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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 66

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“No! it’s impossible! How can they have a child together!” Emma shouted unbelievably.

“I’m not believing anything too” Madelyn said.

Paisley was staring at the whole thing speechlessly, she obviously wasn’t expecting this.

All these while, Delaney’s eyes were on Dylan, and it’s same with his eyes, they won’t leave her body.

“No DNA test is needed to show the paternity, so Ɓîtçhes and bastards, y’all can go die for all I care” Summer said and pulled Dylan out of the hallway with her.

Gigi pulled Delaney away with the girls, and Emma dived her two hands into her hair crazily.

“No….no” was all she could mutter before running away from the hallway. Her heels turned on the ground and she fell heavily, making some students laugh at her.

Her elbow was bleeding as she stood and ran the remaining meters out of the hallway.

“Let’s go, girls” Madelyn said, trying to pretend as if she’s not affected.

Gladys and Sydney followed her behind, and she suddenly staggered without getting pushed.

Thanks to Gladys and Sydney who held her. Her body was still shaking with shock as they left the hallway.

Paisley was still looking dumbstruck when Leo’s text appeared on her phone…


She excitedly went there and met him working out in only his underpants. He’s the only one inside.

“Leo” she smiled sheepishly.

“You know what to do” he replied, and she started taking off her clothes immediately.


“I actually came to the school cos Sweeney was crying so much and she refused to take the feeding bottle or spoon-feeding. Mum suggested I bring her to you so you’d Břě@šťfeed her in the car, and that was when I saw the scene, so I decided to bring her out and shock the mad students” Summer explained to Delaney who was already Břě@šťfeeding Sweeney.

They came home straight from school earlier, though the girls stayed back for their audition.

“I love the turnout of events anyways, but I hope I won’t be rusticated from school” Delaney replied.

“I’ll handle Flora myself” Mrs Bills said, and Delaney smiled.

“Thanks mum” she said, and Summer stroked her hair

“I’ve told you countless times to stop thanking us, we’ll do everything possible to make up for the time you suffered” she said.

“Why is Dylan not coming downstairs?” Mrs Bills said.

“He has been crying in his room” Summer replied.

By now, Sweeney has finished sucking Břě@šť milk, so Delaney handed her to Mrs Bills.

“I’ll go see him” she said and climbed the stairs.

She could already hear Dylan’s sobs even without opening the door, but when she opened it, her eyes widened.

His whole face is full of tears, and his eyes are so red, he must have cried so hard.

“Dylan!” She gasped and rushed to him.

“Dylan why are you like this?, Aren’t you happy to see me again?” She said, holding his face.

“I’m really a bastard, I didn’t even know about the baby, and I’ve been living fine, leaving you to carry the load alone, you even worked part time during the pregnancy?, You carried it for a year instead of nine?, You gave birth through operation?, Gawd….I’m such a $cvm, do I even deserve your forgiveness?, Do I?, And I even lost my memories, how dare I?, How could I forget the pains I made you pass through, just … How could I… Dela I’m a monster, I don’t even deserve you, I don’t even…. Please just ki|| me” he cried uncontrollably, and Delaney had to hug him so tight immediately.

“Stop talking about the past already, please stop it Dylan, stop” she cried, and Dylan closed his eyes.

“I’m just glad your memories are back, I’m glad you’re back to me, and I’m glad you got to know your daughter” she continued, and Dylan slowly hugged her back.

“I missed you, no single minute passed without you in my head, did you charm me?” She said, and he smiled despite the tears on his face, then he brought an hand to her hair.

“I missed you more, Dela” he whispered, kissing her hair.

“Are you ready to meet your baby?” She asked, and he slowly broke the hug.

“Do I really deserve….to meet her?” He said slowly, and she smiled before starting to wipe the tears on his face.

“She definitely can’t wait to meet you” she said, and the door opened.

Mrs Bills came in with Sweeney, and Dylan faced her.

“Come here and feel your baby” she said, and he walked slowly to her.

He took Sweeney from Mrs Bills, and she smiled at him immediately, touching his face with her small fragile hands.

“Daughter” he whispered, and she smiled again, raising up her hands.

“Gosh, she has my face, my carbon copy” he said as tears slipped out of his eyes again.

“Dylan stop the tears please” Summer said, coming in.

“I can’t, I’m just so overwhelmed and happy” he replied, leaning in to kiss Sweeney’s forehead.

Sweeney chuckled cutely.

“I promise with my life to give you all the love and care of a father, I’ll be the best dad in the world to you and I’ll protect you with my life, I’ll pamper you till you get tired of riches, i swear on my life, I love you so much daughter, I love you” he said, hugging her eventually.

Delaney smiled, wiping the tears on her face.

To her, this moment…. today…now … Is the happiest moment of her life.

Sweeney looks so happy with Dylan, she kept chuckling, touching his face at intervals.

He finally faced Delaney, and she came closer.

“I promise to pamper you till you forget about the sufferings you went through, I know no amount of pampering can possibly do that, but Dela….i swear to always do everything you want as from today, I’ll never do anything against your will, and I’ll forever stay beside you, I’ll never leave you or our daughter anymore, I’ll make up for my mistakes” he said, and she smiled.

“I believe you, Dylan” she said, and they hugged so tight immediately, together with Sweeney.

Mrs Bills smiled, and Summer inhaled with a big smile too.

“Isn’t this the best sight ever?” Summer said.

“Sure, today is surely the happiest day of my life” Mrs Bills smiled, wiping the small trace of tear on her face.


“For the guys, Midas Lewiston won” the chief judge announced after the finals.

“f-__-k!, How the hell did i win against Mavis?” Midas said shockingly.

“Mavis wasn’t conscious of himself during the runway walk, I think he was disturbed by the news about Delaney and Dylan” Trevor mouthed.

“And for the girls, it’s Gigi Robertson” the chief judge further said.

“Yes!!!!!!, I won!, Girls I won!, I won!!!!!” Gigi screamed, jumping on Carina and Melinda.

Madelyn furiously left the hall without saying a word.

“I’m so proud of you baby!” Carina pecked Gigi.

“I love you!” Melinda hugged her.

“Can’t believe it!” Gigi giggled.

“And it’s cool that you’re partnering with your crush, Midas the f-__-ker” Carina said.

“I’m not crushing on him!” Gigi replied.

“I’m not blind oh girl, let’s go” Carina replied and started pulling her out.

“Gigi!” Tony suddenly called, and Carina released her.

“See ya in the dressing room!” She winked and left.

“Linda!” Trevor grabbed Melinda’s hand, and she smiled.

“I actually got you a gown for tommorow already” he said.

“I can’t wait!, I love you!” She gushed.

He kissed her lightly, and she smiled.

“I love you more” he winked and took her away.

“Senior Tony” Gigi said when he finally got to her.

“Hey, congratulations on winning” he smiled.

“Thanks senior” she replied, and he nodded.

“So….what are your plans for tommorow?” He asked.

“Well….no plans yet actually” she replied.

“You don’t have a date?”


“Then… Will you be my date?” He asked, and her eyes widened.


“Take your time and think about it, I’ll call you tonight for your reply” he said and left.

Gigi was still standing in confusion when Midas walked past her.

He took her hand and placed a paper in it, then she looked at him..


“I’ll be waiting for your reply” he winked and left fast.

She opened the paper , and her eyes widened.


She smiled after reading it.

“Mad boy” she said, bit her lip and left the hall too.


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