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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Kids ?
(Happily ?Ever?)

By authoress Bright ✍️…

Chapter 30
**Copy and die, no mercy**

Note: add the previous one.. I’ll start from there..

Royce’s POV ?
“Surrender, or I’ll ki|| you with my bare hands”
I half-yelled glaring at him..

He raised his hands up in a surrendering manner…

“Please,,, we were sent by Catalina”
He shook in fear.

” How filthy..

Leslie held to me like a scared cat..
All she knows is to make mouth.

I took my phone and made a fast call.

?Get me……

Epilogue ?

Authoress bright’s POV

It’s been whole 4 years… Like a dream come.

4 years since prisha and Royal got married..

Everything went really rough…
Becky was later captured…. She was sent to life imprisonment.

Laylani and Alex has been the most cherished teenage couple in LESLAN HIGH likewise Royce and Leslie..

Khai and Kaylani has done great by clocking 9 few months back..

Alex,,,being a caring boyfriend to Merle make sure she lacks nothing..

Andre is still with his loyal girlfriend, Linda.

3 years old Jasmin ran around the living room giggling..

Khai was running after him..

Khai stopped..
“Swears! Am tired, Jas is really proving stubborn”
He exhaled.

“I told you,,, little rat”
Laylani rolled her eyes…. Jasmine grinned at her..

She smiled at him.

She got a call from Alex.
His cute picture screened in the call ID.

She walked away.

Leslie came down from the stairs..

“Hey little Jasmine”
She carried him and twirled him around.

He laughed as she tickled him..

Kaylani blew him kisses
He’s just too lucky to have beautiful and caring bro sisters and brothers..

She dropped him and they both walk to the couch…

Royce called her…it’s a video call
? Sweetheart
He yawned.

? Honnie, you looks exhausted
She asked worriedly.

?Yh,,, I think am sick..

?Wtf! But you didn’t inform me… We talked this morning..
She said angrily.

?Babe, am sorry.
He laughed.

?What’s funny??
She frowned.

?Your face,,, like you just swallowed 22 mountains
He laughed again..

She fumed and cut the call.

That’s how they are, fight and settle… Adorable couples.

Prisha descended from the stairs as dashing as ever…

Jasmine ran to her and hugged her legs..

” My cute little bear”
She bent down and kissed his cheek… Little Jasmin blushed.

“Are you going out mom?”
Leslie asked… Checking her out.

“Yh… Had to grab lunch with Alex and Merle”
She said and dropped Jasmine.

” Mom,, see ehnn… I’ll go with you”
He squealed happily jumping up.

“You’re going nowhere..”
Khai stick out his tongue at him.

” Absolutely NO! ”
Kaylani rolled eyes at him playfully

Jasmine pouted.

“What’s happening”
Royal came down and carried him…he was wearing a red tracksuit while prisha was wearing a short red gown with a macaroni slide half-shoulder.

He proceeded to the living room…prisha followed..

“What Happened”
He faced prisha and gave her a short peck on her lips.

“He insisted on following us”
Prisha poked Jasmine’s cheek.

He jerked her hands off.
” What??, It’s mum”
Prisha faked a sad face.

He turned to Roy..

“Dad, can I come along?”
He asked babyishly.

” But…

“No! Stay with your your cuties at home”
She winked at him… She took him from Royal and handed him to. Leslie.

” No! I want to go!!!
I want to go!!
He cried…. Not even a tear dropped.

“Say bye-bye to mummy and daddy”
Leslie held him down…

He struggled to free himself but to no avail…

He cried..
They left.

“See the boy that’s crying…. No tears” Kaylani laughed.

Laylani laughed from the stairs she had been watching the whole drama…

“Cheers to the boy that cries with no tears”

“Cheers ?


Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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