re in love with her”

“How would you understand when you have never loved someone your whole life!!” Charon shouts at him.

It’s not new, Vincent and Charon always have an argument anytime Piper (Charon’s girlfriend) is involved.

“If your stupidity is the definition of love, then I am not interested. Wanna bet, I will go to Piper right now, and just a few words from me, she’d open her wide hole for me” Vincent said and Charon quickly grabbed his collar.

“Do you want to die? Don’t touch my girlfriend!” He tried punching him, but Jayden held his hand.

“That’s enough Charon, Vincent is just joking”

“Mark my words Vincent, a day will come when you’d be ready to bring down the clouds just for the girl you love”

Vincent smirked.

“That’s never going to happen not even in my next life or the one that comes after it. A bad boy like me have no space for love” Vincent said.

“I’m out of here” Charon leaves.

“Why do you always love annoying Charon?” Jayden asked.

“Isn’t it obvious that I h@ťě that Piper girl. She looks like a leftover cornflakes and yet she keeps using Charon”

Jayden laughed and said. “Really? Leftover cornflakes? I’m really waiting for the day you’re going to love a girl, let’s see what she’d look like”

“Don’t start” He warn and called Candy. Candy is his secretary.

“Hello Candy. Have you talked to the person that will be distributing sugarcanes to us for the manufacturing of sugars?”

“Yes I did. She already set a date for you to meet her” Candy replied.

“Add it to my schedule” He ends the call and gives Jayden his phone.

“What?” He asked.

“The Asian girl’s number”

Jayden shook his head, before inserting her number on Vincent’s phone.


“Really? You got a distributing contract with Mint-More company?” Izzy asked Dove.

Izzy is her friend and Dove happens to have a sugarcane plantation where she plants sugarcanes.

“I haven’t sign the contract with them, a certain lady that calls herself Candy approached me and told me she wanted me to become a sugarcane distributor for Mint-More company, I’m still considering it, so I told her I’d have a meeting with her boss, first” Dove said.

“What’s there to consider, Dove? It’s a big offer, you’d be paid handsomely for it. Mint-More is one heck of a big company, and I heard the owner is extremely handsome. What is his name again… Vincent Moore, he is super rich and handsome” Izzy said.

“Wh@ťěver, no one can match with my Niko. He is not just handsome but caring too”

“I have heard that words so many times, but seriously Dove, you need to accept the offer. Opportunities like this comes once in a lifetime. You’d be able to take care of your dad and send Dora to school without stress”

“What is his name again?” Dove asked.

“Vincent Moore” Izzy answered.

“Vince” Dove muttered.



Vincent keeps sighing and at the same checking his wristwatch.

“Why isn’t she here yet?” He asked with a frustrating look on his face. He h@ťěs it when people keep him waiting.

“She said she’d be here”

“Then why isn’t she here? We’re doing her a favor, so why is keeping us waiting?”

“Lemme call her again” Candy said, trying to take her phone from her bag, but Vincent stops her.

“Don’t bother, one thing I h@ťě is when people keep me waiting. It’s her loss, go get the car at the parking lot”

“Sure” Candy stood and leaves through the back door while Dove quickly entered through the front door.

The way she entered made Vincent who was focus on his phone to look at her.

She was panting heavily, and her short hair covered her small face.

Vincent’s eyes fall on her instantly, and he could feel his heart developing a beat.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her beauty was so mesmerizing, and even though she has a slender body, it suits her so well. It won’t be difficult to carry her and throw her at your back.

She was wearing a black short skirt, a white sweater and a white sneakers, with her small bag, crossing her shoulder.

She was looking so innocent and gentle just like her name.

Vincent’s eyes went to her spot free thighs and his mouth immediately opened.

She is just too pretty to be a human.

Vincent could see her walking up to him, and with every step she made, his heart raced.

He just stay motionless on the chair, with his mouth opened as he watched her walked up to him.

“Are you by chance Vince Moore?” Her sweet voice asked

Vincent said nothing, he just kept looking at her like she was an interesting movie.

“Did I get the name wrong? Are you Vincent Moore?” She asked flashing her boxy charming smile at him.

The little hairs in Vincent’s body took up immediately she smiled.

“If you’re not him, I will leave you alone” Dove turns to leave, but she was held back.

Vincent held her hand.

“Why are you holding me?” She asked, and Vincent kept looking at her beautiful blue eyes.

This is the first time he doesn’t know what to say in front of a girl. He always comes up with a flirting words to say to ladies, but he can’t do any of that in front of her.

“Can you let go of my head, if you don’t know how to talk” Dove said.

She tried taking her hand from him, but Vincent held her more tightly, and just by holding her hand, he felt something he has never felt before in his entire existence.

He opened his mouth to talk and the words came out before he could control himself.

“Marry Me”



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