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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 61

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“Do you…. love him?” Dylan asked slowly as he drove to the hostel.

“Mavis?” Delaney asked , and he nodded.

“If I do, I wouldn’t have left him for you Dylan” she replied, and he smiled before concentrating on the drive.

“Oh!, The aquarium!” She gasped when he drove past it.

He stopped abruptly and faced her.

“Wanna go in?” He asked, and she nodded fast.

Three minutes later, they were already inside the aquarium, and Delaney communicated with the fishes as usual.

“Guess what fishes?, I’m so happy tonight!” She gushed, sticking out her tongue to them.

“How cute” Dylan smiled behind her as she watched.

“But…. have we… visited this place together before?, It feels like it” he said, trying to remember if they really did.

The realization hit his head at once, and he held it tight, trying not to make any sound as he sharply saw the both of them in the aquarium the last time they came together, how he was pulling her out.

He tried to remember more, but his head stung, and a groan escaped his lips.


Delaney looked back quickly, and her eyes widened when she saw he’s bleeding from the nose again.

“Dylan!” She rushed to him and held his arms.

“We came here together before, right?” He said, still holding his head.

“Gosh!, You’re bleeding!” She said and pulled him out.

They got back in the car and she wiped his bloody nose with tissues.

“Yeah, we came together twice” she said, and he nodded.

“I’m sorry I ruined your fun” he said guiltily.

“Scratch it” she replied, and he smiled before driving away.

He got to the hostel at exactly 8:55, and his phone rang immediately, it’s Mrs Bills.

“Mum” he picked instantly.

“Can you come to the mansion right now?” Mrs Bills asked.


Dylan walked in and met Mrs Bills and Summer in the living room, looking worried.

“Is there a problem?” He asked curiously.

“Baby you have to fly to New Caledonia tommorow morning” Mrs Bills said, and he raised a brow.


“Your dad’s company over there have been surviving thanks his manager, but the manager died this morning, so a new CEO is needed” Mrs Bills continued.

“Where’s… dad?” He asked slowly.

“You really lost all your memories, dad is dead, he died of dementia five years ago” Summer replied, and Dylan folded his fists as Mrs Bills got to him and held his shoulders.

“You have to go to Caledonia, save your dad’s company please” she said before hugging him.


Delaney fell on her bed immediately she showered and had the dinner the girls kept for her.

They were all asleep already when she arrived, so she’s the only one with opened eyes in the room.

She smiled when she remembered her moment with Dylan earlier, and the smile remained on her face till she slept off soundly.

Paisley’s phone rang beside her, and that woke her.

It’s Leo, so her eyes widened and she quickly picked.

“Can you come to my room?, I have something to tell you” he said coolly and hung up immediately.

Paisley wore her slipons and tiptoed out of the room into the dark corridor. S

he only walked for some minutes before facing the males angle, then she started searching for Leo’s room.

It’s beside right Mavis room, so she located it fast in the dark and opened the door stealthily.

She went in and met Leo waiting with a dark smile on his face.

“What do you… wanna say?” She asked, and he walked briskly to her.

He grabbed her waist and kissed her just like she expected, and she melted completely in his arms.

“You don’t miss me?” He whispered into the kiss.

“I do” she replied, and he smirked before hardening the rough kiss, and at the same time, he started pulling her pyjamas away from her body.

It only took a minute before it dropped down from her body, and her pants went down next.

She was already so wet and juicy as he pushed her to the bed and widened her legs, then he dipped his face into her thighs and began using his tongue on her.

It felt so good that she started gasping, holding tightly to his dark hair as his head moved up and down her wetness, his tongue eating up her p@zzy so deliciously.

She has never felt like this all her life, she has never!

“Ouch!, Leo… Leo f-__-k!” She Mõ@ɲed slowly, and he popped her ćƖĩť gently, making her legs shake on the bed.

He inserted two fingers into her and started moving them in sync inside her, and she started screaming.

“Keep your voice down, you want Mrs Kat to come here?” He whispered, and she covered her mouth with her palm.

He resumed th-ru_sting with his fingers while licking the juice that kept trickling out every minute, and Paisley almost exploded with pleasure.

He suddenly brought his mouth to her B-__-bs and trapped her n**ples in his mouth, sucking her as he fingered hard.

“Harder Leo!, Leo!” She Mõ@ɲed, and he stopped immediately.

He stood from her and sighed.

“Go learn quietness, then we can continue this” he said and entered the bathroom.

She quickly put on her pants and PJs before rushing out of the room.

Unknown to her, she forgot her necklace on his bed.

Immediately she came out of his room, she came face to face with Emma, and she froze.

“Do something for me, and your secret will remain kept” Emma smiled.


The scheduled flight is very early in the morning, so as early as 6, Dylan was already in the plane so he’d meet up with the appointments.

His black suit fits him handsomely, but he cares less about that right now.

He has been calling Delaney since last night but she’s not picking, and he’s as worried and sad as f-__-k.

He tried her line again and same thing persisted.

“Ten minutes before departure!” The announcement came, and he bit his lip hard.


“Delaney wake up!, Delaney!” Gigi called loudly, and her eyes opened slowly.

“Gianna?, Good morning” she smiled, stretching herself.

“You slept so soundly, your phone has been ringing” Gigi replied, and Delaney got her phone immediately.

Her eyes widened when she saw 33 missed calls from Dylan.

She was about to call back when a knock sounded on the door, and Gigi went for it.

She met Midas.

“Where’s Delaney?” He asked breathlessly, and Delaney stood.


“Dylan’s flight to Caledonia will start in 9 minutes time” he replied, and her eyes widened.

Two minutes later, she was already in Midas car with him, driving to the airport so they’d meet up.

“He has been calling, where did you put your phone?” Midas asked, driving faster.

“I slept too deeply” she replied, her heart beating so fast.

She was hoping for the minutes to pass as fast as possible so they’d get to the airport fast.

They arrived at the airport after eleven minutes, and the plane was already flying.

Immediately she came out of the car and saw it in the sky, her throat started shaking, Tears.

“When is he coming back?” She asked.

“Maybe after two years or a year” Midas replied, and she finally started crying slowly.

“No… Midas…” She sobbed, and Midas was about to pull her into a comforting hug when Paisley’s car stopped beside them, and Paisley came out of it.

She walked straight to them and before they knew it, she slapped Delaney hard on the face.

“Paisley!” Midas shouted.

“How could you cry cos that animal left!, Shouldn’t you be happy he finally left your life for good?, You even came here to catch up with him?, Emma told me what you both did at the studio yesterday!, He f-__-ked you in the changing room like seriously?, That’s so shameless of you!, I never expected such from you I swear!, How could you!!!” Paisley shouted at her face, and Delaney went closer to her immediately.

She shocked Paisley by slapping her back soundly, and Paisley’s eyes widened.

“You’re not my father and you’re not my mother!, I get that you were there for me when no one was there but that doesn’t mean you have the right to navigate my life the way you want Paisley!, You’ve done enough so leave me alone!, Stop trying to live my life for me and stop reminding me of the past I wanna forget!” Delaney shouted in tears.

“You dare slap me because of that animal?, What has gotten into you Ɓîtçh!” Paisley shouted at her.

“I love Dylan” Delaney replied simply, and Midas eyes widened.

“Huh?” Paisley said shockingly too

“Yes I love him so much that I miss him crazily right now!, I wanna tell him about Sweeney and allow him to stay beside me, I wanna be caged in his broad chest right now, and most importantly…I wanna kiss him again” Delaney said.





TB Continued…

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