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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BAD BOY DYLAN – Episode 13

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Midas suddenly got a text on his phone on his was ti lunch with Trevor, and when he checked, he smiled.

“What?” Trevor asked curiously.

He showed him the text…


“It’s an unknown number” Trevor said.

“The sender is obvious” Midas smiled.

“Gladys?” Trevor said, and Midas checked his pocket for condoms, but none is available.

“I have two left” Trevor said, bringing out the pack from his pocket

“Thanks man” Midas winked and left him.

“Mad dude” Trevor smiled and turned to leave, but he saw Melinda not far away.

“Linda!” He shouted, and she stopped to turn back.

“Sorry, you are?” She said in pretence.

“Trevor” he smiled.

“Oh, one of the… P3” she nodded.


“And I’m Melinda, not Linda” she rolled eyes, and he sighed.

“I’d like us to be…

“Friends?, Nah, I’ll pass” she interrupted and walked away.

“Tough” he breathed, and Carina walked past him.

“Wait!, Carina!” He blocked her.

“Hey Trevor!” She smiled cheekily.

“You’re Melinda’s friend… right?”

“Yeah, what?”

“Could you help me… talk to her?” He said awkwardly.


“I…kind of….ok I like her” he replied, and she smiled.


“I don’t look like I’m joking” he replied, and she smiled again.

“Ok, I’ll try my best!” She said and started leaving.

“Promise?” He said, and she raised four fingers without looking back.

He smiled and went his way too.



Midas got in and met Gladys waiting already, she didn’t even wait for him to talk before attacking him with an hard kiss , deep on the lips.

Midas smiled into it before deepening it instantly, dipping his hand under her short skirt, she’s not wearing pants!

He broke the kiss immediately his hand touched her ćƖĩť.

“So ready” he smiled, and she started unbolting his belt.

“I’ll been craving to have you since I saw you yesterday, so I came prepared” she said, pulling out his belt.

“Good Ɓîtçh” Midas smiled and turned her back to himself. He bent her over the dispenser bowl before raising up her skirt, then he pulled down his pants and brought out the condoms.

He tore the foil covering with his teeth before slipping the latex into his Ç0çƙ.

“Be fast Midas, can’t wait anymore, can’t f-__-king…

Midas entered her through the back, and she held the bowl tighter as he started f-__-king her.

“Ouch!, Yeah!”

The door suddenly opened, and Mavis came in to smoke, but he stopped when he saw them.

“God bless you both” he smiled and left immediately.

“Aren’t you in trouble now?” Midas said.

“Continue, I’ll handle him” she replied, and he slammed his Ďïčk back into her.

“Yeees!!!” She screamed.



Paisley and Delaney were already in the cafeteria when Melinda rushed in, sitting on the third chair immediately.

“You look all excited” Paisley said.

“My crush talked to me!” Melinda gushed.

“You have a crush?” Paisley asked curiously.

“Of course, Trevor!” Melinda gushed happily again.

“One of the P3?, What did he say?” Paisley asked.

Delaney started eating, checking the time so she’d leave school early for her part time jobs.

“He wants to be friends” Melinda said, drinking some juice.

“So?” Paisley asked again.

“I turned him down” Melinda replied, and Delaney choked on her food.

“Are you insane?”

“Girl gotta play hard to get yunno?” Melinda winked, and Paisley shook her head.

“He sent me to you” Carina said, settling down with them suddenly.

“What did he say!” Melinda quickly asked.

“He likes you and wants to be your friend” Carina replied.

“Yes!” Melinda shouted.

“She turned him down” Delaney said.

“Are you crazy?, You said you started crushing since you saw him yesterday” Carina said.

“I’ll play hard to get for about two months before giving in” Melinda replied.

“What!” The girls shouted.

“Yes babes” Melinda winked.

“Hey cuties!” Mavis appeared, sitting beside Delaney.

“Go away please” Delaney replied.

“Immediately I stand up from here, I’m screaming it round the whole school that you’re my girlfriend, how about that?” He whispered and made to stand, but she pulled him back.

He smiled before starting to eat his corn dog slowly.

“Why is this smoker on our table?” Melinda and Paisley asked at a time.

“Ignore him” Delaney replied.

Madelyn came into the cafeteria, and some girls started giving her wrapped gifts immediately.

? Madelyn will you allow me to attend your upcoming birthday party?

? My birthday is tommorow night in my hostel room, would you come?

? I bought this for you from the most expensive brand, thought you might like it

? It’s the new earrings from your brand

? Please accept my gift

She was throwing down all the gift boxes as she opened them, and a girl cleaned her seat for her before she could sit.

Different dishes landed in front of her immediately from the girls.

“Smells gross” she said and pushed the table away, then she stood and walked to Delaney’s table.

She knowingly poured Delaney’s food away, and Delaney stood.

“The food you just wasted costed me a fortune” she said calmly.

“Of course, I’ve made researches about you, you’re a shameless orphan who lives with Paisley Addams, you have series of part time jobs which you must always go for if you wanna survive” Madelyn said proudly.

“Shameless orphan?” Delaney stood slowly.

Gladys entered the cafeteria and as she walked past the table, she whispered in Mavis ear….

“Make sure you don’t tell Leo about what you saw, and I promise to let you f-__-k me once”

He smiled and stood, then whispered back in her ear.

“I don’t f-__-k dogs”

“What!” She gasped, and he smiled.

Leo appeared and took her.

“What the hell were you whispering to my girlfriend?” He demanded.

“Babe!” Gladys said.

“Yes!, You’re shameless!” Madelyn continued.

Delaney smiled dangerously, and Dylan rushed in.

“Lyn!” He rushed to her and tried pulling her away, but she resisted.

“Leave me alone!”

“Why are you doing all these?” He breathed.

“I h@ťě her!!!, Isn’t it obvious?” She replied impatiently, and Delaney came closer.

“Your so-called boyfriend is the shameless one, not me” she said, and Madelyn swallowed hard.

“Should I drop the bomb?” Paisley asked.

“Yes please” Delaney smiled, and Paisley brought out the bundle.

The fifty love letters written by Dylan back then.

“Your precious boyfriend wrote me fifty love letters” Delaney said, and Madelyn froze as Paisley started distributing the letters.

Everyone started laughing and gasping as they opened and read the letters.

? Gosh!, He must be really head over heels for Delaney

? Fifty love letters?

? f-__-k!, This is huge!

? I wish I’m Delaney!

? OMG I’m jealous!

Madelyn got one too, and immediately she read, her eyes reddened, but it wasn’t over.

Paisley rushed to the projecting room to project a video immediately.

Dylan was staring at Delaney, and she was smiling meanly at him.

“Dylan what’s all these?” Madelyn said shakily, turning to him

The video finally displayed on the wall, the tenth proposal video.

How he proposed and Delaney turned him down in the most embarrassing way ever, and when she threw the cake at his face, everyone laughed loudly.

“You haven’t even texted me before Dylan, you barely call me, I’m the one who calls, and yet you did all these for her?, How dare you!!!” Madelyn shouted and grabbed Dylan’s shirt in the front.

“Me or her?, Answer me Dylan!, Me or her!” She demanded, and everyone went silent immediately, waiting for his answer.

“Me or this Ɓîtçh!” Madelyn shouted again, locking his shirt tighter.

? Delaney or Madelyn!

? Delaney or Madelyn!

Students started singing, and Mavis smiled.

This is the kind of scenes he loves, troublesome ones.

“Me or her?” Madelyn asked again.

“Her” Dylan replied.

? Whoaa!!!!

“What!” Madelyn gasped shockingly, and Mavis thought of adding more fuel.

He smiled and walked to him immediately, then he stood in front of him.

“How dare you choose my girlfriend?” He glared.

“She’s not yours stop the obvious lies bastard” Dylan replied Immediately, and Mavis grabbed him by the collar.

“You’re the real bastard here!” He spat.

Dylan grabbed his collar too, and they started glaring.

“Delaney choose one before this gets worse, Dylan or Mavis?” Carina quickly said.

” Mavis sugar” Delaney replied.


Mavis let go of Dylan and went to her.

“Let’s go, Șëx¥ love” he winked and took her hand.

“Yes sugar” she smiled, leaving with him.

Dylan made to follow them but Madelyn pulled him back and slapped him hard.

“Stupid thing!” She pushed his chest and walked away.

Dylan almost started crying.

Midas rushed to Dylan Immediately, holding him gently.

“Can you still breathe? ‘ he asked


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