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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 73

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“What!, Manager?, You mean Mr Lin?” Zayn shouted shockingly on phone.

He’s still speaking with Emma.

“Yes, and he’s planning to tell everything to her tommorow, you better be fast” Emma replied, and Madelyn barged in.

“Madelyn!” Zayn said shockingly, cutting the call.

“Is it true?, You stole Delaney’s late father’s money!, You were his manager when he was still alive!, I’ve been spending Delaney’s money?” She said hotly.


“How could you!!!, You ki||ed her parents just to snatch their wealth?, You’re an animal!!!” She screamed loudly, and for the first time in history, Zayn slapped her hard on the face.

“Ah!” She gasped, holding her face.

“I did it all for you!, I never wanted you to suffer and that’s why I went that far!” He spat, and Madelyn smirked.

“You don’t deserve to be a human, you should have come as a snake, Zayn” she said and stormed out of the office.

“$h|t!” Zayn shouted, throwing away everything on his table angrily.

His informant (Dave) came in…. He’s also an assassin though…more like two in one.

“What should I do, sir?” He asked.

“Find Mr Lin before tommorow morning, ki|| him” Zayn replied.

“Yes boss” he replied and started leaving.

“Work with Emma, she seems useful” Zayn said.


Lexi was reading quietly in the library when something cold suddenly touched his cheeks, and his eyes widened.

He touched it and found out they’re cans of soda, placed there by Winnie.

“Hey!” She smiled, eventually coming to sit in front of him.

“Win” he smiled, and she gave him one of the sodas which he took and opened.

He drank from it, but she kept having difficulty in opening hers, so he took it and opened it for her.

“Thanks Lexi” she smiled and drank from it.

“How refreshing!” She said after sipping.

“You look radiant today” be said.

“Yeah, I’m just glad you’re getting over Paisley” she replied, and he sighed.

“What can I do?, We’re not meant to be” he said.

“So…. you’re not planning to date anymore?” She asked carefully.

He hasn’t answered when Tony appeared.

“Brokenhearted Lexi” he said, and Lexi rolled eyes at him.

“Heard Gigi rejected you too” Winnie said.

“Really?” Lexi quickly asked.

“No, I literally let go of her since she’s got eyes on Midas” Tony replied.

“Seems we the seniors aren’t fated to find true love” Winnie said.

“No, it’s just not time yet” Lexi replied, and Tony smiled.


Paisley decided to go home today and rest fully since she has become very tired.

She vomited three times already, and she kept feeling nauseous.

She came out of her car weakly and rested on it for a while before going in.

She climbed the stairs and walked past her dad’s room, and her eyes widened when she started hearing Mõ@ɲs from inside.

She opened it roughly and met her dad in bed with another woman. Her eyes widened.

“D…da…dad” she muttered, covering her mouth with her palm.

Mr Addams quickly pulled out of the woman and threw on his pants before rushing to her, but she ran out before he could get to her.

He ran after her till she got out and drove quickly out of the house.

She was crying throughout the drive, but she stopped the car when she started feeling nauseous again.

She came out and bent beside the road, vomiting again.



“What!, Your parents death wasn’t ordinary?” Mrs Bills said after Delaney broke the news.

“They were murdered, by the thief who stole the company funds” Delaney replied.

“Where’s that Mr Lin?, I’m meeting him tonight” Summer said.

“He told me to wait till tommorow” Delaney replied.

“No, tommorow might be too late so give me his number right now” Mrs Bills said, and Dylan did that.

Mrs Bills dialled the number, and he picked instantly.


“I’m on to Mr Lin, right?”

“Yeah, and I’m speaking to?” He asked.

“Mrs Bills, Delaney’s mother-in-law” she replied.

“Oh!, I’m sorry I……

That was interrupted by a gunshot.

“Argghhhhh!!!” Mr Lin shouted, and their eyes widened.

“Mr Lin!, Mr Lin!” Mrs Bills called, but his voice never came again.

“Wasn’t that a gunshot sound just now?” Dylan said.

“Summer can you still trace numbers?, We need to track his house” Mrs Bills said.

“Sure” Summer replied and got his laptop.

Within ten minutes, she had it traced.

“I’ll go with you guys” Dylan said.

“No, you stay with Delaney and let’s go alone” Summer replied.

“It might be dangerous, who knows?” Delaney said fearfully.

“Trust me when I say we’ll be fine”Mrs Bills replied and left the house with Summer.

Delaney and Dylan stayed back reluctantly, waiting for them to come back for close to two hours, but no sign of them.

“I’ll call them” Dylan said and started trying their numbers, but it’s not even going through, both Mrs Bills and Summer’s.

“Do you think they’re safe?, Huh?” Delaney asked fearfully.

“I’ll go check on them” Dylan replied and rushed out of the house.

Immediately he entered the car, Delaney entered through the other side.

“What are you doing?, You should stay back” he said.

“The maids are around” she replied, and he sighed before driving them away.

Two minutes later, a black Honda stopped in front of the house, and Emma came out of it with Dave.

“Boss never told us to do this, we’re only after the mother, not the baby” Dave said.

“I’m doing this for myself cos I want Dylan, and the baby is the only thing connecting them together, once I get rid of her, they’ll split for sure, so just watch me” she replied with a sinister smile before slithering into the house.

Dave gritted his teeth before following her.

Ten minutes later, they both came out, and Emma stretched herself

“Never knew ki||ing a baby can be this hard” she grinned, entering the car with Dave.

They drove off.


Dylan and Delaney were still driving to Mr Lin’s place when Summer’s car drove past them, and they had to stop and come out.

“You guys left the house too?” Mrs Bills said shockingly.

“Your lines weren’t going through, and we were so scared” Dylan replied.

“What about Mr Lin?” Delaney asked quickly.

“He’s…. he’s dead” Summer replied.

“What!” Delaney gasped.

“He was shot on the forehead” Mrs Bills said, and Delaney started crying.

Dylan got her back into the car, and they drove back home, but surprisingly, the door is wide open when they got back.

“How come?” Summer faced Delaney and Dylan

“My baby!” Delaney said and ran upstairs.

“Sweeney!” Dylan followed her.

Summer and Mrs Bills followed.

Delaney was the first to open the room door, but Sweeney is not on the bed, her eyes widened.

“Where’s my baby!, My baby!” She shouted, running around the room as the rest rushed in.

Dylan heard the sound of running water in the bathroom, and he ran into the bathroom as fast as lightening.

The water is actually running in the bathtub, and he walked fast to the tub, but his eyes widened as f-__-k immediately.

Inside the bathtub is Sweeney. She’s covered completely with the water, looking dead.

Delaney ran in, and immediately she saw dead Sweeney in the pool of water, her eyes widened like it has never done before, and she went down immediately, fainting on the ground.

“Dela!, Sweeney!!!!”



TB Continued…

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