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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 5

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The big duvet covered someone completely on the bed as Paisley came out of the bathroom.

She smiled and went for the alarm watch, then she sat beside the sleeping person and rang the alarm loudly.

“What the f-__-k!” Delaney shouted, raising the duvet away from herself.

Her long hair was scattered all-over her face, and her eyes are still drowsy.

“Get into the bathroom right now!” Paisley ordered like a mother.

“Can’t I get one more minute sleep?” Delaney smiled sleepily.

“We’re resuming college today did you forget?” Paisley smiled, and her eyes widened.

She immediately rolled down from the bed and rushed into the bathroom.

“Lazybones” Paisley smiled and walked to the dressing table where she started creaming herself.

Delaney got under the shower in the bathroom, and as the water streamed down her smooth Șëx¥ body, she smiled.

The last two years has been full of trials and challenges for her, but thanks to Paisley and her parents, she’s overcoming everything just fine.

Mr Addams got transferred to Australia last year, and that’s why they moved here since she now lives with them.

It’s also a lucky move for them since they’re now closer to their dream school, Montana models college.

Though Mr and Mrs Addams feds her, but she has refused to let them clothe or pay for other necessities for her.

She has series of part time jobs like serving in a coffee restaurant, serving in a food restaurant and dry-cleaning.

Shuffling everything together with her education will surely be hard, but once she gets her mind to something, it’s always successful, so she’s confident.

She came out of the bathroom after minutes of getting clean, then she got dressed and faced Paisley.

“How do I look baby!” She shook her body.

“You look Șëx¥ as always sweetheart!” Paisley replied, shaking her body too.

*We’re finally going to college!” Paisley jumped.

“I can’t be more happy!” Delaney shook her body again.

“You guys aren’t done yet?” Mrs Addams peeped in.

“Of course we are!” Paisley replied, and they both got their luggage bags.

It’s a boarding college, so they have to live in hostel, there are breaks that allows coming home during weekends though.

“Paisley your makeup is much!, It’s your first day at college at least try to make a good impression!” Mrs Addams complained.

“What’s much about this make-up mum?, Why are you always nitpicking on everything I do when I’m not a baby?, There’s a limit to nitpicking on babies even!” Paisley said quickly.

“The makeup is much, wipe some” Mrs Addams replied sternly.

“I badly wanna get a boyfriend, you don’t want me to look pretty?, If I wipe some of it then it’ll ruin the makeup mum!” Paisley stumped her foot.

“Then wash it all” Mrs Addams replied.

“Mum!!!” Paisley screamed.

“To the bathroom” Mrs Addams rolled eyes.

“Just go wash it already, don’t make us get latter” Delaney pushed Paisley into the bathroom.


Paisley and Delaney placed their bags in Mr Addams trunk, and he came out with his wife.

“You look more pretty without makeup daughter” Mrs Addams winked at Paisley.

“Don’t even talk to me” Paisley rolled eyes.

“Ok my girls!, Get in the car!, Let’s drive you to college!” Mr Addams wore his dark shades as he got in the car.

Mrs Addams hugged Delaney tightly.

“Make sure you come home every weekend break, and don’t let your part-time jobs affect your classes” she said.

“Yes Mrs Addams” she replied, and they broke the hug.

“Come here daughter” Mrs Addams widened her arms for Paisley.

“I h@ťě you, so keep the hug” she rolled eyes and got in the car with Delaney.

“That spoilt brat” Mrs Addams smiled as the car drove off.



His face was already shinning even before he applied facials, then he added treated gel to his hair to make it redder before brushing it.

He put on denim pants and a black armless tee, his broad chest looked so beautiful as he slipped it on, then he wore an expensive jacket, before wearing lip balm

He sprayed himself and checked his face out in the mirror, then he smiled.

His phone rang on the table and he picked, walking out of the room.

“I’m almost done guys!, I’ll be out any moment from now!”

Immediately he opened the door, he came face to face with his girlfriend.. Madelyn.

“Lyn!” He smiled charmingly, and she hugged him immediately before pressing her lips on his own.

They were still kissing when someone coughed, making them break it.

It’s Summer, his big sis, she’s standing there with a cup of piping hot coffee.

“Big sis!” He smiled.

“What’s up scoundrel Dylan!” She smiled and walked past them.

“Goodmorning big sis!” Madelyn greeted.

“Ok!” Summer replied casually and went down the stairs.

“I don’t know why she has never showed any likeness towards me, I don’t remember offending her, if only she knows I don’t like her too” Madelyn smirked.

“Stop talking about my big sis that way” Dylan replied, and Andy came out of his room with his personal maid, completely dressed for school.

Andy is Dylan’s seven years old junior brother, baby of the house.

“Hey Andy!” Madelyn waved and tried to touch his hair, but he glared at her.

“Touch my hair and you’ll grow horns on your fingers instead of nails” he said meanly, and she folded her palm quickly.

“I’ve told you several times to stop talking rudely to my girlfriend! Dylan cautioned.

“It’s not my fault that I don’t like her” Andy rolled eyes.

“Come here f-__-ker!” Dylan made to catch him, but he ran to hide behind Mrs Bills who’s just coming out of her room.

“Mum, they’re trying to bully me!” He pouted.

“Wanna hit him again?, Because of a girl?” Mrs Bills faced Dylan.

“Goodmorning ma’am” Madelyn smiled.

“Morning!” Mrs Bills replied curtly and carried little Andy in her arms before starting to walk downstairs.

“Ok this is already getting out of hand!, Let’s break up!” Madelyn said angrily.

“Where the hell did that come from?” Dylan frowned.

“You think this makes sense?, No one likes me in this house!, Not even the youngest!, Really?, And you’re my boyfriend?” She said hotly, and Dylan held her arms.

“I love you, shouldn’t that be enough?”

“If your family fails to like me, then what’s the use!”

“Lyn, can we drop this for now?” He replied, and she inhaled.

“Ok fine!, Where are your bags?” She replied.

“They’re already in the car, Midas and Trevor are waiting outside already too” he replied.

“Let’s go” she said and made to leave, but he pulled her back and kissed her.

“Are you still mad?”

“No” she smiled, and he kissed her again.

“I love you” she blushed.

“I love you more baby” he replied and they held hands before walking downstairs.

Summer and Mrs Bills were already eating breakfast in the dinning.

Andy has been driven off to school already.

“I’m leaving mum!” Dylan winked.

“Bye former f_ckboy!” Mrs Bills winked back.

“Stop it” Dylan smiled.

“Any weekend you fail to come home, I’ll come pay you a visit” Summer said, and Dylan’s eyes widened.

“No big sis!, No you can’t…

“You won’t be happy to see me? Remember when you were still a kid, you loved peeing in your diapers and I always had a hard time cleaning you up if mum is not around, you loved Břě@šť milk so much that I almost fed you with mine, I can’t count the number of times you vomited on my dress Dylan, and now you’re not happy about my visit?, It’s really…

“Ok come, come ok?, I can’t count how many times I’ve heard this story” Dylan sighed and started walking out with Madelyn.

“Don’t go f-__-king around again like your highschool days!” Mrs Bills shouted after him.

He finally got out and met Midas and Trevor beside their respective cars.

“Took you long enough” Midas said, removing his fashion glasses.

“You took forever!” Trevor frowned.

“Calm down we’re not late yet, today is just for resumption so chill” Dylan smiled.

“Sure wifey!” Midas winked at Madelyn.

“Pervert” Madelyn chuckled as she got in the car with Dylan.

Midas and Trevor got in their cars too, and they drove behind.

“Montana models college girls!, Your owner is finally coming!” Midas shouted.

“Whooo!!!” Trevor whistled as they drove down to school.


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